Showing posts with label Meredith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meredith. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Recap: Meredith Has a Date!

Meredith Grey’s love life has been silent ever since her lover, Derek Shepherd lost his life in 2015. 

Despite hints of a relationship forming with a new man Nathan Riggs, the love of his life returned after being presumed dead for several years. 

On Thursday, Meredith returned to the world of dating with some dude named John (Josh Radnor), but did it all work out? 

The moment the Chief of Surgery showed up, there was an awkward moment. That’s to be expected when you’re on a blind date. 

Meredith got new make-up and some new, fashionable clothes for the occasion and she was positively glowing. 

John wasted no time in commenting on her appearance before they got talking about their professional lives. 

The charming man Radnor played was someone who took privacy very seriously. As such, he developed a software that allowed consumers to choose which of their data is shared. 

Meredith was adamant to her friends and family earlier in the installment that the date would last minutes, so she had to rearrange her afternoon appointments when they pair actually hit it off. 

Another awkward moment ensued when the pair realized they were with the wrong date, and the people they were supposed to be with had also hit it off. 

It was great to see Mer out and about and confident as ever, but the little feelings she had for John combusted when he said that single moms were needy and desperate to speed up relationships. 

That’s when Meredith politely ended the date, admitting she had kids and headed back to the hospital. Could John return again to prove he made a mistake? 

In all honesty, he was an ass, and our favorite TV surgeon can do so much better than him. 

Elsewhere, Maggie continued to feel the weight of the secret Teddy asked her to keep, and it spilled over into her case of the week. 

A young mother was rushed into the emergency room, and after some investigating, she learned the woman had taken a heart attack possibly a week before. 

As such, she stood a slim chance of pulling through. Maggie informed the woman’s husband, who was against telling the son about his mother’s grim prognosis. 

It got worse when it was actually time to switch off the machine and say goodbye. The man refused to allow his son into the room. 

DeLuca took the kid to the helipad while the father said goodbye, but the kid bolted out of the hospital. 

All of this proved too much for Maggie, and she blurted out the truth to Meredith about Teddy having a bun in the oven, and how it could ruin Owen and Amelia’s relationship. 

In doing so, she broke Doctor-Patient confidentiality. Will Meredith keep quiet? 

As for Owen and Amelia, they had their work cut out for them with Betty. She returned home under the influence of drugs and called Amelia a “hag” for like two minutes. 

The teenager denied taking any drugs, or even alcohol, prompting Amelia to drag her to the hospital for a drugs test. 

Betty flipped out when she heard about it, but Owen managed to get her to own up to smoking marijuana. 

After some assistance from Owen’s mother, Amelia doled out a month-long punishment for Betty. 

Then there was Alex. He was still struggling to find his bearings as the Interim Chief. He and Dahlia treated a college kid who had a pulmonary bleb that could burst after his breathing was getting worse. 

The kid didn’t have the insurance to cover the operation and was willing to live with it. His mother was already working three jobs, and he didn’t want to worry her. 

Karev didn’t take no for an answer, so he slashed the kid’s leg, so he had to go into emergency surgery. The kid’s insurance covered emergency medical care. 

Dahlia ratted Karev out to Webber, and Alex was put on blast for his actions. But Alex told Webber about a time his sister was sick, and he hot-wired a car to take her to the hospital. 

The reason?

The cost to call an ambulance would have destroyed their family. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursdays on ABC.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Grey"s Anatomy Recap: Meredith is Sleeping With WHO?

Meredith Grey has been at the center of the drama on Grey’s Anatomy since it debuted, but if one thing was clear on the premiere of Grey’s Anatomy Season 15, it’s that she’s yearning for love. 

The closest semblance of a relationship since Derek’s death was Nathan, but with the love of his life returning from the dead, well her relationship fell apart. 

During Thursday’s season premiere, Meredith was having wild dreams about her getting hot and heavy with none other than DeLuca, Jackson, and Koracick. 

There was even a guest appearance from the new Ortho God in said dreams, but it was clearer than ever that Meredith needed some loving. 

A woman who fell asleep at the wheel and knocked a young girl off her bike wanted to play the hospital matchmaker, and Meredith was not having it. 

The surgeon wasn’t quite ready for a relationship despite her wild dreams saying otherwise. What we did learn is that she shared a kiss with DeLuca at the wedding, so there’s that. 

Despite all of the drama with her sex life, Meredith wanted to keep Jo and Alex in Seattle, so she was happy to try and get Bailey to take on Jo’s idea to keep the newlyweds around the hospital. 

