Showing posts with label Harassed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harassed. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

"NCIS" Actor Adam Croasdell Allegedly Catfished and Harassed Online

Adam Croasdell — an actor known for his roles on “Preacher,” “Reign” and “NCIS” — has gone to the cops, claiming he’d been catfished by someone who is now mercilessly harassing him online. According to new legal docs … Adam says he began…


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Gennifer Flowers: Bill Clinton Harassed and Abused Me!

With all the talk of the current president’s rampant sexism, it’s easy to forget that 45 is plenty of company when it comes to abusive, misogynistic commanders-in-chief.

We’ve had a handful of sex-scandal-free administrations, but if you’re well-versed in White House history, then you’re well aware that a sizable percentage of US presidents cheated on their wives (including 50 percent of all Roosevelts!) or otherwise behaved boorishly toward women.

Bill Clinton, of course, is one of the most famous examples of this phenomenon.

Clinton famously tried to hook up with anything with a pair of X chromosomes over the course of his political career.

In today’s political environment, it’s tough to imagine Bill would’ve been able to secure the Democratic nomination much less be elected to the White House, but for some reason, whenever he turned out the Slick Willy charm and busted out a smooth sax solo, the public just melted.

One would think that Clinton would keep a relatively low profile in the wake of the #MeToo movement as conduct that was frowned upon that is looked at much more dimly now.

But Bill possesses the hubris of a character in Greek mythology whose fatal flaw is a tragic level of horniness.

Because he apparently feels that the shelves of our nation’s airport bookstores are tragically under-stocked, Clinton recently released a political thriller with the help of James Patterson, king of the raised-lettering paperback cover.

The novel is titled The President Is Missing — a title that no doubt has many Americans wishing it was a work of non-fiction — but based on Clinton’s tone-deaf promotional tour, a more apt title might be The Ex-President Has Lost His Effing Mind.

In one appalling interview, Clinton insisted that he does not owe Monica Lewinsky an apology, and he even attempted to play the sympathy card, whining that he racked up millions in legal defense fees as a result of his sexual escapades.

Not surprisingly, several of the women that Clinton had questionable relations with have taken issue with his claims of innocence.

One such victim is Gennifer Flowers, a former actress and television reporter who came forward during Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign to claim that she had carried on a 12-year affair with the then-Arkansas governor.

Last night, Flowers sat for an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham and revealed that Clinton savagely harassed her prior to the start of their relationship:

“Well, it’s very interesting because back in 1977 when I met Bill, we didn’t have the laws to protect us,” Flowers told Ingraham. 

“When I first met Bill Clinton, it was when I was sent out on my first story by myself after my training with my cameraman. He came out on to me that night. “

Flowers said she initially rebuffed Clinton’s advances, but he refused to let her be:

“I told him to knock it off. He proceeded to continue to come onto me for three months before I decided that I wanted to have a relationship with him, which at that point was consensual,” she stated.

“But in today’s standards, and in hindsight, it was definitely sexual harassment. I was a little bit ashamed to admit that because in a way, I mean, I felt guilty because I was a willing participant, at a point.

“So I felt guilty about saying that I was sexually harassed in the beginning. But it definitely was, absolutely.”

Flowers burst into laughter when told that Clinton considers himself a supporter of the #MeToo movement:

“He would say that of course, what would he say but he’s in support of it? He’s a huge abuser of the Me Too movement,” she said before listing several other women with whom Clinton had extramarital affairs:

“And I would like for the Me Too movement to be so kind and recognize myself and Paula (Jones) and Juanita and Kathleen (Willey) and many, many other women starting many years ago that have come out with claims of sexual harassment from Bill Clinton.

“They haven’t given us any respect as far as I’m concerned. We are the ‘Me Not’ movement is what we are.”

Harsh words. Ones that you can expect the Clintons to never, ever address.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Trump-Supporter: The Cheesecake Factory Harassed Me Over My MAGA Hat!

