Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Headed For Divorce?!

Reports of Duggar family in-fighting have run rampant over the last few weeks, but nothing could’ve prepared us for this one. Nothing.

According to Life & Style, none other than Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, once the very fabric of marital stability, are on the brink of a split!

Gotta give a tabloid credit for stirring up drama in a slow news week.

The magazine claims, without many concrete details surrounding Jim Bob and Michelle, that tension has been rising for weeks in Duggarville.

December’s three-week run of Jill & Jessa: Counting On did little to quell the family turmoil, even as it sought to mend the family’s image.

A big reason? Some family members felt that the new show debuted too quickly, and remain divided over Anna Duggar‘s participation.

In the wake of Josh Duggar’s infidelity and molestation scandals, some felt that Anna was being “paraded” by the Duggar family hierarchy.

All so the family could “continue cashing paychecks,” insiders say, yet appearances by Josh’s siblings revealed a lot of the inner tension.

Joseph and John-David Duggar, Josh’s two rarely seen brothers, admitted they have had a difficult time forgiving Josh to say the least.

While Anna herself said she hoped for a “restored marriage” between herself and Josh, she likened her union to unending labor pains.

As for how this ties into Jim Bob and Michelle’s marital problems, managing the fallout from Josh’s transgressions is proving challenging.

On the one hand, the healing process is all that matters … but then there’s the bottom line, and these two have A LOT of mouths to feed.

Even for a rock-solid pair whose lifestyle inspired a following of millions, the desire to rebuild an empire – and heal a family – aren’t always in sync.