Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tyga: In Love with 14-Year-Old Girl, Hollering at Her Behind Kylie Jenner"s Back?!

All of a sudden, those cruel texts Tyga sent Kylie Jenner about the starlet’s lip kit may be the least of the couple’s iPhone-related problems:

Because he’s supposedly hitting up another girl – a 14-year-old! – and is totes in love with her, according to this latest tabloid bombshell!

Kyga fans may recall that earlier this year, before she turned legal and they went public, he was linked to a model named Mia Isabella.

She stuck by him throughout that alleged sexting scandal, but if he’s been talking to a 14-year-old, Jenner may have a hard time coping.

A source quoted by OK! summed it up well: “Tyga only just managed to convince Kylie that there was nothing to worry about with Mia.”

“He’s not going to be able to weasel out of this latest disaster.”

Don’t sell him sort, OK! T-Raww can be quite weaselly.

The magazine’s unnamed insider goes on to say that Kylie “feels like a fool” and “doesn’t want him anywhere near her right now.”

As for the girl, her name is not being revealed because she’s 14, but she is believed to be an aspiring model on the East Coast.

Tyga has yet to meet her, but he has been working it.

This scandalous relationship, or whatever you’d call it, began via Instagram, then switched to texting once he secured her phone number.

Quoth the apparently all-knowing Tyga mole:

“He texts her every day, and tries to FaceTime with her too. He keeps telling her how beautiful she is and can’t wait to hang out with her.”

Her sisters have reportedly refrained from the biggest I-told-you-sos in history, but perhaps Kylizzle heeded their warnings all along.

This report does give credence to rumors of Kylie ghosting Tyga with radio silence, dumping the rapper without even letting him know.

Kids these days.