Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Arie Luyendyk Jr. on The Bachelor Finale: I Made a Huge Mistake!

Looks like The Bachelor spoilers we’ve been telling you about for weeks are on the money … and we’re gonna see some crazy s–t.

For once, Chris Harrison might be telling the truth when he says this finale is shaping up to be the most dramatic in Bachelor history. 

Rumors of what happens after The Bachelor gets engaged on the hit show have taken the Internet by storm, and for very good reason.

Suffice it to say, after an epic two-part (!) season finale on Monday and Tuesday, Arie Luyendyk Jr. will have some explaining to do.

Okay, a LOT of explaining.

“I know people are going to be hard on [me],” Luyendyk Jr. tells People, all but confirming what the Bachelor spoilers already revealed.

“I made a mistake,” the race car driver admits, but insists, “I’m prepared for the backlash. But all I can say is I had to follow my heart.”

The mistake he’s referring to can only be the choice between Becca Kufrin (left) and Lauren Burnham (right) at the final rose ceremony.

It’s a hard choice, no doubt. They’re both beautiful and wonderful people. But Arie’s been almost hilariously indecisive from the start.

If there were ever a Bachelor who struggled to make up his mind, it would be Luyendyk, as he’s shown time and time again this year.

Now that he’s down to the final two women, it’s apparently too much for the 36-year-old former Bachelorette runner-up to take.

“They’re both great in their individual ways,” he adds.

They sure are. But former contestant Caroline Lunny slammed him earlier this week for “what he did” to one of them at the end.

“This whole time, you’ve said that you are here because you are trying to find a wife,” she said at the Women Tell All reunion.

“I know what you did,” she added, channeling her inner Lauren Conrad, “and I don’t know how you could do that. I just don’t understand.”

“I really hope you found what you’re looking for.”

Caroline didn’t go into the details, but she’s very close to Becca Kufrin, so you can draw some strong conclusions based on that.

As for why she spoke out, Lunny explained:

“I needed to say what I said. When somebody burns somebody you love, you want to have that moment where you get the last word in.”

“I don’t think Arie knows what he wants,” she reiterated. I hope he can move past the glitz of being the Bachelor and take it seriously.”

Arie, a notorious playboy who reportedly broke up with his girlfriend to be on the show (he denies this), says he did find love in the end.

But he says he knows he has to own up to his actions, explain behavior that fans may not like, and handle the ensuing blowback.

“[My decision] might not be the most popular,” he admits. “But for me it’s so worth it. The finale is going to be very interesting.”

“[Both] fans to watch and my journey to get there, but I’m very happy and it’s been an experience that I will remember forever.”

“I really have no regrets doing it. All I can really say is that I’m very happy and it’s going to be fun for me to watch that back.”

“I think there’s criticism every season and I think that I handled that well,” he says, though Bachelor fans may have other ideas.

“At the end of the day, it’s all about finding that person for myself and being happy after all this. I really feel like I will be.” 

So … if you haven’t figured it out or read the above links (spoiler alert, duh), can you parse his words to figure out what he does?

Do you think Lauren or Becca is a better fit for this guy? And can Arie stay committed to one or the other once the dust settles? 

Grab a hat and hold the f–k on to it.
