Showing posts with label Samantha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samantha. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Samantha Markle Confesses: I Want to Get Rich By Trashing Meghan!

It’s been almost five months since Meghan Markle married Prince Harry, and  the marriage has been as devoid of drama as most royal unions (sadly, the Fergies of the world are the exception, not the rule).

Fortunately, Meghan’s awful family has provided plenty of unintentional entertainment as they attempt to cash in on their tenuous ties to the throne.

Half-sister Samantha Markle has been doing her best to humiliate Meghan since before her engagement was announced, and at first, some folks gave her the benefit of the doubt.

With the possible exception of obsessive 

It’s not like any of those traits are hugely uncommon amongst C-list actresses.

Meghan and Samantha Markle Split Pics

But as we learned more about both Meghan and Samantha, a clearer picture began to emerge.

Samantha was a failed actress (with a one-time appearance on freakin’ Matlock as her sole IMDb credit), who had been spent most of her life consumed with jealousy toward her more successful little sister.

Even Samantha’s mother sided with Meghan and admitted that Sam’s been a thorn in her sibling’s side for quite some time:

“Samantha has been dogging her for years,” she said of her daughter.

“Everything she has said about her is a lie.”

Despite Samantha having been thoroughly discredited (we now know she had zero contact with Meghan for more thn a decade before the royal wedding), the 53-year-old remains a fixture on the British media circuit.

And as E! News points out, Sam has finally admitted that her main goal in slandering her sister is to get rich by riding Meg’s coattails.

“Let’s face it—we all have to survive,” Samantha said in a recent interview.

“Money makes the world go round, so if you want to call that cashing in, that’s fine, but I think no one in media would refuse a paycheck for talking about the royals and, as a family, we’re not subject to royal protocol.”

Hmm … we think a LOT of people would refuse a paycheck that required them to publicly insult members of their immediate family, but that’s just us.

Samantha’s favorite justification for her repulsive behavior is that she’s “in the media.”

When pressed about her nasty put-downs, she dismisses them as the result of having “worked in broadcasting and radio for a while,” adding that she’s “always been a bit boisterous.”

So when Samantha shows up at Kensington Palace unannounced and has to be turned away by security, she’s not making  her sister’s life a living hell.

No, she’s just trying to earn a living.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Samantha Markle Gets Denied from Kensington Palace, Leaves Mysterious Note for Sister

Samantha Markle put her money where her mouth is on Saturday morning.

Or, to be more accurate, Samantha Markle put her wheelchair where her Twitter account has been.

What we’re trying to is this:


The awful half-sister of Meghan Markle actually tried to see the Duchess of Sussex at Kensington Place over the weekend.

According to The Daily Mirror, which has even published photos of Samantha at the gates of this famous residence, Markle’s evil sibling made good on her threat to try and see the Royal Beauty early yesterday.

Samantha – who suffers from multiple sclerosis – was pushed by her partner in a wheelchair through an open gate.

British news outlets have sincereported that she got into a verbal “stand-off” with an officer guarding a security checkpoint and was turned away.

Finally convinced she would not make it through, Samantha handed a guard a white envelope and then left.

“Everybody would love to know what’s in that letter,” Samantha tweeted on Sunday.

sam letter

Samantha, of course, is 17 years old than Meghan.

They share the same father, but never shared a household growing up.

They barely really know each other.

Yet this lack of a relationship hasn’t stopped Samantha from publicly disparaging and harassing Meghan, almost since the moment Meghan started dating Prince Harry.

On endless irritating, cruel and self-serving occasions, Samantha has fired off Tweets or given interviews in which she accused Meghan of being a phony… a hypocrite… a spoiled brat… and even a dog killer.

But whatever.

Meghan has almost entirely maintained the high ground and never responded to her half-sister ridiculous rants.

One must wonder whether this will change now that Samantha dared to actually get into the Palace. That’s scared territory.

“This was a huge move on the part of Meghan’s sister to try to see her face to face and the fact she was turned away speaks volumes,” a source told The Mirror, adding:

“This is the closest Meghan has come physically to that side of her family since she married into the royal family but palace staff had clearly been instructed not to allow her access.”

Can you blame her?!?

Just about a week ago, Samantha actually issued Meghan an apology, saying on air:

“There is so much water under the bridge and so much has spun out of control that was never intended to.

