Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar: Pregnancy Crisis Revealed?

Earlier this week, Joy-Anna Duggar welcomed her first child.

While the news received a mostly congratulatory response from fans, there’s been a good deal of controversy surrounding the birth of little Gideon Martyn Forsyth.

For starters, many fans have openly wondered if the date of birth served to confirm rumors that Joy got pregnant before getting married to Austin Forsyth.

Throughout much of the pregnancy, Joy was plagued by reports that she broke her family’s courtship rules by having premarital sex.

However, she delivered her baby 39 weeks after saying “I do,” which means there might be some truth to her claims that she got pregnant on one of the first nights of her honeymoon.

Whatever the case, it seems that Joy might finally be able to put that controversy behind her … just in time for a new round of gossip and speculation.

According to Radar Online, Joy was rushed to a hospital during her delivery after being forced to abandon her plans for a home birth.

Not surprisingly, the move has prompted discussion amongst fans, with many assuming there was some sort of emergency.

But as others have pointed out, that’s not necessarily the case.

In a video posted on TLC’s website just weeks before the delivery, Joy detailed her plans for a home birth as she offered a virtual tour of the house she and Austin recently moved into.

“We got the birth pool set up,” she told the camera. 

“We got the house somewhat cleaned out. Now we need to fill up the pool and hopefully set up some beds in the guest bedroom.”

But while she seemed excited about welcoming her son into the world at home, Joy also allowed for the possibility that she would need to relocate to a medical facility.

“Prepare for the birth and have plans, but if something doesn’t go as planned then be okay with that and have another plan,” she said in the video.

It’s possible that Joy was advised by her doctor that she might have to deliver at a hospital.

Or perhaps she was prepared for the possibility due to the fact that her older sister, Jill Duggar, also gave birth in a hospital despite plans to do so at home.

Whatever the case, it doesn’t seem that Joy was terribly caught off guard by the change in plans.

Of course, that probably won’t stop fans from speculating that something went horribly wrong.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most fertile family.
