Showing posts with label Rich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rich. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Rich the Kid"s Estranged Wife He Needs to Pay More, But He"s Ghosting Me, Legally Speaking

Rich the Kid‘s playing hard to get in his divorce case … so claims his estranged wife who wants the judge to make him pay for being a pain in the ass.
Antonette Willis has filed new legal docs claiming she’s been trying to serve the rapper with papers, but he’s nowhere...
Rich the Kid"s Estranged Wife He Needs to Pay More, But He"s Ghosting Me, Legally Speaking

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Rich the Kid Badly Injures His Hand in UTV Crash


Rich the Kid suffered a nasty injury on his hand after getting into a UTV accident … TMZ has learned.
Eyewitnesses on the scene tell us … Rich and a friend were riding around in a Polaris RZR 4-wheeler Sunday in Calabasas, CA, and that he eventually turned into a dirt lot ...
Rich the Kid Badly Injures His Hand in UTV Crash

Monday, November 5, 2018

Rich The Kid Brags About Carrying Tons of Cash And Jewelry With No Need For Security

Rich the Kid could be playing with fire, because he’s not letting his recent beatdown by armed robbers stop him from shining with tons of ice, and no bodyguards in sight.  We got Rich at LAX Sunday and he was stunting with a…


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Samantha Markle Confesses: I Want to Get Rich By Trashing Meghan!

It’s been almost five months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, and  the marriage has been as devoid of drama as most royal unions (sadly, the Fergies of the world are the exception, not the rule).

Fortunately, Meghan’s awful family has provided plenty of unintentional entertainment as they attempt to cash in on their tenuous ties to the throne.

Half-sister Samantha Markle has been doing her best to humiliate Meghan since before her engagement was announced, and at first, some folks gave her the benefit of the doubt.

With the possible exception of obsessive 

It’s not like any of those traits are hugely uncommon amongst C-list actresses.

Meghan and Samantha Markle Split Pics

But as we learned more about both Meghan and Samantha, a clearer picture began to emerge.

Samantha was a failed actress (with a one-time appearance on freakin’ Matlock as her sole IMDb credit), who had been spent most of her life consumed with jealousy toward her more successful little sister.

Even Samantha’s mother sided with Meghan and admitted that Sam’s been a thorn in her sibling’s side for quite some time:

“Samantha has been dogging her for years,” she said of her daughter.

“Everything she has said about her is a lie.”

Despite Samantha having been thoroughly discredited (we now know she had zero contact with Meghan for more thn a decade before the royal wedding), the 53-year-old remains a fixture on the British media circuit.

And as E! News points out, Sam has finally admitted that her main goal in slandering her sister is to get rich by riding Meg’s coattails.

“Let’s face it—we all have to survive,” Samantha said in a recent interview.

“Money makes the world go round, so if you want to call that cashing in, that’s fine, but I think no one in media would refuse a paycheck for talking about the royals and, as a family, we’re not subject to royal protocol.”

Hmm … we think a LOT of people would refuse a paycheck that required them to publicly insult members of their immediate family, but that’s just us.

Samantha’s favorite justification for her repulsive behavior is that she’s “in the media.”

When pressed about her nasty put-downs, she dismisses them as the result of having “worked in broadcasting and radio for a while,” adding that she’s “always been a bit boisterous.”

So when Samantha shows up at Kensington Palace unannounced and has to be turned away by security, she’s not making  her sister’s life a living hell.

No, she’s just trying to earn a living.


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Big & Rich Singer Blasts Nike for Signing Colin Kaepernick

John Rich — one half of the country band Big & Rich — is FURIOUS at Nike for the mega deal it made with Colin Kaepernick … and says his sound guy is already planning on burning his Nike gear. As we previously reported … Nike signed Colin…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Tyga DRAGS Kylie Jenner, Takes Credit for Making Her Rich and Famous!

Reports say that, privately, Tyga misses Kylie Jenner and her sexy feet and the lifestyle that he had while he was with her.

But in a new interview — on Nicki Minaj’s radio show — Tyga says that he’s happy to have moved on and has no hard feelings.

In fact, Tyga claims that really, he’s the one who made Kylie into the success story she is today.

Tyga appeared on Nicki Minaj’s Queen Radio, where naturally he was asked about his ex-girlfriend, Kylie Jenner.

Specifically, he was asked if he missed her.

“Nah, I’m good luv,” Tyga replied. “Enjoy!”

Well, Kylie turned 21 in August.

Perhaps she is now too old to hold the interest of the almost-29-year-old rapper who began dating her when she was a minor. Who can say?

Tyga then stirs the pot by claiming that he helped Kylie become the influencer, mogul, and near-billionaire she is today.

“You’ve got to look at the before and after,” he claims.

Tyga does acknowledge: “She always had a platform and she was always destined to be what she was going to be regardless.”

“But when I stepped in,” Tyga says. “There was a lot of codes being taught.”

By that, he means that she was still figuring out her look and her brand. He says: “It was like, ‘You could do this, you should start this, you should start doing your hair like this,’”

Tyga shares the advice that he supposedly gave to Kylie: “You should adapt because you need black people to f–k with you cause you need culture.”

