Showing posts with label Supposed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supposed. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Kailyn Lowry & Chelsea Houska SLAM Teen Mom 2 Producers: You Were Supposed to Protect Us!

If you watched last night’s Teen Mom 2 reunion special — which was rather lamely subtitled Behind the Screams — then you know there was no shortage of raised voices.

But as is so often the case with heavily-edited reality TV, we needed a bit of post-show insight from the stars themselves in order to clarify exactly what was behind those screams.

Kailyn Lowry-Chelsea Houska

Obviously, Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry nearly came to blows on two separate occasions but were held back by security both times.

Everyone on hand was appalled for the obvious reasons, but there was also a secondary cause for the confusion and anger that seemed to ripple through the room.

It seems Kailyn Lowry was outraged that the show’s producers put her in harm’s way.

And she wasn’t alone.

Chelsea Houska is currently pregnant with her second child, and she was reportedly so appalled by the unsafe conditions on set that she considered quitting the show.

The castmates both made their frustrations clear when in tweets that were posted immediately after the show aired Monday night:

“The producers encouraged me to text briana to meet up prior to that scene with Chelsea,” Lowry wrote.

“Came outta left field with the higher ups are asking if you would be willing to talk to her + added their own suggestions.”

She added:

“They really make it look like it was my idea to ask her to talk.

“I also texted 3 producers on set and said don’t put them behind me on the couch.”

Of course, Briana was seated near her on the stage, and that’s when the second round of violence broke out.

Chelsea echoed Briana’s sentiments, revealing that she was so disgusted with what took place that day that she didn’t even watch the reunion:

“I already watched tonight’s episode earlier and it made me feel so sick to my stomach that I was even around any type of physical altercation while pregnant,” Houska tweeted.

“Unfortunately, I put too much trust into people that I thought were looking out for my best interest and safety,” she added.

“Looking back…I wish I would’ve listened to my gut feeling and not have gone to filming that day at all.”

Chelsea’s father, Randy Houska, was even harsher in his assessment of the day’s events.

“The fact that @mtv higher ups said they would not let happen exactly what did happen … was ridiculous,” he wrote. 

“I firmly believe it was all set up with Brianna ahead of time to flip out like that.”

Randy went on to say that the network should’ve taken disciplinary action against Briana and her sister, Brittany:

“Exactly what @ChelseaHouska predicted would happen and @mtv promised would not happened. There should have been severe consequences,” he tweeted.

But it seems Briana doesn’t entirely share her castmates’ views on who’s to blame for last night’s debacle:

“This whole situation would of never happened if ppl minded their business on who I was f—king. Also I wasn’t scared, I popped off in front of cameras cause I was tired of things being done secretly and ppl playing the victim,” she wrote in a series of deleted tweets.

“I saw plenty of msgs in Javi’s phone of a certain someone talking about me and my family. U can’t point fingers if ur hands are just as dirty.

Ironically, these days, it’s Briana who’s doing the finger-pointing by implying that Kailyn is entirely to blame for the melee, and she and MTV are not at fault.


Saturday, March 17, 2018

"Crazy Alien" Producers Say Dog Wasn"t Supposed to Fall in Icy Water

A rep for the movie “Crazy Aliens” is admitting something went wrong with a stunt involving a dog that was spun around violently in a cage and then hurled into icy waters … but they say it was an accident. The video posted by TMZ triggered…


Sunday, February 25, 2018

"Family Feud" Supposed to be Hiltons vs. Kardashians but Hiltons Bailed

The Kardashians played against each other on “Family Feud,” but TMZ has learned it wasn’t supposed to be that way … it was scheduled to be a showdown between the Kardashians and the Hiltons. Sources connected to the production tell us … they…


Monday, June 5, 2017

Usher Explains Why He Missed One Love Manchester Concert, But He Wasn"t Really Supposed to Be There

Usher wasn’t at the One Love Manchester concert for two very good reasons — his son needed him and, more to the point, he wasn’t ever scheduled to perform at the concert. Usher says Sunday was his son’s first day at a camp for kids with…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Rachel Lindsay on The Bachelorette Proposal: I"m Not Supposed to Talk About This, But ...

You don’t need to read The Bachelorette spoilers to know that this season has already been one of historic firsts for the ABC franchise.

Rachel Lindsay is its first African-American star.

She is also the oldest, at the age of 31.

She was the first Bachelorette to be announced before the season of The Bachelor was over … and before she was eliminated from it.

