Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian: Sleeping Together! Taking it to the Next Level!

Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian are mostly likely sleeping together, insiders say, taking their romance to a whole ‘nother level.

Lord knows what Scott Disick will think of this …

Social media has been inundated with reports that the rumored couple is banging ever since Justin taunted her baby daddy on Instagram.

Despite the 15-year age difference, and lack of official confirmation about their relationship status the questions are not going away.

A new report suggests that while Kardashian is not dating anyone – on the record – the two are nonetheless getting more serious.

How serious “serious” is? That’s subject to wide interpretation.

First, there’s the source of this gossip, which is far from reliable. Second, there’s the question of whether either party’s heart is elsewhere.

Earlier today, we reported that Bieber is furious about Selena Gomez and Niall Horan and the Christmas present he gifted the beauty.

According to insiders, the One Direction singer took one of his t-shirts, bathed the thing in cologne, and lovingly gave it to Selena.

Hot? Weird? A little bit of both? Who are we to say, THGers?

Gomez was allegedly thrilled, in any case, with such a personal and intimate gift from Niall, and wears it to bed every single night.

This rumor might as well have sent smoke billowing out of Bieber’s ears … and driven him to pursue Kourtney even more aggressively.

Ironically, she and Bieber are said to bond over their tumultuous relationships, after her own contentious back-and-forth with Scott.

So is the relationship between Kardashian and Bieber just a collective response to their exes? Or is there actually something to it?

The jury is still out on that one. But Disick is seriously pissed.

Not at Kourtney for doing this douche – that just makes him embarrassed for her – but at the notion of Bieber around his kids in general.

If that becomes a thing, Disick will f–k Bieber up. Stay tuned.