Showing posts with label Shunned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shunned. Show all posts

Monday, March 5, 2018

Kobe Bryant Cheered Despite Rape Case, Seacrest Shunned By Some

Kobe Bryant celebrated an amazing victory Sunday night … winning an Oscar and, incredibly, the celebrities in the audience had a case of selective amnesia. Kobe took home the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film for “Dear Basketball.” The audience…


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NeNe Leakes: Shunned by Fellow Housewives! Career in Jeopardy?!

We don’t say this often, but it’s a good time to be Kim Zolciak. Because it’s a bad time to be NeNe Leakes.

As it turns out, going up on stage and telling a heckler that you hope she gets raped doesn’t make other people want to be around you. 

In fact, it sounds like NeNe’s costars are now shunning her. And that means less screen time. … Is this the end of NeNe’s career?

NeNe Leakes does stand-up, which in and of itself would be surprising but not a huge story.

We’ve heard of instances in the past of once-beloved actors tanking their careers because their stabs at stand-up lead to racist or otherwise deeply offensive rants.

It turns out that NeNe Leakes can offend and horrify with the worst of them.

After she attempted to do stand-up relating to Uber drivers and sexual assault, she was heckled. That’s not polite, but audience members often do it. It unfortunately goes with the territory of stand-up.

NeNe fixated on a single heckler, a woman, and said this:

“I ain’t even gonna tell you about the goddamn Uber driver,” NeNe responded. “I hope he rape yo’ ass tonight when he take you home, b–ch. And steal yo’ funky hello kitty, b–ch.”

That is … an inexcusably vile response.

NeNe Leakes says that she had a breakdown and, to show that she knows how serious this was, NeNe Leakes has apologized.

Apologies are so important and they’re good, but she’s an adult and she should know that it takes a lot of time and discussion for people to be okay with you.

Apologies aren’t some sort of magical incantation that rewrites history and absolves you of your wrongdoings. Nothing can do that.

For now, NeNe Leakes sobbing and begging for forgiveness is exactly the right thing to do.

It’s not fun, but not saying terrible things isn’t actually all that hard. And it’s not like this was an old video, dredged up from years ago just to make her look bad.

She brought this on herself.

RadarOnline reports that some of the rest of the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have responded to this scandal by refusing to film with NeNe Leakes.

In a lot of ways, that makes sense — sharing a screen with someone who is disgraced can tarnish your own name and brand.

This is no surprise, but the Real Housewives protest of NeNe starts with the one costar who could conceivably share screentime with NeNe without it reflecting poorly upon her.

“Kim Zolciak refuses to film with NeNe any further, so producers scrapped the all cast scene planned for last week.”

See, Kim Zolciak is feuding with NeNe. So Kim and NeNe sharing a screen and staring daggers at each other wouldn’t hurt Kim’s brand at all.

And then the hits keep coming …

“Porsha Williams is refusing to film with NeNe and is siding with Kim.”

And coming

“Sheree [Whitfield] is also siding with Kim.”

NeNe Leakes probably shouldn’t have ranted about Brielle Biermann and accused her of being racist right before saying something inescusable on stage, huh?

We have a feeling that Kim’s conscientious objection to sharing a screen with NeNe has a lot to do with the fact that this woman has been feuding with her and with her daughter.

One thing, though … it looks like NeNe is dipping her toes into the idea of playing the victim. This could backfire catastrophically for her if she does.

But some of the posts that she’s shared on social media have seemed less apologetic and more along the lines of “well, nobody’s perfect!”

That might give her diehard fans some ammunition, but it could majorly backfire for NeNe’s career.

Wishing rape upon somebody is not the hill that you want your reality career to die on.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Shunned By Other Teen Moms Following Pregnancy News?!

Yesterday, we learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, and Teen Mom Twitter went absolutely insane.

Part of the reason for the over-the-top reaction is that Kailyn denied being pregnant multiple times over the past month.

