Showing posts with label Sleeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sleeping. Show all posts

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Diddy Sources Cassie Betrayed Him by Sleeping with Trainer ... She Calls BS

Diddy might want to ask for a refund from his former trainer … because sources claim the guy he hired to keep Cassie in shape was banging her on his dime … but she says his timeline is wrong.
Here’s what we’re told. Diddy’s trainer, Jamal Liggin, got so b...
Diddy Sources Cassie Betrayed Him by Sleeping with Trainer ... She Calls BS

Friday, September 28, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Recap: Meredith is Sleeping With WHO?

Meredith Grey has been at the center of the drama on Grey’s Anatomy since it debuted, but if one thing was clear on the premiere of Grey’s Anatomy Season 15, it’s that she’s yearning for love. 

The closest semblance of a relationship since Derek’s death was Nathan, but with the love of his life returning from the dead, well her relationship fell apart. 

During Thursday’s season premiere, Meredith was having wild dreams about her getting hot and heavy with none other than DeLuca, Jackson, and Koracick. 

There was even a guest appearance from the new Ortho God in said dreams, but it was clearer than ever that Meredith needed some loving. 

A woman who fell asleep at the wheel and knocked a young girl off her bike wanted to play the hospital matchmaker, and Meredith was not having it. 

The surgeon wasn’t quite ready for a relationship despite her wild dreams saying otherwise. What we did learn is that she shared a kiss with DeLuca at the wedding, so there’s that. 

Despite all of the drama with her sex life, Meredith wanted to keep Jo and Alex in Seattle, so she was happy to try and get Bailey to take on Jo’s idea to keep the newlyweds around the hospital. 

Bailey declined, but later changed her focus following her plan to take a “stress sabbatical” from Grey Sloan Memorial. 

Jo got what she wanted, and Alex was made interim Chief. This was surprising when you consider that Teddy was supposed to be getting the job. 

But Teddy changed her mind when she realized that Owen and Amelia were getting closer and that they likely had a kid. 

Teddy had to tell Maggie everything because she was worried her unborn child was in danger. Maggie helped her, and she was sent on her way. 

Amelia started to worry when she realized Teddy was back on the scene and set out to find a way to express her feelings. 

After a cautionary tale from Koracick about how he let his wife go and regretted it, she plucked up the courage to say her feelings out loud. 

It all resulted in Owen reciprocating them, but they were not out of the woods. Amelia worried that this big life change could kick her off the wagon. 

They decided to take things slow. 

Jackson wondered about faith following what happened with April, and because DeLuca had saved he and Maggie from the car at the top of the installment. 

However, Maggie later realized he had PTSD and it was only further fueled when he failed to save the cyclist. 

He and Maggie chatted about the future and they were in a good place.

And Meredith went back to the matchmaker who didn’t want the donor heart when she learned that the kid from the accident died. 

Meredith asked for assistance in finding a man, thus, giving the old woman a reason to live. Talk about the season of feels!

There was also a new relationship on the horizon: The show’s first gay male surgeon, Nico showed up, and he had an instant connection with Levi. 

But Levi had no idea what was going on. This could be interesting!

Okay then. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursday on ABC. 


Friday, August 3, 2018

Jinger Duggar Posts Pic of Sleeping Daughter, Fans Lose Their Minds Due to Cuteness Overload

It’s only been two weeks since Jinger Duggar welcomed her first child, but in following with the tradition established by her older siblings, she’s been dutifully sharing her joy with millions of fans on social media.

Photos of little Felicity have been all over Jessa’s Instagram page, and now, the newest addition to the Duggar clan has officially made her print media debut:

That’s Jinger, Jeremy and Felicity posing for People magazine.

Like we said, it’s not the first time the Duggar faithful have laid eyes on Jinger’s baby girl, but the public reaction is one of pure elation every time.

Of course, no one is more excited than Jinger and Jeremy who have been gushing about Felicity every chance they get.

“We are so thankful to have our sweet girl home with us! She is the biggest blessing and we are elated to be her parents!” the couple wrote in a recent blog post.

“It’s incredible being first-time parents,” they added.

“It’s something that you think about and dream about, but when it’s actually here, I think the reality hits you and it’s just the sweetest thing in the whole world.”

In a video introducing Felicity to the world — another Duggar tradition — Jinger and Jeremy showered the little girl with more love and affection:

“I think the most exciting thing about having a little girl is seeing this little piece of Jinger and me together,” said Jeremy.