“I think everybody [in our family] was hurt at not being included or invited to the wedding, but I felt as though it could have all been nipped in the bud had everyone been included.

“We all just agreed to move forward with positive resolve and the hurt feelings wouldn’t have snowballed.”

In this same sit-down with Great Britain’s Channel 5, Samantha said of her visit overseas:

“I’ve always wanted to see London, but really I wanted to make the trip and sort of speak the wishes and thoughts and sentiments of my father, and hopefully get a message to my sister.”

It appears as if she has now at least done that.

But who the heck knows whether Meghan will bother to read it.

She has far better things to do these days than entertain any thoughts at all about someone such as Samantha Markle.

Such as what, you may be wondering?

Such as GETTING PREGNANT, of course!


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Samantha Markle Compares Meghan Markle to Donald Trump!

Meghan Markle may be settling into her new life as a happily married duchess, but her awful family seems determined to spoil her joy.

Now her vile sister, Samantha, is lashing out at her on her private Twitter account.

She’s coming after Meghan with childish insults … and with a direct comparison between the new duchess and Donald Trump.

We’ve heard Meghan Markle’s brother accuse Prince Harry of breaking up their family, but he’s far from the only part of Meghan’s extended family who’s sowing chaos.

To hear Samantha tell it, Meghan is a despotic egomaniac with no capacity for morality or decorum or for caring about other people.

Just look at Samantha’s own words:

“Trump said he could shoot someone and not lose votes,” Samantha claims. “The same mentality applies to my sister.”

We are somehow having a lot of trouble reconciling Samantha’s claim with the reality of who Meghan is.

About an hour later, Samantha began to tweet some truly childish insults.

“I am not candy coating anything anymore!” Samantha insists, alarming people who had not imagined that she was holding back with past jabs.

“The DUCHASS should be humane to our father who has given her everything,.. and this media crap can stop!” Samantha rages.

“He was the one who was always there for her. Fake waves and smiles can stop,” Samantha demands. “The duchASS can bow to the daddy.”

That last line about bowing to the daddy might be the worst thing that any of us have ever read. That’s … that’s going to haunt us.

You know how Thomas Markle can’t resist blabbing to the media, which is why Meghan can’t talk to him?

Well, Samantha is even going so far as to defend Thomas spilling details of conversations he’s had to every camera and mic in sight.

“He only talks to the media because she was ignoring him for a long time and being snobby,” Samantha claims.

Samantha insists “he has the right to speak and if she doesn’t like it it’s just too f–king bad she needs to wake up and be a kind person.”

To be clear, no one is questioning Thomas’ free speech rights. People are questioning why he assumes his daughter would want anything to do with him.

When someone else dared to question Thomas’ character and why he prioritized oversharing with reporters over his relationship with his daughter, Samantha just laughed.

“Priorities lack of character?! Lol,” Samantha writes.

“imagine if your dad busted his back his whole life for your sister,” Samantha says. “And then she took a crap on him and ignored him!”

Well there’s an image.

Samantha laments: “She has always been his priority and she owes him up and respect!”

Samantha rails against how people see her father.

“Would you allow someone in your family to continually be disrespected and hurt as my dad is and say nothing?” she demands.

Samantha answers for people: “I doubt it.”

“After she gives my dad the love and respect he deserves,” Samantha promises. “She can skip on her merry way and no one will say anything.”

That line about Meghan always being his priority may be the crux of this matter.

Many people believe that Samantha is simply jealous of Meghan. Meghan is a beautiful actress who has now married one of the most desired men on the planet.

The dude is a literal prince.

Samantha may be lashing out because she hopes to prove that she’s the more deserving daughter. Though that’s just a theory.

Like we said, that line about bowing ot the daddy is going ot keep us awake at night. But if we had to read it, so do you.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Samantha Grant Trashes Chrissy Teigen as "Pudgy Airhead," Ignites Greatest Feud of Our Time

Samantha Grant has gone ahead and really done it now.

The estranged half-sister of Meghan Markle has spent the past year or so attacking her famous sibling, going after the new Duchess for ignoring their father and for essentially abandoning her family.

In Samantha’s very misguided opinion, that is.

About a week ago, for example, Samantha – who is 17 years older than Meghan and who did not grow up in the same household as Prince Harry’s better half – Tweeted the following:

Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg.

How lovely, right?

A few days after Grant penned these kinds words to Markle, the pair’s father gave yet another interview to yet another British publication.

