Showing posts with label Thirsty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thirsty. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Teases Thirsty Fans with New Lingerie Pic

Kourtney Kardashian shared her enthusiasm for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show like any diehard fan would: cosplay.

Not to be confused with her Halloween costume, Kourt donned a different lingerie look just hours ahead of this year’s show.

The results are jaw-dropping. Take a look:

Kourt captioned this photo: “Can’t wait for tonight.”

She was referring to the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

2018 seems to exist outside of the normal rules of time, so we understand that it might be hard to accept that Halloween was just two weeks ago.

Famously, she and her sisters went as Victoria’s Secret Angels — because of course they did.

In this pic, however, Kourtney is wearing a slightly different outfit, both in terms of the lingerie portion and in terms of the wings.

For contrast, here is the look that she was sporting for Halloween:

As you can see, the “wings” are very different in the Halloween costume.

And the lingerie is a bit more revealing.

Those outfits were, of course, supplied by Victoria’s Secret.

(The Kardashian brand is still intensely powerful, folks, and any company would jump at the chance to have these women don their products)

The picture up top is of Kourtney getting hyped for the actual runway show.

But on All Hallow’s Eve, the Kardashian clan put on a runway show of their very own.

The women — excuse us, the angels — looked positively radiant in their Halloween costumes.

“Thank you Victoria’s Secret for sending us actual runway looks and real wings to borrow for the night!!!” Kim gushed.

“OMG a dream come true!” Kim continued. “Got to be a Victoria’s Secret Angel for the night!”

Kim acknowledged that her supermodel sister was no stranger to the look: “[And] Kendall got good practice lol.”

Kendall’s non-compete agreement with La Perla lingerie had thankfully run out in time for her to participate in this year’s Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

(Which, honestly, makes it kind of awkward — don’t do a group costume if the costume idea is just the day job of one member of the group)

Kourtney, for her part, crackd a joke about her height.

“I opened the show,” Kourtney shared on Halloween.

“Thank you [Victoria’s Secret] for making me the first ever 5’1” angel,” she joked.

In case you had forgotten, the Kardashian women are extraordinarily tiny.

(Even the “tall” ones, like Khloe and Kendall at 5-foot-10 each, only look tall because their sisters are so short)

The Kardashians brought some added attention — or at least a timely reminder — of the real Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Unfortunately, the show managed to stir up some controversy this year.

A recurring topic regarding the fashion industry is a glaring lack of diversity. This year, the brand answered that question very poorly.

When asked about the idea of models on the runway with different ages, or body types, or who might be transgender or disabled, the Chief Marketing Officer put his foot in his mouth.

“No. No, I don’t think we should,” he said. “Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy.”

That did not go over well, and he has since apologized.

Kourtney’s latest photo comes as fires are ravaging Southern California, even reaching as far as some Kardashian properties.

Multiple celebrities have had their homes totally consumed by raging wildfires.

With this year’s drought, the fire continues to burn unchecked — and with climate change, these devastating wildfires will only grow more frequent.

We sincerely hope that the fire can soon be contained and extinguished.

In the mean time, many find Kourt’s photos to be a welcome distraction from the horrifying inferno.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Ariel Winter Claps Back at Troll Who Called Her Thirsty

Ariel Winter is talented, successful, and beautiful. She is also, unfortunately, no stranger to random attacks by trolls who hope that their comments can ruin her night.

Fortunately, Ariel knows just how to stick it to her haters.

So when someone left a nasty comment about her appearance on her costar’s photo, she was ready to clap back.

This starts with a photo shared by Sarah Hyland, Ariel Winter’s costar.

The Modern Family cast took a few photos when they attended a For Your Consideration event.

Hyland expressed her enthusiasm under the group photo that she shared, writing:

“I love these people with all my heart. My family (well most of them) Here’s to a Season 10.”

That’s right, folks — Modern Family is about a decade old.

Unfortunately, one commenter decided to single out Ariel’s appearance.

“Why,” wrote a troll. “Does Ariel look so thirsty all the time?”

Though thirsty often means experiencing sexual attraction towards a specific person or wanting to hook up, it can also mean that someone looks desperate for fame and attention.

Either way … it is clearly not intended as a compliment towards the 20-year-old actress.