Bailey declined, but later changed her focus following her plan to take a “stress sabbatical” from Grey Sloan Memorial. 

Jo got what she wanted, and Alex was made interim Chief. This was surprising when you consider that Teddy was supposed to be getting the job. 

But Teddy changed her mind when she realized that Owen and Amelia were getting closer and that they likely had a kid. 

Teddy had to tell Maggie everything because she was worried her unborn child was in danger. Maggie helped her, and she was sent on her way. 

Amelia started to worry when she realized Teddy was back on the scene and set out to find a way to express her feelings. 

After a cautionary tale from Koracick about how he let his wife go and regretted it, she plucked up the courage to say her feelings out loud. 

It all resulted in Owen reciprocating them, but they were not out of the woods. Amelia worried that this big life change could kick her off the wagon. 

They decided to take things slow. 

Jackson wondered about faith following what happened with April, and because DeLuca had saved he and Maggie from the car at the top of the installment. 

However, Maggie later realized he had PTSD and it was only further fueled when he failed to save the cyclist. 

He and Maggie chatted about the future and they were in a good place.

And Meredith went back to the matchmaker who didn’t want the donor heart when she learned that the kid from the accident died. 

Meredith asked for assistance in finding a man, thus, giving the old woman a reason to live. Talk about the season of feels!

There was also a new relationship on the horizon: The show’s first gay male surgeon, Nico showed up, and he had an instant connection with Levi. 

But Levi had no idea what was going on. This could be interesting!

Okay then. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

Grey’s Anatomy continues Thursday on ABC. 


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Meredith Phillips, Former Bachelorette Star, Says She Was Drugged and Assaulted on Season 2

Meredith Phillips, the star of ABC’s Bachelorette back in 2004, said this week on a podcast that she was drugged and sexually assaulted by a crew member on the set of this long-running ABC reality show.

It’s a damning and troubling accusation.

Per Reality Blured, Phillips made this allegation while speaking to Steve Carbone (aka Reality Steve) in response to a question about the most challenging aspect of production.

“Well, besides being always really tired and some of the producers were – how do I say this? Helpful but not helpful, in terms of trying to make me relax,” Phillips replied, somewhat mysteriously.

She then elaborated:

“Normally, I wouldn’t talk about this, but I’m going to tell you because it’s bothered me for years.

“And I know another friend of mine who was working on the show felt the same experience I did, about getting roofied and in a hot tub and kind of accosted.”

Wait… what? Roofied?

As in: someone drugged Phillips and took advantage of her?

Yes, she says.

The allegedly awful deed was done by “a masseuse that a producer hired to come into my room and to give me a massage,” says Phillips.

The ex-reality star says she assumed the pill this person gave her was an “aspirin or something to loosen up my back.” But…

“It definltey wasn’t that, that’s for sure. The last thing I remember was she got naked and she was in the tub with me, and rubbing my back and rubbing areas probably she shouldn’t have.

“And then I was put in bed. I woke up naked. Don’t remember much.”

Yikes. That’s extremely disturbing to hear.

Phillips, whose season of The Bachelorette was filmed in 2003 and aired in early 2004, said that the experience was “hard for me to talk about because I think I’ve put it somewhere else in my brain.”

She was rejected by Bob Guiney on The Bachelor Season 4, finishing as the third runner-up, prior to starring as The Bachelorette and selecting Ian McKee as her winning suitior.

The couple broke up in February of 2005.

Thinking back on this horrifying incident, Phillips said once whatever she had taken kicked in, “I literally couldn’t even move my body, so I have no idea what the pill was, at all.

“All I know is that I was told that, ‘This will make you feel better."”

ABC is yet to address this charge, but we’d expect the network to make a statement at some point.

Why didn’t she leave the series after this happened?

There was “definitely a part of me” that wanted to, she acknowledges, “but I am also the kind of person that finishes what she starts…

“It is a huge deal. I have worked through it.”

The story has come out just days before Becca Kufrin debuts as The Bachelorette on Season 14.


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Meredith Viera: Will She Give Evidence in Matt Lauer Divorce?

After months of tense speculation, Matt Lauer and Annette Roque are officially divorcing.

But this lengthy process could turn ugly — well, uglier — at any moment, especially considering how Lauer is reportedly in denial about how horrible his behavior really was.

