Showing posts with label Leakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leakes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

NeNe Leakes Reveals Husband"s Cancer Diagnosis

NeNe Leakes has opened up about the most personal and troubling of news:

Her husband has been diagnosed with cancer.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star took to Instagram on Wednesday evening to share a photo of her and Gregg at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

She went ahead and then revealed this sad news via one simple photo and one simple caption:

The former features Gregg sitting next to a computer, which shows the word “cancer” crossed out on the monitor.

The latter reads as follows:

Our New Normal and the fight begins #f-ckcancer#mdandersoncancercenter #yougotthis #iloveyou.

Take a look at the image in question below and join us in sending thoughts and condolences to both NeNe and Gregg.

We don’t have any further information at the moment regarding Gregg’s type of cancer or his pronosis.

Multiple outlets have written that they’ve reached out to Leakes for comment and have not heard anything back just yet.

Three weeks ago, however, the veteran reality star canceled a series of her appearances, announcing that Gregg had been under doctor’s supervision for over two weeks.

“Today marks the 15th day straight that Gregg has been in the hospital,” NeNe said in an Instagram video message to her fans on May 21, adding:

“I find it very difficult to stand on stage and laugh and have a good time and give you guys your money’s worth knowing that my husband’s in the hospital not feeling well.”

Our guess is that Leakes wasn’t aware at this time just what the problem was with her husband.

“He has said to me over and over again, ‘Go on, go out there, have a good time, do the show, I’m going to be fine,"” continued Leakes last month.

“But I find it mentally very hard for me to do that.”

NeNe and Gregg have been married since 1997.

As loyal Real Housewives fans know, however, the duo briefly divorced in 2011, only to remarry two years later (as seen on NeNe’s spin-off series, I Dream of NeNe: The Wedding).

Over the past several weeks, we’ve mostly written about NeNe due to her never-ending feud with Kim Zolciak.

The former friends have gone back and forth on social media forever, it seems ratcheting up their rivalry with accusations of racism and roach-infestations.

At this point, however, we’d have to imagine that the insults will stop for at least a little bit.

There are clearly more important things to focus on here.

Even Zolciak would probably send along best wishes to Leakes and her loved ones after learning this unfortunate piece of information.

We’ll update this story with messages of support from other members of the Real Housewives franchise once they come pouring in.

Hang in there, NeNe and Gregg.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Kim Zolciak Threatens to Sue; NeNe Leakes DARES Her to Try!

Even though Kim Zolciak is leaving The Real Housewives of Atlanta, it doesn’t look like her feud with NeNe Leakes has run its course just yet.

In fact, Kim has written about NeNe, mentioning that she could sue her if she were so inclined.

NeNe is clapping back and essentially daring Kim to try it.

Kim Zolciak has taken to Instagram to discuss her conflict with her erstwhile costar.

“I am so sorry for what has happened @neneleakes.”

It starts off as an apology … but quickly changes tone.

“We both know the truth, we both know that if I wanted to, I could have a law suit.”

And she goes into all of the reasons that she believes that she has grounds to sue NeNe.

“For the lies you have spewed, tweeting out fake texts, implying I am racist, attacking me physically, claiming my daughter tweeted negative about you and your home.”

That is, of course, a reference to the explosive #RoachGate feud.

Kim Zolciak’s statement continues.

“We both know these are lies. I have reacted to it publicly and for that I am sorry. I should have risen above it.”

And yet she seems to be continuing to react publicly. But hey, that is arguably part of the job of a reality star.

“I personally will no longer engage with you on social media and perpetuate the hate. I am asking you to do the same.”

We have NeNe’s next engagement on social media below.

“We are grown women with families. Enough is enough. I want us to move on.”

Good luck with that, Kim.

“If you continue this, it will be because you are attempting to stay on the show and stay relevant and that’s on you.”

NeNe, of course, was not going to let any part of that slide — particularly not the implied threat of a lawsuit.

“Please file a lawsuit Chile! Like I’m begging you.”

Most people don’t beg to be sued, but it sounds like NeNe is itching for a court battle.

“You can never WIN when you play DIRTY so throw in the towel! I mean throw in the lips.”

Another jab at Kim’s appearance, right on the heels of Marlon Wayans making a cruel White Chicks joke at Kim’s expense.

