Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Kim Zolciak Gifts Brielle Biermann a Gun for Her 21st Birthday

Recently, Brielle Biermann dismissed plastic surgery rumors — she says that her body’s transformation is just the result of puberty.

It’s a reminder that she’s grown up before viewers’ eyes. In fact, over the weekend, she turned 21 and partied to celebrate.

Kim Zolciak presented her daughter with a present that’s causing quite a stir — a gun.

Brielle Biermann celebrated turning 21 — and it’s good that she did.

After 21, birthdays aren’t really the same. At 18 you can vote and become a sex worker. At 21, you can drink.

The milestones of being able to rent a car at 25 or run for President at 35 aren’t usually quite so exciting. And they’re accompanied by the dreadful sense of one’s own mortality as your flesh prison begins to slowly fail.

At 21, though, there’s still plenty of reason to party.

And that’s just what Brielle did — partying away in Miami.

When Brielle returned home, however — you know, to her also-famous family — she was presented with gifts. Birthday presents.

She received some art that appeared to be framed and sculptured molds of topless women.

TMZ reports that these pieces of art would have set Kim Zolciak back $ 5,550 each.

(Leaving some fans to speculate that Kim or Brielle may have posed for the molds, but that’s pure speculation, folks)

The controversial gift was much cheaper at not much over $ 1,000.

It was a gun.

Brielle Biermann Gun

The handgun with a rose gold top was a gift to Brielle.

(Apparently the potentially deadly present came from Kroy Biermann, specifically)

While a handgun wouldn’t really be characterized as an “assault rifle” and doesn’t realistically equip someone to destroy as many lives in such a short time as a preferred tool of terrorists such as the AR-15, it’s still a gun.

Brielle was very clearly taken aback by the gift.

She asked what it was for, and admitted to being frightened by the idea of owning it, saying: “I’m scared.”

Apparently, Kim and Kroy just felt that Brielle should have a gun since she’s an adult and no longer living at home.

The question of whether the gift was tasteful was obvious.

It hasn’t even been two weeks since the devastating school shooting in Florida in which a deranged former student, believed to now be a Trump-supporting white supremacist based upon his social media posts, opened fire at a school, claiming 17 lives and traumatizing hundreds.

The tragedy is one on a national scale.

So … was this gift in terrible taste?

Some, of course, believe that a gun is never an appropriate gift.

Others point out that a handgun seems more viable as a self-defense tool.

And others point out that Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann almost certainly got this gun long before the Florida shooting, and that their only real mistake was the tone-deaf decision to broadcast Brielle’s gift to the world.

Of course, others have tried to argue that Kim and Kroy live in Georgia and therefore don’t know any better. (Absurd)

The Zolciak-Biermann clan is not the only reality family to weigh in on guns.

Kim Kardashian called for gun control in the wake of the terrible Florida shooting that took 17 innocent lives.

Since then, courageous students who survived that awful day have become lightning rods for the push for gun control, and every voiced added to theirs is helpful.

In the meantime, just hours after the horrific shooting, Jenelle Evans was slammed for an insensitive gun tweet as she showed herself firing a weapon of war.

And of course her husband, David Eason’s series of pro-gun posts later devolved into a horrifying homophobic rant that got him promptly fired.

it’s not clear if Kim and Kroy were trying to make a political statement. They may have just been pumping out social media content in order to stay relevant. Like always.
