Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kourtney. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Kourtney Kardashian Runs Into Younes ... Gets Handsy With Her Ex

Kourtney Kardashian looks like she’s on great terms with her ex-boyfriend, Younes Bendjima … because the former couple was super flirty when they bumped into each other while out grabbing drinks.
We got these pics of Kourtney and Younes at Alfred Tea on Melrose Place, w...
Kourtney Kardashian Runs Into Younes ... Gets Handsy With Her Ex

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Sofia Richie Fears that Scott Disick is Dumb Enough to Cheat with Kourtney Kardashian

Even though Sofia Richie, Scott Disick, and Kourtney Kardashian met for what must have been a very awkward dinner last week, Sofia has lingering concerns.

Her much older boyfriend shares three kids and years of memories with Kourt.

According to a report, Sofia can’t shake the feeling that he’s dumb enough to step out on her and is boinking his ex.

According to a report by Heat magazine, Sofia is haunted by the suspicion that Scott is cheating on her with Kourtney.

“Sofia puts on a brave face in public,” an insider claims.

“But,” the source says. “She seems jealous as hell about Scott and Kourtney recently.”

Recently, huh?

It sounds like either the honeymoon phase of her romance with Scott is over … or Sofia fears that it is.

The insider reports: “People are worried that she’s losing her grip on the situation.”

Part of that situation involves Sofia’s feelings and her reactions.

Per the report, Sofia recently saw Scott texting Kourtney “right in front of her” and “she hit the roof.”

Obviously, he shares three kids with her; texting her is normal.

Even so, it can be hard to see the one you loved in contact with their ex.

“[Sofia] heavily suspects that Scott and Kourt have been sleeping together,” the source says.

“And,” the insider continues. “While she’s able to put it out of her mind most of the time, sometimes it just consumes her.”

Apparently Sofia even mustered the resolve to bring it up with Scott.

“Sofia confronted him about the situation,” the source claims.

“But,” the insider continues. “He fobbed her off and just rolled his eyes.”

That sounds rude. Even an absurd accusation still comes from a place of real emotion.

“He really takes her for granted,” the source characterizes.

“And, the insider claims, Scott “gets upset when she tries to stick up for herself.”


Apparently, Scott’s expectations are starting to bother even his lovestruck girlfriend.

“Sofia’s starting to open her eyes more about how unreasonable Scott is,” the source reports.

Fans shouldn’t expect her to cut her losses any time soon, however.

“But ultimately,” the insider laments. “She’s still under his spell.”

One wonders how long that — or their relationship — will last.

First of all, it is pretty clear that this inside source is decidedly in favor of Sofia parting ways with Scott.

For that reason alone, we should take this report with a grain of salt.

(Also, sometimes, reports are just wrong — that’s how life is. If we find one that we’re sure is accurate, we’ll tell you)

But based upon this report, it looks like the truth of the matter falls into one of three categories.

One, maybe Scott really is stepping out on Sofia with Kourtney.

If so, that’s not fair to Sofia or even the Kourtney. He should .. not do that.

Two, maybe Scott is being one-hundred-percent faithful to Sofia and she’s just imagining things and getting worked up over nothing.

If so, that’s more or less what Scott should have expected when he started seriously dating a teen.

(She’s twenty, now, but she’s still very young, and her emotions may still be overpowering and raw)

Then there’s door number three.

What if Sofia suspects that Scott is cheating and she’s right, but she’s totally missed the mark on it being with Kourtney?

Gosh, that sounds like a nightmare for her.


Monday, November 12, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Teases Thirsty Fans with New Lingerie Pic

Kourtney Kardashian shared her enthusiasm for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show like any diehard fan would: cosplay.

Not to be confused with her Halloween costume, Kourt donned a different lingerie look just hours ahead of this year’s show.

The results are jaw-dropping. Take a look:

Kourt captioned this photo: “Can’t wait for tonight.”

She was referring to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

2018 seems to exist outside of the normal rules of time, so we understand that it might be hard to accept that Halloween was just two weeks ago.

Famously, she and her sisters went as Victoria’s Secret Angels — because of course they did.