Why should fans expect things to be any different now that the beautiful, charming and funny Dallas lawyer has taken over the reins?

As such, Lindsay can’t help but gush about her recent engagement on The Bachelorette … even though doing so is a major shift in protocol.

“I am a rule breaker. But, I mean, I am so excited,” Lindsay told ET. “I cannot stop smiling, and normally I have a good poker face.”

“But not with this. This is new to me. I have never been engaged before and [the ABC powers that be] were like, ‘Just say it!"”

“I think [the decision to share] was kind of mutual.”

“They are like, ‘You know what? Just do it, because I think a lot of people will be more invested to know this worked for her.”

“You know, she so was not a believer. [She was] hopeful, but it actually happened.’ And so I think people will really, like, tap into that.”

Plus, “I love saying I have a fiance!” she added.

As for who that lucky man is? Don’t expect to know right off the bat, she says (seemingly unaware that Bachelorette spoilers exist).

“You won’t be able to figure it out. Like, you will see me go along and struggle with it and back and forth and it was a hard decision for me.”

“So I think that the way that I fell in love with him, America will too. I’m so excited, it’s just exuding from me … I can’t hide it!”

Lindsay said that the man of the hour “asked my parents, he got down on one knee … yes, all the traditional things happened.”

Rachel says she’s wearing a temporary engagement ring in public lately, because, “You got to be surprised with the Neil Lane bling.”

We’re guessing it won’t be small. No spoiler alert needed for that one. As for whether she’s already in wedding planning mode?

“I’m focused on the engagement right now. I think I want a big family, I have a huge family and I want everyone to come,” she said.

“I wouldn’t throw [the idea of a TV wedding] out. I am willing to do it,” Rachel adds, though that’s putting the cart before the horse.

Before we even get to meet her fiance, there are two dozen men left vying for her heart and over two months of TV drama to come.

Who stood out on The Bachelorette season premiere this past Monday night? Lucas, a.k.a. Whaboom himself … for better or worse.

“In his defense, I said I wanted to be entertained, and I think the guys got the memo with that,” Lindsay said, diplomatically.

“So, you know, everyone had their own interpretation of that [directive] and his was in Whaboom-style. But he was interesting.”

“I gave him points for being different, and so now, I just want to get to know Lucas. You’ll get to see how that all plays out.”

Bryan snagged himself a rather hot first kiss with Lindsay, despite her claims that she was not going to kiss on the first night.

Rule breaking once again!

Says Lindsay of that romantic moment:

“I said, ‘I’m not going to kiss the first night,’ and no one tried except for Bryan. And he tried in the most passionate way and I just embraced it.”

“I said, ‘You know what? He’s bold enough to do it, I’m going to go for it,’ and I’m glad I did, because it was a really good kiss.”

Peter also made a good impression:

“He walked out of the limo and I said, ‘OK.’ I mean, he is very, very handsome, and, you know, we had the same smile and he was nervous.”

“That’s what I appreciated.”

Then there’s Jonathan, a.k.a. The Tickle Monster. “I laughed the hardest the whole night with Jonathan, because he tickled me! I’m ticklish.”

“So, I mean, it was weird, it was different, but I laughed. I was entertained and there’s more to Jonathan. I mean, he is a doctor.”

Rachel cops to kissing more than one guy on the same group date at one point, as well as saying “I love you” to two different people.

Don’t expect smooth sailing, in other words. As for the million-dollar question, this attorney is pleading the fifth, so don’t bother.

Whatever happens, or doesn’t, in the Fantasy Suite stays there, people. Unless you’re Nick Viall and talk about lovemaking.

Anyway, it’s “the end” that Lindsay said Bachelor Nation should really watch out for – and we won’t be disappointed either.

“Its a journey,” she revealed.

“Yeah, it’s a journey.”

We can’t wait.


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mr. T Says Bodyguards Aren"t Supposed to Know How to Dance (VIDEO)

Mr. T damn near popped a vein breaking down why bodyguards aren’t supposed to know how to dance … which only fired us up more to watch him on “Dancing with the Stars.” We got the bodyguard-turned-actor Wednesday in NYC, and he explained why…


Amar"e Stoudemire Apologizes ... Gay Comments Were Supposed to Be a Joke (VIDEO)

Amar’e Stoudemire says his comments about not wanting a gay teammate in his locker room were SUPPOSED to be “taken as jokes” … and he’s sorry for offending the LGBT community.  “I want to apologize for my offensive comments against the LGBT…
