Showing posts with label Producers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Producers. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

David Eason: Harrassing Teen Mom 2 Producers? Hoping to Get Jenelle Evans Fired?!

It"s been nine months since David Eason got fired from Teen Mom 2, but it seems he"s still obsessed with his former gig.

Part of the reason, of course, is that David is still unemployed and thus has nothing else to keep him occupied.

But David"s fixation with the show also seems to have roots in his anger at producers.

For months now, he"s been ranting on social media about how unfair it was that he was axed from the show.

And it now it looks as though his anger might be creating an unsafe situation for TM2"s crew.

Take a look:

1. Dark Times on the Land

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Jenelle and David have hit rock bottom like never before over the course of the past month.

2. The Incident

Jenelle and david eason

It all started, of course, with the revelation that David had assaulted Jenelle during a fight on the couple’s property.

3. The Call

Jenelle evans 911 call

This resulted in Jenelle calling 911 and being rushed to the nearest hospital for her injuries.

4. The Aftermath

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Fans implored Jenelle to remove her kids from the home and relocate someplace safer. Instead, she did something wholly unexpected …

5. The Twist

Jenelle evans releases video statement denies being abused

Jenelle took to social media to defend David in the wake of the attack, dismissing the assault as a “drunk and dramatic misunderstanding.”

6. Things Get Weirder …

Jenelle evans post op

In the weeks following David’s alleged attack, Jenelle has offered increasingly bizarre accounts of what “really” happened that night.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kailyn Lowry & Chelsea Houska SLAM Teen Mom 2 Producers: You Were Supposed to Protect Us!

If you watched last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion special — which was rather lamely subtitled Behind the Screams — then you know there was no shortage of raised voices.

But as is so often the case with heavily-edited reality TV, we needed a bit of post-show insight from the stars themselves in order to clarify exactly what was behind those screams.

Kailyn Lowry-Chelsea Houska

Obviously, Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry nearly came to blows on two separate occasions but were held back by security both times.

Everyone on hand was appalled for the obvious reasons, but there was also a secondary cause for the confusion and anger that seemed to ripple through the room.

It seems Kailyn Lowry was outraged that the show’s producers put her in harm’s way.

And she wasn’t alone.

Chelsea Houska is currently pregnant with her second child, and she was reportedly so appalled by the unsafe conditions on set that she considered quitting the show.

The castmates both made their frustrations clear when in tweets that were posted immediately after the show aired Monday night:

“The producers encouraged me to text briana to meet up prior to that scene with Chelsea,” Lowry wrote.

“Came outta left field with the higher ups are asking if you would be willing to talk to her + added their own suggestions.”

She added:

“They really make it look like it was my idea to ask her to talk.

“I also texted 3 producers on set and said don’t put them behind me on the couch.”

Of course, Briana was seated near her on the stage, and that’s when the second round of violence broke out.

Chelsea echoed Briana’s sentiments, revealing that she was so disgusted with what took place that day that she didn’t even watch the reunion:

“I already watched tonight’s episode earlier and it made me feel so sick to my stomach that I was even around any type of physical altercation while pregnant,” Houska tweeted.

“Unfortunately, I put too much trust into people that I thought were looking out for my best interest and safety,” she added.

“Looking back…I wish I would’ve listened to my gut feeling and not have gone to filming that day at all.”

Chelsea’s father, Randy Houska, was even harsher in his assessment of the day’s events.

“The fact that @mtv higher ups said they would not let happen exactly what did happen … was ridiculous,” he wrote. 

“I firmly believe it was all set up with Brianna ahead of time to flip out like that.”

Randy went on to say that the network should’ve taken disciplinary action against Briana and her sister, Brittany:

“Exactly what @ChelseaHouska predicted would happen and @mtv promised would not happened. There should have been severe consequences,” he tweeted.

But it seems Briana doesn’t entirely share her castmates’ views on who’s to blame for last night’s debacle:

“This whole situation would of never happened if ppl minded their business on who I was f—king. Also I wasn’t scared, I popped off in front of cameras cause I was tired of things being done secretly and ppl playing the victim,” she wrote in a series of deleted tweets.

“I saw plenty of msgs in Javi’s phone of a certain someone talking about me and my family. U can’t point fingers if ur hands are just as dirty.

