Showing posts with label Charlottesville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charlottesville. Show all posts

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Breaking News
James Alex Fields Jr., the white supremacist who rammed his car into Charlottesville protesters in 2017, is guilty of murdering Heather Heyer.
The jury returned the verdict Friday in the first degree murder trial, and also found him guilty of 5 counts of malicious wounding, 3...
Charlottesville James Fields Jr. Guilty of Murder Plowed into Crowd, Killing Heather Heyer

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Omarosa Butted Heads with Trump Over Charlottesville, Roy Moore

The White House is officially saying Omarosa resigned, but multiple sources tell TMZ there was plenty of drama between her, Donald Trump and his Chief of Staff prior to her departure. Sources close to Omarosa tell us she started…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Dave Matthews, Pharrell Williams and Stevie Wonder Perform, Protest at Charlottesville Concert

Pharrell Williams, Dave Matthews and Stevie Wonder took a firm stand against President Trump by kneeling during the Charlottesville benefit concert. Pharrell performed with The Roots at Sunday night’s  ”A Concert for Charlottesville” ……


Dave Matthews, Pharrell Williams and Stevie Wonder Perform, Protest at Charlottesville Concert

Pharrell Williams, Dave Matthews and Stevie Wonder took a firm stand against President Trump by kneeling during the Charlottesville benefit concert. Pharrell performed with The Roots at Sunday night’s  ”A Concert for Charlottesville” ……


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Donald Trump Doubles Down, Back to Blaming Both Sides for Charlottesville

Donald Trump is back to blaming “both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville … and gloating that he was right to say it in the first place. Trump was on Air Force One Thursday when he said he’d told South Carolina’s Republican…


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Charlottesville Riot Protester Chris Cantwell Mug Shot Photo After Arrest

Christopher Cantwell, the guy featured in the Vice doc about the Charlottesville rally, posed for his pic at the cop shop. A stone-faced Cantwell glared into the camera Wednesday after turning himself in. He was booked for malicious release of…


Charlottesville Riots White Supremacist Chris Cantwell Turns Himself in to police

White supremacist and one of the organizers of the Charlottesville Riots Chris Cantwell has turned himself in to police. Multiple reports say Cantwell turned himself in Wednesday after the University of Virginia Police Department issued a warrant…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mike Vick Responds to Charlottesville Attack: Virginia Will "Get it Right"

Mike Vick says his home state of Virginia WILL overcome the politically-charged violence in Charlottesville … telling TMZ Sports his has faith in the people of the commonwealth. “Virginia’s home — I love Virginia,” the QB told us…


Six Flags Over Texas, No Plans to Remove Confederate Flag After Charlottesville Attack

Six Flags Over Texas is standing firm on flying the Confederate States of America flag, despite the uproar post-Charlottesville. Park officials tell TMZ, they see a fundamental distinction between the flag they fly and the Confederate Battle…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


Charlottesville Car Attack Victim Heather Heyer"s Mother Gives Powerful Speech at Memorial Service

Heather Heyer’s mother says the white supremacists and hate groups responsible for her daughter’s death didn’t shut her up … they made her message that much louder.  Susan Bro gave a powerful speech Wednesday at her daughter’s memorial…


T.I."s Got a Simple Message for Donald Trump After His Latest Charlottesville Press Conference

Count T.I. in the chorus of people who believe Donald Trump is in bed with white supremacists and neo-Nazis. We got Tip at LAX Tuesday and asked what he made of Trump’s flip-flop on Charlottesville. Welp, T.I. doesn’t mince words — or cool sayings…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Charlottesville Car Attack Victims Sue James Alex Fields and Rally Organizers for $3 Million

James Alex Fields Jr.’s victims are striking back with a huge lawsuit … and they’re going after more white nationalists they believe were responsible for the Charlottesville carnage. Tadrint and Micah Washington have filed suit against Fields, as…


Charlottesville Car Attack Victims Sue James Alex Fields and Rally Organizers for $3 Million

James Alex Fields Jr.’s victims are striking back with a huge lawsuit … and they’re going after more white nationalists they believe were responsible for the Charlottesville carnage. Tadrint and Micah Washington have filed suit against Fields, as…


Donald Trump Back to Blaming Both Sides for Charlottesville Violence

Donald Trump taketh back what he giveth … he’s back to saying there was violence in Charlottesville Saturday on both sides — left and right. The President faced reporters at Trump Tower in NYC Tuesday and blamed the “alt-left” as much as…


Donald Trump Back to Blaming Both Sides for Charlottesville Violence

Donald Trump taketh back what he giveth … he’s back to saying there was violence in Charlottesville Saturday on both sides — left and right. The President faced reporters at Trump Tower in NYC Tuesday and blamed the “alt-left” as much as…


Jennifer Lawrence Joins the Crusade to Expose Charlottesville Nazis!