And, yet again, Thomas Markle absolutely BLASTED his daughter, accusing Meghan of cutting him off and holding a grudge against him for skipping her wedding and actively taking credit for everything Markle has accomplished.

This is not even hyperbole.

“What riles me is Meghan’s sense of superiority,” Thomas said to The Daily Mail, adding over this past weekend:

“She’d be nothing without me. I made her the duchess she is today. Everything that Meghan is, I made her.”

Markle has most remained silent while having her name endlessly dragged through the mud by her relatives.

But Chrissy Teigen could no longer sit idly by after reading Thomas’ latest insult-filled Q&A.

It’s unclear whether Teigen even knows Markle, but the former model has become well known for honest, open and hilarious approach to social media.

She’ll basically write anything, about any topic, at any time.

Heck, she once publicly told husband John Legend he could no longer bang her doggy style.

So… into the Markle-infested waters did Teigen wade on Sunday, Tweeting in response to Thomas’ ridiculous interview:

“this guy…this guy sucks. what is wrong with him? let your daughter be happy, please. this is embarrassing.”

Naturally, this set off Samantha Grant, who is constantly looking for any opportunity she can find to make headlines.

“So this pudgy airhead… who knows nobody in the family is opening her pie hole?” wrote Grant on her private Twitter page, concluding of her dad and of Chrissy:

“This guy” is our father and deserves a lot of respect. You are the one who sucks.”

We can’t help but wonder whether Donald Trump ghost wrote this Tweet for Samantha.

Teigen has not yet responded to Grant.

She may not do so because Grant is not worthy of anyone’s time and is just desperately trying to milk her 15 Minutes of Fame for as long as humanly possible.

But Teigen has never exactly been afraid of a fight, having taunted Donald Trump to the point that he recently blocked her.

We sort of hope she ignores Grant, but we sort of hope she goes all Chrissy Teigen on her as well.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Samantha Markle to Half-Sister: You"re Basically Killing Our Dad!

Samantha Markle has once again gone on the attack against her famous half-sister.

This statement is not exactly newsworthy, we know.

At this point, considering all Samantha has said about Meghan Markle, it would be more surprising if she did NOT attack the new Royal Family member.

Ever since Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, Samantha has dragged her half-sibling left and right, slamming Meghan for being ungrateful and unloving toward her own family.

(It’s here that we must note how Samantha is 17 years older than and that she didn’t grow up in the same household as Meghan and that she barely knows her.)

But even Samantha may have plummeted to a new low with her latest round of Tweets.

On Tuesday, Samantha blasted her half-sibling on Twitter, calling her out for spending the day paying tribute to Nelson Mandela and his family… yet not taking the time to talk to her very own relatives.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Samantha wrote in one tweet, actually adding:

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Samantha.

She made this scathing remark on the heels of Thomas Markle once again babbling to the press about his non-relationship with his famous child.

In the video below, Thomas says he’s being shunned by Meghan and that she clearly terrified of all those around her these days:

Elsewhere, Samantha dissed Meghan for “ignoring” their dad and asked her how she could even look at herself in the mirror.

These Tweets came just after Thomas Markle told TMZ that he wasn’t going to stop to the media and was “unfazed” by reports that Prince Harry and his daughter were “frustrated” with his recent interviews with both The Sun and the British morning show “Good Morning Britain.”

Heck, Thomas even bragged about he’s making the Royal Family speechless.

“Maybe I can get a laugh out of the duchess,” Thomas even told TMZ, clearly misreading the situation as much as anyone possibly can.

Thomas, of course, did not attend Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

He was recovering at the time from a heart attack and from the embarrassment of a scandal in which he admitted to paying the paparazzi for to take flattering photos of himself.

Prior to making headlines for these incidents, Thomas was living a very quiet life in Mexico, far away from the spotlight.

“My father is not an embarassmnt for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold,” Samantha added today.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves @Kensington Royal.”

Markle took the high road and just gave a generic statement after her dad backed out of her wedding, mostly just wishing him the best.

We doubt she’ll respond here to her half-sister’s quotes or her dad’s pleading, either, despite how both have gone viral in recent days.

“I want to be a part of their life. I’d like to put our differences behind us and get together. I miss [her] very much,” Thomas told The Sun when asked over this past weekend if he had any messages for Meghan.

