Monday, July 30, 2018

Teresa Giudice: My Husband Is Getting Deported & I"m Getting Rich!

Things just keep getting worse for the Giudice clan.

First, Teresa Giudice went to prison and served nearly a full year on tax fraud charges.

After she was released, it was her husband"s turn.

Joe Giudice is currently behind bars, as a judge allowed the Giudices to serve their sentences back-to-back for the sake of their kids.

No word yet on when he"ll be released, but it"s looking more and more like Joe — who is not a US citizen — will never again be a free man on American soil.

And now, it looks as though his wife is getting rich off the situation …

1. Happier Times

Teresa giudice and hubby

The Giudices never seemed like a particularly happy couple, but the past few years have brought them to depths they never could’ve imagined previously.

2. Dark Days

Teresa joe giudice

The Giudices were both found guilty of felony tax fraud and sentenced to prison time in 2013. Teresa served 11 months of her 15-month sentence in 2015. Joe is currently doing 4 years behind bars.

3. Jail For Juicy Joe

Joe giudice on the phone

The lengthy prison sentence might be a nightmare come true for Joe, but believe it or not, his situation may soon deteriorate even further.

4. Booted Back to the Boot

Teresa and joe giudice instagram

Joe was born in Italy and he never bothered to become an American citizen. Now that he’s a convicted felon, he’ll likely be sent back to his home country.

5. High Drama

Teresa giudice kisses husband

On the upside, the Giudices’ sad story has revived interest in the long-running Real Housewives of New Jersey, and everyone is cashing in. Well, everyone except Joe …

6. Crying All the Way to the Bank

Teresa giudice episode still

According to Radar Online, Teresa has accepted a six-figure deal to allow Bravo to film a special centering around Joe’s looming deportation.

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