Showing posts with label Killing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Killing. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Sly Stallone I Regret Killing Off Apollo Creed ... In "Rocky IV"

Breaking News
Sylvester Stallone has murderer’s regret — admitting he feels TERRIBLE for killing off Apollo Creed in “Rocky IV” way back in 1985. 
Of course, Stallone didn’t just play Rocky Balboa — he wrote the first 6 installments of the “Rocky” ...
Sly Stallone I Regret Killing Off Apollo Creed ... In "Rocky IV"

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Monday, October 22, 2018

Wife Swap Star Charged with Killing Mom, Brother

Jacob Stockdale, perhaps recognized by a handful of readers due to his appearance on the reality show Wife Swap, has been officially charged with the murder of his mother and his brother.

The horrifying alleged incident took place in June of 2017, as written about in detail HERE.


According to TMZ at the time, the 25-year old took the life of his two relatives inside their family in Stark County, Ohio.

He then turned the gun on himself, but actually survived the self-afflicted blast.

Jacob’s 54-year-old mother, Katherine, and his 21-year-old brother, James, were both pronounced dead on the scene when authorities arrived.

A well-known fiddler, Stockdale and his family were featured on Wife Swap in 2008 and he was placed in critical condition after the failed suicide attempt.

He was under doctor’s and rehabbed for months to repair extensive damage after the probable double murder.


In the latest update to this horrible story, orosecutors in Ohio charged Stockdale with two counts of murder, per TMZ sources.

However, they will NOT seek the death penalty, specificially asking a judge not to have Stockdale executed.

Stark County Prosecutor John Ferrero says the case was presented to a grand jury, which ultimately decided the death penalty was not an appropriate punishment for this ex-reality star.

We still do not know why Jacob (allegedly) committed this unimaginable crime.

Back in 2008, the Stockdales made headlines for their appearance on Wife Swap.

Jacob and his relatives described themselves as a deeply religious family who lived by strict rules, not totally unlike The Duggars.

Jacob has two other brothers and a father; they were not home at the time of this homicide.

The dad, Tim Stockdale, issued a statement about his late wife not long after news of her death went public.

It reads as follows:

Kathy has been my beloved wife of 32 years and a wonderful mother to our four sons.

She loved nothing more than being a mother and grandmother. She had a strong love of learning and was passionate about her Christian faith, natural health, and organic farming.

This is a photo of Kathy:

Stockdale faces up to life in prison for his reported actions.

The Stockdales made their living traveling throughout the Midwest, performing as a family bluegrass band.

They were a popular group around town and in the vicinity of their home and performed together mere days before this tragedy transpired.

May Katherine and James Stockdale rest in peace.


"Wife Swap" Son Charged with Murder for Killing Mom and Brother

Jacob Stockdale — who appeared on an episode of “Wife Swap” with his family — has officially been charged with murder for killing his mom and brother … but his life will be spared. 26-year-old Stockdale allegedly shot his mom Kathryn, and…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Idaho Governor Says Killing Baboons is Just as Wrong as Posting Pic

The Governor of Idaho is appalled at his former fish and game commissioner for slaughtering a family of baboons — saying not only is the killing itself wrong — posting a pic is just as disturbing.  Blake Fischer came under heavy fire after…


Monday, October 8, 2018

Jen Harley: Ronnie Magro Has Forgiven Me for Almost Killing Him!

Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz Magro has gone through some rough times with Jen Harley.

And by rough, we mean that time that Ronnie got dragged by a car. Ronnie went to the hospital, and Jen got her mugshot taken. It was scary.

Despite everything, however, Jen is making sure that the world knows that they’re still together and going strong.

Jen Harley took to Instagram to share an edited photo and to gush about her relationship.

“How we are all the time,” she writes about her relationship with Ronnie.

“We went through a rough time,” she vastly understates while not seeming to take responsibility for it.

“But,” she continues. “We are strong and the best we’ve ever been.”

Jen concludes: “I love you and have your back always.”

Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz Magro still going strong on instagram

Jen then writes “LOVERS” in all caps, tagging herself and Ronnie in case there was any doubt.

That was not all.

Jen also made it clear that she and Ronnie went on a recent family walk through New York City’s Central Park.

In addition to sharing glimpses of the skyline and of the greenery, she also posed for a few photos.

She had their precious 6-month-old baby, Ariana, with her.

Ariana is growing up so quickly!

She and Ronnie also had her first child, Mason, along for the walk.

This stroll through the park took place on Thursday, October 4.

The following day, October 5, was Mike Sorrentino’s sentencing in his tax evasion trial.

Ronnie, like many of the Jersey Shore stars, attended in a show of emotional support.

Ronnie Ortiz Magro in the park

Ronnie and Jen have had a tumultuous relationship.

Earlier this year, shortly after their daughter Ariana was born, Ronnie accused Jen of having cheated on him.

Then, in June, the police were called after a dispute between the two of them became worryingly heated.

It was also in June that Jen Harley was arrested for dragging Ronnie with a car.

As you may recall, he was trying to leave the car when she reportedly sped away, dragging him and causing him to be hospitalized with some gross-sounding wounds.

But Jen avoided real consequences after prosecutors dropped the case. And she and Ronnie are trying to make it work.

There is a difference between working through a rough patch and staying in a toxic or violent relationship.

A lot of parents seem to think that staying in a toxic relationship is worth it for the sake of a child — to give that child two parents.

The reality is too often that children will grow up seeing this toxic relationship, which can harm their development and also influence how that child views relationships as an adult.

(Some will repeat their parents’ mistakes — others will avoid that at all costs, but may develop other issues)

Are Ronnie and Jen really doing Ariana any favors by staying together? Maybe … or maybe not.

For now, though, it looks like they’re trying their best to stay together.

It’s definitely easier than co-parenting their baby as a pair of exes.

We certainly hope that the two of them manage to avoid any future “rough patches.”

(And by that, we definitely mean that we hope that absolutely no one physically assaults anyone else, particularly with a car and asphalt)

Baby Ariana is innocent and deserves her parents at their best.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Bridalplasty Murder: Man Convicted of Killing Lisa Marie Naegle

In December of 2016, former Bridalplasty contestant Lisa Marie Naegle was found brutally murdered.

It has been nearly two years, but the murderer has been convicted.

He was the last man with whom she was seen alive.

People reports that a man named Jackie Jerome Rogers has been found guilty of Lisa Maria Naegle’s appalling murder.

The court found that on the night of December 18, 2016, he murdered Naegle in his car.

Investigators believe that he killed her by striking her at least eight times with a hammer while the two of them were both in the vehicle.

He then buried her body in a shallow grave in his own backyard.

The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office confirmed the results of Rogers’ trial.

Naegle and Rogers had been having an affair at the time.

Rogers was 34 and her former student.

Just hours before her grisly murder, the two attended a friend’s birthday party at a restaurant in Torrance, California.

That, investigators discovered, was the last time that anyone but Rogers saw Naegle alive.

On Monday, September 24, Rogers was charged with First-Degree Murder.

Though Naegle became famous for her role as a reality star contestant on Bridalplasty, in real life, she had a job.

She worked as a nurse.

When she did not show up for work the following, that set off alarm bells with her coworkers and family.

Friends attempted to file a missing person’s report right away.

Unfortunately, they were told that they needed to wait 72 hours before an adult’s absence became an emergency.

As we now know, Naegle was already dead at the time.

Still, even before the police investigation began, friends and family had a lot of questions for Rogers. 

He claimed to have left Naegle at the restaurant because he felt tired.

That did not add up.

Then, video surveillance showed that Naegle had left the restaurant with Rogers.

Naegle footage

Rogers changed his story, claiming to have dropped off Naegle at a gas station.

No one was buying it.

Rogers became visibly upset at this point.