Again, we can’t imagine she’ll have any public message for him in response.

He concluded as follows:

“I don’t care whether she’s pissed off at me – I want to see her.

“I just want to have a father-daughter relationship. I took care of my mother the last five years of her life. My daughter said to me she would take care of me in my declining years.

“I’m not talking about money – I’m talking about taking care of me. That’s important to me.”

Thomas at least comes across as semi-sympathetic in these interviews.

Samantha Markle, conversely, comes across as semi-psychotic.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Samantha Hoopes Blown Away By Saquon"s Naked Pics, "You Gotta Be a Model!"

Game respects game … ‘cause Sports Illustrated smokeshow Samantha Hoopes says Saquon Barkley’s naked pics are so good, he OWES IT TO THE WORLD to keep modeling!!! You gotta watch the video … Samantha’s reaction to Saquon’s nude pics in ESPN’s…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Samantha Bee Addresses Ivanka Trump Insult C-ntroversy

Last week, comedian and late night host Samantha Bee apologized after referring to Ivanka Trump as a "feckless c-nt."

Conservatives, still licking their wounds from Roseanne"s cancelation and eager for payback, raised their voices online. Even Trump demanded Bee"s firing.

On Wednesday night, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee"s newest episode began with a cold open in which Bee addressed the controversy.

Samantha bee 01

During Full Frontal"s cold open, Samantha addresses the camera and her audience with a somber tone.

"You know, a lot of people were offended and angry that I used an epithet to describe the president"s daughter and adviser last week."

She referred to Ivanka as feckless, meaning that she is irresponsible, but that was not the word that had people up in arms.

"It is a word I have used on the show many times hoping to reclaim it."

In most English-speaking countries, the c-word does not carry the scandalous weight that it does in the United States. Clearly, Bee would like for that to change.

"This time I used it as an insult."

Generally speaking, you can"t reclaim a word while also hurling it at people you dislike. She admits her error.

"I crossed the line, I regret it and I do apologize for that."

Samantha bee 02

For those who are puzzled as to why her description of Ivanka was controversial at all, Bee explains exactly why.

"The problem is that many women have heard that word at the worst moments of their lives."

This, folks, is how one describes a slur. For the LGBT+ community, there"s an f-slur and a t-slur, among others. For many black people around the globe, that word is the n-word.

Naturally, people against whom a slur would be used are generally allowed to use it, as it does not mean the same thing coming from them.

But not all women are eager to hear the c-word, in any context.

"A lot of them don"t want that word reclaimed, they want it gone. And I don"t blame them."

She would never want to be part of making any woman relive the suffering of her past, whether it"s from creepy catcallers on the street or from a toxic partner or family member.

"I don"t want to inflict more pain on them."

Samantha bee addresses the controversy

Don"t worry — even though this cold open was not really designed to entertain, she has some good lines.

"I want this show to be challenging and I want it to be honest, but I never intended it to hurt anyone."

Well …

"Except Ted Cruz."

Famously, Bee teamed up with Michelle Branch for "Goodbye Ted Cruz" after Cruz dropped out of the 2016 Presidential primaries, a spoof on Branch"s classic "Goodbye To You."

Bee also acknowledged that women weren"t the only ones who took issue with her use of language.

"Many men were also offended by my use of the word."

And …

"I do not care about that."

Samantha bee 03

Samantha laments that the episode that aired and its many important topics were overshadowed by four simple letters.

"I hate that this distracted from more important issues."

Among other things, Full Frontal writer Ashley Nicole Black"s mother appeared during a segment of the episode that will probably never air again. That"s so unfair.

"I hate that I did something to contribute to the nightmare of 24-hour news cycles that we"re all white-knuckling through."

Every day is a… wait, she already said nightmare. Remember when checking Twitter was fun?

"I should have known that a potty-mouthed insult would be inherently more interesting to them than juvenile immigration policy."

Samantha talked even further about the issue of ICE separating children from their parents at the border, including asylum seekers who are abiding by the law.

"I would do anything to help those kids. I hate that this distracted from them. So, to them, I am also sorry."

You can really hear her adorable Canadian accent when she says soorry, there. But that"s not the point.

Samantha bee 04

Before the (jokingly censored) opening music plays, Samantha Bee has just a few more words of advice.

"If you are worried about the death of civility, don"t sweat it."

Her job is not to be polite, particularly not to those who are in power.