Now it’s reported that Lauer’s former colleague, Meredith Viera, could become entangled in this $ 100 million divorce … and may be called to testify against him.

For ages, Meredith Viera and Matt Lauer seemed like peas in a pod. In 2013, Meredith defended Lauer during the controversy of NBC firing Ann Curry.

But now, Lauer is the one who’s been fired. He’s gone from a beloved figure to the list of accused sex monsters who’ve been hiding in plain sight for years.

And his wife is, of course, divorcing him.

So how does this involve Meredith Viera?

RadarOnline has an explosive new report that claims that the woman behind Lauer’s ousting was Meredith Viera’s own assistant.

Apparently, it was Viera’s assistant whom he targeted with sexual harassment in 2014, at the Sochi Winter Olympics.

This alleged harassment continued when they returned to New York.

She apparently had difficult-to-deny proof of Lauer’s harassment and generally disgusting behavior, in the form of wildly inappropriate images that he had texted to her.

It was these digital records that she turned over to the NBC higher-ups, which led them to fire Lauer.

Of course, that was what got the ball rolling. The dam broke, and other reports came about about Lauer’s unspeakable behavior.

That’s not the only thing that might tie Viera to this divorce, however.

In 2016, Meredith Viera hinted at Matt Lauer’s sexual fixations.

It’s almost certain that she had no idea that he was allegedly using NBC as a hunting ground for pretty, ambitious young women whom he could pressure into having sex with him.

But Viera specifically mentioned that Lauer had a “bag of sex toys” in his office.

(Again, his work office)

That ties in directly to some of the accusations, as he is said to have gifted sex toys to coworkers along with unsettling messages about how he would like to use the devices on them.

Most people probably interpreted that statement as a joke. And simply having a bag of sex toys at your place of work is not a crime.

But it could certainly come up during Roque’s divorce arguments … and if it does, Viera’s potential testimony could carry a lot of weight.

One could only wish that being a serial cheater were the worst of the accusations that Lauer is facing.

There’s using his position at NBC to pressure young employees into sex, even reportedly luring a woman to his hotel room by asking her to bring something to him.

There’s the in-office harassment, such as dropping his pants when a woman entered his office and later berating her for her refusal to perform a sex act.

And then, of course, Matt Lauer was accused of rape.

He reportedly locked a woman in his office (using the creepy button that did so remotely from his desk) and proceeded to allegedly assault her, bending her over.

He apparently only stopped and unlocked the door after she lost consciousness.

In a better world, someone accused of those kinds of misdeeds would be worried about massive lawsuits and prison time.

As it is, apparently Roque had to force Lauer out of their home because he had simply refused to leave.

It sounds like he’s preoccupied with public perceptions … and it’s been rumored that he believes that he can have his career again.

Perhaps if Meredith Viera or her assistant end up giving testimony during his divorce, it will become more clear to him that he has a lot more to lose than millions in spousal support.

Lauer’s divorce could end up being a test run for lawsuits or, potentially, a criminal investigation.


Monday, April 16, 2018

Brooklyn Beckham Parties at Coachella with Model Meredith Mickelson

Brooklyn Beckham’s modeling his game after Leo DiCaprio … jumping from one model to the next. Brooklyn was spotted hanging out with model Meredith Mickelson at Coachella … no doubt enjoying the celeb-packed weekend, while also grabbing…


Brooklyn Beckham Parties at Coachella with Model Meredith Mickelson

Brooklyn Beckham’s modeling his game after Leo DiCaprio … jumping from one model to the next. Brooklyn was spotted hanging out with model Meredith Mickelson at Coachella … no doubt enjoying the celeb-packed weekend, while also grabbing…


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Meredith Vieira"s Husband Says She Wasn"t Offended by Matt Lauer in 2006 Video

Meredith Vieira and Matt Lauer loved sharing a good joke and she had no problem when Matt leered at her and asked her to bend more so he could see her cleavage … so says Meredith’s husband. Richard Cohen — a noted journalist and…


Meredith Vieira Once Called Out Matt Lauer for "Huge Bag of Sex Toys"

Meredith Vieira brought up a “bag of sex toys” she once found in Matt Lauer’s office — and you gotta see how Matt expertly tap danced out of the awkward convo. The now-cringeworthy moment went down in 2016 when Matt and…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger: Married!

Hope you’re prepared to get in a good cry this evening, because one is coming your way real fast.

Patton Oswalt has married Meredith Salenger!

Patton announced the news first, sharing that sincerely adorable photo above on Twitter of the happy couple along with his daughter, Alice.