It can seem cruel that it took nearly two years for Naegle’s murderer to be convicted, but the justice system rarely moves swiftly.

We hope that this news gives her family the closure that they need.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Jokes with O.J. Simpson About Killing Women

Sacha Baron Cohen saved the best for last … wrapping up his ‘Who is America’ series by sitting down with O.J. Simpson, and trying to get him to admit he committed the murders.  O.J. didn’t take quite the bait, but it was pretty close as…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Petition to Prevent Cam Girl From Killing Another Dog Circulates Online

Farrah Abraham is many things — a former reality star, an adult film actress, an aspiring celebrity boxer, a peddler of plastic vibrating molds of her own vagina. 

And now, some believe “dog killer” should be added to that list.

As you may recall, Farrah’s dog, Blue, died last month, and the circumstances surrounding the pooch’s passing were … a bit strange.

For one thing, just days earlier, Farrah encouraged her daughter, Sophia, to “prank” a friend by telling the poor girl her dog died.

On top of that, there was reason to believe that Sophia may have killed her own dog.

We sincerely hope that’s not the case, but regardless of what sort of event ushered Blue from this mortal coil, it’s quite clear the dog wasn’t properly cared for during his tragically foreshortened life.

And it’s for this reason that Teen Mom OG fans hope to stop Farrah from ever owning another dog.

Yes, as In Touch Weekly reports, folks have been signing a petition to “Stop animal ownership by Sophia Abraham & her mother.”

“Sophia Abraham had a little dog named Blue and because the dog didn’t wanna go outside, she viciously grabbed his throat and threw him outside and he died as a result,” the petition reads

“Sophia and Farrah Abraham do not need to own any more animals and have their horse and current puppy removed from care.” 

So far, the petition only has 240 signatures of the 1,000 needed, and even if it reached that goal, it’s unclear who would enforce the new rule, but it’ll still be interesting to see where this thing goes.

Earlier this week, Sophia posted the above photo of herself holding a dog (yes, the girl has her own Instagram page), along with a caption implying that she’d like to adopt it.

As you might expect, the comments section quickly became a war zone.

“Please don’t kill this dog, too,” one person wrote.

“Dogs deserve love. Not to die because you didn’t want to let your last dog go to the bathroom.”

Another added, “OMG the last thing you need is another dog, if anything happens to this one there should be extreme measures taken because you tossed Blue out the window, no child just no! Hope y’all do right by this one.”

“Oh f–k!!!! Devil child put the dog DOWN,” a third remarked.

Shortly after Blue’s death, Sophia attempted to clear the air with an explanatory social media post:

“I miss Blue super super much, but he is in good hands now in doggy heaven,” she wrote on Instagram.

“He went into shock and then 30 seconds later, he past away the emergency room note said the little doggy was found with no heartbeat. I miss him so so so much and he was my favorite dog and I always played tag with him and I’d always give him love and his kong and he’d go crazy over it.

“I miss you Blue very very much!” 

So this is either a sad story about a little girl losing her dog to a freak accident, or Sophia is covering her tracks following a vicious murder.

Honestly, the girl’s being raised by Farrah freakin’ Abraham, so there’s really nothing she could do that would surprise us.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Daughter Twerks, Wears Towel, Admits to Killing Dog

"She has her own life and is doing her own thing, and I"m doing mine."

This is something that Farrah said about her daughter, Sophia, when she was only four years old.

Judging by recent developments, it"s also probably something that she would still say today.

Yep, it doesn"t look like Sophia, now nine years old, has much adult supervision, judging by the kinds of things she"s been sharing on social media lately.

And if she does have adult supervision … well, then perhaps we"re even more concerned.

1. Exhausting


How many times are we going to have to talk about Farrah and her complete lack of parenting skills? HOW MANY?!

2. Too Much

Farrah and sophia with flowers

It’s always been excessive, how awful she is, but it’s really been getting out of hand lately.

