Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Adrien Broner 2 Sex Crime Cases ... On Same Day

Exclusive Details

Boxing star Adrien Broner has a busy Monday — he’s got dates in TWO courtrooms in TWO states to face TWO separate allegations of sexual misconduct, TMZ Sports has learned.
… and it’s all going down just TWO weeks before his mega-fight with Manny ...
Adrien Broner 2 Sex Crime Cases ... On Same Day

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Kim Kardashian: I Loved to Look at OJ Crime Scene Photos as a Kid!

Something strange is going on with the Kardashians.

Perhaps they’re taking a page from Kanye’s Big Book of Insanity, or maybe the sisters realized they need to be less boring if they’re to maintain the vise-grip on our national consciousness that they’ve enjoyed for the past decade.

Whatever the case, the Kards have been more dramatic, more eccentric … more weird in recent months than ever before.

It’s a trend fans began to notice when the sisters began to engage in increasingly vitriolic arguments on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

(The recent Kim vs. Kourtney feud is a memorable, hilarious example.)

Around this same time, Khloe became much more candid when discussing the Tristan Thompson cheating scandal.

Now, even Kim — long regarded as the most “basic” of the Kardashian sisters — is proudly letting her freak flag fly (and not in the way she did in her infamous Ray J tape).

Due to her involvement in securing presidential pardons for Alice Marie Jones and other non-violent inmates, Kim was invited to appear at the Variety/Rolling Stone’s Criminal Justice Reform Summit in Los Angeles.

And she made some surprising revelations during an onstage interview with CNN’s Van Jones.

Speaking about her father’s work as a lawyer, Kim opened up about the ways in which her family was affected by the OJ Simpson murder trial.

“When he was involved in cases like the OJ case, that one was … obviously that was his best friend and it was deeper,” Kim  said.

“Nicole was my mom’s best friend. It was more than just a case he took on. But a lot of the meetings were held at our home and we would have Johnny Cochran, Shawn Holley, Bob Shapiro. All the attorneys would meet in our house,” the mother of three continued.

“And so they had all of the evidence books in the library of my dad’s house and so on the weekends when no one was around, I would go over these evidence books and go over crime scene photos and wild stuff.”

Yes, it seems that just like the rest of the country, young Kiki was fixated on that grisly scene in Brentwood.

Unlike the rest of us, however, the drama was playing out in her own home.

“My sister Kourtney would be, ‘What are you doing? Why do you care about this stuff? Leave it alone. You are not supposed to be going through it.’ I was just always so interested,” she added.

“I would just ask my dad questions. I was always really present.”

So next time you find yourself wondering how someone as milquetoast as Kim puts up with the roiling insanity of Kanye West, just remember that this is a woman who grew up pics of her mom’s best friend’s murder.


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Alec Baldwin"s Assault Arrest May Have Been Mutual Combat, Not a Crime

Alec Baldwin may have a good defense in his assault case, because there is some evidence he did not punch his alleged victim as cops first said … and what went down might not be a crime at all. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Wojciech…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Boston Crime Boss Whitey Bulger Found Dead in Prison at 89

10:25 AM PT — The Dept. of Justice says Bulger was found at 8:20 AM, and prison staff immediately attempted to resuscitate him. Bulger had just arrived at Hazelton on Monday. Whitey Bulger — one of America’s most notorious mobsters – was…


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Ryan Edwards Pleads Guilty to Yet Another Crime

Ryan Edwards is getting to be very familiar with his local courthouse these days.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past year, and many are baffled by the fact that he’s not currently behind bars.

(We suppose you can never underestimate how much easier it is to navigate the criminal justice system if you’re both white and mildly famous.)

The charges against Ryan have ranged from serious to relatively benign, but despite his many, many brushes with the law, it looks as though the troubled Teen Mom OG star has no intention of changing his ways.

Edwards’ latest arrest was for a speeding ticket, but because he’s currently on probation in connection with 80,000 other infractions, it could have carried serious legal consequences.

In fact, Ryan spent a week in jail following his latest run-in with the cops, and he was originally supposed to remain behind bars until his arraignment.

But once again, his lawyers worked their magic (“Judge, I’d like to remind the court that my client is both Caucasian and a reality star …”) so he strutted into court on Tuesday having spent the past several weeks at home as a free man.