“Anytime you wanna go to court, I’m happy to see you there because your lies have runneth over.”

So … they both accuse each other of lying.

But … are they really willing to take this Kim Zolciak vs. NeNe Leakes battle into a courtroom?

Imagine spending years going through school and then law school and passing the bar and working as an attorney … only to have to participate in a lawsuit between two women, one of whom accused the other’s daughter of smuggling cockroaches in her genitals.

To say nothing of what the judge would feel. How many legal professionals would be questioning how their careers had brought them to a place where they were taking part in that case?

Is anyone else reminded of Joanna Krupa suing Brandi Glanville for saying that Joanna’s vagina smells bad?

It’s worth noting that Joanna actually won her case. What a time to be alive.

NeNe also clapped back at Kim on Instagram, writing:

“I really wanna keep it 100 but sometimes you have to just keep it bout 75! So many things happen behind the scenes that you guys just never get to know or see.”

So she’s holding back due to professional and contractual obligations.

“I knew working with her would be a mess and I’ve said it over & over & over again to ALL of my higher ups but what happens, i get reprimanded! I’m the bad guy!”

Again, she laments that she can’t reveal what she wants to say.

“I wish i could speak so much more freely but it’s best not too.”

“Sometimes you just have to let people see things for themselves which is what happened here!”

“I’ve been called everything in the book and painted so many different colors i have to wonder if I’m still black.”

That was a cute phrase.

“Kim loves to push buttons, lie, talk s–t, insult, then become a victim when she’s called out on her s–t!”

That is sort of … part of the job of being a reality star, in many people’s minds. But it sounds like she’s implying that there’s some of it that goes on even behind the scenes.

“Most people would love for me to be the bully but the only bully here is Kim & her plastic surgeon! Bye wax figure.”

Word to the wise: don’t slam those who call you a bully and then insult someone else’s appearance in the same breath.


Monday, April 16, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 20 Recap: NeNe Leakes vs. Kim Zolciak

We think it’s fair to say that the days of NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak being cordial to each other are long gone. 

In fact, it would not surprise us if the pair never spoke to each other again after The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 20

The action kicked off as soon as Kim walked on stage. The eye rolls and looks of disgust made it obvious there was going to be much drama. 

“You look younger than you did ten years ago,” Andy Cohen said to Kim, to which she responded, “I mean, I think that has a lot to do with makeup.”

“Your lips are considerably bigger. What’s the end game with the lips?” Andy grilled.

“It just depends on how I’m feeling at the moment,” Kim replied with a grin. 

The conversation quickly turned to the NeNe-Kim feud, and it went nuclear when Kim started showing off the picture of NeNe parked in the handicap spot. 

“All this bulls*** you’re gonna talk?” NeNe yelled at the naked selfie Queen. “Put it out now b**** I’m right here with your a**.”

Andy wanted to dig deep in order to find out the true reason for how these women are so at odds with each other. 

Kim opined that NeNe was jealous of her life with her husband.

“You’re a hater. You are f***ing trash!” NeNe continued to rant at her nemesis. Unfortunately, the feud was cut short because there is still another week of this reunion to go. 

Elsewhere, there was more drama for Kandi and Porsha. If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you will already know that Kandi has been chanting for weeks that Porsha’s apology was fake as hell. 

Surprisingly, Porsha seemed ready to bury the hatchet and finally move on with her life. 

“I’m not putting any blame on you… I hear you loud and clear,” Porsha began her final attempt at an apology. 

“It was a bad choice, and I wish I wasn’t a part of it. If that is what you were missing, you have it today. I apologize for the situation, and there is no but.” I

The ladies finally had a handshake, and that was that …. until next season. 

Then, NeNe was put on blast for making friends with Marlo once again, and that’s because Kenya is not a fan of her. 

This is the thing with these Bravo reality shows: You can’t be friends with someone one of your friends hates. It’s petty, but it must be part of the contract to appear on the shows. 

Marlo appeared on the stage and wasted no time in voicing her displeasure about Kenya calling her a prostitute. 

This made Andy ask Marlo where she made her money. 

“I dated a billionaire,” she said as though she had a well-rehearsed response for everything. 

In any case, the second half of the reunion lacked the luster that The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 19 had. 