A 22-year-old black man took to social media to claim that he was harassed and intimidated by Cheesecake Factory employees on Mother"s Day.


Because he was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat to show his support for Donald J. Trump.

Maga hat from twitter

Eugenior Joseph is a proud Trump supporter. 

According to Joseph"s claims and testimony from multiple witnesses who spoke to The Daily Wire, he was wearing his hat while in the Cheesecake Factory.

This drew some very negative attention from a number of employees at the Dadeland Mall restaurant, starting with one woman who pointed out the hat to her coworkers.

"Her finger was literally on top of his head, we were all looking at her like "what is happening?""


"She was pointing at him, calling her other coworkers, telling them to look at this guy wearing a Make America Great Again hat."

Cheesecake factory from cbs

According to the astounding report, as many as a dozen other employees came over.

"So then all the employees started standing there, saying things out loud, like, "I"m going to knock his head in so hard his hat"s going to come off."

Reportedly, some of the employees used the n-word in reference to Joseph, though it is unknown whether or not these employees who allegedly used that term were African American or not.

Joseph says that one employee in particular seemed ready to fight.

"He got behind me and another coworker came by and they were staring at each other and he fist bumped him and then he started looking at me, balling his fists, smacking his fists, trying to scare me."

Joseph says that the alleged harassment became worse.

"I got up and went to the restroom, my girlfriend followed me, and as we were walking back, a group of [the employees] came out from the back and they just started clapping and yelling, and just screaming things at me."

Maga hat from instagram

It is reported that a manager followed Joseph and his companions out of the restaurant, where they were told that some employees had admitted what they had done, and that at least one of them had been sent home.

Police arrived to take statements.

The Miami-Dade police report notes that someone allegedly threatened to knock off Joseph"s hat.

They did conclude that no threats were made and that no physical altercation took place. That is good.

Joseph believes that he was singled out because he is a black man who supports Trump, which invites parallels to Kanye West"s "MAGA" controversy.

Maga hat ann coulter responds

Conservative commentators and provocateurs are, of course, all over this story.

Alethea Rowe, Senior Director of Public Relations at The Cheesecake Factory, issued a statement:

"No guest should ever feel unwelcomed in one of our restaurants and we are taking this matter very seriously."

"Upon learning of this incident, we immediately apologized to the guests in person."

"We are conducting an investigation and will take the appropriate corrective action."

Maga hat herman cain responds

Some have expressed doubts as to whether or not this event, which seems to defy belief, took place.

But we should consider that it is possible and that, with multiple witnesses supporting Joseph"s claims, it is possible that the Cheesecake Factory will confirm the story once their investigation is concluded.

Some argue that verbal harassment is automatically invited when someone wears a deliberately controversial symbol like a Confederate flag or a MAGA hat.

But no matter where your stance may fall on Trump or his supporters, most of us can agree that restaurant employees should not be harassing someone.

Trump supporting black man the cheesecake factory harassed me ov

Friday, May 11, 2018

Dominic Monaghan Still Harassed by Alleged Stalker, Warrant Issued

Dominic Monaghan hasn’t been able to escape the harassment of an obsessed fan — despite a restraining order — so now cops are taking steps to track her online. According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ … Meredith McLarty has continued to…


Monday, March 12, 2018

Seahawks Players Harassed Over Anthem Protest, "Get Off Your F**king Knees"

Two Seattle Seahawks players were verbally accosted at the team practice facility — when a pissed off woman in a truck started yelling at them to “get off your f**king knees” and stop protesting the flag. Neiko Thorpe and Mike Tyson…


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Natasha Leggero Claims James Toback Sexually Harassed Her 20 Years Ago

Comedian Natasha Leggero says she is among the nearly 400 women director James Toback sexually harassed … and her alleged incident might be the most bizarre and creepy yet. Natasha was on ”Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Wednesday when…