In this pic, however, Kourtney is wearing a slightly different outfit, both in terms of the lingerie portion and in terms of the wings.

For contrast, here is the look that she was sporting for Halloween:

As you can see, the “wings” are very different in the Halloween costume.

And the lingerie is a bit more revealing.

Those outfits were, of course, supplied by Victoria’s Secret.

(The Kardashian brand is still intensely powerful, folks, and any company would jump at the chance to have these women don their products)

The picture up top is of Kourtney getting hyped for the actual runway show.

But on All Hallow’s Eve, the Kardashian clan put on a runway show of their very own.

The women — excuse us, the angels — looked positively radiant in their Halloween costumes.

“Thank you Victoria’s Secret for sending us actual runway looks and real wings to borrow for the night!!!” Kim gushed.

“OMG a dream come true!” Kim continued. “Got to be a Victoria’s Secret Angel for the night!”

Kim acknowledged that her supermodel sister was no stranger to the look: “[And] Kendall got good practice lol.”

Kendall’s non-compete agreement with La Perla lingerie had thankfully run out in time for her to participate in this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

(Which, honestly, makes it kind of awkward — don’t do a group costume if the costume idea is just the day job of one member of the group)

Kourtney, for her part, crackd a joke about her height.

“I opened the show,” Kourtney shared on Halloween.

“Thank you [Victoria’s Secret] for making me the first ever 5’1” angel,” she joked.

In case you had forgotten, the Kardashian women are extraordinarily tiny.

(Even the “tall” ones, like Khloe and Kendall at 5-foot-10 each, only look tall because their sisters are so short)

The Kardashians brought some added attention — or at least a timely reminder — of the real Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Unfortunately, the show managed to stir up some controversy this year.

A recurring topic regarding the fashion industry is a glaring lack of diversity. This year, the brand answered that question very poorly.

When asked about the idea of models on the runway with different ages, or body types, or who might be transgender or disabled, the Chief Marketing Officer put his foot in his mouth.

“No. No, I don’t think we should,” he said. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy.”

That did not go over well, and he has since apologized.

Kourtney’s latest photo comes as fires are ravaging Southern California, even reaching as far as some Kardashian properties.

Multiple celebrities have had their homes totally consumed by raging wildfires.

With this year’s drought, the fire continues to burn unchecked — and with climate change, these devastating wildfires will only grow more frequent.

We sincerely hope that the fire can soon be contained and extinguished.

In the mean time, many find Kourt’s photos to be a welcome distraction from the horrifying inferno.


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Dines with Scott Disick and Sofia Richie, Prompts a Million Question

Scott Disick had a threesome with Kourtney Kardashian and Sofia Richie on Sunday night.

But not in the way he has likely fantasized about for the past year or so.

According to multiple outlets, Disick, his current girlfriend and his very serious ex dined together at Nobu in Los Angeles, leaving celebrity gossip followers around the globe asking one simple question:


Why would Disick, his lover since last Septermber and the mother of his three kids share a meal?

This is how an insider described the quasi date and the basis for it to E! News:

“Scott, Sofia and Kourtney had dinner together at Nobu on Sunday and it was very amicable.

“Scott and Sofia are very serious and Scott felt it was important that Sofia and Kourtney interact and bond.”

For starters, this puts to rest talk that Richie and Disick had split after a very public fight.

It would also seem to put to rest talk of Disick and Kardashian getting back together, although let’s be honest: That talk will never actually die.

“They have kept things separate for over a year now, and Kourtney is now more open and willing to have a surface level relationship with Sofia,” adds this same E! source.

Disick and Kardashian were together for nine years and have three kids: sons Mason, 8, and Reign, 3, and daughter Penelope, 6.

They broke up when Kourtney finally had enough of Scott lying and drinking and maybe even cheating on him.

Because they share multiple kids, however, and because they star together on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the exes remain rather close.

We really must give them credit for seemingly always putting their roles as parents ahead of their awkward roles as former significant others.

And this unexpected dinner appears to be another example of just that.

Per a People Magazine mole, Kourtney “doesn’t necessarily care to get to know Sofia better, but she feels she needs to because of the kids.”