As for the name — which is remarkably traditional by Duggar standards (this is the family that gave us baby Spurgeon, after all) — Jinger and Jeremy explained the situation thusly:

“Nicole, because that’s Jinger’s middle name, and a way to honor her,” Vuolo explained.

“Felicity really describes supreme joy — the joy we have in this little one and the joy that we pray she would have throughout life.”

Well, nothing can quite live up to Spurgeon, but we suppose it will do

We kid, of course.

Felicity is a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.

Our sincere congrats go out to Jinger, Jeremy, and the whole Duggar clan.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prince William Confirms Royal Baby is Sort of Sleeping, May Be Named Jerry


Mere days after Prince William and Kate Middleton welcomed their third child into the world, the Duke of Cambridge attended an Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey in London.

This was an event meant to honor the military.

After paying his respects (along with future sister-in-law Meghan Markle), however, William spoke to reporters briefly and answered a few questions about his son’s first few days.

“Sleeping’s going reasonably well so far,” the Royal Hunk told The Daily Mirror’s Victoria Murphy, quipping as a follow-up:

“So, he’s behaving himself, which is good.”

LOL. We’re glad to hear that a three-day old is on his best behavior.

William also said that his son and his wife are “doing very well,” prior to touching on the only subject matter anyone cares about right now.

What will he and Middleton name their kid?!?

When Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer asked William if he’s considered the name Alexander for the little one, William responded:

“Well, it’s funny you should say that. It’s a good name.”

Alexander actually is a leading contender for the baby’s name.

From there, The Dean of Westminster joked that Sir Jerry Mateparae, New Zealand’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, would like the baby’s name to be Jerry.

How did William reply to this suggestion?

“Jerry is a strong name, absolutely.”

(Yes, this was a joke. Ain’t no way we’ll soon be greeting Prince Jerry.)

Based on William and Kate’s first two kids, we can expect to learn the child’s moniker by the end of this week. Maybe even by the end of today!

Middleton, of course, gave birth to the fifth heir to the throne at St. Mary’s Hospital in London on April 23. Kensington Palace announced the news on Twitter as follows:

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 1101hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz.

The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well.

Upon debuting the infant to the public on Monday (below), Middleton paid tribute to her late mother-in-law by wearing a dress similar to the one donned by Princess Diana back when she debuted Prince Harry.

Pretty cool, huh?

As for how four-year old brother George and two-year old sister Charlotte are responding to the arrival of their small sibling?

“Will and Kate [are] making sure [the children] felt included in everything,” an insider tells Us Weekly.

Of course they are. We’d expect nothing less from such amazing parents.

We continue to send our best wishes to Kate, William and all their kids.

We cannot wait to watch them all grow up!


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Viola Davis, Prowlers Flee After Attempted Break-In While She Was Sleeping

While Viola Davis was teaching us how to get away with murder on TV, would-be burglars were attempting a break-in at her real life home … TMZ has learned. We’re told that Viola and her husband, Julius Tennon, were fast asleep in their bedroom on…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stormy Daniels Tweets About Sleeping with Trump

Donald Trump is having a no good, very bad … couple of years. And things seem to be poised to get worse.

Stormy Daniels is suing Trump, as her legal team believes that the NDA that prevents her from speaking directly about their alleged affair is void for multiple reasons.

But even if she can’t speak out directly, she’s still finding ways to talk about their alleged affair.

Word to the wise:

Do not antagonize Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford on social media.

She is not going to take that lying down. (No joke intended)

A Trump supporter took to Twitter to voice their condemnation of Stormy and attempt to slut-shame her for being a sex-worker. Many Trump supporters, embarrassed by yet another scandal surrounding the Orange In Chief, hope to intimidate her into silence.

This backfired spectacularly, as Stormy — while avoiding disclosing any details — hit back with a tweet of her own.

Stormy Daniels Tweets about Trump Affair

“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago. There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star. But I digress…People DO care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to cover it up, etc. And PS…I am NOT going anywhere. xoxoxo”

Note that she accuses Trump of lying, bullying, and law-breaking (things that most Americans have observed him doing regularly for years), but very carefully does not say anything about sex.

She simply says that she did not sleep with him.

You have to love seeing her turn that euphemism on its head and use it literally.

She is, as the youths say, serving up that tea.

Stormy continued when asked if she was worried about being unlikable by being involved in this political scandal.