Ironically, these days, it’s Briana who’s doing the finger-pointing by implying that Kailyn is entirely to blame for the melee, and she and MTV are not at fault.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

"Good Boys" Producers Put Child Actor in "Blackface," Studio Says for Lighting

The filmmakers behind an upcoming comedy used makeup to darken the face of a child actor’s stand-in — a la “blackface” — but the film’s production company says it’s common practice. Sources connected to the film, “Good Boys” — produced by Seth…


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham Blames "Teen Mom" Producers for Jenelle Evans" Gun Incident

Farrah Abraham says if you’re looking for the real villain in “Teen Mom 2” star Jenelle Evans’ gun incident … you should start with the people who put the show on the air. The ‘Teen Mom’ alum was leaving Mastro’s in Bev Hills Friday night…


Friday, July 6, 2018

"Big Brother" Houseguest Kaitlyn Drops N-Word After Producer"s Language Warning

“Big Brother” houseguest Kaitlyn went from zero to stupid real quick when she dropped the n-word Thursday night during the show’s online live feed. She was talking to 2 other guests — Tyler and Scottie — about making a quick transition … when…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lincoln Adim is a Liar, Bachelorette Producers Harshly Allege!

Becca Kurfin claims she fell in love with two men on her current season of The Bachelorette.

But that predicament is nothing compared to the one producers of this show now find themselves in after word spread on Wednesday of Lincoln Adim’s past run-in with the law.

Lincoln is a suitor on Season 14 and, as of this past Monday’s episode, is still in the running for Becca’s heart.

You’ll need to visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers in order to learn just how far he advances in the weeks ahead – but you only need to scroll down a little bit in order to learn the trouble Lincoln has gotten into.

In May of 2016, Adim sexually accosted a woman on board a cruise ship.

We don’t even need to use the word allegedly in this case because he was actually convicted of this illegal action two years later, just a few days before The Bachelorette premiered.

Press Secretary Jake Wark of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office has said that Lincoln has to register as a sex offender for his behavior, while stating the following in regard to his conviction:

The judge ordered him to stay away from the victim and attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week during those two years.

If he complies with the judge’s orders, he will not have to serve out his term, but if he fails to comply with those orders or re-offends, he could be ordered to serve out the year behind bars.

This was and is clearly a pretty big deal.

So the natural next question to ask is this:

How the heck did Lincoln get approved for the show?!?

How were producers unaware of his assault charge and subsequent conviction?

Simple, they now say in response:

Because Lincoln is a liar!

In a statement released by the press in response to this new Bachelorette scandal, the studio behind the ABC reality series says the following:

“No one on The Bachelorette production had any knowledge about the incident or charges when Lincoln Adim was cast, and he himself denied ever having engaged in or having been charged with any sexual misconduct.”

Well… yeah, right? No d’uh!

Of course Lincoln would deny this.

Why didn’t the team behind The Bachelorette use all the resources at their disposal to find the truth themselves? 

Continues this production company statement:

“We employ a well-respected and highly experienced third party who has done thousands of background checks consistent with industry standards to do a nationwide background check in this case.

“The report we received did not reference any incident or charge relating to the recent conviction – or any other charges relating to sexual misconduct.

The statement concludes:

“We are currently investigating why the report did not contain this information, which we will share when we have it.”

Fair enough. We’ll be curious to read it.

Now, about Garrett Yrigoyen


Ex-"Bachelorette" Star Robby Hayes Says Producers Screwed Up Lincoln Adim Situation

JoJo Fletcher’s runner-up on her season of “The Bachelorette” can’t figure out how Lincoln Adim got on the show, because the screening process probes for past crimes. We got Robby Hayes Wednesday in Venice and asked if ‘Bachelorette’…


"Bachelorette" Producers Say Lincoln Adim Lied About Assault Arrest

‘Bachelorette’ contestant Lincoln Adim pulled the wool over the eyes of producers during background checks for the show … according to Warner Bros. The studio behind the reality show just released a statement about Adim, who, as we reported…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

"Bachelorette" Producers Say Lincoln Adim Lied About Assault Arrest

“Bachelorette” contestant Lincoln Adim pulled the wool over the eyes of producers during background checks for the show … according to Warner Bros. The studio behind the reality show just released a statement about Adim, who was convicted last…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Cast to Producers: Fire Jenelle & Briana or We"re Done!