Friday, November 10, 2017

Lucy Faust, I Was Sexually Harassed by Hollywood Director

Lucy Faust says she was also a victim of sexual harassment early on in her career, and the incident clearly evokes strong emotion to this day. Lucy was at the Chinese Theatre Thursday for her new movie, “Mudbound,” when she told TooFab about a…


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Joan Collins Says She was Constantly Sexually Harassed in Hollywood

Joan Collins has seen it all and says she’s been a repeated victim of sexual harassment over the years, and she names the worst offender. The 84-year-old went to dinner Tuesday night at Craig’s in WeHo, and told our photog it’s a mistake to only…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Rob Schneider Says He Was Sexually Harassed by Director, Harvey Weinstein"s Not Only One

Rob Schneider wants to make one thing clear about Harvey Weinstein – the mogul is no lone wolf, and Rob knows it because he too was sexually harassed by a director. While Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan…


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Malia Obama Harassed at Harvard ... I"m Not An Animal

Malia Obama just arrived at Harvard, but she’s having trouble blending in, especially Saturday when she felt harassed by a woman hell-bent on getting a photo. Eyewitnesses tell TMZ, Malia was in Harvard Square with a friend.  As she approached…


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mayweather Harassed By Crazy McGregor Fans, Security Hit By Rolls-Royce

You thought the last Mayweather, McGregor news conference was nuts?! Wait’ll you see what happened outside! As Mayweather’s Rolls-Royce was leaving the SSE Arena in London on Friday, dozens of McGregor fans swarmed Floyd’s ride … flipping him off…


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Ashley Graham: I Was Sexually Harassed at Work ... at 17!

Workplace sexual harassment is never acceptable.

But it is even worse when it’s targeted at a 17-year-old.

Honestly, this harrowing story that Ashley Graham’s shared sounds like it came seconds away from being a case of assault.

We all know Ashley Graham as a stunningly gorgeous supermodel, but there was a time when she wasn’t so famous, or even an adult.

She’s never shared this sexual harassment story before.

“There was an incident on set of a campaign job when I was 17 years old … and there was a photo assistant who was into me.”

That would sound like an innocent enough beginning if she hadn’t been a minor at the time.

“He was like, ‘Hey, come here,’ and he led me into a closet. And I was like, ‘What?’ I thought he was going to show me something.”

One of the reasons that people are so protective of minors is because their lack of world experience gives them a disadvantage when dealing with people who are older.

Ashley Graham was basically an adult at 17, but clearly less experienced than this photo assistant.

That’s probably why he targeted her.

“And he pulled me in, and he pulled his penis out.”

Whoa, there. That goes beyond inappropriate comments — also unacceptable — and goes into flasher-in-the-park territory.

Except that flashers in parks are easier to avoid than coworkers.

“And he was like, “Grab it.” And I was like, ‘No! That’s disgusting.’ I freaked out. And thank God I was closer to the door, and I just bolted out.”

All things considered, particularly the fact that they were alone in a closet at the time, it’s a very good thing that she got out.

She says that she never told anyone, but that’s not at all uncommon.

Society pressures women to not “cause problems,” for a man, as if harassers aren’t the problem — just the people who report them.

There are always fears that it might impact someone’s career.

And of course the endless victim-blaming.

Ashley Graham’s career has flourished, but we’d have totally understood if that encounter had caused her to quit the industry.

Thank goodness that it didn’t, of course.

But we all know that there are much shadier moves that people can pull to target young models. It shouldn’t get worse, but it does.

And, just so that we’re clear, even if that tale hadn’t taken place in a workplace closet and involved a minor, it would still have not been okay.

Outside of some very specific sex party-type situations, it’s considered polite to exchange words and even consent before genitals start flopping out into the open.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Phaedra Parks Says "RHOA" Producers Set Her Up Then Fired Her, Now She"s Getting Harassed

Phaedra Parks is blasting ‘RHOA’ producers for feeding her lies and firing her when she called them out … which has ruined her rep and led to daily threats and bullying. Sources close to the ex-Housewife tell us she’s mad as hell, because she…


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Amy Schumer Calls Out Fan Who Harassed Her on the Street

Thanks to her relatable persona, Amy Schumer is one celeb who feels almost like a best friend with whom we can get wine drunk and commiserate in the inherent evil of underwire bras.