It’s time for a cast refresh and the producers know that. Sheree Whitfield and Kim Zolciak will not be back next season, so that’s a positive. 

What did you think of all the action?

The Real Housewives of Atlanta continues Sundays on Bravo. 


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Kim Zolciak vs. NeNe Leakes: #RoachGate Feud EXPLODES on Twitter

So, remember how that whole feud of Brielle Biermann and Kim Zolciak versus Kenya Moore started when Brielle pointed out on social media that she’d found roaches in NeNe Leakes’ home?

Well, that’s not over.

And now that #RoachGate was brought up again, NeNe and Kim are going at it on Twitter.

Because #RoachGate came up again, thanks to The Real Housewives of Atlanta’s recent episodes featuring the Barcelona trip, the old resentments are boiling over and onto social media.

“Wigfield & cigarette breath tried 2 discredit me all season long!”

By “Wigfield,” she means Brielle Biermann. By “cigarette breath,” she means Brielle’s mother, Kim Zolciak.

“They came [into] my house wit ROACH gate, I’m on drugs etc.”

NeNe has accused Kim of racism, for which Kim has said that she received death threats. That’s scary and serious.

NeNe’s rant continues:

“I tried my best 2 befriend them but This is why U can never WIN when U play DIRTY.”

Kim Zolciak hit back at NeNe with a series of tweets, writing:

“This is exactly why I said this b–ch has to be on something.”

Allegations of drug use aren’t really funny, but it seems that Kim believes that NeNe may be genuinely unstable.

“She’s insane! Nobody wanted to be befriended by a b–ch who consistently shows their ass.”

Remember, folks, that very few people become Real Housewives if they’re open to easily and quietly resolving interpersonal conflicts. They’re supposed to be entertaining, not nice.

Kim insists taht she knows who NeNe is and what she’s really like.

“WE know who you are. The REAL you! Nobody values your friendship. Haven’t for years! You have victims not friends.”

Kim goes on to shoot down NeNe’s accusations.

“‘Cigarette breathe?’ I haven’t smoked a cigarette in years.”

Smoking is gross, but it’s a powerfully addictive habit and, until very recently, there were widespread social pressures for people to pick up the habit when they were very young.

Even now, there are still pressures to smoke within certain pockets of society, such as in intensely rural areas and in industries such as modeling.

Good for Kim Zolciak for ridding herself of that addiction.

Kim goes on to double down on the presence, which was recorded on video, of roaches in NeNe’s house.

“The bug was in your house just a few months ago. FACT What else?”

As you may recall, when NeNe slammed Brielle Biermann as a Kylie Jenner wannabe, she also accused her of planting the bugs.

Specifically, she said that they must have emerged from Brielle’s genitals, though she did not phrase it that way.

Kim continued her retort to NeNe’s angry post.

“I pray to god I’m not this miserable and bored at 50 Imagine being so sad and stupid that the only time anyone’s mentioning you is if you’re mentioning someone you ‘have no time for."”

Notice Kim’s dig about NeNe Leakes being older. That’s come up already during this feud.

Kim Zolciak, though a mother of six children, is only 39 years old.

“Off to film my OWN show!” Kim concludes.

She then sends her best wishes to her fans.

“Have a great day you guys! Stay blessed not stressed/pressed.”

At the beginning, Kenya Moore was involved in the feud, but fans assume that she was only so outspoken because she was trying to save her job at the time.

Now that Marc Daly has made his RHOA debut, she doesn’t need to fight with everyone in sight in order to have a storyline.

But NeNe Leakes … is still who she’s always been. And the same goes for Kim Zolciak.

Their explosive feud doesn’t show any sign of dying down in the near future.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Kim Zolciak: I Got Death Threats Because of Nene Leakes!

There are reality star feuds and then there’s the beef between Kim Zolciak and Nene Leakes, which is more akin to a nuclear war.

You see, this isn’t just a simple case of two co-stars throwing shade at each other on social media.

No, Nene and Kim keep raising the stakes, and it seems there’s no end to this bitter battle in sight.

It all started when Kim’s daughter, Brielle Biermann, randomly claimed that Nene’s house is infested with roaches

Nene clapped back in a big way, claiming that Brielle is a racist who learned to hate from her mother:

“Kim & her daughter whole family are racists! What her daughter did at my home… was racist, learned behavior etc,” Leakes wrote on Instagram, referring to Brielle’s roach post.