Jennifer Lawrence sure isn’t doing anything to endear herself to white nationalists these days. Probably because she’s, you know, a good person.

First she had the audacity to pose in front of the Statue of Liberty, which was apparently super upsetting to the racists over at Breitbart.

And now she is going off on the white nationalists and Nazis who marched with torches in Charlottesville.

Over the weekend, Charlottesville, Virginia was rocked by Nazi protesters who marched with torches and militia-style weapons and body armor.

Some of them were brandishing the stars-and-bars of the Confederate flag.

Others wore or displayed the Nazi swastika.

It was horrifying and shameful.

And that was before the terrorist attack where a Nazi-sympathizer slammed on the gas and plowed his car into a crowd of peaceful counter-protesters.

That was before groups of these white nationalists armed themselves with rods and sticks and planks of wood and began beating black men whom they caught alone while other white nationalists, armed with guns, stood guard.

(There’s video of that, folks, and it is appalling)

Many people used photos of the protests to call for the nation to figure out who these disgusting human beings are so that they can be exposed and lose friends, careers, and relationships as people come to know them for who they really are.

It’s not just regular Twitter activists, either.

Celebrities are jumping on board, using their platform to get more people to see the photos in the hopes that more of these men can be identified.

Jennifer Lawrence stands among them.

Jennifer Lawrence on Charlottesville

Jennifer Lawrence’s caption did not mince words:

“These are the faces of hate. Look closely and post anyone you find. You can’t hide with the internet you pathetic cowards!”

She’s absolutely right, of course.

Some of the white supremacists who marched in that hateful display have already been identified.

One of the identified Charlottesville Nazis by the name of Peter Cvjetanovic is trying to convince the world that he isn’t really racist.

It’s not going over so well.

Another one of those horrible white nationalists has already been publicly disowned by his family.

That is absolutely the right move.

Would you invite a Nazi to dinner? We wouldn’t, either.

Some might argue that identifying these men amounts to “doxxing,” or disclosing anonymous people’s personal information over the internet.

A great example of doxxing is when Trump gave out Lindsay Graham’s personal phone number because Lindsay Graham spoke out against him.

Not that it matters (we’re not wringing our hands over people doxxing Nazis), but we wouldn’t call putting names to faces “doxxing.”

They were bare-faced participants in a very public march.

If they didn’t want to be identified, maybe they should have worn their white hoods.

And no, Jennifer Lawrence isn’t “bullying” these men, either.

They’re literally Nazis. No hyperbole needed. They’re doing the salute and everything.

The fallout from Charlottesville has reached more than just the racists who were physically present.

Confederate monuments that should never have been erected in the first place have been taken down all over the South.

In some cases, local governments decided that it was time for them to come down after seeing inescapable evidence of what those memorials mean to the worst elements of American society.

In other cases, such as in Durham, NC, where a heavily gerrymandered legislature had previously made it illegal for local governments to take down those monuments (this law came from the “small government” crowd, somehow), activists took matters into their own hands, to great applause from across the nation.

One tweet brilliantly described the Durham statue being taken down as “How Millennials are killing participation trophies.”

Notorious Nazi and eminently punchable face-haver Richard Spencer was arrested in Charlottesville.

A major white supremacist website, Daily Stormer, got shut down because businesses can no longer ignore that these people are real and feel emboldened.

Perhaps the most large-scale fallout has been with regard to Donald Trump, whose election was a major source of perceived validation by white nationalists across the nation.

(As Hillary Clinton warned us all last year, but not enough people listened)

Trump, who sometimes gets up at 6am and starts tweets that could provoke nuclear war, seemed extremely resistant to condemn the white nationalist marchers on Saturday, instead condemning “many sides” even though this is about as morally clear-cut of a situation as you can find in American politics.

Trump has tweeted multiple times in the past to condemn Kristen Stewart for cheating on Robert Pattinson, but he couldn’t work up the nerve to even refer to white nationalists as being what they are.

It wasn’t until Monday when he finally trotted out for a second attempt at a press conference where he finally said the right words.

Too little, too late.

Trump has lost another three CEOs from his industry advice council over the way that he dragged his heels to condemn the racists involved over the weekend.

Again, events in Charlottesville included a deadly terrorist attack in which one American was killed and dozens of others were injured, but Trump balked at talking about it, presumably because it didn’t fit his preferred narrative.

He’s said and done many vile things, but we have to wonder if Trump will ever be able to live this down.