If you caught Monday night"s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, you know that the series shows no signs of running out of steam in its ninth go-round.

(Okay, technically this is Season 8B, but the distinction is a purely legal one, intended to stave another round of contract negotiations with the cast.)

The debut episode had a little bit of everything – there was talk of shady hookups, allegations of horrendous parenting, and even the occasional glimpse of happy, functional couple (shoutout to the Houska-DeBoer clan).

But perhaps the biggest surprises came in a trailer that offered fans a preview of what"s in store for the remainder of the season.

In fact, the montage contained so many shockers that certain members of the cast were downright stunned with what they saw …

1. The Ultimatum

Kailyn leah chelsea

The trailer for Teen Mom 2 Season 8B shows three of the moms sitting down with producers to discuss problems created by their two other cast members – Jenelle Evans and Briana DeJesus.

2. A Loaded Question

Kail has no sh ts to give

“So what do we do about Jenelle and Briana, so we don’t feel like we have to walk away from the show?” Kail asked her bosses.

3. The Quandary

The quandary

Obviously, Kail’s question puts the show’s producers in a tough spot. We’re sure they care about the cast’s safety and they’d surely love to kick Jenelle to the curb, but canning the most combustible castmembers can often spell the beginning of the end for an aging reality show.

4. Briana Was Not Thrilled

Briana drama

It’s hard to believe that anyone can keep a secret for several months in the age of social media, but apparently, Briana had no idea the meeting took place until she saw the trailer herself.

5. Thoughts From Bri

Briana confronts kail

In a now-deleted tweet, DeJesus expressed her shock that her castmates “had a meeting with the executives” about her. For emphasis, she added, “Holy f-cking sh-t lmao.”

6. Briana Drama, Part Bajillion

Briana is psyched

Of course, a possible confrontation with producers isn’t the only drama on the horizon for Briana this season. In fact, it seems she’s in for plenty of ups and downs…

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Monday, April 2, 2018

Matt Roloff Rips Little People/Big World Producers, Hints Family May Quit

Like son, like father?

About two years after Jacob Roloff walked away from Little People, Big World because he said the show was scripted and his relatives made out to be people they were not…

… Matt Roloff has echoed this sentiment.

Returning to social media after a brief hiatus late last week, the family patriarch engaged a bit with fans on Facebook.

With a new season of Little People, Big World set to (finally!) premiere on April 3, Roloff responded to a complaint on his official account that referenced his ex-wife, Amy, and how recent scenes between the two have been filled with “stress” and “tension.”

This individual said such moments were unpleasant to watch. 

And not only did Matt agree, he blamed producers for artificially creating such scenes, implying that if this continues, he and his loved ones will quit the series.


“I totally agree [with your assessment],” Matt responded, continuing as follows:

“We’ve been pushing the new producers to stop making our show negative and keep the family love and togetherness in the forefront.

“For some reason, these new producers/editors that come in to work…don’t know the show and want to amplify the negative…

“I’m not sure we (the Roloff family) can take that kinda of editing much longer. Errrrr.”

mr response

Whoa there!

That’s quite the statement.

We’ve been writing for several weeks that social media users often go after either Matt or Amy on a regular basis.

Even through this couple divorced way back in May of 2016 and have both happily moved on with new significant others, many fans simply can’t accept this scenario.

It’s not surprising, therefore, that producers may have picked up on this reaction and used the manufactured feud as a way to sell new episodes of the show.

In a clip from the season, for example, we see Matt and Amy arguing over family farm issues.

(You can watch the complete new season preview above.)

Amy, conversely, has also taken to Instagram in anticipation of upcoming episodes.

But she isn’t blasting anyone behind the scenes of them.

She’s expressing extreme excitement over what lies ahead.

“Woohoo! It’s here. LPBW new episodes,” Amy wrote as a caption to a photo of the Roloff farm, adding:

“What a season it will be – life being new parents, managing life after divorce and relationships, Farm, learning to work together and always a family.

“Yep there’ll be some moments but always in telling a story. So hope you’ll be watching NEW episodes of #LPBW, premiering on @TLC Tuesday, April 3rd at 9/8c!

“You can catch up on past seasons now on! You’re awesome! Thanks for all the years of support and encouragement. Couldn’t do this without you.”

