Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Insane Treatment of Teen Mom Producers Revealed

Farrah Abraham‘s behind-the-scenes antics are way worse than we know, according to a new report … and that’s really saying something.

I mean, we already knew she was bonkers.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup compiled a massive investigative report of some of the juiciest moments that never made it to air.

As we know, Teen Mom is unlike many reality TV franchises in that the producers and crew members are often seen on camera.

They play an outsized role in the cast members’ storylines as a result, so there are plenty of times we’ve seen them interact.

Still, there’s a lot of really crazy stuff they don’t show, and no one clashes with the crew more than the OG diva herself, Farrah.

Case in point? Farrah getting fired from Teen Mom OG, which she repeatedly insinuated was because of her outside pursuits.

However, Executive Producer Morgan J. Freeman countered that her treatment of MTV producers and crew may be part of the problem.

“The amount of work that goes into keeping you happy has bubbled up to a point where we have to figure out if we move forward,” he told her.

“Out of nine moms, you’re the only [problem].”  

According to the Ashley, her behavior toward those who film her has been an ongoing, combative situation for years on end.

In short, people want Farrah gone because no one likes her. One longtime Teen Mom OG crew member told The Ashley:

“When Farrah decided she didn’t like someone on her crew or production team, she would tell her producer that they were ‘banned.’”

This meant they were no longer allowed in her residence, and naturally, this could occur at any time and for absurd reasons.

“She legit banned one crew member from the set because she could not pronounce his name!” another crew member said.

“It’s so ridiculous that people thought we were making it up but it 100 percent happened. There may even be footage of it somewhere.”

“The general feeling on Farrah’s shoots were that you didn’t really talk to Farrah unless she spoke to you; otherwise she would get really mad.”

“It was an uncomfortable environment, especially compared to how it is working in some of the other girls’ homes.”

She also refused to work with some producers altogether, and finding those who could tolerate her and vice versa was no easy task.

For instance, Farrah reportedly told crew members she “didn’t like working with straight male producers because they would hit on her.”

She also crazy rules for the crew, including removing the portable toilets on her property … AND not letting the crew use her bathroom.

“There weren’t any public restrooms nearby either, so if you had to go to the bathroom, it kind of halted everything,” said one staffer.

Even though people had to drive somewhere to use the pot, “Farrah was very strict on that; there was no budging, even for an emergency.”

Yes, Abraham will not allow people to use her toilets, or wear shoes in her home, though she reportedly allows her horse in the foyer.

The power-tripping antics don’t stop there, either. When she’s not accusing MTV of hate crimes, she’s trying to run the network.

Farrah once got angry at a crew member and told they were fired, only to be told by the producers that she lacks the authority to do that.

This didn’t stop her from publicly berating a producer at the “New Years Eve” party episode that was shown in December of last year.

Abraham also refused to film with the other girls, all of whom were present, so a special section had to be set up for her and her family. 

On the first day of filming, “She thought she was going straight into filming but everything wasn’t ready yet,” a crew member recalled.

“The poor producer who was with her got it so bad for that.”

“When the producer Walkie-Talkied and asked if there was somewhere Farrah could go until the set was complete, Farrah lost it on her.”

“She screamed at her, yelling, “Do you not know how to do your job? Clearly you don’t so I’ll just stand here until you know how to do your job!”

Totally off her rocker.