"I"m a comedian. People who hone their voices in basement bars while yelling back at drunk hecklers are definitely not paragons of civility."

But she reiteratest hat she regrets using the c-word.

"I am really sorry that I said that word."

She shares another thought.

"But you know what? Civility is just nice words. Maybe we should all worry a little bit more about the niceness of our actions."

Those are wise words.

Samantha bee addresses ivanka trump insult c ntroversy

Friday, June 1, 2018

Donald Trump Calls for Samantha Bee to Be Fired

Donald Trump has a problem with Samantha Bee.

A BIGLY problem with Samantha Bee, we should say.

The day after this Comedy Central host issued an apology for her use of VERY harsh language in describling Ivanka Trump, the President jumped on Twitter and basically rejected the mea culpa.

First, a refresher for those who missed the original story to which we’re referring:

On Wednesday evening, Bee used a portion of her latest Full Frontal episode to attack Ivanka for sitting idly by while immigrant parents were separated from their children.

With this controversy growing more and more heated by the week, Bee stood in front of her studio audience and said the following:

“Let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt!

“Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fucking stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes.”

The implication that Trump is attracted to his would have been enough for this remark to generate backlash against Bee… but she also dropped the C-Word in regard to Ivanka.

See for yourself here:

It didn’t take long for Bee to issue an apology shortly after the above video went viral, as she didn’t try to make any excuses or even make any joke.

She simply said:

I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable.

I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.

To many critics, however, this was not enough.

Considering ABC just canceled Roseanne in the wake of that star’s inappropriate Tweet, some social media users and pundits think Bee herself also ought to lose her job.

bee slams

Of course, Roseanne has a history of being racist.

And that’s what she was being here: racist.

She compared a former President Obama advisor to an “ape,” something she has done with other African-Americans in the past.

Bee, conversely, simply used a dirty word.

There’s a difference between profanity and racism, a rather huge and systemic difference — but this rather clear nuance has been lost on Bee (and Liberal) haters.

Among those Bee (and Liberal) haters is the President of the United States.

This is what Donald Trump Tweeted this morning in response to Bee’s crude diss of his daughter:

Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show?

A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come!

bad bee

It may be worth pointing out that the White House calling for a private citizen to be fired over an opinion is the definition of First Amendment violation.

The cancelation of a TV show does not qualify as such because it is simply a corporation making its own business decision, which happens all the time.

You can’t just say whatever you want at all times and not suffer professional consequences.

Might some befall Bee still? Absolutely, as a handful of sponsors have pulled their ads off her show already.

But that’s their business. That’s literally their business.

As a father, Donald Trump can go ahead and be offended.

As the President, however, he’s way beyond the scope of what is proper to actually call for someone to be fired.

What do YOU think, though?

Should Bee lose her job due to this Ivanka quip? Was her apology sufficient?

Or is one bad word really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of what Bee was talking about and all that is going on right now in the country?


Sean Spicer Says if "Roseanne" Got Canceled, Samantha Bee"s Show Should Too

Sean Spicer supports Samantha Bee apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump the c-word on her show, but doesn’t think it’s enough … and he wants TBS to follow ABC’s lead. The former White House Press Secretary was out in NYC Thursday…


Sean Spicer Says if "Roseanne" Got Canceled, Samantha Bee"s Show Should Too

Sean Spicer supports Samantha Bee apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump the c-word on her show, but doesn’t think it’s enough … and he wants TBS to follow ABC’s lead. The former White House Press Secretary was out in NYC Thursday…


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Samantha Bee Apologizes for Calling Ivanka Trump a "Feckless C-nt"

Samantha Bee is known for playing dirty.

But the comedian now admits that she played a bit too dirty in her recent critique of Ivanka Trump.

Allow us to explain…

In a segment that aired on Wednesday’s edition of her Comedy Central talk show, Full Frontal, Bee attacked the First Daughter for her inability to put a to stop her father’s immigration policies.

Ivanka recently came under extreme fire for sharing an Instagram photo of herself and her son, a move she made amidst nationwide outcry over the separation of undocumented children from their parents.

“My [heart],” Trump wrote as a caption to this sweet, albeit tone deaf and poorly-timed, photo:

In response to this image, along with growing questions over how the current administration handled immigrant parents and their kids, Bee said the following yesterday:

“Let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices, you feckless cunt!.

He listens to you.

“Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to fucking stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and see how it goes.”Y

Yeah. Bee very much went there. See it here for yourself:

Moreover, Bee went there (dropping the C-Word AND implying that President Trump is attracted to his own child) the same week that Roseanne Barr slammed a former black White House aide as an “ape” and saw her sitcom get canceled as a result.

Therefore, many Conservaties are calling out the media for a double standard.

Why has Roseanne been dragged so hard, yet so little has been said about Bee?

Why did ABC axe Roseanne Season 11, yet Time Warner and TBS have not uttered a single critique of Bee?

“Compare ABC’s reaction to Roseanne Barr’s tweet w TBS’s non-reaction to Samantha Bee and you’ll see a double-standard in action,” Tweeted George W. Bush advisor Ari Fleischer, adding:

“There’s no uprising against Bee. Why? Because she is liberal.  Because the MSM protects Obama and his aides, but not Trump. The hypocrisy is sickening.”

Adds Megyn Kelly:

“This is disgusting. How is this acceptable? And how are we expected to take any of these publications seriously if they gleefully repost something like this at the same time they (rightfully) condemn @therealroseanne?

“You know the saying Love is Love? Well Hate is Hate.”

We’re not sure if this is an exact comparison, of course.

Roseanne has a history of saying racist things. And she dropped a very general and pretty darn random epithet on Valerie Jarrett.

Bee, conversely, basically just used bad language to describe Ivanka for one specific reason.

Still, however, Bee has offered an apology, Tweeting this afternoon:

I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable.

I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.

Will this mark the end of the issue?

Probably not.

It seems impossible to believe that Donald Trump won’t chime in with an opinion, while the White House itself has denounced the remark via press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

She wants action taken against the Comedy Central host:

“The language used by Samantha Bee last night is vile and vicious,” she said, adding:

“The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling.

“Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast, and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network.”


Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka Trump a "Feckless C***" on "Full Frontal"

Samantha Bee went in hard on Ivanka Trump, calling her a “feckless c***” who needs to do something about her father’s actions in the White House. Bee dropped the bombshell during her show, ‘Full Frontal,’ Wednesday night. She ripped…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Half Sister Samantha Hospitalized with Possible Broken Ankle

Meghan Markle’s half sister, Samantha, is in the hospital after suffering what appears to be a broken ankle and a fractured knee after a confrontation with the paparazzi … TMZ has learned. Samantha’s boyfriend, Mark, tells TMZ, they were…


Meghan Markle"s Sister Samantha Says Meghan Has No Right to Muzzle Her

Meghan Markle’s half-sister says England’s new princess-to-be has no right to tell her when to talk, or what to say — ‘cause this is ‘Merica, damnit!!! Yes … seriously. We spoke with Samantha Markle a few days ahead of Meghan’s wedding with…


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Piers Morgan Berates Samantha Markle: You Little Vulture!

Piers Morgan is on Team Meghan Markle.

Or, to be more accurate perhaps, Piers Morgan is on Team Anyone But Samantha Markle.

The soon-to-be half-sister-in-law of Prince Harry has been making waves for several months, taking advantage of her estranged sibling"s engagement to drag Meghan left and right

With a book on the way titled "The Diary of Princess Pushy"s Sister," Samantha has been appearing on any media outlet that will accept her as a guest and using her air time to insult her half-sister as a fraud and a phony and a generally terrible person.

On Tuesday, that outlet was Good Morning Britain.

And the topic at hand was the reported absence of Samantha and Megan"s father from Meghan"s upcoming wedding.

(Samantha and Meghan share the same dad, but different mothers. The former was grown up and out of the house when the latter was a child; they barely know each other.)

As of this writing, Thomas Markle doesn"t plan on attending the Royal Nuptials, partially due to a recent heart attack… but mostly due to embarrassment over the reveal that he"s been paying paparazzi photographers to stage his photo ops.

"The goal of those photographs was basically because he"s feeling defenseless," Samantha explained in defense of her dad, adding:

"A person has the right to say, "Enough is enough.""

She then shamed "media vultures" for allegedly "taking advantage" of him.

And this is when Morgan stepped in.

"Here"s the problem with all this," said the co-host.

"In the last few weeks, the British media have been bombarded with letters from Kensington Palace saying he wants to be left alone.