3. Seriously, Stop

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Just this month, she tried to convince Sophia that it would be a hilarious prank to convince someone that her dog had died, and then when her dog actually died, she took a video of Sophia crying instead of, you know, comforting her.


Farrah abraham dressed like a magician

Also this month, Farrah was officially charged with battery after getting violent with a hotel employee — and, don’t forget, during the original incident, Sophia was upstairs sleeping.

5. Ugh

Farrah abraham snapchat image

Earlier this year, she got a lot of negative attention for having Sophia in the room while she got butt injections, and for getting her to film the procedure.

6. Uh …

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

Also earlier this year, she shocked us all when she said that she and Sophia take naked photos of each other and save them on their phones.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Samantha Markle to Half-Sister: You"re Basically Killing Our Dad!

Samantha Markle has once again gone on the attack against her famous half-sister.

This statement is not exactly newsworthy, we know.

At this point, considering all Samantha has said about Meghan Markle, it would be more surprising if she did NOT attack the new Royal Family member.

Ever since Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, Samantha has dragged her half-sibling left and right, slamming Meghan for being ungrateful and unloving toward her own family.

(It’s here that we must note how Samantha is 17 years older than and that she didn’t grow up in the same household as Meghan and that she barely knows her.)

But even Samantha may have plummeted to a new low with her latest round of Tweets.

On Tuesday, Samantha blasted her half-sibling on Twitter, calling her out for spending the day paying tribute to Nelson Mandela and his family… yet not taking the time to talk to her very own relatives.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Samantha wrote in one tweet, actually adding:

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Samantha.

She made this scathing remark on the heels of Thomas Markle once again babbling to the press about his non-relationship with his famous child.

In the video below, Thomas says he’s being shunned by Meghan and that she clearly terrified of all those around her these days:

Elsewhere, Samantha dissed Meghan for “ignoring” their dad and asked her how she could even look at herself in the mirror.

These Tweets came just after Thomas Markle told TMZ that he wasn’t going to stop to the media and was “unfazed” by reports that Prince Harry and his daughter were “frustrated” with his recent interviews with both The Sun and the British morning show “Good Morning Britain.”

Heck, Thomas even bragged about he’s making the Royal Family speechless.

“Maybe I can get a laugh out of the duchess,” Thomas even told TMZ, clearly misreading the situation as much as anyone possibly can.

Thomas, of course, did not attend Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

He was recovering at the time from a heart attack and from the embarrassment of a scandal in which he admitted to paying the paparazzi for to take flattering photos of himself.

Prior to making headlines for these incidents, Thomas was living a very quiet life in Mexico, far away from the spotlight.

“My father is not an embarassmnt for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold,” Samantha added today.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves @Kensington Royal.”

Markle took the high road and just gave a generic statement after her dad backed out of her wedding, mostly just wishing him the best.

We doubt she’ll respond here to her half-sister’s quotes or her dad’s pleading, either, despite how both have gone viral in recent days.

“I want to be a part of their life. I’d like to put our differences behind us and get together. I miss [her] very much,” Thomas told The Sun when asked over this past weekend if he had any messages for Meghan.

Again, we can’t imagine she’ll have any public message for him in response.

He concluded as follows:

“I don’t care whether she’s pissed off at me – I want to see her.

“I just want to have a father-daughter relationship. I took care of my mother the last five years of her life. My daughter said to me she would take care of me in my declining years.

“I’m not talking about money – I’m talking about taking care of me. That’s important to me.”

Thomas at least comes across as semi-sympathetic in these interviews.

Samantha Markle, conversely, comes across as semi-psychotic.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Selena Gomez: Hollywood is Killing Me ... I Need to Escape!

Selena Gomez has really been through the wringer. Falling back in and out of love and facing multiple major health scares isn’t easy and it will take its toll.

She’s even scared some of her fans. And those are just a handful of the issues with which she’s grappling on a daily basis.

Now, a report says that she knows the solution: she needs to get the hell out of Hollywood.

According to Life & Style, Selena plans her exodus from L.A. in order to live a more authentic, less stressful life.