“Sofia spends time with Kourtney’s kids, so Kourtney wants to make sure they are all on the same page,” says this source, adding:

“Scott and Sofia tend to get into arguments. Kourtney wants to make sure the kids are in a positive environment when they are at Scott’s house.

“She is setting up rules for how things needs to be when the kids are with Scott.”

Another insider, meanwhile, says the dinner was “tense” and akin to a “business” meeting, which certainly makes sense.

Kourtney, for her part, recently ended a fling with actor Luke Sabbat.

She previously spent several months in the very handsome clutches of model Younes Bendjima.

In March, Disick flew to Cabo with Richie and all three of his kids.

As he continues to get more and more serious with Sofia, Kourtney apparently felt a need to check in on the couple and remind them that the safety and well-being of her little ones must always come first.


What a mature and reasonable move by Kourtney Kardashian, right?

Are we sure she’s really a member of her ridiculous family?!?


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Scott Disick Goes on Bali Vacation with Kourtney Kardashian and Family

Scott Disick joined Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, his daughter Penelope, and North on a family trip to Bali. Scott’s chillin’ on the yacht … with no Kardashian in sight, but he don’t care. Kourtney was hanging with Penelope a lot … but no Scott in…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Khloe Should Totally Dump Tristan Because He Sucks!

Khloe Kardashian may be offended when fans dare to offer her advice, but she’s happy to offer words of inspiration.

Recently, she shared a cryptic message — and fans think that she could be considering a breakup with Tristan Thompson.

It looks like Kourtney might be quietly encouraging Khloe to dump him.

Khloe Kardashian shared one of those inspirational posts that are so popular for moms to share on social media.

It was lengthy, but we’ll give you a few samples to give you the general idea.

“Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you,” the advise read.

The inspirational message also advised: “Choose friends who you are proud to know.”

One line was of particular interest, however, because it reminded fans of her relationship with Tristan Thompson.

“Relationships should help you, not hurt you,” the message read.

Kourtney Kardashian likes Khloe

Kourtney liked her younger sister’s post so much that she screencapped it and shared it on her own page.

She even added some annotations.

“YES YES YES…” Kourtney wrote atop the screenshot.

Kourtney’s notes continued: “This makes all the difference.”

A lot of fans latched on to Kourtney’s enthusiasm.

Is she trying to give Khloe a not-so-gentle nudge to dump Tristan?

If you’re thinking that this can’t be about him, because his cheating scandal was six months ago, keep some things in mind.

Reports say that Khloe is still concerned that Tristan will stray, especially when his sports career takes him out of town.

But she knows that Tristan can’t cheat if she follows his every move.

“Khloe is looking to ease her mind a little bit with the NBA season starting,” a report claimed.

The source continued: “and actually is anticipating to join Tristan on some away games.”

She’s said to want to be there “especially when there is a couple in a row because she would like to keep tabs on Tristan.”

Khloe, sources say, “wants to be there so nothing happens and he isn’t out late night with any girls.”

That brings us back to the quote that Khloe shared — the one that Kourtney loved so much.

“Relationships should help you,” the message reads. “Not hurt you.”

If you’re making yourself sick to your stomach and rearranging your schedule just to chaperone your boyfriend … is that helping you?

It sure sounds like it’s hurting you.

And while that report of Khloe’s concerns is unconfirmed, there’s no question that Tristan’s scandal embarrassed her in front of the world.

That sure sounds like a hurtful relationship.

Khloe is pretty savvy about social media, but that doesn’t mean that nothing slips by her.

It is possible that Khloe wasn’t thinking about that one line at all when she shared the inspirational message.

(That would show a lack of self-awareness, but we have to remember that love can make people blind to how their romance is perceived)

It is even possible that Kourtney wasn’t latching on to that one line.

Kourtney has had her very famous relationship issues in recent years, and may have been appreciating the post as a whole.

Tristan Thompson seems to be here to stay in Khloe’s life, for now.

Khloe’s fans who still harbor anger against Tristan for betraying and humiliating her while she carried their child don’t like that.

But we all need to be wary of projecting our own wishes and values onto celebrities.