“Kim is a calculating bipolar racist with a horrible mouth, who uses black folks for her come up.”

Nene says she was led to the conclusion that Kim is a bigot by Brielle’s use of the term “roach”:

“That word ‘roach’ just ain’t the word I needed to hear her saying,” Leakes said on this week’s episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta.

“It sounds very racial when you are speaking to an African-American person and talk about roaches. Because people feel like you associated that with the ghetto or trash. Black people do not receive that very well.”

Leakes went on to say that she may have exaggerated “out of anger,” but maintained that she still believes Kim harbors racist tendencies.

“Do I believe Kim is a racist? Some of the things she has said would definitely make you go, ‘Hmmm,’” Nene remarked.

Zolciak was so incensed that she sued Nene for saying she’s a racist.

On last night’s episode, she revealed that the situation had deteriorated to the point that she received death threats 

“We’ve had to hire security. I’ve had people come to the gate at my house,” Kim told Sheree Whitfield. 

“She wants to pull the race card. That’s the devil, bitch,” she added.

“She spent so many years trying to sabotage my name and I just let it roll.

“Now you’re f–king with my kids? ‘The whole family is racist, prejudice?’ My whole family? There’s not a racist bone in my body. Not me, my husband, or my children see color. Never have.”

Kim recently confirmed that she had her lawyers send Nene a cease and desist letter.

Unfortunately, for Mrs. Zolciak-Biermann, it seems the document failed to have the desired effect:

“I burned it up with a lighter,” Leakes said when asked how she responded to the missive.

Something tells us this feud won’t be coming to an end anytime soon.

Watch Real Housewives of Atlanta online to relive all the Kim vs. Nene drama.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

NeNe Leakes: Kim Zolciak is Chock Full of "Slime!"

Sorry, folks.

If you were hoping to throw some shade at someone with whom you aren’t getting along at the moment, we have some bad news for you:

You cannot do so. Because it’s all gone.

Because NeNe Leakes just hurled ALL the shade at Kim Zolciak.

The rivalry between these Real Housewives of Atlanta cast members goes back years, of course, but it was escalated to new heights last October after Kim’s daughter, Brielle, inserted herself into the feud.

After sharing a video in which she claimed NeNe’s home was infested with cockroaches, Brielle became the target of NeNe’s wrath, as Leakes lashed out in classic fashion on Instagram.

She referred to Brielle as a “trashy” child, said she was a “jealous bitch” full of “prejudice” and added that she has a “funky pussy.”

She also said that Brielle has “fake lips, fake titties and fake ass.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online this season have noticed tension between Kim and NeNe, but that’s not exactly anything new.

Nor is Leakes tearing into Zolciak online or on television.

But she’s took it to new and hilarious heights when talking to Extra this week.

Asked for her feelings on Zolciak at the moment, NeNe replied in this interview with one simple and telling word;


She then elaborated as follows:

“Now that right there… true tea, this is no shade to nobody, I will not have anything to do with Kim.

“I have nothing I ever need to say to Kim. I am not harboring any bad feelings, I am just – know this person and I will never be anything. I never want to say anything to her.”

We’d have to disagree with Leakes a little bit here.

That’s definitely some shade toward somebody.

Concluded Leakes, in hilarious fashion;

“I think if you cut her open, worms and slimy nastiness will come out of her. I think she is a slimy, nasty person for real.”

Not for fake, people.

Kim has slime in her FOR REAL.

We’re not sure about this, however. It seems more like Kim has husband Kroy’s penis in her more often than not, considering the amount of kids they’re produced together.

But we don’t know Zolciak as well as NeNe does.

Whose side are you on in this ongoing feud?

Do you buy any of it?

Or do you think it’s all been orchestrated by writers and producers and Bravo executives desperate to goose Real Housewives ratings?

As for whether she will return to the franchise next season, Leakes told Extra:

“Look, I am in it to win it… I feel like I’ve learned so much about working with these girls…

“I don’t think a whole lot can affect me, so bring it on, girls.”

