Showing posts with label 14YearOld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 14YearOld. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Skater Neal Hendrix Accused of Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old

Former pro skateboarder Neal Hendrix has been accused of sexually assaulting a much younger female pro skater when she was just 14 years old …. and now cops are investigating. 25-year-old Julie Lynn Kindstrand Nelson — known professionally…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

R. Kelly Accused of Training 14-Year-Old to Be His Sex Slave

When we learn new things about how R. Kelly allegedly keeps women in a sex cult and trains them as “pets,” the new information is never pleasant.

This time, it’s no exception.

One of R. Kelly’s exes has come forward to reveal that, by his own admission, the singer allegedly began “training” at least one woman when she was as young as 14.

R. Kelly is infamous for his long history of reports of sexual misconduct, interest in minors, and the reports that he keeps women in a “sex cult.”

At this point, the fact that he ever makes music is sort of an afterthought

Multiple women have come forward with horror stories about how R. Kelly allegedly grooms and abuses women, sometimes beginning when they are minors.

He offers them money to quit their old lives, using his charisma and fame to seduce them into wanting a life with him.

From there, things get a lot scarier.

R. Kelly reportedly uses physical violence and other abuses, such a the use of starvation as a punishment and cutting off any access to the outside world.

The idea of this happening to adults is a nightmare. But one of the women who has now escaped from R. Kelly’s world says that he begins this treatment on some “pets” when they are still children.

In a new BBC3 documentary, one of R. Kelly’s exes who has bravely come forward with her horrifying story describes how his alleged grooming begins when girls are very young.

The woman, Kitti Jones, describes when she realized this.

“I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say, and her mannerisms were like mine.”

She says that there was much more to it than R. Kelly just having a type.

“That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”

Kitti says that R. Kelly had this woman “crawl on the floor towards me and perform oral sex on me, and he said, ‘This is my f–king pet, I trained her.’”

She says that he eventually bragged to her that he had “trained” this girl since she was just 14.

The shocking accusations about R. Kelly surfaced in 2017, but have so far come from adult women — and from their concerned families.

Abusers and cult leaders alike know that it’s important to isolate their victims from their families as much as possible and to encourage total dependence upon them.

That’s one of many factors, in addition to gradual grooming, that helps them maintain control.

That is precisely what R. Kelly is accused of doing. Unfortunately, sometimes law enforcement feels that their hands are tied when victims are adults, because they are likely to tell police that they’re there of their own free will.

Yes, even if they’re being starved as punishment for some perceived slight.

However, the victimization and sexual exploitation of minors might be easier for law enforcement to address … but, like everything else that R. Kelly is accused of doing to these women, may be very difficult to prove after-the-fact.

But this is not in any way the first stomach-churning story that the world has heard about R. Kelly and underage girls.

R. Kelly illegally married Aaliyah in 1994, when she was only 15. He had met her when she was only 12.

Then, in 2002, a video surfaced that allegedly showed R. Kelly having sex with and then urinating upon an underage girl.

When his property was searched by authorities, they recovered multiple images of an underage girl on a camera that was stashed away.

In at least some of the images, R. Kelly was allegedly engaged in sex acts with this underage girl. It was reported that this young woman was the same who appeared in the video tape that had surfaced.

Ultimately, the charges were dropped, as it was determined that the search warrants had lacked probable cause, rendering all of the findings fruit of the poisonous tree in the eyes of the courts.

And, in the end, R. Kelly was found not guilty over charges from the original video.

Will any of these charges against R. Kelly be proven?

It’s hard to say. The more people who come forward, the better the chances are.

It’s worth noting that when the sex cult accusations first came out during the summer of 2017, this was months before the #MeToo movement.

Perhaps the positive cultural shift against victim-blaming has opened people’s eyes enough that sex monsters can be brought to justice.

But it’s hard to imagine how someone groomed to be a sex slave since she was just 14 years old could ever truly recover.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Kevin Spacey Accused of Trying to Molest 14-Year-Old Actor Anthony Rapp

“Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp claims Kevin Spacey got sexually aggressive toward him when he was only 14 years old, and Spacey has responded by apologizing and coming out as gay. Rapp told BuzzFeed News the incident occurred in 1986 ……


Monday, January 4, 2016

Tyga: 14-Year-Old Girl Says Rapper Stalked, Harassed Her Via Social Media

Last month, OK! magazine reported that Kylie Jenner"s boyfriend, Tyga, is "in love with" a 14-year-old girl, whom he had been repeatedly text messaging behind Kylie"s back.