Khloe loves Tristan, and Kourtney may be totally supportive of that, despite everything.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sofia Richie: I Wish Kourtney Kardashian Would Just Go Away!

Love triangles are always difficult, but the whole situation gets even more complicated when two of the participants are pushing 40, and the third isn’t even old enough to drink.

That’s the lesson Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are learning the hard way these days, as Sofia Richie is apparently causing major problems for their co-parenting relationship.

Kourtney Kardashian, Sofia Richie, Scott Disick Split

The issue, it seems, is that Scott and Kourtney continue to spend time together, as people who have three kids together are wont to do.

And apparently, that doesn’t sit well with Sofia.

Reports that Sofia is jealous of Kourtney have been circulating for months, but it seems the model has recently become full-on obsessed with the possibility that the mother of three will attempt to win back her baby daddy.

“Sofia is beginning to fight feelings of jealousy as Scott and Kourtney continue to spend more time together,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Sofia did her best to be cool with Scott’s relationship with Kourtney for a while,” the insider adds.

“She wanted to be the cool girlfriend, which was easier to do when Kourt had a boyfriend.

“But now that Kourtney is single and dating again, Sofia struggles with the time Kourtney spends alone with Scott and the kids.”

Also not helping matters is the latest round of rumors that Kourtney is looking to bang Scott for old times’ sake.

“Scott is looking really good lately and it stings when Sofia wants to see her sexy man him but can’t because he is busy with Kourtney,” the insider dishes.

“Sofia supports Scott being a great dad, she just wishes Kourtney wasn’t around him as often.”

So she wants Scott to be a great dad who has no relationship with the mother of his children?

Did we mention Sofia might be a bit young to cope with the complexities of her current romantic situation?

The insider goes on to say that Sofia  “does not believe” Scott is over Kourtney “at all.”

“She sees the way Kourtney still looks at Scott with love,” the source adds.

“Sofia does not want to lose Scott back to Kourtney. It would break her heart.”

Despite appearances to the contrary, we’re pretty sure Sofia can rest easy.

It’s unclear if Kourtney is really dating Luka Sabbat, but it’s 100 percent clear that she can do much, much better than Scott.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is Hot Again & I Want Him Back

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone; the grass is always greener; the alcoholic baby daddy suddenly looks bangable again now that he’s hooking up with a model who’s half your age …

We’ve all heard the cliches before.

Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian Split - KUWTK

(Okay, so that last one might not be in widespread use … yet.)

But apparently, Kourtney Kardashian is learning the hard way this week that sometimes popular expressions catch on because they’re just so damn true.

As you may have heard, Kourt’s ex, Scott Disick, is dating Sofia Richie, and against all odds, it looks as though the relationship has gotten very serious.

Scott and Sofia recently celebrated a full year as an official couple, and given the skeeviness of a mid-thirties father of three banging a teenager, they were probably dating for a while before they decided to go public.

At first, Kourtney seemed pretty chill about the situation, but they may have been a result of her now-defunct relationship with Younes Bendjima.

These days, however, Kourtney is semi-single.

She may or may not be dating Luka Sabbat, but whatever the case, it seems Kourt remains hung up on Scott.

“Kourtney is impressed with how much hotter Scott is looking again these days,” a source close to the reality star tells Hollywood Life. 

“He’s taking good care of himself, he’s looking younger and more like the old Scott she first fell in love with.”

Yes, it sounds like Kourt’s looking for some casual ex sex.

However, that doesn’t mean she’s looking to take Scott back on a full-time basis.

“But as much as she can get nostalgic at times she’s not talking about taking him back,” the insider claims.

“She swears she’s not interested in going there at all.”

As for Kourt’s relationship with Sofia — the insider says there isn’t one:

“Kourtney is definitely not prepared to build a friendship with Sofia at this point,” says the tipster.

“She is still adjusting to the idea that Sofia spends time with her kids and that has been hard for her to accept at times.”

And it seems Sofia is equally uncomfortable about the situation:

“Sofia knew exactly what she was getting into when she started dating Scott,” says the source.

“She understands that Scott had another life, and a family, before they started dating … Sofia is very confident in her relationship with Scott and realizes his kids come first.”

Sounds awkward, but this is the best scenario Scott could hope for.

