Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Yolanda Foster: David May Have Saved My Life!

2015 has gone, and with it (hopefully) the worst.

Yolanda Foster is spending the holidays with her children, but she took some time to address the most recent episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and the heated debate over her illness.

“I am trying to watch the show with an open heart and no judgment of anyone in it as I choose to share my journey in order to bring awareness to Lyme disease and invisible chronic disease in general,” Foster wrote on her Bravo blog.

“I’m well aware that it opened up a storm of debate, but as long as we can speak with kindness and good intent, I believe that my quest for a cure will be rewarded one day.”

Foster then spoke about the obstacles she overcame to get to where she is today, which isn’t even 100%.

“After being properly diagnosed three years ago, I followed strict doctor’s orders 24/7 but made very slow progress as we slowly uncovered the mystery of my failing health,” Foster explained.

“Last June, David woke up one morning and said, ‘We are not doing any more treatments until you get a full body scan.’

“That scan probably saved my life, as doctors found free-floating silicone under my left arm pit, under my right clavicle bone, and under my rib cage.”

Foster spoke of regret over enhancing her features in the past with plastic surgery and injections.

“It’s fascinating to see how strong we really are,” she said.  “Our bodies are this extraordinary machinery that deals with whatever we throw at it. 

“Looking back, what was I ever thinking putting breast implants or the poison of Botox in my so perfectly healthy body?

“The truth is I wasn’t thinking but rather brainwashed by society’s perception of what a perfect woman should look like and into believing that any of these beautifying enhancements were safe.

“I know we all want to be a better version of ourselves…but please be conscious that the things we do to our bodies are too new for us to truly understand the side effects.”

Well said, Yo.