Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stormy Daniels Tweets About Sleeping with Trump

Donald Trump is having a no good, very bad … couple of years. And things seem to be poised to get worse.

Stormy Daniels is suing Trump, as her legal team believes that the NDA that prevents her from speaking directly about their alleged affair is void for multiple reasons.

But even if she can’t speak out directly, she’s still finding ways to talk about their alleged affair.

Word to the wise:

Do not antagonize Stephanie “Stormy Daniels” Clifford on social media.

She is not going to take that lying down. (No joke intended)

A Trump supporter took to Twitter to voice their condemnation of Stormy and attempt to slut-shame her for being a sex-worker. Many Trump supporters, embarrassed by yet another scandal surrounding the Orange In Chief, hope to intimidate her into silence.

This backfired spectacularly, as Stormy — while avoiding disclosing any details — hit back with a tweet of her own.

Stormy Daniels Tweets about Trump Affair

“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago. There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star. But I digress…People DO care that he lied about it, had me bullied, broke laws to cover it up, etc. And PS…I am NOT going anywhere. xoxoxo”

Note that she accuses Trump of lying, bullying, and law-breaking (things that most Americans have observed him doing regularly for years), but very carefully does not say anything about sex.

She simply says that she did not sleep with him.

You have to love seeing her turn that euphemism on its head and use it literally.

She is, as the youths say, serving up that tea.

Stormy continued when asked if she was worried about being unlikable by being involved in this political scandal.

“Do you seriously think I give a flying f–k if people ‘like’ me? I’d have become a kindergarten teacher if that was my goal in life. And for someone who doesn’t want to ‘see’ me, you took the time to come to my twitter and type a message to me? OK”

If you’ve ever been friends with an elementary education major, you know the type well.

Someone then replied, asking if, technically, her job is to make people like her.

“Technically, it is my job to get dicks to grow…which I have a pretty good record of doing judging by my long career in front of/behind the camera in porn. I got some cool awards, too!”

Sex workers don’t need to be ashamed of their jobs, and Stormy has good reason to be proud of her work.

Many have assumed that Stormy Daniels is looking for a big payday to tell her story, but she is shooting down this rumor.

“I was NOT paid a dime for the interview with 60 Minutes (or anything else relating to telling this story).”

That really quashes a lot of arguments that she’s just money-hungry and wasn’t satisfied with the $ 130,000 in hush money.

It sounds like Stormy’s real goal is to expose the truth.

People have tried to degrade her online, but she’s not having it.

“I really question the priorities of someone more worried about the quality of a pornstar than a president. The only decisions I’m really responsible for is what position I want to do next & what color lipgloss best compliments my costar’s penis. SMH”

Don’t come for her, folks. She will roast you online. Most of the critical tweets that she quotes have since been deleted.

A number of Trump supporters shrug off this story (from Stormy and from other brave women who are coming forward), saying that she’s simply lying.

We suppose that she could be making this up … but that’s not what Stormy’s lie-detector test results say.

See, she took a polygraph back in 2011 to verify her story, though the interview was only published this year.

(Trump is accused of using this tactic of using money and connections to bury stories before they’re ever released, often through media companies)

In the polygraph test, Stormy answered “yes” to questions like:

“Around July 2006, did you have vaginal intercourse with Donald Trump?” and “Around July 2006, did you have unprotected sex with Donald Trump?”

The polygraph confirmed her answer for both.

Of course, polygraphs can be beaten, but that usually requires careful training and preparation. One struggles to imagine what her motive might have been for doing so in 2011.

That would have been a lot of trouble to undergo just to slightly embarrass a foolish reality star.

Now is probably a good time to remind everyone that Stormy Daniels is raising funds so that she can expose the truth about Trump.

These funds go directly to her attorney to pay her daunting legal fees as Trump and his allies attempt to silence her with legal muscle.

It has been revealed that Stormy has also been physically threatened, though it is unclear whether this was done by someone directly working with Trump or merely a fan hoping to intimidate her into silence.

Hopefully, her upcoming 60 Minutes interview will tell us more.