It is expected that these new episodes will focus primarily on Zach and Tori Roloff raising son Jackson, along with Audrey and Jeremy Roloff preparing to welcome daughter Ember, who arrived in September.

But Amy does also cite “life after divorce” and “relationships” in her own tease for the show.

She has been dating Chris Marek for about a year now and Matt has been with Caryn Chandler, the former farm manager.

For those unfamiliar with Jacob’s rant from July of 2016, Matt and Amy’s youngest son said at the time that he had enough of filming Little People, Big World.

He said he simply could not handle the phoniness.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” he said that summer.

Jacob continued, holding nothing back:

“And when I was standing here, behind the scenes and watching it from an outside perspective I just couldn’t stop laughing.

“Laughing at how hard the producers have to try to get us to follow the talking points, and at how ridiculous the talking points are.

“The family that is filmed is not my family.

“They are the Roloff Characters and I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself.”

According to Matt, not much has changed.

But will he and others actually follow Jacob’s lead and leave the show?

Stay tuned to find out.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

"Crazy Alien" Producers Say Dog Wasn"t Supposed to Fall in Icy Water

A rep for the movie “Crazy Aliens” is admitting something went wrong with a stunt involving a dog that was spun around violently in a cage and then hurled into icy waters … but they say it was an accident. The video posted by TMZ triggered…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"American Idol" Alum Jackie Tohn Knows How Producers Know Contestants Are Hooking Up

“American Idol” producers have a tricky way of keeping tabs on contestants looking to sneak out of their rooms to bang other contestants … according to former ‘Idol’ contestant Jackie Tohn. We got Jackie, who was on season 8, Monday…


"American Idol" Alum Jackie Tohn Knows How Producers Know Contestants Are Hooking Up

“American Idol” producers have a tricky way of keeping tabs on contestants looking to sneak out of their rooms to bang other contestants … according to former ‘Idol’ contestant Jackie Tohn. We got Jackie, who was on season 8, Monday…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Kenya Moore: Producers Are Hunting for Her RHOA Replacement

Last year, Kenya Moore made a choice to marry for love and respect her husband’s desire to not become a reality star. That decision may cause her to lose her peach.

Kenya’s tried hard to make up for it, but it looks like she might be fired and replaced with Kim Zolciak. Ouch.

Now it’s really looking like her time as a reality star is over, because producers are apparently on the hunt for fresh talent.

RadarOnline reports that The Real Housewives of Atlanta producers are looking for new Housewives.

Their source dishes on the process:

“They are meeting so many new women and signing them up to film casting reels.”

Some shows have potential contestants film their own casting reels, but they clearly want to see how these women perform with Bravo’s cameras rolling.

“They want new Housewives in Atlanta and they are already testing a few ladies.”

There’s no way of knowing if they’re filming them with each other, with hired actors, or even with existing cast members.

But we imagine that they’ll hold off on introducing them to the main cast until a couple of big decisions are final.

By big decisions, we mostly just mean whether or not Kenya is getting the boot.

“They’re going to make the official call about Kenya and the other ladies right after the reunion.”

That will be a huge decision, for the show but especially for Kenya.

And also for Kim Zolciak who, as we’ve mentioned, has merely been a friend of the Housewives on this past season.

“Kim coming on board full time won’t be determined until after the reunion is taped.”

And a certain friend of NeNe Leakes’ status as a friend of the show may carry on … but they haven’t made that decision.

“And Eva​ Marcille may or may not be brought back yet.”

If you don’t quite remember what landed Kenya Moore in hot water in the first place, wonder no more.

Last year, she had a secret wedding in which she married Marc Daly without the presence of any of Bravo’s cameras or producers.

The whole point of being a Real Housewife is that the show follows your life, particularly huge milestones like a wedding.

Unfortunately for Kenya, the man with whom she fell in love isn’t just camera-shy — he believes that The Real Housewives of Atlanta portrays black men in an unfairly negative light.

His refusal to film with her means that Kenya has less screen time.

Producers have reportedly been considering firing her and replacing her with someone who is committed to the role.

Since then, she’s tried everything to get back on the good side of producers by showing that she doesn’t need her married life to be interesting.

Kenya even went so far as to fake an explosive meltdown while the Housewives were doing charity work.

But it clearly has not been enough.

Kenya couldn’t go on the Barcelona trip.

