Showing posts with label Protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protest. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

Amy Schumer: Arrested for Protest of Brett Kavanaugh

Amy Schumer did a lot more than just talk the talk in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

Or yell the yell, as the case may have been.

The comedian, along with a handful of others, got detained and seemingly arrested while protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for one of nine seats on the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a video that is making its way around the Internet, the 37-year-old is being led by a police officer toward a large group of protestors that were also being held while at the Hart Senate Office Building on Thursday.

“You want to be arrested?” a cops asks Schumer and another woman as he points in the direction of a bigger group that is chanting with officers surrounding them.

“Yes,” she replied.

As you can see below, Schumer was wearing a green button-down shirt that read “This Today then #ERA” while attending the political event.

Emily Ratajkowski was also arrested on Thursday, although we actually are not certain why just yet. Probably for disturbing the peace or trespassing.

The mass protests in the nation’s capital this week were in reaction to the FBI concluding its investigation, which was launched after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified last week about her sexual misconduct allegation against Kavanaugh.

Many familiar with the investigation believe it was severely limited in scope, as neither Kavanaugh nor Ford were interviewed by authorities.

Neither were many witnesses who tried to contact the FBI in order to support Kavanaugh’s version of events.

(She alleges that Kavanaugh held her down on a bed and tried to rape her during a small gathering in high school.)

at protest

Tweeted Ratajkowski shortly her arrest:

“Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”

It’s seeming more and more likely, however, that such a statement will not hold true in the case of Kavanaugh, who is expected to be confirmed to the highest court in the land this weekend.

Schumer also carried a sign that read throughout her protest that read “We Believe Anita Hill,” a reference to the woman who accused now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment in 1991.

In a Twitter video shared by Young People For, Schumer can be seen giving a speech to those gathered in support of Kavanaugh and sexual assault victims everywhere.

“Let’s stay together, let’s fight. Let’s keep showing up!” the star said to people cheering.

Three women have come out and alleged that Kavanaugh acted in a very inappropriate manner with them, from Ford’s accusation of assault … to another woman claiming he pulled out his penis directly in front of her face… to another woman saying Kavanaugh was present while she was gang raped.

As mentioned above, the protests took place as senators are preparing to submit their votes on Kavanaugh’s confirmation to Supreme Court justice.

An initial vote of the Senate is scheduled for Friday, and a final vote will come over the weekend, according to USA Today and other reliable outlets.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Beto O"Rourke Is "Fine" with Nike Boycott, "Peaceful, Nonviolent Protest"

Beto O’Rourke — the congressman who went viral defending NFL kneelers — says he’s totally fine with people boycotting Nike … because it’s another form of nonviolent protest.  Beto is currently in a very tight senate race in Texas against…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Melania Trump Mocked by Woman Arrested for Statue of Liberty Protest

The woman who was arrested for scaling the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day to protest President Trump’s immigration policy is at it again, and this time her target’s Melania. Patricia Okoumou showed up for her court hearing Friday in Manhattan…


Melania Trump Mocked by Woman Arrested for Statue of Liberty Protest

The woman who was arrested for scaling the Statue of Liberty on Independence Day to protest President Trump’s immigration policy is at it again, and this time her target’s Melania. Patricia Okoumou showed up for her court hearing Friday in Manhattan…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Dak Prescott Backs Jerry Jones" New Policy, Anthem Isn"t Time To Protest!

Jerry Jones’ biggest star is going to bat for the Dallas Cowboys owner and his new hardline stance on the national anthem kneeling … with Dak Prescott saying the anthem ain’t the time or place to protest. The QB addressed reporters at Cowboys…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kim Basinger and Priscilla Use Dead Dogs to Protest Korea"s Dog Meat Trade

Kim Basinger held a photo of dead dogs skinned and hanging on hooks to protest the dog meat trade in Korea, but Priscilla Presley took it a step further … by holding an actual dead canine. We talked to Kim at the protest, which went went down in…


Saturday, July 14, 2018

Pacman Jones Against NFL Kneelers, "Figure Out Another Way" to Protest

Pacman Jones isn’t feelin’ Colin Kaepernick — telling TMZ Sports he does NOT support the players who took a knee during the national anthem … and wants them to find a different way to protest. Here’s the deal … we shot this clip on Tuesday at…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Woman Scales Statue of Liberty in Protest of Donald Trump

The Statue of Liberty in New York City was shut down for most of July Fourth this week after a woman actually managed to hoist herself all the way up to the robes of this iconic pretend woman.