“Do you seriously think I give a flying f–k if people ‘like’ me? I’d have become a kindergarten teacher if that was my goal in life. And for someone who doesn’t want to ‘see’ me, you took the time to come to my twitter and type a message to me? OK”

If you’ve ever been friends with an elementary education major, you know the type well.

Someone then replied, asking if, technically, her job is to make people like her.

“Technically, it is my job to get dicks to grow…which I have a pretty good record of doing judging by my long career in front of/behind the camera in porn. I got some cool awards, too!”

Sex workers don’t need to be ashamed of their jobs, and Stormy has good reason to be proud of her work.

Many have assumed that Stormy Daniels is looking for a big payday to tell her story, but she is shooting down this rumor.

“I was NOT paid a dime for the interview with 60 Minutes (or anything else relating to telling this story).”

That really quashes a lot of arguments that she’s just money-hungry and wasn’t satisfied with the $ 130,000 in hush money.

It sounds like Stormy’s real goal is to expose the truth.

People have tried to degrade her online, but she’s not having it.

“I really question the priorities of someone more worried about the quality of a pornstar than a president. The only decisions I’m really responsible for is what position I want to do next & what color lipgloss best compliments my costar’s penis. SMH”

Don’t come for her, folks. She will roast you online. Most of the critical tweets that she quotes have since been deleted.

A number of Trump supporters shrug off this story (from Stormy and from other brave women who are coming forward), saying that she’s simply lying.

We suppose that she could be making this up … but that’s not what Stormy’s lie-detector test results say.

See, she took a polygraph back in 2011 to verify her story, though the interview was only published this year.

(Trump is accused of using this tactic of using money and connections to bury stories before they’re ever released, often through media companies)

In the polygraph test, Stormy answered “yes” to questions like:

“Around July 2006, did you have vaginal intercourse with Donald Trump?” and “Around July 2006, did you have unprotected sex with Donald Trump?”

The polygraph confirmed her answer for both.

Of course, polygraphs can be beaten, but that usually requires careful training and preparation. One struggles to imagine what her motive might have been for doing so in 2011.

That would have been a lot of trouble to undergo just to slightly embarrass a foolish reality star.

Now is probably a good time to remind everyone that Stormy Daniels is raising funds so that she can expose the truth about Trump.

These funds go directly to her attorney to pay her daunting legal fees as Trump and his allies attempt to silence her with legal muscle.

It has been revealed that Stormy has also been physically threatened, though it is unclear whether this was done by someone directly working with Trump or merely a fan hoping to intimidate her into silence.

Hopefully, her upcoming 60 Minutes interview will tell us more.


Friday, March 16, 2018

Indiana Couple Arrested for Incest, Sleeping with Own Kids

A man and woman from Indiana were arrested this week and charged with multiple counts of incident.

According to a local news outlet, Keylin Johnson and Sheila Johnson were taken into custody after the couple’s 19-year old son told a friend that his parents had been having sex with him and his two siblings.

gross parents

Based on court records, an investigation was opened by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office after it received a report about these allegations on February 25.

A woman reportedly told a police officer that the couple’s two oldest children had come to visit and talked with her about “possible sexual abuse.”

Authorities then spoke that same day with the oldest, unnamed child… who said his dad had explained to him that “incest was a normal way of life” and “the best way to build a family bond was to have sex with your parents, particularly your mother.”

The legal documents also state that Johnson “advised it was safer to have sex with people in your own family, rather than strangers.”

It doesn’t get much sicker than this.

Until one consider’s another snippet from this document, which reads:

The oldest child “also indicated that his mother was involved in sexual relations with the family dog.”

According to this report, the youngest child was taken out from the family’s home in Montgomery County the day after police were told about what was allegedly going on at home.

Investigators then seized cellphones and computers from the home that same day as well.

Authorities are on record as quoting this youngest girl as saying “both of her parents would do gross things in the home,” with court documents elaborating;

“She was shown sexual videos and pornography and that her aunt used to bring adult things to a residence in Mooresville and she observed the adults would do sexual things.”

This is so very disgusting.

In an interview with police, Sheila Johnson (pictured below) confessed to multiple acts of child abuse, along with incest with two of her children and an attempt at bestiality with a dog.

She said her husband “would always want to role play and suggested mother-son sex scenarios.”

As for Keylin Johnson?

He told cops that “I am guilty of internet porn and other stuff.”