According to Radar Online, Ryan pled guilty to the speeding charge, having apparently reached a plea deal with prosecutors.

That may sound like a lot of courtroom drama for a simple moving violation.

But Ryan has reached the point where a jaywalking ticket could land him behind bars if he winds up in front of the wrong judge.

All these legal troubles began in March of 2017 when Ryan was arrested for heroin possession near his hometown in Tennessee.

While still on probation for those charges Edwards failed a drug test and was once again taken into custody.

He received a suspended sentence, probation, and five days community service.

Also during this time, Edwards baby mama, Maci Bookout, was granted a restraining order against him after Ryan allegedly threatened to murder her husband.

Needless to say, the man has been incredibly lucky in court — but his employers have been far less forgiving.

Recently, MTV fired Edwards and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer.

Accounts vary as to why the network reached that decision with Ryan and Mackenzie insisting that they’re discriminating against him because of his addiction, and others claiming that Maci demanded the network give her ex the ax.

We’d say it’s a blessing in disguise, as Ryan can use this time away from the spotlight to focus on getting his life in order.

But let’s face it — that’s never gonna happen.


Friday, July 20, 2018

P.I. Who Allegedly Bugged Richard Simmons Charged with Crime

The private investigator who allegedly planted a tracking device on Richard Simmons’ car has been charged with a crime … TMZ has learned. Scott Brian Matthews was charged with 2 counts of the crime of unlawfully using a tracking…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

"Bachelorette" Contestant Lincoln Adim Convicted of Sex Crime

A contestant on the new season of “The Bachelorette” — who’s still in contention — became a convicted criminal charged with a sex crime just a week before the premiere. Law enforcement sources in Suffolk County, NY tell TMZ Lincoln Adim was…


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Will be Charged with a Sex Crime, Plans Surrender

Harvey Weinstein will be charged with a sex crime and will surrender Friday … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ at least one woman is the alleged victim — Lucia Evans. She claims Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex on…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kevin Hart Alleged Sex Tape Extortionist Charged with Crime

The man who allegedly tried to coerce Kevin Hart into paying him for a sex video has been charged with extortion. Jonathan Todd Jackson faces 2 felony counts — attempted extortion and extortion by threatening letter. Jackson is accused of trying to…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Meghan Markle Targeted In Racist Hate Crime

From the moment the world first learned that Prince Harry was dating Meghan Markle, racist trolls have been crawling out of the woodwork to spew their hateful bile.

These days, Harry and Meghan are engaged, so naturally, the world’s worst people have ramped up their efforts to frighten and harass the couple.

The Guardian is reporting today that Scotland Yard is investigating an envelope of white powder that was mailed to Kensington Palace and addressed to Harry and Meghan.

Police are treating the incident as a racially-motivated hate crime.

Investigators suspect that the envelope contained anthrax, but they have yet to release the results of a toxicology test.

Of course, even if it turns out the powder is something far less harmful, the fact remains that the perpetrator intended to scare Harry and Meghan, to make them feel unsafe in their own home.

Sadly, this incident isn’t entirely surprising.

It’s hard to believe – especially given how beloved she is on this side of the pond – but some Brits are not happy about the idea of Harry marrying Meghan.

Some say it’s because Meghan is divorced.

Others claim it’s because she’s an actress.

And a surprising number just come right out and admit they’re racist.

We suppose their honesty would be refreshing if they’re bigotry wasn’t so nauseating.

A recent collection of comments posted on the Daily Mail‘s website in response to an article about Harry and Meghan gives you an idea of the sort of vitriol that’s at work here:

“A DIVORCEE BARELY a Z-list actress!” wrote one caps-loving psychopath.

“This is going to be a JOKEfest of a SHAM wedding!”


“An almost 40-year-old divorcee who appears used up, tongue hanging out and slapping high fives and taking selfies along her carriage route,” another basement-dweller wrote of Meghan.

You get the idea.

These people seem unaware that the Church of England literally only exists because of a divorce, but there’s no point in arguing with them, anyway.

Living well is the best revenge, and it doesn’t get much better than life as a princess.