To clarify, to f–k with someone in this case doens’t mean sex or pranking someone — it means to be willing to associate with someone.

“I had a lot to do with all that,” Tyga boasts.

“I don’t need to go online and tell people I did this and I’m the one helping her coming up with these colors and names on her … lip line,” Tyga claims. “It was a lot of stuff.”

We’ve heard about how Tyga’s foot fetish influenced Kylie to wear certain types of toe-revealing shoes and to paint her nails.

So how does Tyga feel about Travis Scott, whose album debuted at #1 thanks to Kylie’s influence.

“We ain’t got no beef,” Tyga claims. “It’s his time right now.”

Travis’ time began mere weeks after Kylie and Tyga broke up. For that matter, her pregnancy began mere weeks after she and Travis got together.

“You gotta let it ride,” Tyga says. “I ain’t got no beef with him.”

It’s interesting to hear Tyga claim that he somehow made Kylie famous or successful.

In real life, where the rest of us live, relatively few people had even heard of him before he began slipping it to the still-underage Kylie Jenner.

Kylie was a tremendous boost to his brand and his ego. And perhaps all of that has gone to his head.

We will say that rappers definitely have to maintain a certain vibe of financial security and self-assuredness, even to the point of absurdity, so Tyga almost has to spout off like this.

It’s weird to hear him take credit for what Kylie has done — things that many refer to as cultural appropriation.


"Crazy Rich Asians" Sequel Will Make Crazy Rich Singapore Crazy Richer

If you think you’re excited about the inevitable sequel to “Crazy Rich Asians,” you’ve got nothing on Singapore … because its movie industry is poised to rake in a fortune from the next installment.  A rep for the Singapore’s Infocomm…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Rich The Kid Posts Cryptic Instagram Message, Sparks Suicide Concerns

Music fans around the country are suddenly very worried about Rich The Kid.

Early Tuesday morning, the popular rapper deleted all of his Instagram messages and photos, save for one.

This would have been a troubling and confusing enough move on its own, even before followers clicked on his account and spotted the single remaining meme.

It reads:

R.i.P. Rich the Kid 1992-2018.

Ummm… what? Why? Could this have been a cry for help? Or, even worse, a suicide note?

Supporters were left even more concerned upon reading the caption alongside this image, as Rich The Kid wrote simply:

Thank u all my fans & family for everything.


“HE WAS MY FAVORITE ARTIST,” wrote _.papirhch_21, thinking Rich The Kid was now dead.

And this person wasn’t the only follower whose mind went straight to death upon seeing that Rich The Kid went ahead and wished himself eternal peace.

Just three days before his cryptic post, a video made by the rapper, where he blasted his label, 300 Entertainment, went viral.

It gave fans a reason to think he was fed up with at least one aspect of his life.

“Yo, f-ck 300 ENT, ya’ll suck,” he began, prior to going off on a tangent about wanting out of his deal with the label.

“Listen, you gotta let me out of this contract. I don’t want to be with ya’ll no f-cking more. I told ya’ll … giving this money back. I don’t want to be with ya’ll label no more.

“Ya’ll suck, ya’ll is trash. Listen, young, independent artists, do not sign with 300 ENT.

“They’re the worst, worst label, ever… Lame ass sh-t.”

At the end of the day, however, Rich The Kid is alive.

We’re pretty darn sure about that, at least.

Sources have said, as many fans have speculated, that he is simply altering his image. Perhaps even changing his name.

The artist is leaving his music persona behind and that’s what he is mourning in this mysterious Instagram meme.

Tweeted someone in the jnow:



So it sounds like everyone can take a deep breath.

Much like IHOP accomplished when it freaked everyone out about a change to burgers, Rich The Kid has accomplished his goal here:

He has grabbed many headlines and become a viral sensation, all while remaining alive and seemingly well.

Talk about a win-win situation!


Monday, July 30, 2018

Teresa Giudice: My Husband Is Getting Deported & I"m Getting Rich!

Things just keep getting worse for the Giudice clan.

First, Teresa Giudice went to prison and served nearly a full year on tax fraud charges.

After she was released, it was her husband"s turn.

Joe Giudice is currently behind bars, as a judge allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences back-to-back for the sake of their kids.

No word yet on when he"ll be released, but it"s looking more and more like Joe — who is not a US citizen — will never again be a free man on American soil.

And now, it looks as though his wife is getting rich off the situation …

1. Happier Times

Teresa giudice and hubby

The Giudices never seemed like a particularly happy couple, but the past few years have brought them to depths they never could’ve imagined previously.

2. Dark Days

Teresa joe giudice

The Giudices were both found guilty of felony tax fraud and sentenced to prison time in 2013. Teresa served 11 months of her 15-month sentence in 2015. Joe is currently doing 4 years behind bars.

3. Jail For Juicy Joe

Joe giudice on the phone

The lengthy prison sentence might be a nightmare come true for Joe, but believe it or not, his situation may soon deteriorate even further.

4. Booted Back to the Boot

Teresa and joe giudice instagram

Joe was born in Italy and he never bothered to become an American citizen. Now that he’s a convicted felon, he’ll likely be sent back to his home country.