We’ll take that as a yes.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Brielle Biermann Shades NeNe Leakes, Calls Her Old AF

Brielle Biermann is back to shading NeNe Leakes on social media. She sure knows how to kick a costar when she’s down, huh?

So it sounds like their feud is still going strong.

At least nobody’s accusing the other of having a cockroach infestation in their bathroom and/or vagina this time. Progress?

Okay, so, a while back, NeNe Leakes and Brielle Biermann’s feud really took off when Brielle shared a video of cockroaches that she claimed to have found in the bathroom at a party hosted by NeNe.

(A perfectly clean home can have bug infestations — sometimes it’s all about where your house is located)

NeNe did not take this calmly, and responded with an angry rant in which she, among other things:

-Accused Brielle of having brought the roaches herself

-Suggested that Brielle Biermann’s genitals were the true source of the roach infestation

It’s not that the two of them had ever really gotten along — NeNe and Kim Zolciak always feuded, but Brielle is younger and hotter and feuding with her brings more attention.

Well, they say that being a celebrity is all fun and games until you tell a fan that you hope that she gets raped.

At least, they say that now, after NeNe Leakes’ disastrous decision when she lashed out at a heckler.

(Almost as shocking was the revelation that NeNe Leakes does stand-up comedy)

The backlash was huge after a video of that surfaced. And you know, it should be.

NeNe apologized … but apologies don’t make things go away, folks.

Aaaand, well, NeNe has been shunned by fellow Real Housewives over it.

(Honestly, can you blame them?)

But it looks like Brielle decided to throw NeNe Leakes a bone … by insulting her on social media.

That might not sound like a favor to most folks, but the way that we see it, anything that gives NeNe something to talk about other than that time she wished rape upon someone is a gift.

So, there’s a photo of NeNe Leakes with Kenya Moore and Cynthia Bailey. They’re costars, they show up in photos together.

The Shade Room posted the photo, asking people to suggest names for that “girl group.”

Brielle simply could not resist, and commented:


(A direct play on The Real Housewives of Atlanta costar Kandi Burruss’ group, Xcape)

After this comment drew the collective gasps of the internet, Brielle added a follow-up comment:

“Relax it’s all fun & games I wish the golden girls happiness.”

So, in other words, Brielle “assured” fans that she’s just teasing her costars … and then immediately called them old.

(Yes, that’s definitely a deliberate Golden Girls reference … Brielle may be young, but she has too many gay friends for that to not be a nod to The Golden Girls and therefore calling all three women old)

The Shade Room then referred to Brielle’s comments as “being petty.”

Both Brielle and Kim Zolciak hit like, so clearly they didn’t mind being called out.


Monday, November 6, 2017

NeNe Leakes Throws ALL the Shade at ALL the Housewives (And Wendy Williams!)

NeNe Leakes returned to The Real Housewives of Atlanta on Sunday night.

But it was a different Bravo series on which the reality star made the biggest impact.

After the Season 10 premiere aired yesterday evening, Leakes sat down opposite Andy Cohen for an in-depth chat on Watch What Happens Live.

Aware that he was hosting an opinionated guest with plenty of feuds out there, Cohen played a little game with NeNe;

He replayed clips of former (and now, once again, current) colleagues saying some not-very-nice things about Leakes and then he gave Leakes a chance to respond.

Sounds like fun, right?

For viewers, we mean.

Let’s play!

First up… Sheree Whitfield.


If I were in love, NeNe would not be the first person I’d tell about it — or second, third, forth, fifth, sixth, seventh … 100, 102, 115…


Sheree is saying that she would never tell me anything. I wouldn’t be the one, two, three, four, five, 100 — well, I will tell you right away, the wig is a no.

Next up… Porsha Williams.


I have not talked to NeNe in almost two years ‘cause she sound like a totally different person — look like one, sound like one… I really didn’t even notice she was there. I thought she was like part of the decoration.”


Porsha said I looked different. She does, too. She’s gained a lot of weight.

Next up… Kenya Moore.


She did cut off half her nose, but the one that’s still left is quite big. That’s nosy NeNe.


I thought Kenya took a personal attack, and she would not appreciate if I attacked her.

Up next… Cynthia Bailey.


Nothing, really. A fan simply caused Leakes to laugh when she asked how NeNe felt about Cynthia being good friends now with Porsha.