A best friend who just happens to leave $ 1,000 tips for bartenders and makes out with Tina Fey.

But that’s beside the point.

Unfortunately, one very entitled fan in Greenville, South Carolina took Schumer’s seemingly chill personality for granted when he would not stop taking her picture, even after she asked.

According to Schumer, the man scared her by running up and shoving a camera in her face, then refused to back off, because ‘Murrica.

Schumer retaliated by snapping a pic of the guy and calling him out on Instagram.

Here he is, looking completely unfazed:

Amy Schumer harasser

“This guy in front of his family just ran up next to me scared the shit out of me,” Schumer wrote in the caption.

“Put a camera in my face. I asked him to stop and he said ‘no it’s America and we paid for you’ this was in front of his daughter.

“I was saying stop and no. Great message to your kid.

“Yes legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no.

“I will not take picture with people anymore and it’s because of this dude in Greenville.”

Well, that’s awesome. Thanks a lot, guy.

However, Schumer may have announced her no-picture policy in the heat of the moment, because she later took to Twitter to clarify.

“Thanks for the kind words and support,” she wrote.

“I know there are bigger problems in the world. But this was not right.

“I’ll still take pictures with nice people when I choose to if it’s a good time for that.

“But I don’t owe you anything. So don’t take if I say no.”

Sounds fair to me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jared Fogle: Packing on Pounds, Getting Harassed in Prison!

Jared Fogle rose to fame in 2000 after the world learned that the formerly obese Indiana native had dropped a significant amount of weight by adhering to a diet that consisted mainly of Subway sandwiches.

Naturally, Subway seized on the opportunity to rebrand itself as a health food chain, and for 15 years, Fogle served as the fast food giant’s pitchman, eventually becoming one of the most recognized figures in national advertising.

Little did we know he would turn out to be creepier than a dozen Ronald McDonalds in windowless vans.

As you probably know, Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison after a police investigation linked to him a massive child pornography ring.

Fogle pled guilty to soliciting sex from a minor and possession of child porn, and he began serving his sentence in November of last year.

Not surprisingly, as a famous figure who’s serving time for a number of vile offenses, Fogle is having a hard time behind bars, and he’s reportedly already lost the physique that made him famous:

“He’s really started packing on the pounds again, probably from depression,” a prison insider tells In Touch.

“He loves ‘cake day’ in the dining hall twice a week and he buys Honey Buns by the box, as well as other pastries, in the commissary on his weekly shopping day,” adds the insider. “He’s been known to eat an entire box of eight at one sitting!”

Based on stories about the sort of treatment he’s been receiving from his fellow inmates, Fogle has every reason to be depressed:

“Jared is regularly taunted by those who have it out for him,” says the source.

“The inmate slapped him across the cheeks several times and made his face red. Jared just stood there stunned, then ran out of the gym.

“He never ratted out the inmates who did it, though, because he was threatened that if he did, they would get him!”

The insider adds that the other inmates refer to him solely by his nickname, “Chomo,” which is short for child molester.

Sounds like a rough existence, but if there’s one guy you’ll never find us feeling sorry for, it’s Jared Fogle.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Tyga: 14-Year-Old Girl Says Rapper Stalked, Harassed Her Via Social Media

Last month, OK! magazine reported that Kylie Jenner"s boyfriend, Tyga, is "in love with" a 14-year-old girl, whom he had been repeatedly text messaging behind Kylie"s back.

The story was ignored by most mainstream publications, due to both its seemingly preposterous nature, and OK!"s less than stellar reputation with regard to factual accuracy.

Now, however, a lawsuit against the tabloid"s publishers may expose Tyga as a sexual predator with a penchant for much younger girls.

Moments ago, 14-year-old Molly O"Malia came forward as the teen at the center of the OK! story.

