Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Samantha Markle to Half-Sister: You"re Basically Killing Our Dad!

Samantha Markle has once again gone on the attack against her famous half-sister.

This statement is not exactly newsworthy, we know.

At this point, considering all Samantha has said about Meghan Markle, it would be more surprising if she did NOT attack the new Royal Family member.

Ever since Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, Samantha has dragged her half-sibling left and right, slamming Meghan for being ungrateful and unloving toward her own family.

(It’s here that we must note how Samantha is 17 years older than and that she didn’t grow up in the same household as Meghan and that she barely knows her.)

But even Samantha may have plummeted to a new low with her latest round of Tweets.

On Tuesday, Samantha blasted her half-sibling on Twitter, calling her out for spending the day paying tribute to Nelson Mandela and his family… yet not taking the time to talk to her very own relatives.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Samantha wrote in one tweet, actually adding:

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Samantha.

She made this scathing remark on the heels of Thomas Markle once again babbling to the press about his non-relationship with his famous child.

In the video below, Thomas says he’s being shunned by Meghan and that she clearly terrified of all those around her these days:

Elsewhere, Samantha dissed Meghan for “ignoring” their dad and asked her how she could even look at herself in the mirror.

These Tweets came just after Thomas Markle told TMZ that he wasn’t going to stop to the media and was “unfazed” by reports that Prince Harry and his daughter were “frustrated” with his recent interviews with both The Sun and the British morning show “Good Morning Britain.”

Heck, Thomas even bragged about he’s making the Royal Family speechless.

“Maybe I can get a laugh out of the duchess,” Thomas even told TMZ, clearly misreading the situation as much as anyone possibly can.

Thomas, of course, did not attend Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

He was recovering at the time from a heart attack and from the embarrassment of a scandal in which he admitted to paying the paparazzi for to take flattering photos of himself.

Prior to making headlines for these incidents, Thomas was living a very quiet life in Mexico, far away from the spotlight.

“My father is not an embarassmnt for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold,” Samantha added today.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves @Kensington Royal.”

Markle took the high road and just gave a generic statement after her dad backed out of her wedding, mostly just wishing him the best.

We doubt she’ll respond here to her half-sister’s quotes or her dad’s pleading, either, despite how both have gone viral in recent days.

“I want to be a part of their life. I’d like to put our differences behind us and get together. I miss [her] very much,” Thomas told The Sun when asked over this past weekend if he had any messages for Meghan.

Again, we can’t imagine she’ll have any public message for him in response.

He concluded as follows:

“I don’t care whether she’s pissed off at me – I want to see her.

“I just want to have a father-daughter relationship. I took care of my mother the last five years of her life. My daughter said to me she would take care of me in my declining years.

“I’m not talking about money – I’m talking about taking care of me. That’s important to me.”

Thomas at least comes across as semi-sympathetic in these interviews.

Samantha Markle, conversely, comes across as semi-psychotic.