“What’d you guys do yesterday?” he asked. Ha ha, see, because it’s a chill caption for what was obviously a big event?

Don’t worry though, because Meredith came through with some details.

She shared the same photo on her Instagram account, and in her caption she wrote “True love. True happiness . Forever and Always. The Oswalts.”

She revealed that the ceremony and the reception took place at Jim Henson Studios in L.A., and that “the uber talented and most geniunely marvelous woman” Martha Plimpton acted as the officiant.

Martha Plimpton. Was the officiant.

It already sounds like the best wedding ever, right?!

As if this whole thing wasn’t sweet enough already, Meredith made sure to share several photos of her new stepdaughter — the daughter Patton had with his late wife, Michelel McNamara.

In one she called her a “pretty girl,” and in a photo of Alice with Patton she simply wrote “My family.”

Perhaps the sweetest of all though was a photo of Alice by herself — for that caption, she wrote “This little girl is MINE!!!!!!!!”, along with the hashtags “happiest auntie is now happiest MOM,” “I love Alice,” and “freckled face muppet.”

Or wait, what actually could be sweeter than even that was the way people reacted to the whole wedding — with so much positivity!

Patton and Meredith both received a whole, whole lot of hate when they announced their engagement back in July because people thought he’d moved on too quickly after his wife’s passing.

Michelle McNamara died in April of 2016, so there were just 15 months between her death and the proposal.

It’s not really fair to judge him for moving on though, especially if we’ve never been in a similar situation.

After getting all that backlash, Meredith wrote a sweet little note on Instagram, explaining that “Everyone has been so lovely to us… all of Patton’s family… ALL of Michelle’s siblings and friends and family… a few trolls have strong opinions.”

“But I think for Patton, having met and found love after over a year of intense therapy and openly grieving and dealing with his pain… I am grateful to be the one who helps him climb out of the depths of grief and find some joy again.”

“And most of all,” she added, “Alice is happy and feels loved. I have waited 47 years to find true love.”

She also wrote that “Creating our family unit while honoring the brilliant gift Michelle has given me will be my life’s goal and happiness.”

“I am deeply in love with both Patton and Alice and very much looking forward to a beautful happy life having adventures together.”

Just from that, it seemed obvious that these two people deeply loved one another, and all this wedding loveliness?

It just further proves that point.

Congrats, Oswalts!


Monday, July 10, 2017

Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger Slam "Bitter Grub Worms," Gush Over Engagement

Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger aren’t about the let the stupid, insensitive, ignorant, angry and mean trolls on the Internet ruin their engagement.

Or, to use the comedian’s language, they aren’t about to let a bunch of “bitter grub words” affect their happiness these days.

Last week, Oswalt announced that he and Salenger were engaged, following a few months of dating.

The news came as a surprise to many, considering the stars had only just revealed their romance to the public by walking the red carpet of the Baby Driver premiere in Los Angeles.

It also came as a surprise because Oswalt tragically lost his wife, Michelle McNamara, last April.

At the age of 46, she died of an accidental prescription drug overdose, leaving Oswalt alone to raise their eight-year old daughter.

On many occasions since, Oswalt wrote gut-wrenching posts about his grief and pain and overall mental state; these posts were as raw and candid as it can get.

But Oswalt has managed to expand his heart and is willing to love once again, a development that is great for the mental health of the star and for the long-term well-being of his child.

However, it’s apparently unacceptable to idiots on the Internet who have managed to take Oswalt to task for daring to get engaged so soon after the death of his wife.

In a subsequent Facebook post, Oswalt doesn’t bother to engage these trolls on their immature level.

But it does acknowledge their criticism, while linking to a recent article by a widower who Oswalt says sums up his situation in perfect, heartwarming, emotional fashion.

“This is so amazing. And SO well-written,” Oswalt wrote of a post by a blogger named Erica Roman, adding:

“I expected some bitter grub worms to weigh in (anonymously, always always always) with their much-needed opinions when I announced my engagement last week.

“And I decided to ignore them.”

Concluded Oswalt, along with a link to the article in question:

But yeah, I felt this rage. And Erica articulated it better than I could have ever hoped. So there you go. Thank you, Erica.

Roman, who became a widow at the age of 27, blasted Oswalt’s critics in her viral post.

“You aren’t entitled to an opinion,” she says, explaining:

“You don’t get to comment on the choices of a widower while you sit happily next to your own living spouse. You didn’t have to stand and watch your mundane morning turn into your absolute worst nightmare.