The story was ignored by most mainstream publications, due to both its seemingly preposterous nature, and OK!"s less than stellar reputation with regard to factual accuracy.

Now, however, a lawsuit against the tabloid"s publishers may expose Tyga as a sexual predator with a penchant for much younger girls.

Moments ago, 14-year-old Molly O"Malia came forward as the teen at the center of the OK! story.

She"s being represented by famed attorney Gloria Allred in a lawsuit against the mag, claiming that editors failed to sufficiently pixelate her photo, and that she was harassed by Kylie fans who easily determined her identity.

But while O"Malia"s legal beef is with OK!, it may be Tyga who has the most to lose in this case, as the young model made some truly shocking allegations against the 26-year-old rapper at a press conference held moments ago in New York.

"The truth is that Tyga contacted me first," Molly told the assembled crowd of reporters. "He direct messaged me on Instagram. I knew he was, but I was surprised that he was contacting me.

"I began to feel uncomfortable when he asked me to FaceTime with him. He asked me to FaceTime three times, but I didn"t do it.

"Because of my discomfort, I stopped responding…I"m speaking out today because I don"t want what happened to me to happen to any other young girl."

Tyga, of course, previously came under scrutiny when he began dating Kylie when she was just 17 years old.

Watch the clip below for more from O"Malia"s stunning press conference. 

Tyga 14 year old says rapper stalked harassed her via social med

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tyga: In Love with 14-Year-Old Girl, Hollering at Her Behind Kylie Jenner"s Back?!

All of a sudden, those cruel texts Tyga sent Kylie Jenner about the starlet’s lip kit may be the least of the couple’s iPhone-related problems:

Because he’s supposedly hitting up another girl – a 14-year-old! – and is totes in love with her, according to this latest tabloid bombshell!

Kyga fans may recall that earlier this year, before she turned legal and they went public, he was linked to a model named Mia Isabella.

She stuck by him throughout that alleged sexting scandal, but if he’s been talking to a 14-year-old, Jenner may have a hard time coping.

A source quoted by OK! summed it up well: “Tyga only just managed to convince Kylie that there was nothing to worry about with Mia.”

“He’s not going to be able to weasel out of this latest disaster.”

Don’t sell him sort, OK! T-Raww can be quite weaselly.

The magazine’s unnamed insider goes on to say that Kylie “feels like a fool” and “doesn’t want him anywhere near her right now.”

As for the girl, her name is not being revealed because she’s 14, but she is believed to be an aspiring model on the East Coast.

Tyga has yet to meet her, but he has been working it.

This scandalous relationship, or whatever you’d call it, began via Instagram, then switched to texting once he secured her phone number.

Quoth the apparently all-knowing Tyga mole:

“He texts her every day, and tries to FaceTime with her too. He keeps telling her how beautiful she is and can’t wait to hang out with her.”

Her sisters have reportedly refrained from the biggest I-told-you-sos in history, but perhaps Kylizzle heeded their warnings all along.

This report does give credence to rumors of Kylie ghosting Tyga with radio silence, dumping the rapper without even letting him know.

Kids these days.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bristol Palin SLAMS President Obama For Supporting The 14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested For Bringing A Clock To School — Wait, What?!

Say it ain’t so!

On Thursday, Bristol Palin criticized President Barack Obama (shocker, we know) for “egging” on racial divides by inviting a 14-year-old Texas student to the White House who was wrongfully arrested after bringing a self-made clock to school.

ICYMI: The internet came to the defense of Ahmed Mohamed earlier this week after he was accused by his teachers for making a hoax bomb. Oh no!

In fact, the ninth-grader’s since received shout-outs and invitations from various industry powerhouses, such as Google and Facebook, after the news broke that the talented youth was singled out for being Muslim.

Related: Muslim Teen Who Was Handcuffed For Bringing A Clock To School Says ‘I Was Profiled As A Terrorist’

However, the coolest praise might’ve come from POTUS himself.

The Commander-In-Chief took to Twitter and shared:


Although, it seems this nice gesture was a bit too much for Sarah Palin‘s daughter.

The Dancing With The Stars alum took to her blog and wrote:

“This is the kind of stuff Obama needs to STAY out of. This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ crowd and encourages victimhood. The police made a mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected.”

HUH?! We don’t think the President is trying to “egg” anything on — rather he’s trying to make a bright student, who was targeted for his background, feel validated and special after having something so awful happen to him.

We think Bristol’s reaching a bit on this complaint to say the least.

What do U think?! Do U agree with POTUS or Miz Palin??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]