Thursday, January 11, 2018

NeNe Leakes: Kim Zolciak is Chock Full of "Slime!"

Sorry, folks.

If you were hoping to throw some shade at someone with whom you aren’t getting along at the moment, we have some bad news for you:

You cannot do so. Because it’s all gone.

Because NeNe Leakes just hurled ALL the shade at Kim Zolciak.

The rivalry between these Real Housewives of Atlanta cast members goes back years, of course, but it was escalated to new heights last October after Kim’s daughter, Brielle, inserted herself into the feud.

After sharing a video in which she claimed NeNe’s home was infested with cockroaches, Brielle became the target of NeNe’s wrath, as Leakes lashed out in classic fashion on Instagram.

She referred to Brielle as a “trashy” child, said she was a “jealous bitch” full of “prejudice” and added that she has a “funky pussy.”

She also said that Brielle has “fake lips, fake titties and fake ass.”

Those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online this season have noticed tension between Kim and NeNe, but that’s not exactly anything new.

Nor is Leakes tearing into Zolciak online or on television.

But she’s took it to new and hilarious heights when talking to Extra this week.

Asked for her feelings on Zolciak at the moment, NeNe replied in this interview with one simple and telling word;


She then elaborated as follows:

“Now that right there… true tea, this is no shade to nobody, I will not have anything to do with Kim.

“I have nothing I ever need to say to Kim. I am not harboring any bad feelings, I am just – know this person and I will never be anything. I never want to say anything to her.”

We’d have to disagree with Leakes a little bit here.

That’s definitely some shade toward somebody.

Concluded Leakes, in hilarious fashion;

“I think if you cut her open, worms and slimy nastiness will come out of her. I think she is a slimy, nasty person for real.”

Not for fake, people.

Kim has slime in her FOR REAL.

We’re not sure about this, however. It seems more like Kim has husband Kroy’s penis in her more often than not, considering the amount of kids they’re produced together.

But we don’t know Zolciak as well as NeNe does.

Whose side are you on in this ongoing feud?

Do you buy any of it?

Or do you think it’s all been orchestrated by writers and producers and Bravo executives desperate to goose Real Housewives ratings?

As for whether she will return to the franchise next season, Leakes told Extra:

“Look, I am in it to win it… I feel like I’ve learned so much about working with these girls…

“I don’t think a whole lot can affect me, so bring it on, girls.”

We’ll take that as a yes.