(To be accurate, seven protesters holding a banner that read "Abolish I.C.E." actually stood at the base of this national monument prior to tha above incident, prompting officials to close the statue to tourists.

But it was the woman and her climb that got all the national attention.)

Not until the woman was apprehended by authorities did we learn her name and a little more about her background.

Her name is Therese Okoumou and she is a native of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

According to various news outlets, Okoumou told police that she scaled all the way up this monumentto protest the separation of immigrant children from parents who cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

This has been a prominent issue of national debate for weeks now, with stars such as Amber Heard making their opinions on the topic well known.

The activist group behind the Abolish I.C.E. sign, Rise and Resist, Tweeted that the climber wasn’t connected to its demonstration and expressed concern for her safety, although we believe she did not suffer any injuries.

Okoumou, 44, has lived in The Big Apple for the past 10 years.

Police with safety ropes had to go up, grab her and bring her down as she sat under the sandal of the statue for several minutes late yesterday afternoon.

She was eventually tethered between two officers and climbed down to the promontory via a ladder to safety.

“No one in the group knew this was going to happen,” Rise and Resist member Jay Walker told the New York Daily News, adding:

“We don’t know if she did it on the spur of the moment or if she had been planning it beforehand."

Once she reached her destination, Okoumou held up a T-shirt that supported her case, as you can see in the photo above.

"At first, she wasn"t friendly with us, but we took the time to get a rapport with her so that took a while," Officer Brian Glacken said in a news conference Wednesday evening, elaborating as follows:

"She just kind of mentioned the kids in Texas. I guess the whole debate that"s going on about that. In the beginning, she threatened to push us off, push the ladder off, but we stayed with her…

"She actually apologized to us for having to go up and get her."

Watch the video at the top of this post to learn more and to see this protest/rescue in action.

Woman scales statue of liberty in protest of donald trump

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Celebrities Head to Texas Border to Protest Immigrant Family Separation

Texas is drawing a slew of stars to a tiny town called Tornillo, but they’re not there to shoot a movie … they’re rallying to keep immigrant families together at the border. Amber Heard, Mira Sorvino, Lena Dunham, Sia, Joshua Jackson, Cara…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dallas Cowboys Coaches Cussed & Argued Over Anthem Protest

Dallas Cowboys coaches had a heated meeting about the team’s decision to kneel before the National Anthem last season with one coach saying, “Who gives a f**k what the President says.” It’s all part of a docuseries featuring the Cowboys called “All…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Nicolle Rochelle, Former Cosby Show Actress, Explains Topless Protest

A woman was arrested on Monday and charged with disorderly conduct after going topless during a protest outside of Bill Cosby‘s sexual assault retrial.

This action made headlines across the Internet even before we learned the woman’s identity.

Her name is Nicolle Rochelle.

Why is this relevant?

Because Rochelle is a former actress who actually appeared on four episodes of The Cosby Show back in the early 1990s.

According to IMDB, Rochelle portrayed a woman named Nicole Leach during her appearances opposite Cosby on his iconic sitcom.

On Monday morning, however, Rochelle jumped over a barricade and charged at the disgraced comedian outside the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown, Pennsylvania.

She had the words “Women’s Lives Matter” scrawled in red on her topless body at the time.

The 38-year old also scrawled the first names of some of Cosby’s alleged victims across her torso, including Andrea Constand, whom the 80-year-old actor is accused of drugging and molesting in 2004.

Altogether, Cosby is accused of assaulting over 50 women.

Rochelle – who also appeared in episodes of Chappelle’s Show, Law & Order and  NYPD Blue – does not face any prison time; but could face a fine for her actions.

Why did she take them?