She"s being represented by famed attorney Gloria Allred in a lawsuit against the mag, claiming that editors failed to sufficiently pixelate her photo, and that she was harassed by Kylie fans who easily determined her identity.

But while O"Malia"s legal beef is with OK!, it may be Tyga who has the most to lose in this case, as the young model made some truly shocking allegations against the 26-year-old rapper at a press conference held moments ago in New York.

"The truth is that Tyga contacted me first," Molly told the assembled crowd of reporters. "He direct messaged me on Instagram. I knew he was, but I was surprised that he was contacting me.

"I began to feel uncomfortable when he asked me to FaceTime with him. He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn"t do it.

"Because of my discomfort, I stopped responding…I"m speaking out today because I don"t want what happened to me to happen to any other young girl."

Tyga, of course, previously came under scrutiny when he began dating Kylie when she was just 17 years old.

Watch the clip below for more from O"Malia"s stunning press conference. 

Tyga 14 year old says rapper stalked harassed her via social med

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ashley Judd Hints That She Was Sexually Harassed By Harvey Weinstein?

In a recent interview with Variety, Ashley Judd opened up about being sexually harassed by one of Hollywood’s top studio chiefs.

“I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd revealed. “I was making “Kiss the Girls” at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist.

“I did not recognize at the time what was happening to me. It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it.”

Judd goes on to say that she was not the unnamed mogul’s only victim, and she says she eventually realized that “a bunch of other actors” endured “the exact same thing.”

The “stealth” nature of the harassment, the abuse of power, and the dawning realization that the victims were numerous bring to mind the many accusations against Bill Cosby

Naturally, the world of celebrity gossip has been abuzz with theories regarding the identity of Judd’s abuser and the speculation keeps coming back around to one name: Harvey Weinstein.

In addition to the fact that Weinstein was accused of sexually assaulting a young woman earlier this year, several details in Judd’s description (a “reviled” boss who heads a studio that’s a “rival” of Paramount’s) mesh with Weinstein’s infamous public persona.

Then there are these accounts posted anonymously on the comment boards for a Jezebel article about Judd’s claims:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can actually confirm it was Harvey Weinstein,” wrote one woman. “I went to grad school with Ashley Judd and she told this story as we were discussing adult development and how some powerful men end up as predators.

“She was young when it happened and I absolutely believe her because a) every f–king woman in Hollywood has some unspoken story about that dick and b) she had no reason to lie or embellish under the circumstances.”

Another woman supported the claim, writing:

“Under the anonymity of the internet, I can confirm this from the perspective of a working woman in Hollywood. When things get really sh-tty, there will be actress meet ups that involve lots of sh-tty homemade cocktails and bitching about the stupidity of the old white men that run this industry, and Harvey Weinstein’s name always comes up.

“Everyone has at least one story, whether it’s about them or someone dear to them. It’s so f–ked up. He should absolutely be in prison.”

Weinstein has yet to comment on Judd’s claims or the growing number anonymous allegations against him. Story developing.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Journalist Gets Sexually Harassed... While Reporting on Sexual Harassment

Forget rain on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.

THIS is an example of true irony:

BBC journalist Sarah Teale was recently filming a report outside a sexual harassment conference in Nottingham, relaying statistics to viewers regarding people getting verbally abused in public.

"An online study showed that a shocking 95% of people said they had been harassed, jeered at, or had obscenities shouted at them in the street and a large proportion said they"d also been groped or grabbed inappropriately in public," Teale said.

And no sooner had Teale gotten these words out when a man off camera yelled something inappropriate in public at the reporter.

We wish we were making this up.

Fortunately, Teale handled the cat call with professionalism, though she later took to Facebook to lament its existence:

"It"s not banter, it"s not funny and no-one should have to put up with it," she wrote. "It"s fairly obvious from my reaction that it wasn"t staged. If [cat calling] is a craze it doesn"t make it any less offensive."

Journalist gets sexually harassed while reporting on sexual hara