Their insider reports: “She says she’s done with the Hollywood life and all the fakeness that surrounds it.”

Hey, we get it. L.A. is full of fake lunch plans, fake body parts, and astrology.

“She’s leaving LA,” the source says. “She just wants to get away from it all.”

Think that it sounds like a good idea? Longtime Selena bestie Taylor Swift thinks so, too.

The insider says: “Taylor’s been raving to Selena that it was one of the best decisions she’s ever made.”

“Selena’s still deciding where to move,” the source explains.

In the mean time, Selena has apparently been spending time being low key in both London and Nashville.

The insider says that she’s still weighing her options, “but [her native] Texas is an option.”

Selena is a Texas girl and may just return.

Apparently, she has a particular fantasy for how her life mgiht go.

“She’d love to live in a huge farmhouse,” the source reveals. “And build a studio so she can continue writing and working on her music.”

Well, that wouldn’t be for everyone — but if that’s her dream, she should probably follow her bliss.

As we are all-too-aware, Hailey Baldwin has been enjoying Selena’s slopping seconds. By which we mean that she’s dating Selena’s many-times ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

This source says that Selena is well-aware that her former friend and former boyfriend are once again hooking up, and she’s not exactly thrilled.

“She can’t stand looking at the photos of them,” the insider reports.

Plenty of people find it a little nauseating, even though Hailey is very easy to look upon — and, despite his creepy mustache and covering his body in 100 hours worth of tattoos, so is the Biebs.

But for Selena, this isn’t about looks. It’s about emotions.

“She’s traumatized by it,” the source claims.

That sounds a little hyperbolic, but it is easy to imagine her watching Justin seduce another ex with the same church dates and feel sickened that she fell for it herself.

Speaking of Selena’s feelings, there is also the matter of designer Stefano Gabbano claiming that Selena Gomez is “ugly.”

He’s clearly wrong and awful for saying it. But while Selenators and everyone else with basic human decency (and eyes!) were filled with fury, Selena felt wounded.

The insider describes: “Selena was so hurt”

We totally understand that.

What a nasty fellow.

There is apparently another reason that Selena wants to leave Hollywood — and it’s for her health.

“It’s hard to steer clear of the party scene there,” the insider reports. “Selena’s determined to avoid temptation. It’ll be easier if it’s not in her face.”

That makes sense.

“Hollywood made her a star,” the source admits. “But it’s also been hellish for her, mentally and physically.”

And she can’t afford to take any risks as she continues her battle with Lupus.

“Selena needs a fresh start,” the insider concludes. “And that’s exactly what she’s going to get.”


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Texas Shooting Suspect Partook in Church Dance Days Before Killing

The student arrested for gunning down 10 people at his high school appeared to be nothing more than a church-going dancer mere days before the shooting. TMZ has obtained video of 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis participating in a…


Texas Shooting Suspect Partook in Church Dance Days Before Killing

The student arrested for gunning down 10 people at his high school appeared to be nothing more than a church-going dancer mere days before the shooting. TMZ has obtained video of 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis participating in a…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Stormy Daniels" New Porno Is Killing It

Banging the President has been VERY good for Stormy Daniels’ career … and the proof is in the porn pudding!  Stormy just released her first new movie since the Trump scandal broke — ‘Stormy’s Secret’ — in which the self-described “MILF…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Waffle House Shooting Suspect Arrested After Allegedly Killing Four

The man who allegedly shot up a Waffle House in Tennessee killing four people this weekend has been arrested after being on the run for a day. 29-year-old Travis Reinking was arrested Monday, according to the Metro Nashville Police Department. The…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Daniel Shaver Killing: Sergeant in Command Had Prior Discipline for Abusive Behavior

The Sergeant who repeatedly threatened to kill Daniel Shaver in the moments leading up to his death was under review for his abusive attitude … TMZ has learned. Charles Langley was the supervisor on scene in January 2016 when officer Philip…