In a photo posted on Facebook, she dons Cosby’s “Hello Friend” hoodie… but with the word “friend” crossed out and replaced with “rapist.”

And she writes as a caption:

“In honor of the first day of the Bill Cosby retrial, I went by the address where they filmed The Cosby Show exterior in New York City. LET’S HOPE JUSTICE WILL FINALLY BE SERVED!”

nicolle fb

Rochelle also spoke to People Magazine after her arrest, explaining herself as follows to the publication:

“He’s a man who’s disempowered women’s bodies for decades. It doesn’t seem to be recognized.

“The case is being publicized with this narrative of race. He’s being painted as the victim.

“I wanted to emphasize that this is about rape. I wanted to make him uncomfortable and to make people think about women’s bodies.”

Cosby stood trial in 2017 after being accused of drugging and sexually assaulting former Temple University employee Constand at his Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, mansion.

In June, a Pennsylvania judge declared a mistrial after the jury announced that they were “hopelessly deadlocked” after deliberating for days.

Rochelle, and nearly everyone else across the globe, is hoping for a different outcome this time around.

“My action today was first and foremost an action lead by the group I joined in Europe about a year-and-half ago called Femen,” Rochelle said in a statement last night, adding:

“Femen is an international Women’s movement of topless female activists painted with slogans and our mission is protesting the patriarchy and reclaiming our bodies.

“Protesting Bill Cosby was important for us because he is a man who has been disempowering women’s bodies for decades and in being naked today.

“I was symbolically taking back the ownership of all the victims’ bodies and redefining it as a political tool as opposed to a sexual object.”


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Stephon Clark Protest, Panic After Woman Hit By Cop Car

A protester was struck by a Sheriff’s patrol car Saturday night, and the screams of panic that followed are chilling. The woman was among the people protesting the fatal shooting of 22-year-old Stephon Clark.  Cops say they thought Stephon was…


Friday, March 23, 2018

Sacramento Kings Game Delayed By BLM Protest After Unarmed Man Killed By Police

Thursday’s Sacramento Kings game was delayed by protesters who formed a human chain in front of Golden 1 Center in Sacramento to protest a police killing of an unarmed black man. The Kings were set to take on the Atlanta Hawks, but the game got off…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Seahawks Players Harassed Over Anthem Protest, "Get Off Your F**king Knees"

Two Seattle Seahawks players were verbally accosted at the team practice facility — when a pissed off woman in a truck started yelling at them to “get off your f**king knees” and stop protesting the flag. Neiko Thorpe and Mike Tyson…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Bella Hadid Joins "Free Palestine" Protest in London

Bella Hadid is very vocally making it clear she’s pissed about President Trump officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. The supermodel marched with “Free Palestine” protesters outside the U.S. Embassy in London. They chanted,…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Al Sharpton, Meek Mill Knows Protest is Bigger than Him

Rev. Al Sharpton gave our photog a debrief on his prison meeting with Meek Mill, and it’s clear the rapper’s incarceration has changed his life. Sharpton was leaving NBC Friday night when he told us Meek is staying strong behind bars and knows the…


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Herschel Walker Blasts Marshawn Lynch"s Protest: "Total Disrespect, Lost Respect for You"

Herschel Walker says he’s always been a huge Marshawn Lynch fan … until Beast Mode dropped the ultimate diss on America this past weekend. “To stand for the Mexico anthem and sit for the American anthem is total disrespect,” Herschel told TMZ…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

MLB"s Bruce Maxwell: Pro-Trump Waiter Wouldn"t Serve Me Over Kneeling Protest

Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell — the only MLB player who took a knee this season — tells TMZ Sports he was confronted by a pro-Trump waiter at an Alabama restaurant who refused to serve him. “He was like, ‘You’re the guy who took the knee? I…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

T.I. Leads Protest Against Houston"s Restaurant, They Discriminate Against African Americans

T.I. led a big group of demonstrators in a protest against Houston’s Restaurant in Buckhead, outside Atlanta, claiming the joint treats African Americans like second class citizens. The protest was ignited after Deb Antney and Momma Dee from “Love…