He described himself as being addicted to adult entertainment, according to these court documents and confessed to cops he had downloaded and saved images of one of his kids nude from the child’s cellphone.

As a result of these heinous acts, Keylin Johnson faces 18 charges, including multiple counts of child molesting and incest and one count of possession of child pornography.

Sheila Johnson faces 17 charges, including multiple counts of child molesting and incest and one count of bestiality.

The family has lived in homes in Crawfordsville, Ladoga, New Market and Waveland since 2012.

As of Tuesday afternoon of this week, the couple remained in custody at Montgomery County Jail on $ 50,000 bond each.

A jury trial is set for Sheila Johnson on July 31 and for Keylin Johnson on August 14.

We’ll update this incomprehensible story as more news breaks.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Colin Firth"s Wife Admits to Sleeping with Her Stalker

It turns out love, actually, has not always been around Colin Firth and his wife, Livia.

The Oscar-winning actor and his wife have been forced to issue an unusual statement that sheds light on their troubled past and also makes public a relationship Livia once had…

… with the man she now claims has been stalking her.

According to British newspaper The Times, Livia has been accusing an Italian journalist named Marco Brancaccia of “frightening” her with harassing messages.

And while these allegations stand, while the Firths are still adamant that Brancaccia has been acting in an inappropriate matter, the couple now admits that Livia has a naked history with him.

This is the statement they released on Friday morning to the press:

“A few years ago Colin and Livia privately made the decision to separate. During that time Livia briefly became involved with former friend Mr Brancaccia.

“The Firths have since reunited.

“Subsequently, Mr Brancaccia carried out a frightening campaign of harassment over several months, much of which is documented.

“As a consequence of his stalking, threats and refusal to desist, the legal complaint was lodged with the Italian authorities.”

Colin and Livia got married in 1997.

The couple shares two sons together, 16-year-old Luca and 15-year-old Matteo.

The latter’s dalliance with Brancaccia took place at some point between 2015 and 2016.

A rep for the pair explains that neither half of this couple spoke publicly about Livia’s affair for “obvious reasons.”

However, when La Repubblica published details of the police investigation prompted by Livia’s recent accusations against her former lover, the two felt the need to address it.

Concludes the statement:

“The reporting this week on this case is understood to be the consequence of a leaked court document. This is greatly to be regretted.

“It does not serve the interests of any of the parties involved.”

For his part, Brancaccia has denied the stalking allegations, telling anyone who would listen that he had this sort of past with Livia.

But he didn’t stop there when speaking to The Times.

“We were romantically involved, she wanted to leave Colin for me,” he told the newspaper, alleging that his supposed “stalking” consisted of two WhatsApp messages and an email to Firth once the affair ended and adding:

“I wrote an email to Colin about my relationship with Livia, which I now regret sending, and she filed a complaint against me for stalking out of fear that I could go public with what she had revealed to me about her marriage and work.

“In a year she sent me hundreds of messages of love, photos and videos, even a diary.”

Firth himself has not spoken directly about this hiccup in his marriage or this ongoing investigation.

One (who uses terrible puns) might say the situation has left this faux king… speechless.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Guess Who This Sleeping Beauty Turned Into!

Before this pretty little snoozer was woke on a hit TV show, she was just another curly-haired cutie resting up in Las Vegas, Nevada. Can you guess who she is?


Guess Who This Sleeping Beauty Turned Into!

Before this pretty little snoozer was woke on a hit TV show, she was just another curly-haired cutie resting up in Las Vegas, Nevada. Can you guess who she is?


Saturday, December 30, 2017

Tamar Braxton Gets Husband Arrested for Spousal Assault, Calls Pregnant Woman a "Whore" for Sleeping with Him

Tamar Braxton went ham on a woman claiming to be pregnant with the help of Tamar’s hubby .. and speaking of her husband, it looks like Tamar got him arrested for spousal assault. Tamar posted a rant against the woman, whom Tamar refers to as a…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Robert Mathis Admitted Booze and Sleeping Pill, Cops Say

Ex-NFL star Robert Mathis told police he drank alcohol and took a sleeping pill before getting behind the wheel of a pickup truck … this according to the police report obtained by TMZ Sports.  Mathis was pulled over after cops noticed him…


Friday, October 20, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian Tries, Fails to Prank Sleeping Kendall Jenner

Even though she made the mistake of spending a decade of her life cleaning up Scott Disick"s vomit, Kourtney Kardashian still has a lot going for her.