If Kourtney and Sofia ever got together and started talking, it probably wouldn’t be long before they both realized they can do way better than Scott Disick.


Monday, October 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Kourtney Kardashian: You F-cking Disgust Me!

Keeping Up with the Kardashians took Kim and Kourtney to Japan on Sunday night.

And the sisters brought with them many suitcases, changes of outfits… and lots of hard feelings.

in japan

The installment centered on Kim planning a trip to Tokyo to shoot a Yeezy campaign on behalf of her husband’s fashion brand.

“I love working with Kanye in that way because he will listen to me on things that are important to me, and I’ll trust him on colors and fabrics,” she said of the endeavor, adding:

“I only have a few days to get 20 looks shot.

“Japan is the campaign – we can’t recreate it. There are dozens of people working on this, so it is a lot of pressure.

“It’s my husband’s collection and I want to make sure that I do a good job and that he likes how everything turns out.”

This was the epitome of a First World Problem, but whatever, right?

It was a fair concern for Kim at the time, given the circumstances.

However, Kim decided to mix the personal with the professional by inviting Khloe and Kourtney along for the vacation.

Why would she do so, considering the tension that has existed between all three siblings throughout Season 15?

Probably because the script called for it, but maybe also to bury the hatchet.

All it took was one evening out, though, for the tension to return — which is what happens when one sister simply can’t handle what her loved one is wearing.

“I can’t even eat dinner because I’m so disgusted with my sisters’ crazy outfits that completely don’t go with my look,” Kim told the camera. “Like, I can’t take it.”

No, really, she could. Not. Even. Take. It.

“My sisters look so crazy,” Kim continued.

“It’s actually embarrassing. Kourtney with the Japanese-inspired outfit, and Khloé is wearing silver sequins, turquoise eyeshadow, huge chandelier earrings – they’re just like, completely clashing and making my outfit look really bad and they’re ruining everything.

“I need the Yeezy collection to be debuted and not all this crazy distraction in the background.”

Seriously, Khloe and Kourtney: How did you not consider the effect your fashion taste would have on Kim’s career?!?

Kim didn’t keep her feelings to herself, either.

She sat down with her siblings, told them they looked like “f-cking clowns” and continued to berate them as follows:

“I’m not kidding. This is not like, a tourist thing where it’s Halloween, dress up like a f-cking Japanese geisha, unless we’re at a geisha house.

“I just think you’ve got to like, chill. Like, you can be cooler. I’m not telling you guys who to be and what to wear or anything, but I’m telling you who to be and what to wear.

“It could be time for a fashion overhaul, so that you stay young and relevant.”

pink kim

At another point, she told Kourtney she looked “like a f-cking grandma, 100 percent.”

After being informed that she doesn’t come across as “special” or “innovative,” Kourtney at last snapped and replied in a confessional:

“Now I think Kim’s just being rude, and rude to everyone in glam.

“We’re all doing fun looks together and it’s not that serious. I think Kim and I don’t always see eye-to-eye as far of the importance of traveling and living in the moment. …

“I have three children and a full-time job. I don’t have seven stylists.”

Kim defended her actions, saying she didn’t have time to “beat around the bush” while on location for a Yeezy campaign, while Kourtney countered that she just wanted to have some “fun.”

“Nobody wants to wake up and be criticized from head-to-toe the whole day long,” she sighed, finally lashing out as Kim for real:

“Would you rather me f-cking say your f-cking outfits suck? You’re wearing a puffy vest, you have pink hair and turquoise shoes.

“I didn’t come here to wear leggings that are see-through and show my ass off. Do you know easy it is to a bitch? I could be a bitch all f-cking day if that’s what you want.

“But guess what? It takes a lot more courage to show your feelings than to sit there and be a bitch.”

Okay, fine, Kim relented toward the end of the episode.

She said she takes pride in being “honest,” but that the “delivery” of her message may have been off.

But, hey, it was all worthwhile in the end!

“It was a lot of work but we did it, and with how amazing and pretty this city is, this campaign is going to be super dope,” she concluded.

“Kanye is so happy with how the shoot turned out and I feel like it was a really good trip for us overall.”