“Go back to scrolling Facebook and keep your ignorance to yourself.”

As Oswalt notes: perfect.

Salenger, meanwhile, acknowledged that most people have been “lovely” to her and her famous fiance, but also linked to Roman’s article and wrote the following:

“I am grateful to be the one who helps him climb out of the depths of grief and find some joy again. And most of all… Alice is happy and feels loved,” wrote the actress, concluding:

“I have waited 47 years to find true love. Creating our family unit while honoring the brilliant gift Michelle has given me will be my life’s goal and happiness.

“I am deeply in love with both Patton and Alice and very much looking forward to a beautiful happy life having adventures together.”

Salenger is a Harvard-educated actress who starred in Disney’s The Journey of Natty Gan at the age of 15.

She has an array of television and movies credits on her resume, including Hollywood Heights, Lake Placid; and she has done voiceover work for cartoons such as Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

(Oswalt may be the universe’s foremost authority on all things Star Wars.)

We wish this couple nothing but the absolute best.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Patton Oswalt: Engaged to Meredith Salenger!

Just a few weeks after the rumor mill started to churn with questions over whether Patton Oswalt was dating Meredith Salenger, the couple has come out and confirmed its relationship.

Actually, Oswalt and Salenger have done a lot more than that:

They’ve gone ahead and gotten engaged!

An insider has confirmed this unexpected news to People Magazine.

It has been broken just under a month since Oswalt and Salenger walked the red carpet together for the Los Angeles premiere of Baby Driver.

Typically, of course the love life of Patton Oswalt would not be considered a big deal in celebrity gossip circles.

But the comedian suffered a personal tragedy about 15 months ago when wife Michelle McNamara died unexpectedly in her sleep, leaving the actor to care for their eight-year-old daughter, Alice Rigney.

Since that unimaginable event, Oswalt has been very open about his struggles to move on.

In August of last year, for example, he penned a personal essay that compared depression to grief.

“Depression is the tallest kid in the 4th grade, dinging rubber bands off the back of your head and feeling safe on the playground, knowing that no teacher is coming to help you,” Oswalt wrote on Facebook at the time, adding:

“But grief?

“Grief is Jason Statham holding that 4th grade bully’s head in a toilet and then f-cking the teacher you’ve got a crush on in front of the class.”

To be more unique and specific?

“Grief makes depression cower behind you and apologize for being such a dick,” Oswalt explained.

Oswalt and McNamara got married in 2005.

He said last summer that he was “face-down and frozen for weeks” after she passed away from an accidental overdose.

“It’s 102 days later and I can confidently say I have reached a point where I’m crawling,” Oswalt wrote in this same post. Which, objectively, is an improvement. Maybe 102 days later I’ll be walking.”

About a year later, thanks to Salenger, it certainly sounds as if the star is maybe even running.

“They met through mutual friend Martha Plimpton,” an insider tells People of the engaged twosome. “They started chatting as friends and it blossomed from there.”

Since making their public debut last month, Oswalt and Salenger have been candid about their feelings on social media.

“We are at “Dorky Disney T-shirt Relationship Level”, from which no one returns. GREAT CTHULHU WHAT HAVE WE DONE?!?” Oswalt wrote in response to Meredith sharing the following snapshot of the couple:

Salenger also posted a picture of Oswalt on a beach in California, flexing whatever muscles he has in his arms.

“The love of my life,” she wrote as a caption, referring to Oswalt also as “my funny hunny.”

Replied Oswalt on Twitter: I prefer “clown who’s down” but whatever.

Meredith Salenger is a Harvard-educated actress.

She received her first major break in the industry at age 15 in Disney’s The Journey of Natty Gan.

She has credits in a number of television shows and movies; including Lake Placid, Hollywood Heights and voiceover work for cartoons like Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

We wish her and Patton Oswalt nothing but the very best.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Patton Oswalt & Meredith Salenger: Dating?!

Back in April of 2016, comedian Patton Oswalt’s wife, Michelle McNamara passed away unexpectedly in her sleep at the age of 46.

Oswalt has admirably open about his grieving process, and in April, he paid loving tribute to McNamara in a moving social media post marking the one-year anniversary of her passing.

We’re sure Oswalt’s grief over McNamara’s passing has not been mitgated by the passage of time, but fans can take heart knowing that the beloved comic is living his life in the fashion his wife likely would have wanted – working, caring for his daughter, and possibly finding love with a new partner.