Plenty of stars wouldn’t see this, but it looks like Ariel saw her friend’s post and just happened to catch a glimpse of this rude comment.

Ariel being Ariel, she clapped back … and showed off her sense of humor.

“I’m SO thirsty!!! Haven’t had water in hours. God I can’t believe you can tell I’m dehydrated from this pic :/ :/.”

Ariel Winter Claps Back on Instagram

Sarcasm can be a great tool for shaming trolls in situations like this one.

(In other cases, you can use politely phrased, earnest questions)

The only sad thing is that Ariel had to clap back in the first place.

Even if you don’t watch Modern Family because you don’t have time or sitcoms aren’t your thing or whatever, the actors deserve respect. They’re human beings.

But this comes down to, yet again, people looking for any excuse to sexualize Ariel and then attempt to shame her for having the audacity to be attractive.

She was, as you can see in the photos above, wearing a normal black dress.

Even if she had been naked, she would still deserve respect, but it’s worth noting that she was dressed appropriately for the occasion.

So … what was thirsty about her?

We’re guessing that this troll noticed Ariel’s body’s curves and found her attractive.

Which doesn’t really have anything to do with Ariel, now does it?

That sounds like his problem.

But it isn’t Ariel Winter’s job to educate her haters or to make them have epiphanies that their misogynistic attacks are born of their own shortcomings.

Her job is to act on Modern Family.

Recently, she’s used social media to celebrate her anniversary with Levi Meaden and of course to praise his role in the new Pacific Rim film.

But her presence on social media is a privilege to her fans and followers and is not guaranteed.

One of these days, if these nasty trolls keep up their rudeness, Ariel may stop sharing sexy photos. In her case, that will mean that she’d just stop sharing pictures.

Nobody wants that. Just … be decent human beings when you leave comments, folks.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Treach Says Tupac Rape Accuser is Thirsty for Fame, 23 Years Later

Treach says Tupac’s rape accuser is only coming forward now to repeat her more than 2-decade-old allegations because she’s trying to use the #MeToo movement to gain some fame. The Naughty by Nature rapper tells us everyone heard Ayanna…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Bella Thorne: Completely Nude, Still Thirsty AF

If you follow Bella Thorne on Instagram, you know that the woman is suffering from a serious clothing allergy.

We certainly don’t blame her, as she’s crazy hot and her comfort in front of the camera helped her amass an astonishing 16 million followers.

We thought we’d seen just about every inch of Bella (ya know, for research), but her latest pic is revealing even by her standards.

That’s Bella in the new issue of GQ: Mexico.

She posted the pic on Instagram, along with a lengthy caption about body positivity and the importance of overcoming insecurities:

“I specifically asked for no re touching on this photo, and lemme tell you I have insecurities, about pretty much everything. That’s natural & that’s human,” Bella wrote.

“You might look at this photo and think oh shush bella, but just know everytime someone looks in the mirror they simply don’t see what everyone else sees,” she added.

“Know that it’s completely normal to feel insecure and it’s accepted. honestly I wish everyone talked more about their insecurities so more people in the world could know they aren’t alone. That it’s ok.”

She concluded on a triumphant note, with a sternly-worded message to the haters:

“F-ck it I’m here to tell you that’s right I’m not F-CKING PERFECT. IM A HUMAN BEING AND IM REAL. So hip hop your asses over the fence and GET OVER IT.”

Well, Bella doesn’t really strike us as the insecure type, but it’s nice to see such a positive message about … sigh, do we have to do this again?

Does every risqué Instagram photo have to be couched in a message of body positivity now?

At this point, it would be more refreshing if a celebrity just said, “Thought I looked hot here. Enjoy!”

Don’t get us wrong – it’s important that young people get the message that everyone has flaws, and the more they’re able to accept their imperfections, the happier they’ll be.

That said, Bella posting a photo like this along with a lengthy message about self-acceptance is like Tom Brady delivering a stirring speech about how it’s okay to feel insecure about your ability to throw 60-yard touchdown in the clutch.

Easy for you to say, Tom! [weeps gently, throws tissue at wastebasket, misses by 8 feet]

Again, we think Bella had the best of intentions here, but posting a smoking hot photo of yourself and then patting yourself on the back for your bravery in doing so is some next-level narcissism.