And the footage of her crying while her husband’s out of town isn’t exactly the sort of Real Housewives content that keeps viewers’ eyes glued to their television sets.

Reportedly, this has already cost her $ 100,000. And she may be booted from the show.

Kenya Moore’s loss could be Kim Zolciak’s gain, as the Don’t Be Tardy star and mother-of-six really wants to be a full Housewife again.

Kim has never, ever shied away from the camera, and that goes for her whole family.

But if producers are looking for new applicants, it may be that they’d prefer a fresher face.

Some say that, if Bravo does fire Kenya, they’ll be punishing her for falling in love. Others say that they’ll be punishing Marc Daly for taking a moral stance against what he believes to be harmful content.

Others, however, say that it’s just good business.

They see Kenya Moore’s behavior as breach of contract or failure to live up to the role of Housewife.

Maybe it’s someone else’s turn to receive a peach.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Insane Treatment of Teen Mom Producers Revealed

Farrah Abraham‘s behind-the-scenes antics are way worse than we know, according to a new report … and that’s really saying something.

I mean, we already knew she was bonkers.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup compiled a massive investigative report of some of the juiciest moments that never made it to air.

As we know, Teen Mom is unlike many reality TV franchises in that the producers and crew members are often seen on camera.

They play an outsized role in the cast members’ storylines as a result, so there are plenty of times we’ve seen them interact.

Still, there’s a lot of really crazy stuff they don’t show, and no one clashes with the crew more than the OG diva herself, Farrah.

Case in point? Farrah getting fired from Teen Mom OG, which she repeatedly insinuated was because of her outside pursuits.

However, Executive Producer Morgan J. Freeman countered that her treatment of MTV producers and crew may be part of the problem.

“The amount of work that goes into keeping you happy has bubbled up to a point where we have to figure out if we move forward,” he told her.

“Out of nine moms, you’re the only [problem].”  

According to the Ashley, her behavior toward those who film her has been an ongoing, combative situation for years on end.

In short, people want Farrah gone because no one likes her. One longtime Teen Mom OG crew member told The Ashley:

“When Farrah decided she didn’t like someone on her crew or production team, she would tell her producer that they were ‘banned.’”

This meant they were no longer allowed in her residence, and naturally, this could occur at any time and for absurd reasons.

“She legit banned one crew member from the set because she could not pronounce his name!” another crew member said.

“It’s so ridiculous that people thought we were making it up but it 100 percent happened. There may even be footage of it somewhere.”

“The general feeling on Farrah’s shoots were that you didn’t really talk to Farrah unless she spoke to you; otherwise she would get really mad.”

“It was an uncomfortable environment, especially compared to how it is working in some of the other girls’ homes.”

She also refused to work with some producers altogether, and finding those who could tolerate her and vice versa was no easy task.

For instance, Farrah reportedly told crew members she “didn’t like working with straight male producers because they would hit on her.”

She also crazy rules for the crew, including removing the portable toilets on her property … AND not letting the crew use her bathroom.

“There weren’t any public restrooms nearby either, so if you had to go to the bathroom, it kind of halted everything,” said one staffer.

Even though people had to drive somewhere to use the pot, “Farrah was very strict on that; there was no budging, even for an emergency.”

Yes, Abraham will not allow people to use her toilets, or wear shoes in her home, though she reportedly allows her horse in the foyer.

The power-tripping antics don’t stop there, either. When she’s not accusing MTV of hate crimes, she’s trying to run the network.

Farrah once got angry at a crew member and told they were fired, only to be told by the producers that she lacks the authority to do that.

This didn’t stop her from publicly berating a producer at the “New Years Eve” party episode that was shown in December of last year.

Abraham also refused to film with the other girls, all of whom were present, so a special section had to be set up for her and her family. 

On the first day of filming, “She thought she was going straight into filming but everything wasn’t ready yet,” a crew member recalled.

“The poor producer who was with her got it so bad for that.”

“When the producer Walkie-Talkied and asked if there was somewhere Farrah could go until the set was complete, Farrah lost it on her.”

“She screamed at her, yelling, “Do you not know how to do your job? Clearly you don’t so I’ll just stand here until you know how to do your job!”

Totally off her rocker.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Blake Shelton May Quit The Voice and Producers Won"t Miss Him!