Friday, January 19, 2018

Gianni Versace Crime Scene Less Chaotic Than Portrayed on "American Crime Story"

Gianni Versace’s crime scene wasn’t nearly as chaotic as FX’s ‘American Crime Story’ portrayed. Carlos Noriega — a former lieutenant in charge of the Violent Crimes Unit for Miami Beach PD — tells us he was the 4th person to arrive on the scene…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Versace Family Feels Victimized by "American Crime Story" Producers

Gianni Versace’s family is livid and disgusted at everyone who contributed in the TV re-creation of the bloody murder scene. Our Versace family sources say they can’t believe the current owners of Gianni’s Miami Beach mansion — now the Villa Casa…


Friday, December 22, 2017

iPhone Crime Spree Busted By LAPD

A group of violent robbers who were allegedly brutalizing Los Angelinos in a series of cellphone robberies has been busted … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, they were doing surveillance on 2 men — Ricardo Rivas and Bryan…


Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Victims Return To Scene Of Crime For Memorial

Marcus Martin, one of 19 injured victims in Saturday’s deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, returned to the scene of the protest bandaged and in a wheelchair. Marcus was hurled in the air after a car driven by James Alex Fields plowed…


Friday, July 28, 2017

Drake"s Oddly Thirsty Burglar Returns to Scene of Crime, Gets Pepper Sprayed

Drake’s thirsty burglar amped things up with her latest attempt to enter his Hidden Hills mansion … going off on cops and getting her ass pepper sprayed. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the 24-year-old woman — who previously got busted…


Friday, June 9, 2017

Lil Wayne Sued for Hate Crime Against White Security Guard

Lil Wayne violently punched a security guard in the face and the guard claims it’s a hate crime against white people … this according to a new lawsuit. A California man claims he was working the front door at Hyde nightclub on the Sunset Strip in…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

LeBron James On Hate Crime Vandalism, "Being Black In America Is Tough"

LeBron James says the racist vandalism at his Brentwood home proves one thing — no matter how much money or fame he has, “Being black in America is tough.” TMZ Sports broke the story … someone spray painted the n-word across the front gate of…


LeBron James On Hate Crime Vandalism, "Being Black In America Is Tough"

LeBron James says the racist vandalism at his Brentwood home proves one thing — no matter how much money or fame he has, “Being black in America is tough.” TMZ Sports broke the story … someone spray painted the n-word across the front gate of…


LeBron James: Victimized in Graffiti Hate Crime

On Thursday, LeBron James will square off against Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and the rest of the Golden State Warriors in the first game of the 2017 NBA Finals.

Sadly, today the basketball legend is comforting his family after being the target of a revolting hate crime.

TMZ is reporting that a Los Angeles home owned by James was spray-painted with the n-word sometime last night.

A police report indicates that the word was scrawled on an outer gate, which has led investigators to conclude that the perpetrators never actually crossed James’ property line.

Of course, that’s probably small comfort to James’ wife and three children today.

The graffiti has been covered up, but not before it was seen by several stunned residents of the Brentwood community.

Sources say James bought the house in 2015, and while he spends a lot of time there in the off-season, it is not his family’s permanent residence.

At the time of the incident, James was already in the Bay Area, gearing up for his team’s matchup against the Warriors.

the LAPD is investigating the matter, and is reportedly treating it as a hate crime.

A source close to James who preferred not to be identified lashed out at the perpetrators in an interview with ESPN:

“It’s ignorance, that’s what it is,” says the insider.

“Unfortunately in 2017 people still think the way they do. I can’t say it’s surprising given what’s happened in this country the last eight months.”

The source added:

“You can be a titan of industry, you can be a community leader, you can be the best at what you do and they can cut you down to just, ‘You’re black."”

Though he remains one of the most beloved figures in NBA history, James has drawn criticism from extremists for voicing his dissatisfaction with the country’s current political climate.

James has yet to comment on the crime, and will likely hold off on issuing a statement until after tomorrow night’s game.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


LeBron James" L.A. Home Vandalized With N-Word Graffiti, Hate Crime

An L.A. home owned by LeBron James was the target of a hate crime — someone spray painted the n-word on the front gate and detectives are investigating it as a possible hate crime, cops tell TMZ Sports. Here’s what we know … multiple LAPD…