This post should be in the Millennial Dictionary next to the word “humblebrag.”

But hey, at the end of the day, we’re just happy Bella’s not banging Scott Disick anymore.

Now, that’s something to take pride in!


Friday, July 28, 2017

Drake"s Oddly Thirsty Burglar Returns to Scene of Crime, Gets Pepper Sprayed

Drake’s thirsty burglar amped things up with her latest attempt to enter his Hidden Hills mansion … going off on cops and getting her ass pepper sprayed. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the 24-year-old woman — who previously got busted…


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kristen Doute: Topless on Instagram, Eternally Thirsty

Vanderpump Rules is unique amongst reality shows, in that its producers crank out a truly remarkable number of episodes per season.

In an age when most series, scripted or otherwise, are paring down, Vanderpump just keeps getting bigger, churning out a staggering 24 episodes in each of its last two seasons.

With that sort of exposure, it’s tough to imagine the cast is ever wanting for attention, and yet, it seems even when she’s in a pool, Kristen Doute remains parched:

What you’re looking at is a “topless photo of Kristen Doute.”

It’s not easy to pull off a topless pic that doesn’t violate Instagram’s no-nipple policy, but Kristen pulls it off by baring nothing more than a little shoulder.

The important thing is that it’s enough to accomplish the desired effect, which is to get the Internet talking about a Kristen Doute topless pic.

Hey, you don’t survive and thrive in the increasingly crowded reality TV market for five seasons without knowing how to manipulate social media.

The Vanderpump cast is currently shooting its sixth season, and K-Dot has to what she can to stand out amidst a number of promising storylines.

Just in the past three weeks, the following rumors have emerged out of West Hollywood:

Sources say Scheana Marie is engaged to Robert Parks-Valletta after just a few months of dating.

Other insiders close to the cast say that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are headed for divorce.

(The couple denies it, but that could just be part of an effort to preserve the drama.)

There are conflicting reports about new additions to the cast, but we know that Stassi Schroeder is back together with Patrick Meagher, who will appear on camera for the first time this season.

He may or may not be joined by a pair of new SURvers, including James Kennedy’s unfortunate girlfriend.

And all of this will take place on camera directly on the heels of the premiere season of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright’s spinoff series.

So you can’t really blame Kristen for grabbing her share of the Internet’s attention with a bit of false advertising.

If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to be good for some clicks, it’s the promise of nudity.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for what’s sure to be another lengthy, drama-packed season.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Game -- So, So Thirsty ... For Vodka (VIDEO)

Game got a thirst-quenching assist onstage from Diddy … Ciroc, and lots of it.  Game went on at half past midnight at The Venue in Minneapolis and a half hour in, his crew busted out the vodka. Sipping turned to chugging and you know…


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Lena Dunham Posts Topless Photo, Remains Thirsty AF

Lena Dunham attended last night’s CFDA Fashion Awards with her friend, jewelry designer Irene Neuwirth.

Naturally, Lena wore a necklace designed by Irene.

The two of them posed on the red carpet, and Lena even took the stage to present an award alongside J. Crew creative director, Jenna Lyons.

For most folks that would be plenty of attention for one night. 

Hell, you might even go home and lie low the whole next day because you’re just plain exhausted and “peopled out” after such an eventful evening.

But not Ms. Dunham.

Oh, no. Lena returned to what we imagine is a self-consciously “funky” walk-up in Park Slope that costs more per month than your entire college education, and immediately she began plotting, perhaps while swirling her fair trade chamomile in a brandy snifter like mad villain who likes a nice, mild digestive relaxant at the end of the day.

Sure, had plenty of eyeballs on her earlier in the evening but it only made her want more:

Yes, Lena knows just how to temporarily slake her insatiable thirst for validation. 

And usually it involves nudity.

Unfortunately, topless Lena Dunham is such a common sight these days that this pic is barely making a dent.

Sure, your average Instagram user would be thrilled to get 16,000 likes, but your average Instagram user doesn’t have 2.6 million followers.

You’ve officially flooded the market, Lena!

And this time you can’t even stir up a bogus Photoshop controversy, because you’re the one who posted the pic.