The Voice has done a lot for Blake Shelton over the past 8 years. It’s how he and Gwen Stefani met. It’s how people who aren’t big Country fans know who he is. It’s probably how he somehow ended up “Sexiest Man Alive.”

Despite all of that, Blake is reportedly considering quitting the show that has given him so much — including tens of millions of dollars.

Surprisingly, it sounds like producers wouldn’t mind that at all. And it may all come down to Blake Shelton’s behavior when the cameras aren’t rolling.

Blake Shelton has been making headlines since he first hooked up with Gwen Stefani a few years ago.

Their runaway romance began after Gwen shared her story of being cheated on with her costars — she wanted to tell her fellow judges what was going on in her life before they heard speculation in tabloids.

Blake came forward, telling Gwen that he’d just gone through something similar in his own life.

The two of them bonded over that. And then, at some point, they boned. (There have even been reports that Blake Shelton is trying to impregnate Gwen Stefani)

So, money and visibility and alleged sexiness aside, it’s safe to say that The Voice has changed Blake Shelton’s life in a really positive way.

RadarOnline reports that Blake Shelton may walk away from The Voice.

“Blake has made tens of millions of dollars on The Voice and he has gotten insane exposure for his music.”

It’s true. If you’re not a Country fan, you had probably never heard of him before he went on The Voice, if then.

A lot of people never noticed that he existed until he started dating Gwen Stefani.

“But the money and fame have changed Blake.”

It sounds like he’s turned into a real diva when the cameras aren’t rolling.

“He is a cry baby if he doesn’t get his own way and he barks orders at people.”

Oh gosh. That sounds like an unpleasant way to behave.

That source has more to say, which we’ll get to in a moment.

But we should mention that some people’s first reaction will be that “diva behavior” doesn’t really match Blake Shelton’s image.

Or rather that it doesn’t really match Country Music’s image.

The key word there is image. Successful stars are great at managing their images; it is a key to success.

Blake Shelton is a guy who allegedly cheated just as much as Miranda Lambert, but it’s Miranda’s life that was ruined as the Country community sided with him during their split.

So it’s probably fair to say that Blake knows how to portray himself one way to the public and another in private.

Ultimately, Blake Shelton’s decision on whether or not to depart may rest on the shoulders of Adam Levine, who is also considering quitting.

The reason is that Adam’s wife Behati Prinsloo is pregnant with baby #2, and he may want to spend more time with his family.

“If Adam quits, Blake is definitely walking out behind him.”

Interesting. We wonder if Blake would feel insecure about remaining behind if Adam leaves. Certainly, we’ve never heard that there’s any love lost between the two.

Also interesting is that apparently the show itself wouldn’t mind.

“And producers are okay with that.”

For good reason:

“After eight years of Blake and Adam doing this, everyone is just ready for a change.”

It’s hard to parse stories about someone allegedly considering quitting; that could come from offhand remarks, after all.

But though new judges could breathe new life into The Voice, we have to wonder if the change could risk losing them viewers.

After all, despite the shock that most people felt when they saw Blake Shelton absurdly selected as the Sexiest Man Alive, some people clearly feel that way.

And maybe a lot of those people make up The Voice‘s core demographic of viewers.

“If Adam quits, Blake is definitely walking out behind him.”

“And producers are okay with that.”

“After eight years of Blake and Adam doing this, everyone is just ready for a change.”


Monday, January 15, 2018

Pablo Escobar"s Brother Surrenders to "Narcos" Producers in Trademark Dispute

The Escobar fam doesn’t usually back down from a fight, but it waved the white flag in a showdown with a TV powerhouse … TMZ has learned. Escobar Inc. — the company run by Pablo’s bro, Roberto – folded in the battle to cash in on…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Versace Family Feels Victimized by "American Crime Story" Producers

Gianni Versace’s family is livid and disgusted at everyone who contributed in the TV re-creation of the bloody murder scene. Our Versace family sources say they can’t believe the current owners of Gianni’s Miami Beach mansion — now the Villa Casa…


Monday, December 4, 2017

The Weinstein Company Sued by Producers Who Say Harvey Was "Ticking Time Bomb"

A husband/wife producing team is suing The Weinstein Company, claiming they were lured into a trap because the company knew Harvey was a ticking time bomb and the result was that their project was torpedoed. Scott Lambert and Alexandra Milchan claim…