Oswalt attended the Los Angeles premiere of the new Edgar Wright film Baby Driver last night, and by his side was 47-year-old actress Meredith Salenger.

A Harvard-educated actress, Salenger has appeared in a number of films, including Lake Placid and Hollywood Heights.

She also does voice work for the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which no doubt appeals to a confirmed Star Wars obsessive like Patton.

Patton and Salenger reportedly held hands and posed for photos on the red carpet.

Neither has confirmed that they’re dating, but Salenger recently informed her social media followers that she’s “super in love.”

For as candid as he’s been about the difficulties of losing his wife, Oswalt is generally very private with regard to his personal life, so it may be quite some time before we learn how serious he and Salenger are as a couple.

The 48-year-old comic has an 8-year-old daughter from his marriage to McNamara.

Oswalt revealed last year that McNamara’s death was caused by prescriotion medications that exacerbated an undiagnosed heart condition that caused blockages in her arteries.

The true crime writer was in the process of completing a book detailing the crimes of a California serial killer at the time of her death.

Salenger appears to have offered sly verifitcation that she and Oswalt are an item by retweeting a fan who wrote:

“When the whole world wants you to be happy they send in @MeredthSalenger.”

And if anyone deserves happiness, it’s Patton and his daughter.

We wish the comic and his family all the best.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Grey"s Anatomy Promo: Will Meredith Die?!?!?!?!?

Grey’s Anatomy has been on an extended hiatus.

Based on the following trailer, however, it’s clear that Shonda Rhimes is intent on making the wait for her show’s February 11th return worthwhile.

Because when Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 finally returns with a new episode next month, viewers may witness the death of Meredith Grey.

Okay, this may be an exaggeration.

But the drama’s main heroine will clearly be in a lot of trouble after a patient attacks her in the hospital.

Via the traumatic video above, we see Meredith get hurled across a bed and then we see Meredith’s head get smashed through a glass window.

Penny rushes to her side. Other doctors gather around.

The situation looks rather grim as silence then ensues.

Teases Kelly McCreary, who plays Mer’s half-sister Maggie:

“It is as terrifying and as shocking as you would expect for it to be. Get ready to have your guts feel like they’re coming out of you, because it is truly harrowing.”

In case you needed another reason to watch Grey’s Anatomy online or on television in a few weeks, consider:

Denzel Washington actually directs the first new episode of 2016. Yes, that Denzel Washington!

Grey’s Anatomy, of course, is known for airing one epic disaster after another; from a killer shooting up the hospital… to a plane crash killing multiple characters… to Meredith nearly drowning to death way back in Season 3.

We can’t help but make fun of it sometimes.

But the series is on Season 12, is more or less guaranteed a Season 13 and Shonda is laughing (and killing) all the way to the bank.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Anna Duggar Shares Rare Photo of Baby Daughter Meredith for Christmas

In the months since the Josh Duggar sex scandals became public knowledge, but until this week, Josh’s wife, Anna Duggar, has managed to stay almost entirely out of the spotlight.

A clip for Jill and Jessa’s upcoming TLC series that was released yesterday featured Anna talking about Josh’s infidelity for the first time. Today, the mother of four continued her efforts to re-connect with fans by posting the photo below of her youngest daughter Meredith:

Actually, the photo was posted to the Duggars family’s official Facebook page, as Anna does not seem to have any social media accounts of her own.

Even so, this picture definitely speaks a thousand words.

First of all, it serves as an indication Anna has returned from visiting Josh in rehab and is enjoying some festive holiday time with her in-laws.

It also quashes rumors that Anna has moved to Florida to live with her own family and is planning to cut ties with Josh once he completes rehab.

Clearly, for the time being, at least, Anna is staying put in Arkansas and leaning on Josh’s famous family for support.

There’s been plenty of speculation as to why Anna has suddenly decided to (kind of) return to the public eye, much of it centering around rumored that she’s planning to embark on a reality TV career of her own.

Some say she hopes to save enough money to finally leave Josh.

Others believe she’s simply trying to save up enough cash to cover the tremendous financial cost brought about by his indiscretions.

Either way, we’re sure the folks at TLC would be very interested in giving Anna her own spinoff.

Of course, we may be getting ahead of ourselves. Thus far, all the girl has done is dip her toe into the social media pond with an adorable photo of her youngest.

Still, it’s tough not to try and predict what’s ahead for Anna after all that she’s been through.