She has three lovely kids, enjoys a "career" that requires her to do literally nothing except live out her lavish life in front of a camera crew, and probably owns about a dozen pairs of shoes that cost more than your car.

But apparently, there"s one area in which Kourtney is sorely lacking.

It seems the girl can"t play a prank to save her life.

In a preview clip for this week"s episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kourtney and Khloe attempt to punk a sleeping Kendall Jenner.

Their plan is at once simple and intricate:

Kourt and Khloe plan to cram some chocolate in Kendall"s butt crack in hopes of making the poor girl think she "sharted" herself in her sleep.

Like we said, not a terribly complex plan, and if executed properly, it probably has amusing payoff.

But that"s the problem–you"ve got a couple first-timers attempting a prank with a pretty high degree of difficulty.

Granted, we"ve never tried to put food in a sleeping person"s ass, but we imagine it"s pretty hard to do so without waking them up.

This is a classic case of flying too close to the sun and Kourt and Khloe pay for their hubris in the end.

It"s like a Greek tragedy, but with butt chocolate.

Next time, just draw dicks on her face and be done with it.

Check out the failed fake shart below, and watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online so you don"t have to watch this scene out of context.

We kid. Noting ever happens on this show.

Kourtney kardashian tries fails to prank sleeping kendall jenner

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Kris Jenner: Apologizing to Khloe Kardashian for Sleeping with Lamar Odom?!

After ten solid years of being in the spotlight, is it even possible for the Kardashians to surprise us anymore?

Judging by this new interview with the family, we"d say yes, yes it most definitely is possible.

See, to celebrate that previously mentioned tenth anniversary of the Kardashians" rise to fame — meaning the tenth anniversary of the debut of Keeping Up with the Kardashians — there"s a brand new special coming out.

In the special, Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie, Kris, and Scott Disick all sit down for a nice little chat with Ryan Seacrest, who"s been a producer for the show since the beginning.

In one section of the interview, which you can watch below, Ryan asks the family about some of the wilder tabloid rumors that have come out about them over the years.

And things take a weird turn real fast.

The first rumor is one about Kendall hooking up with Scott behind Kourney"s back.

When she sees it, Kendall laughs and says "I didn"t even know that existed!"

She shouldn"t be surprised though — there have been rumors that Scott"s hooked up with each of Kourtney"s sisters at one point or another.

They all joke about it — Scott boasts to Kendall that "I had you when you were young," which is pretty cringey — but Kendall clarifies that the report is "definitely false."

But their reaction to the next tabloid story … well, the reaction to this one is a little different.

This one is about Kris allegedly sleeping with Lamar Odom while he and Khloe were still married.

Everyone admits that they could see the story being true, and Kris actually apologizes to Khloe.

The story adds that Kris ruined Khloe"s life with her actions, and that one of her sisters knew but didn"t say anything — Kourtney claims she"s that sister in question.

Kris tries to turn the conversation around a little bit, telling Ryan that "you gotta laugh" when you hear such ridiculous stories.

But Khloe and Scott are still talking about Kris" alleged tryst with Lamar.

Now, are they all joking here?

It"s pretty obvious that they are.

But still, it"s pretty interesting to see how they all react to this, that"s all.

Check it out for yourself in the video below:

Kris jenner apologizing to khloe kardashian for sleeping with la

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Congressman Jason Chaffetz Sick of D.C. Lifestyle, Sleeping on Office Cot (VIDEO)

Congressman Jason Chaffetz is calling quits on a career with a rising trajectory because he’s done sleeping on a cot most nights, far far away from his family.  Chaffetz says he can’t afford to support two homes … his wife and kids are in…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Channing Tatum: Look at My Sleeping Naked Wife!

Give Channing Tatum credit.

For having a tight body, incredible dance moves and a winning personality?

Well, yes.

But mostly for being able to steal some attention for himself on Sunday night, despite not being nominated for a single Golden Globe Award.

Indeed, while Meryl Streep was roasting Donald Trump and Tom Hiddleston was making a self-righteous fool out of himself, Tatum was seemingly just hanging out at home.

But don’t feel too terrible for the guy.

He was hanging out at home with wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum.

And she was NAKED!

Tatum decided to have a bit of naughty fun with his sleeping/gorgeous/nude wife, snapping a picture of her in her birthday suit and actually sharing it on Instagram.