Cynthia and I are very close. Let’s just be very clear about that. And I’m happy for her having a friendship with Kenya.

By the way, Kenya and I are in a good place, so let’s just be clear.

Next up… Wendy Williams.

Would NeNe ever return to that talk show?


You know, I don’t have any hate in my heart. I’m not that kind of person, so yes, I would. We would work through it. I’m fine with it. I just think she hates me. I don’t hate her.

I’m a lot to take… [but] I’m OK with Wendy, darling.


The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 1 Recap: NeNe Leakes is Back!

NeNe Leakes may not be having the best time right now thanks to some choice words during a recent comedy show, but she returned to the show that made her famous on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 10 Episode 1

When the episode got underway, Cynthia Bailey invited NeNe and Kenya Moore over for some drinks and snacks. NeNe got there first to air her concerns about Kenya. 

She wanted to know all about the wedding and found it horrible that none of the women were invited. When Kenya arrived, she confirmed the news but stressed that she eloped, so nobody was invited. 

She then told the audience that she met her husband in New York at a restaurant and that they hit it off straight away. The ladies took immediate offense to the fact that Kenya did not want to reveal her husband’s name on camera. 

Isn’t that what generally gets people fired from these shows? Are they not supposed to be sharing all aspects of their lives with viewers? Maybe the rumors that the other housewives are mad about Kenya being fake were true. 

When NeNe told Sheree later about the nuptials, Sheree could not help but say it was good Kenya was no longer paying people to be her boyfriend. Yeah, that was low. 

We then switched gears to catch up with Porsha who was keeping her friends list to a minimum. She was still cut up about all the stuff that happened with Phaedra Parks and Kandi Burruss. 

Porsha revealed to her sister that Phaedra had reached out to her multiple times to try and get back in her good books, but she was not interested in returning to being friends with her. 

Kenya’s father then called her to find out about the wedding because he had heard all about it on Facebook. Kenya revealed that she eloped and she did not want anyone there because she was tired of all the negative comments. 

“I’m sorry you missed it because I really wanted you there,” she said. 

“Do I regret not having my dad walk me down the aisle? Yes,” she said to the camera. “Every little girl wants their dad to walk them down the aisle.”

The big event of the party was Cynthia Bailey’s “Fifty Shades of Cynthia” birthday bash. She wanted everyone to dress as her, and the best-dressed person would get an award. 

If anything, it proved just how much Cynthia loved herself. It was silly, but the ladies rose to the occasion, and Kandi emerged with the award. 

Kandi was not impressed about the secret wedding when she showed up. 

“When I first heard about Kenya’s secret wedding, I really thought it was BS,” Kandi said to the camera. “I should really be able to get this information from you, and not the blogs.”

Sheree then tried to bring NeNe and Porsha together, but it was clear there was a lot of animosity between them. 

“There are lots of things that need to be discussed,” NeNe said. “The last things that were done and not being a friend were just about three weeks ago,” said Porsha. 

The ladies went at it, but it was rather subdued. They were not going to agree with each other. They then parted ways, but there was no indication whether they continued their feud. 

What did you think of all the action?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NeNe Leakes: Shunned by Fellow Housewives! Career in Jeopardy?!

We don’t say this often, but it’s a good time to be Kim Zolciak. Because it’s a bad time to be NeNe Leakes.

As it turns out, going up on stage and telling a heckler that you hope she gets raped doesn’t make other people want to be around you. 

In fact, it sounds like NeNe’s costars are now shunning her. And that means less screen time. … Is this the end of NeNe’s career?

NeNe Leakes does stand-up, which in and of itself would be surprising but not a huge story.

We’ve heard of instances in the past of once-beloved actors tanking their careers because their stabs at stand-up lead to racist or otherwise deeply offensive rants.

It turns out that NeNe Leakes can offend and horrify with the worst of them.

After she attempted to do stand-up relating to Uber drivers and sexual assault, she was heckled. That’s not polite, but audience members often do it. It unfortunately goes with the territory of stand-up.

NeNe fixated on a single heckler, a woman, and said this:

“I ain’t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver,” NeNe responded. “I hope he rape yo’ ass tonight when he take you home, b–ch. And steal yo’ funky hello kitty, b–ch.”

