Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Endangering Her Unborn Baby?!

Currently, Khloe Kardashian is pregnant with her first child.

While we don’t know her exact due date, we do know that she’s about 8 months along.

Which is why it’s odd that the reality star is currently in Japan.

Typically, pregnant women are discouraged from traveling by plane in their third trimester.

We’re no doctors, but we’re guessing extremely long flights over large bodies of water are especially frowned upon.

Perhaps that’s why Tristan Thompson is said to be deeply upset about Khloe’s recent travels,

“Tristan did not want her going at all. But she didn’t listen, and told him there was just no way she could pass it up,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

Thompson reportedly fears not only that Khloe may have put her baby in danger, but also that he might miss the birth while she’s abroad.

“Tristan is just worried sick right now,” says the insider.

“He feels like she could have put their baby’s life in danger by flying so far away, especially since it is not too uncommon for women to go into labor early.”

Apparently, he’s not the only one who’s shown concern, as Khloe’s doctors recently cautioned her to take it easy.

“Khloe was told to slow down on numerous occasions, but she insisted that she go to Tokyo with her sisters for a promotional gig,” the source claims.

Khloe’s pregnancy has not been without complications, and it seems like this is not simply a case of Tristan being overprotective.

Khloe has stated on several occasions that she plans to slow down and take a hiatus from the spotlight after her baby is born.

These days, it seems she’s trying to cram as much activity into the final weeks of her pregnancy as possible.

And for obvious reasons, that’s a worrisome plan.

We can only hope that following her Japan trip, the expectant mother will heed the advice of her physicians and begin to take it easy.

Khloe recently revealed that she plans to give birth in Cleveland in order to be closer to Tristan, who plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Hopefully, that’ll be the end of her travels for the next few weeks.