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian & Luka Sabbat: I"m Watching You Two!

Against all odds, Scott Disick is still dating Sofia Richie.

So you’d think the Lord would be done obsessing over his baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian, and would instead be focused on his cradle-robbing relationship.

But as he’s shown us time and again, Scott is capable of being creepy in more ways than one.

As you may have heard Kourtney is dating Luka Sabbat these days, which means that she and Scott are both banging 20-year-olds.

It’s a weird situation, no doubt, but it’s not like Scott is in a position to judge.

Nevertheless, it seems he’s keeping a close eye on Kourt and her new man to make sure everything is on the up-and-up.

“Scott is monitoring it all because if it gets serious, then that means Luka gets closer to the kids,” a source close to Scott tells told Hollywood Life.

“He wants to make sure he isn’t a jerk because the last thing Scott wants is Luka to be a bad father figure. He wants to make sure Luka’s intentions are pure.”

Once you get past the hilarity of Scott freakin’ Disick judging another person’s moral character, you can kind of see how this makes sense.

Yes, Scott is still is dating a woman who cannot yet legally drink.

(Which is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to his liver, to be honest.)

But to his credit, he waited a long time before introducing Sofia to his kids.

Now, apparently, he wants to make sure that Kourtney does the same.

Obviously, there’s nothing new about Kourt getting involved with significantly younger dudes.

Kourtney dated Younes Bendjima for several months, and Scott reportedly wasn’t thrilled with that relationship either.

This time around, he’s even more concerned, as it’s looking like this is no mere fling.

Sources say Kourtney and Luka are already getting serious.

And since Kourt’s kids are the most important thing in her life, it stands to reason that she’s itching to introduce them to her new man.

Disick is reportedly imploring her to hold off for a while.

And we can’t believe we’re about to say this, but we’re actually on Scott’s side on this one.


daily-celebrities: Kim and Kourtney Kardashian


Kim and Kourtney Kardashian


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Fat-Shaming Fans: I"ll Eat Whatever I Want!

If you’re a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you may have noticed that Kim and her sisters spend a surprising amount of time eating.

We don’t mean to say they take in more food than your average person — in fact, they probably consume far fewer calories than most of us.

But the Kards almost certainly avoid carbs the way most of us try to steer clear of IRS audits or people who retweet themselves.

Combine that with the fact that they probably also stick to low-fat diets and it’s easy why they would need to munch on salads all day in order to keep from feeling like they’re wasting away.

Now, you might be thinking that we’ve spent far too much time obsessing over the food intake of a bunch reality stars and Instagram influencers — and you would be right.

But we swear we’re going somewhere with all of this.

Apparently, KUWTK viewers were appalled by the amount of time Kourtney Kardashian spent eating during Sunday night’s episode.

The situation was so bad that Kourt felt the need to defend herself on Twitter.

“I swear I just read 100 comments about me eating on tonight’s episode and some of you are very offended. Let me live,” the mother of three tweeted.

A source who spoke with People magazine claims that the idea of anyone shaming Kourtney for the amount she eats is absurd, as the 39-year-old is a known fitness fanatic.

“She works out and eats in order to try to stay around 100 lbs.,” the insider says, adding that Kourt’s problem is not with losing weight but with keeping it on.

“Yes, she eats very healthy but she wants her body to be healthy and not underweight or malnourished.”

The source adds that Kourtney’s “body type is very different from her sisters’” and it sometimes requires her to spend a large part of her day eating in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Kourtney even went so far as to outline her diet regimen, noting that she begins each day by taking a collagen supplement and always avoids refined sugars.

That’s all well and good, and Kourt deserves credit for taking care of herself, but we would have respected her more if she had just flipped off the haters and reminded everyone that it’s her body and she can do whatever the hell she wants with it.


daily-celebrities: Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim...


Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim Kardashian West


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Scott Disick: Give Kourtney Some Sperm!

According to a previous report, Kim Kardashian wants her sister to get back together with Scott Disick.

This may or may not be true.