That is … an inexcusably vile response.

NeNe Leakes says that she had a breakdown and, to show that she knows how serious this was, NeNe Leakes has apologized.

Apologies are so important and they’re good, but she’s an adult and she should know that it takes a lot of time and discussion for people to be okay with you.

Apologies aren’t some sort of magical incantation that rewrites history and absolves you of your wrongdoings. Nothing can do that.

For now, NeNe Leakes sobbing and begging for forgiveness is exactly the right thing to do.

It’s not fun, but not saying terrible things isn’t actually all that hard. And it’s not like this was an old video, dredged up from years ago just to make her look bad.

She brought this on herself.

RadarOnline reports that some of the rest of the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have responded to this scandal by refusing to film with NeNe Leakes.

In a lot of ways, that makes sense — sharing a screen with someone who is disgraced can tarnish your own name and brand.

This is no surprise, but the Real Housewives protest of NeNe starts with the one costar who could conceivably share screentime with NeNe without it reflecting poorly upon her.

“Kim Zolciak refuses to film with NeNe any further, so producers scrapped the all cast scene planned for last week.”

See, Kim Zolciak is feuding with NeNe. So Kim and NeNe sharing a screen and staring daggers at each other wouldn’t hurt Kim’s brand at all.

And then the hits keep coming …

“Porsha Williams is refusing to film with NeNe and is siding with Kim.”

And coming

“Sheree [Whitfield] is also siding with Kim.”

NeNe Leakes probably shouldn’t have ranted about Brielle Biermann and accused her of being racist right before saying something inescusable on stage, huh?

We have a feeling that Kim’s conscientious objection to sharing a screen with NeNe has a lot to do with the fact that this woman has been feuding with her and with her daughter.

One thing, though … it looks like NeNe is dipping her toes into the idea of playing the victim. This could backfire catastrophically for her if she does.

But some of the posts that she’s shared on social media have seemed less apologetic and more along the lines of “well, nobody’s perfect!”

That might give her diehard fans some ammunition, but it could majorly backfire for NeNe’s career.

Wishing rape upon somebody is not the hill that you want your reality career to die on.


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Kim Zolciak"s Not Letting NeNe Leakes Off Easy for Calling Family Racist

Kim Zolciak says NeNe Leakes is getting what she deserves … but it’s not enough — her ‘RHOA’ co-star still needs to pay the price for what she said about her family. We got Kim and her daughter Brielle Biermann at LAX…


Friday, October 13, 2017

NeNe Leakes: I Had a REAL Breakdown, People!

NeNe Leakes has not had a great week.

A few days ago, the reality star stepped into some scalding hot water after she responded to a heckler at a stand-up show by telling her she hopes she gets raped by her Uber drive.

Yeah: YIKES!

After receiving some well-deserved backlash for this remark, Leakes was fired from The Great Xscape Tour and sources have said she may also be let go from The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

NeNe proceeded to issue a heartfelt apology, saying on Instagram:

“I truly regret and apologize for what I said from the stage in Oakland over the weekend…

“As a woman and someone who has survived abuse, I regret the words that I used.”

Pretty straightforward and, really, all NeNe could say given the circumstances, right?

But with the criticism increasing and her career in jeopardy, Leakes then recoded a video in which she bawled her eyes out and REALLY apologized.

“I never want to cause harm to anybody else, not in that kind of way,” she said this time around, adding:

“Everybody who know me knows that I never would want that to happen.”

nene comment

So… days later, how is Leakes feeling about everything right now?

Pretty good, but it got ugly there for a bit.

“A lot of people know me as NeNe who’s laughing and talking, a lot of don’t know me as NeNe who would break down,” Leakes said on Instagram last night, expounding as follows:

“I actually had a real breakdown.”

Don’t panic, however, fans.

NeNe says she’s in a much better place now.

“Trust and believe, I’m so okay, I’m in a great place today,” she said.

“I can’t say I haven’t been in a great place these last few days. I’m so okay with everything, I just haven’t talked a lot or spoken out a lot.”

The Bravo star was scheduled to host a November concert featuring girl group Xscape (including her Real Housewives of Atlanta costar Kandi Burruss).

However, the group announced yesterday that they were “dismayed” by the remark Leakes made.