For real!

“Nap time = The Best Time,” Channing wrote as a caption to the sultry image, including with those words a couple hands-clapping emojis and a smiley face with a halo over its head. 

It’s unclear whether or not Jenna knew Channing was taking the photo.

Or if she knew that he shared it with his more than 13.2 million followers.

(As of this writing, the image has received 421,899 Likes, which actually seems like a smaller number than it should be, don’t you think?)

Jenna Dewan-Tatum, of course, is not shy about her body.

Remember that Jenna Dewan-Tatum nude photo from Allure magazine in 2014? Who could ever forget, right?!?

Moreover, Channing and Jenna actually have one of the sweetest, most underrated relationships in Hollywood.

They celebrated 10 amazing years together in August… by recreating a dance move from the movie Step Up, which is where they met back in 2006.

How awesome is that?!?

So we’re guessing Jenna was well aware of this nude picture and gave its posting her enthusiastic thumbs-up.

Otherwise, Channing would be a pretty huge idiot.

He’d be making his wife angry, which would likely mean he wouldn’t get to have sex with his wife any time soon, and have you seen his wife?!?

Scroll up and take a close look once again if need be.

Yeah. She’s a looker. Tatum would be wise to remain on her good side (which is every side, if you know what we mean!).

Of course, Jenna would be wise to do the same.

There’s a lot to like about her husband, which is probably why this marriage has worked as well as it has.

There are no Channing Tatum naked pictures here (sorry, ladies), but still. Peruse away and salivate!


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna: Sleeping In Separate Bedrooms?!

Things have gone from bad to worse for Rob Kardashian and his pregnant fiancee, Blac Chyna.

Not only have they been fighting ever since their reality show, Rob & Chyna started filming, but now they’re sleeping in separate bedrooms.

According to Radar Online, Chyna is entering her third trimester, which means that she’s getting more uncomfortable and is likely finding it hard to sleep through the night.

“Blac is getting up several times a night right now and Rob cannot take it anymore,” a source told the site.

“Every time she gets up, Rob thinks that something is wrong because he is a total hypochondriac.”

All this worrying is really throwing Kardashian off his REM cycle.

“She is just really pregnant right now and Rob wants his sleep!”

For those of you who haven’t been Keeping Up With Rob Kardashian (I had to), you’re aware that he kind of acts like a baby from time to time.

“Blac Chyna cannot play mommy to Rob right now because the roles have reversed and he is taking care of her,” the source added.

Kardashian reportedly can’t handle this new responsibility, so reinforcements have been called in.

“The two of them have been arguing and Kris Jenner has had to play mediator on several occasions.

“Kris just tries to console Rob and tells her son that Blac’s attitude is due to hormonal changes and that he needs to give her some slack.”

The child hasn’t even entered this world, and already Jenner has to coach her son on how to handle life.

It might not make for a healthy relationship, but I suppose it does make for excellent TV.

In other Rob vs His Sisters news, Khloe, Kourtney and Kim are pissed at their mother for loaning their little brother money.

“The whole family is sick of him getting bailed out all the time by Kris, mainly because it’s going straight to Blac Chyna and her greedy crew, ” another source told Radar.

“Kim and Kourtney are the most infuriated because they feel they’ve achieved great things on their own, whereas Rob’s this lazy leech who’s happy to spend his mom’s hard-earned cash without doing any work himself.

“It makes them sick, but Kris is so soft on Rob and lets him get away with absolute murder.”

What a healthy environment this blessed child will be born into.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Nicola Peltz: Totally Sleeping with Justin Bieber!

According to a new report, Justin Bieber has a new roommate.

And she’s one very lucky young woman!

Insiders tell Us Weekly that the singer and Nicola Peltz have been having “sleepovers” at the former’s home in Beverly Hills of late, although we do have to wonder:

How much actual sleep is taking place during these evening together?!?

Peltz, best known for her role in Transformers: Age of Extinction, met Bieber at an album release party in Toronto and reconnected with him in Los Angeles last month when the artist had a break between Purpose World Tour dates.

Talk of Peltz having gotten it on with Bieber first surfaced in late May.

“The two have been chatting for a bit now,” a source tells Us Weekly of Peltz and Bieber. “He’s really into her.”

Just how serious is this alleged romance?

The tabloid claims that Justin asked the 21-year old beauty to join him on the road on June 12.

“Justin flew her to Toronto to show her around Canada,” says someone who knows Bieber pretty well.