It seems another issue for many TM2 obsessives is the fact that Kailyn is not pregnant by Jo Rivera or Javi Marroquin, but by a third baby daddy.

Of course, Lowry isn’t the first Teen Mom 2 star to have three kids by three different men.

That honor goes to Jenelle Evans, who recently gave birth to daughter Ensley Jolie, her third child and her first by fiance David Eason.

Kailyn is currently being attacked on social media by obsessive haters, many of whom have echoed the sentiment that it’s “trashy” for a woman to have children by three different men.

But even though she can definitely empathize with Kailyn’s current plight, don’t expect Jenelle to offer any words of encouragement.

In fact, Jenelle has breached Teen Mom franchise protocol by failing to acknowledge Kailyn’s pregnancy in any way.

And it’s not like she hasn’t been on social media:

“I swear I’m super woman sometimes,” Jenelle tweeted moments ago.

“I look back at some things and think ‘how’d I get all of that done?!’”

Of course, Kailyn and Jenelle have feuded in the past, so the silence might be her passive-aggressive way of sending a message that there’s still bad blood.

Interestingly, however, Jenelle’s not alone in her deafening silence on the matter of Kailyn’s pregnancy.

Leah Messer, Maci Bookout and Amber Portwood all failed to congratulate Kailyn, which is almost unheard of.

Fortunately, not everyone participated in the epic snub:

“Congrats @KailLowry. I’m so excited for you,” Chelsea Houska tweeted.

Catelynn Lowell echoed the sentiment, writing “Congratulations @KailLowry a baby is a blessing from God no matter what!! Much love to you!”

Even Farrah Abraham – the Teen Mom world’s queen of mean – had kind words for Kailyn.

“I wish [Kail] and her three kids all the best,” Farrah tweeted earlier today.

It’s standard for the girls to congratulate one another following a pregnancy, as they’re all part of an extremely exclusive sorority, and they should be able to sympathize as a result.

Particularly given how much flak Kailyn is taking today, Jenelle and company’s lack of congratulatory words speaks volumes.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: Shunned By Kardashians For Supporting Trump?!

Remember that incredibly brief period of time when everyone thought Caitlyn was a forward-thinking progressive who unwittingly married into a family of nitwits?

Oh, what a time she must have had!

Anyway, it didn’t last long, as Caitlyn quickly revealed that she’s only concerned with social issues that directly affect her – and even then, only if she’s being inconvenienced that day.

Caitlyn’s experiences as a trans woman have had no impact on her political views, as she continues to support the most conservative of Republican politicians, many of whom seek to strip her of her basic human rights.

Former fans were shocked to learn that Caitlyn is a fan of President Donald Trump.

(Yep. It’s official now, folks. Welcome to the End Times!)

Caitlyn is in D.C. for Inauguration Day, and it seems the rest of her family is less than thrilled with her persistent Trumpeting.

According to Radar Online, Caitlyn’s daughters and ex-wife have cut off all contact, thanks in part to her baffling political beliefs.

“It seems like the Kardashian girls want nothing to do with her anymore and Caitlyn is definitely starting to feel rejected by them,” says a source close to the family.

“She called several of them crying recently and said that she has never felt more alone that she does right now.”

Despite the fallout, Caitlyn has shown no signs of wavering in her beliefs.

Of course, it’s not the first time she’s faced stiff opposition:

In fact, it’s widely believed that part of the reason Jenner’s reality show, I Am Cait, was canceled is that Caitlyn’s views differed greatly from those of her target audience.

It’s understandable that the Kardashians would be less than thrilled with Caitlyn’s belief system, but it’s kind of hypocritical of them to give her the cold shoulder.

After all, Kim’s husband, Kanye West, visited Trump Tower during former Apprentice host’s transition, and Yeezy’s not getting snubbed.

It takes a lot to get booted out of this family.

(Hell, Scott Disick is still allowed to come around!)

Something tells us there’s more going on here than a simple political disagreement.

Fortunately, Caitlyn will tell us all about it next time she’s feeling thirsty.