“Yesterday I got a little bit emotional. I have never said anything that the heckler said to me. All the girls on the tour with me know what happened,” Leakes continued on Instagram.

She concluded optimistically, stating:

“I plan on not letting anyone take my joy. I created my own show because I wanted to get out and express some of the things that I have inside of me.

“I don’t consider myself a comedian, I always say that. I’ve said that since the day I first started. I just consider myself a s–t talker, a funny lady. I never imagined ever, ever, ever stepping on stage and somebody screaming out ‘Go kill yourself’ to me.

“It literally took me somewhere else, I apologize. I’ve let that go.”

So… NeNe is mostly sorry, yet also wants everyone to know that the heckler told her to commit suicide.

We can understand how that could be traumatizing.

We can’t understand ever making a rape joke, though.

And we definitely can’t understand hiring NeNe Leakes to do a stand-up act.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

NeNe Leakes Dropped from Xscape Tour Over Rape Comment

NeNe Leakes will no longer be hosting the Xscape reunion tour after dropping a disgusting rape clapback at a heckler during one of her stand-up gigs. Xscape released a statement Thursday morning saying they were “dismayed” by NeNe’s…


NeNe Leakes Sobs About Rape Joke: Please Forgive Me!

NeNe Leakes has always been one of the more controversial cast members of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, and that"s because she has no filter when it comes to her mouth. 

Long story short: NeNe Leakes was performing standup comedy in Oakland on Saturday night, and she crossed the line by saying that she hoped an Uber driver raped one of the women in the audience. 

"I ain"t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver. I hope he rape yo" ass tonight when he take you home, bitch," she yelled. Instead of laughing, the audience erupted and turned against the outspoken reality TV star.

"And steal yo" funky hello kitty, bitch," she added as the crowd reacted with shock and anger at the crazy scenario. 

Simply put, NeNe should stick to having the Bravo cameras on her, because her stint on the stage was anything but entertaining. The only funny thing about it is that people legit paid money to see NeNe crack some jokes. 

When one fan recorded the whole ordeal, it went viral on the internet, and NeNe realized this was a PR nightmare for her, so she took to her social media accounts thinking she could nip it in the bud with a good old apology. 

"I truly regret and apologize for what I said from the stage in Oakland over the weekend," she began in her message. 

"Sometimes words can cut deep and hurt when you have no intentions of them doing so."

"As a woman and someone who has survived abuse, I regret the words that I used."

"I made a mistake and I should have known better. I hope people accept my deepest and sincerest apologies. I am sorry," she concluded. 

It"s always good to apologize, but fans were not buying it. People felt like she only apologized because of the crazy backlash she got in the aftermath of the video going viral. 

So, the latest stage in her apology tour was a live video in which she used tears to her advantage as she tried to stress to fans that she was really sorry. 

While the video does not give all the details, it does appear to hint that the woman who NeNe lashed out at had already tried to cause some drama and NeNe"s words were in retaliation. 

"It’s ’cause I said the wrong thing back," NeNe says to an unidentified woman in the video. 

But, the unidentified woman"s response actually made a whole lot more sense. 

"And you said it in a moment of passion! It wasn’t something that you sat in the back and that you wrote into your script: “Hey, I’m gonna go out here and call these mother f***ers racist” and do all of that, that was something that happened in an instant," the woman begins. 

"Hell, what we’re doing and what we’re dealing with at this day and age right now — racism is very real, and it’s unfortunate that it had to come out that way, but you know, it’s unfortunate to tell somebody to go kill theyself too because had you killed yourself that night, would this woman be going through that? Would they know that this is happening?" 

It"s easier to understand now that there is at least a little bit of context to the story, but NeNe stressed that she should not have reacted the way she did. 

"No because they don’t care. All they care about is what I said. I said — at the end of the day, I just want to be — I never want to cause harm to anybody else, not in that kind of way. Everybody who know me knows that I never would want that to happen," the star concludes. 

It does sound like she"s sorry, but being in the spotlight, she should have known that the joke would become a media sensation. 

She may be hating herself right now, but the RHOA producers will love all of the increased attention for the series which returns November 5. 

Watch the full video below and join us in the comments with your thoughts on it. 

Is NeNe sorry? Do you care?



Nene leakes cries about rape joke please forgive me