But the former sex tape star says herself in the Keeping Up with the Kardashians clip featured here that she wants at least one thing for Kourtney and Scott:


In this sneak peek, Kim is talking to close pal Larsa Pippen when she says the following:

"So Scott just texts me that he wants to have another baby … with Kourtney. I think he just wants one more, and she wants one more."

We never actually see this text, of course.

And it seems somewhat ridiculous to believe that Scott would just text this to Kim — but whatever. Let"s go ahead and suspend disbelief for a few moments.

"She definitely wants more kids," Larsa replies. "If they both want to have more kids, why not have them together? Their kids are gorgeous."

"I mean, it"s like, Scott has a girlfriend, Kourtney has a boyfriend, we get it," Kim says, referring to Sofia Richie and, at the time this was filmed, Younes Bendjima.

"They don"t even have to have sex. It could be IVF."

That"s true, we suppose.

If both sides of this former couple simply want a fourth child, there is a way to make that happen without intercourse.

"When I got pregnant with North, I had no idea if Kanye and I were going to end up together," Kim then admits, adding:

"I was like, "We can break up, but let me just at least have some sperm, so I can have another one, so I could have siblings.""

This is the first time, we believe, that Kim has said anything of this nature.

In the clip featured on this page, though, she takes things a step beyond one conversation with Pippen.

She gets motivated to really push for this Scott-and-Kourtney-have-another-child plan, evidently sending an email to other members of her family.

But… OOPS! Something goes wrong with it!

What does Kim screw up?

Watch this footage to find out!

Kim kardashian to scott disick give kourtney some sperm

Friday, September 28, 2018

Luka Sabbat: Causing MAJOR Jealousy Between Kourtney and Kendall?!

Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner may be the hottest in their family, but they have something else in common.

That something is threatening to tear the two of them apart with jealousy.

And his name is Luka Sabbat.

A source revealed to InTouch Weekly magazine that Kendall and Kourtney are in konflict.

“It’s all because of Kourtney’s latest boy toy,” the insider announces.

“Luka<‘ the source shares. “Was into Kendall first.”

(Well, so were a lot of people)

The insider explains that this is something “which Kourtney knew, but she just swooped right in anyway.”

Kendall Jenner and Luka Sabbat

“That’s caused some serious jealousy issues between the sisters,” the source explains.

Sometimes friends or loved ones are happy to share a guy, but the Kardashians and Jenners are a little too traditional for that.

In the insider’s view, Kendall and Luka are a “way better match” than Kourtney and Luka.

There are a lot of reasons for that — the lesser age difference, the fact that both are models, the fact that Kourt is a mom.

The source predicts that “Kourtney will move on from Luka in no time.”

Kourtney’s rumored boy toy is only 20 years old.

In contrast, Kourtney herself is just months away from turning 40.

We’re not saying that Kourtney is “too old.”

If they really are dating, this is just two consenting adults doing consensual adult things.

But you can imagine that some are surprised to see a mother-of-three dating a guy who isn’t old enough to drink.

It’s a little weird. And maybe it’s a little creepy.

That said, if you’re going to date a woman twice your age who is also a mother … you might as well date a mega-MILF, right?

Kourtney may just be dating Luka for fun, or to one-up (well, match) Scott Disick’s 20-year-old model girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

If so, maybe they both will move on soon.

If and when that happens, if Luka needs a shoulder (or other body part) to cry on, well, 23-year-old Kendall is age-appropriate and will probably be available.

We have to admit that we’re unsure of this narrative.

Now, if Kourtney really did swoop in and snatch up Luka in her talons just as Kendall was leaning in for a kiss, sure.

But this would hardly be the first time that sisters in that family had experienced the other’s sloppy seconds.

In fact, before Travis Scott impregnated Kylie last year, he had banged Kendall.

He even made headlines for publicly comparing and contrasting the two sisters on how they are in bed.

(Ugh, don’t get us started on how creepy that was)

Obviously, the sisterly bond should be indelible.

The Kardashians are all about “the power of family,” after all.

We hope that Kendall and Kourtney are too close to be torn apart by the same guy.

In the mean time, high five to them both for having great taste. Luka’s one handsome dude.

And with the other hand, high five to Luka for attracting the interest of not one but two of the most beautiful women on the planet.