"And now, it turns out he was actively invading his own privacy. I now feel sorry for his own daughter, who doesn"t have her father at the wedding because he has been caught up posing for paparazzi photos."

As for the comment that journalists are vultures who have targeted her loved ones?


"It"s pretty rich coming from you, Samantha, to accuse media of being vultures," Morgan said, adding in anger:

"There"s no bigger media vulture with this wedding than you, is there? How do you have the gall to come on here and talk about media vultures? You"re doing a book called The Diary of Princess Pushy"s Sister.

"You have been trashing her for two years, you little vulture!"

Click PLAY to watch the fiery exchange in full:

Piers morgan berates samantha markle you little vulture

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sports Illustrated Model Samantha Hoopes Sizzles in Miami in Hot Bikini

Samantha Hoopes got some tanning in at the beach and made sure to stay hydrated … and we’ve learned her boyfriend might just have the best damn job in the world. The Sports Illustrated and Carl’s Jr. model hit the sand in Miami Saturday with…


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Barbra Streisand Successfully Cloned Her Late Dog Samantha

File this under … Funny Girl sends in the clones! Barbra Streisand says she successfully cloned her dog, Samantha, before she died in 2007 … and she’s currently cuddling up with scientific fruits of that labor. Babs told Variety her pups, Miss…


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Samantha Markle: Meghan"s Shady Sister Lands TLC Special

The whole world is in love with the story of Meghan Markle, the self-made actress whose fairytale romance is soon to make her a member of the royal family.

Well, perhaps we should say almost the whole world loves the saga of MegMar…

Meghan has a half-sister named Samantha Grant, who has apparently decided to devote herself to a career in professional shade-throwing.

Having re-branded herself as Samantha Markle, Meg’s semi-sibling is attempting to make a name for herself by exposing the former Suits actress’ checkered past.

It’s a job that would no doubt be much easier if Meghan actually had a checkered past.

Meghan and Samantha were born 16 years apart, and they haven’t seen each other since 2008, which means Meghan’s doorman probably knows more about her life than Samantha does.

But that’s not stopping Ms. Grant Markle from cashing in on her sister’s rise to the A-list.

TLC has announced a new special cornily titled When Harry Met Meghan: A Royal Engagement, which will apparently serve as a soapbox for Samantha.

“The tabloids wanted to create this African-American, rags-to-riches Cinderella, if you will, which is so far from reality, you know,” Meghan says in a preview.

So … is Samantha really contesting the fact that Meghan is African-American?

Guess we’ll have to watch the special to find out!

You got us again, TLC!

This is far from the first time that Samantha has endeavored to make a buck by publicly slamming Meghan.

Back in April, Samantha landed a deal to write a tell-all about Meghan entitled–wait for it–The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister.

While promoting the book, Samantha accused Meghan of turning her back on their relationship simply because Samantha is wheelchair-bound with MS:

“[Meghan] ignores a sister in a wheelchair because it is an embarrassment to her,” Samantha told UK tabloid the Sun.

She added, “I didn’t feel a separation from [Meghan] until I was in the wheelchair.”

But don’t worry, Samantha swears she has nothing but nice things to say about the sister who dropped her due to a physical disability:

“Everyone assumes my book is a slamming tell all, which it is not, now it can be egg in their faces and everyone can say what they think, my book is not a slam piece and it is important historically,” she recently told Us Weekly.

We can’t help but think that assumption has something to do with the fact that Samantha calls her “Princess Pushy” right in the awful title that sounds more like a Judy Bloom novel than a document of historic importance.

Oh, and there’s the fact that you accused her of abandoning you because your wheelchair clashed with her outfit or whatever.

We’re sure the book is a regular hagiography, and the wedding invitation is on its way!


Saturday, August 19, 2017

S.I. Swimsuit Model Samantha Hoopes: Here"s Why I Stopped Dating Athletes

Hear that noise? It’s the sound of every athlete banging his head against the wall for not shooting his shot with Samantha Hoopes sooner … ‘cause the S.I. bikini model’s steering clear of ballers for good. We spoke with the smokin’ hot…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Roman Polanski’s Victim Samantha Geimer Makes Courthouse Plea for Director"s Freedom

Samantha Geimer – the woman Roman Polanski raped in 1977 when she was 13 — thinks what’s happening to him is outrageous and if she’s over it … everyone else should be too. Geimer appeared with Polanski’s lawyer, Harland Braun, and…