The superstar’s love life is constantly a source of gossip.

He supposedly wants to get back together with Selena Gomez, but until she decides to give that relationship a try, Bieber has clearly been having fun as an attractive single celebrity.

He definitely hooked up for awhile with Hailey Baldwin and there’s been a lot of chatter than he’s also seen Kourtney Kardashian nude on multiple occasions.

And now there’s Peltz.

Prior getting with Bieber, she dated The Last Ship actor Cameron Fuller throughout most of last year.

A native of Westchester County, New York, Peltz enjoyed a recurring role on Bates Motel from 2013 through 2015 and is reportedly well-liked among Bieber’s entourage.

“All his friends love her,” Us Weekly concludes, writing of Peltz and Bieber: “They’re still going strong.”

We’re very sorry, Selena Gomez.

Or not. We really have no idea what you think of Bieber at this point.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Petrified Pit Bull Tiptoes Past Sleeping Cat

It"s pretty normal for cats and dogs to be weird around one another. 

Dogs have a have a habit of chasing cats and there"s really no reason for it. 

For 5-year-old Redd, the situation couldn"t be more different.

Redd is actually pretty scared of the cat and doesn"t want to wake it up, so he gets creative in his attempt to get past it. 

What does he do?

He tiptoes. Yes, just let that sink in for a moment. 

It"s crazy, but kind of hilarious at the same time. It shows that the dog thought outside the box for this one. 

The rescue group who took Redd in have no idea why he"s so scared of the cat. 

Redd lives in a foster home with the cat, but we don"t quite know who was there first. 

For all we know, the cat could be threatening Redd. 

You never really know what animals are saying to one another. 

Moreover, we don"t even know if cats and dogs can understand one another.

We"ll just leave that one open to the imagination. 

Either way, you need to see the full video to witness just how great this is. 

The cat is just laying there, not realizing what"s going on around it. 

Then there"s Redd, who is moving slowly to try and get to the other side of the room undetected. 

It"s great and we just know you"ll think so!

Sit back, relax and watch the best video you"ll watch today. 

It"s THAT good. 

Let us know in the comments what you thought of it!

Dog carefully tiptoes past sleeping cat

Kourtney Kardashian: Sleeping With Corey Gamble Behind Kris Jenner"s Back???

Truthfully, this isn’t the most insane accusation we’ve ever heard.

Yes, we’ll admit that Kourtney Kardashian appears to be super-friendly with her mother’s 35-year-old boyfriend, Corey Gamble.

At first, we assumed it was because she’s bedding his boss, Justin Bieber.

However, a source told the National Enquirer that Kris Jenner thinks something romantic is happening between her boy toy and her oldest child, 37.

“Kris has had her own suspicions about Corey and Kourtney for a long time,” a source claims.

“She doesn’t like the way they look at each other!”

On a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kourtney Facetimed Gamble while she and Khloe were getting ready to go out in Los Angeles.

Gamble told the girls to meet him and his friends at celebrity hangout The Nice Guy, and Kourtney was game.

Kourtney explained in her interview that she gets along with Corey very well and loves having him as part of the family.

“But Kris suspects something else could be going on,” the source says.

“She had a security agency put hidden cameras in Kourtney’s bedroom and hired a private investigator to have Corey followed.

“Corey tries to keep Kris happy and satisfied … but he also finds Kourtney extremely attractive,” the source added.

“But Kourtney is too smart to get caught by Kris!”

Kris cheated on her first husband, Robert Kardashian with animator Todd Waterman, who is nine years her junior. 

Kourtney was devastated by her parents divorce, and (we hope) is too sharp to carry on an affair with her mother’s boyfriend (even if he is two years her junior).

On the May 15th episode of Kardashians, even Kim thought Kourtney and Corey’s relationship was a little strange.

“Him and Kourtney, they go out at night together, they hang out during the day, they go on hikes,” Kim told the cameras. “They are always together.

“I think I need to talk to Kourtney just to call her out on it.”

To be fair, Kourtney did explain to Kim that she sees Corey as part of the family, since he didn’t have as large a crew as the Kardashians growing up.

After Kim spoke to Corey, she started to see why he and Kourtney were so chummy.

“[The conversation] made it all come together and makes sense to me why he loves spending time with Kourtney and the kids,” Kim told the cameras.

This is all getting to be way too cozy.  It would, however, do wonders for the ratings.