5. High Drama

Teresa giudice kisses husband

On the upside, the Giudices’ sad story has revived interest in the long-running Real Housewives of New Jersey, and everyone is cashing in. Well, everyone except Joe …

6. Crying All the Way to the Bank

Teresa giudice episode still

According to Radar Online, Teresa has accepted a six-figure deal to allow Bravo to film a special centering around Joe’s looming deportation.

View Slideshow

Friday, July 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner Flaunts Post-Baby Curves on Instagram: It"s Good to Be 20 and Rich!

It’s been less than six months since Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child, but to look at the soon-to-be billionaire’s Instagram pics (or bank balance), you would think she spent all that time away from the spotlight working out and stacking funds.

Sure, being a single mom is never easy … but an army personal trainers and a net worth in high nine-figure range probably helps to ease the burden just a bit.

As you can see, Kylie sprang right back to peak physical condition after giving birth to baby Stormi.

We can see how her progress might be inspirational for some folks in need of a fitness goal.

But we can also see how it would be equally depressing for others.

The situation brings to mind the recent debate over whether or not Kylie is a “self-made” billionaire.

The question tore the internet in twain, not unlike the Yanny/Laurel conflict that preceded it, but in the end, no satisfactory conclusion was reached.

Like pretty much everything else on the planet, Kylie’s scenario is complicated and full of nuance.

Yes, she was born into a life of unimaginable privilege and influence, and when it comes to everything from starting a business to getting back in shape, she has a number of advantages that most of us could only dream of.

But, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t work hard.

And it certainly doesn’t mean that she deserves no credit or praise for her success.

Kylie was born with a major leg up in the world, it’s true.

But her efforts to improve upon her already lofty position are still impressive.

Maybe there’s a lesson to be learned in all of this.

No matter what your circumstances, the best thing you can aspire to is to try to and improve upon them even slightly, and your only competitor should be your past self.

Or maybe we’ve just devoted entirely too much thought to Kylie Jenner’s 40 bajillionth selfie.

Either way, homegirl is crushing it these days.

Of course, when we were 20, we spent most of our time showing fake IDs to 7-11 clerks, so pretty much anyone her age who’s doing anything productive deserves a shout-out in our eyes.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Offset Targeted Because He"s a Rich, Successful, Black Rapper, Says Lawyer

Offset was unjustly targeted by police because he’s successful, wealthy, black and a rapper … so says his lawyer. Attorney Drew Findling tells TMZ … his client broke NO LAWS, and cops used a lane change as a thinly veiled excuse to try and take…


Sunday, July 15, 2018

Rich Eisen Reveals Ultimate Fantasy Football Sleeper, "This Year"s Alvin Kamara"

Listen up, Rich Eisen’s about to make you a LOT of money in your fantasy football league this season. The NFL Network host and football czar told TMZ Sports outside of Craig’s this week how to beat all your buddies and coworkers in your drafts next…


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Rich the Kid and Girlfriend Ditch L.A. Crib After Home Invasion

Rich the Kid and his girlfriend, Tori Brixx, are moving out of the downtown Los Angeles apartment where they were attacked and robbed at gunpoint by several men earlier this month … because neither could sleep there at night anymore. Rich had…


Rich the Kid and Girlfriend Ditch L.A. Crib After Home Invasion

Rich the Kid and his girlfriend, Tori Brixx, are moving out of the downtown Los Angeles apartment where they were attacked and robbed at gunpoint by several men earlier this month … because neither could sleep there at night anymore. Rich had…


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Yu Darvish to Minor Leaguers, I"m Rich, Here"s Steak!!

Yu Darvish — who’s in a $ 126 MILLION contract — completed his first minor league rehab start this week … and celebrated by spoiling BOTH TEAMS with a very expensive Ruth’s Chris steak dinner.  The Chicago Cubs had sent the pitcher down to…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rich the Kid Loads Up on New Jewelry Week After Home Invasion Robbery

Rich the Kid’s not letting his recent beatdown by several armed robbers stop him from loading up on more ice … because ya gotta keep flexin. The rapper had jewelers Gavriel and Izzy from NYC Luxury make a house call to his L.A. pad this week, and…


Rich the Kid Loads Up on New Jewelry Week After Home Invasion Robbery

Rich the Kid’s not letting his recent beatdown by several armed robbers stop him from loading up on more ice … because ya gotta keep flexin. The rapper had jewelers Gavriel and Izzy from NYC Luxury make a house call to his L.A. pad this week, and…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Rich the Kid Under Investigation for Battery After Allegedly Attacking Photog

Rich the Kid is under investigation for battery after allegedly beating up a photographer outside Bev Hills hot spot, Mastro’s Steakhouse … TMZ has learned. Rich was leaving Mastro’s last week with a female friend, and jogged out the front…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Rich The Kid"s Frantic Home Invasion 911 Call

Rich the Kid and girlfriend Tori Brixx were part of a frantic scene when the two were beat up and robbed in a home invasion last week … and the 911 call is proof of that. In the call — obtained by TMZ — a frantic female caller describes…
