Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Her Hilarious Dating Profile Revealed!

Farrah Abraham is single and ready to mingle!

How do we know that?

Because the girl has her Bumble profile right out there for all to see!

Check out Farrah describes herself to potential suitors, as well as what she"s looking for in a mate.

It"s … it"s just really interesting. And also hilarious. And just a touch mortifying.

1. Oh Hey Girl!

Farrah abraham bumble profile

OK, so picture it: you’re just hanging out, messing around on your phone, looking for a soulmate or a hookup or whatever. You open Bumble and you come across this. Farrah, 26, CEO and founder of her own business and educated at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. What do you do?


Farrah abraham fired

If you’re reading this, then you would probably laugh for the rest of your whole entire life at our girl Farrah presenting herself like this, but what if you didn’t know who she was? What if you just thought she was some nice business-minded woman?

3. Nice Ears

Farrah abraham bumble pic

So then you’d check out more of her photos and see this — she likes cute Snapchat filters, how fun! Sure, she obviously indulges in some plastic surgery from time to time, but if she’s a smart, successful, fun-loving lady, maybe you can look past that. Heck, maybe you’re even into it.

4. Uh …

Farrah abraham international celebrity

But then you see this. And then … well, it’s tough to say what happens then.

5. Hmmm

Farrah the ambassador

Are you intrigued by this “international celebrity”? She does come out and say that she’s on Teen Mom, but she also says that she’s a “Business Mogul, New York Times Bestselling Author, Advocate for safe contraception, Owner / Founder Furnished By Farrah, Froco, Sophia Laurent.”

6. Could It Be?!

Farrah abraham camgirl

Could you be the “smart, intelligent, creative, epic” kind of person she’s looking to connect with?

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