Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Speaks Out About Rob Kardashian"s Weight

Though Rob Kardashian is always happy to post adorable photos of North and Dream, he is personally camera-shy and spent years more or less hiding from his family"s spotlight.

A huge factor was his weight gain. He"s been honest about it, but the body-shaming that he"s received has been inexcusable.

Khloe opens up about that and more in this clip from Revenge Body, which you can see below.

Khloe kardashian on revenge body

In the Revenge Body clip that you can watch below, Khloe offers counseling to a married couple named Chad and Allison.

Allison laments being heavier than she would like — describing "worrying about" being 200 pounds when she and Chad were dating and now "worrying about" being 300 pounds as a married woman.

She believes that her current weight presents health risks, and that it would be unsafe to become pregnant with her current figure.

(We don"t know the exact date when this was taped, but in real life, Khloe just did her gender reveal, and is of course pregnant. And she probably knew that she was pregnant at this time. Her facial expression is interesting)

Chad, interestingly, also has body image issues.

He believes that he is too scrawny.

While the issues that Allison laments are somewhat more common, there is a stigma — arising from toxic masculinity — against thin or scrawny men, even though many people find their body type to be desirable or even ideal.

Revenge body 01

Khloe first addresses Allison"s desire to lose weight and her complicated relationship with her body and figure.

"I know how you feel."

That"s an interesting claim, since Khloe — though she was once less fit than she currently is — has never been what could honestly be described as "fat."

"You feel, like, trapped in your own body."

Before anyone assumes that Khloe is trying to say that her past issues compare to Allison"s, however, Khloe explains why she knows how Allison feels.

"I feel that way for my brother."

Revenge body 02

Khloe continues, discussing Rob Kardashian as an example.

"Who, you know, gained a lot of weight. It"s debilitating."

Rob Kardashian did famously gain a lot of weight and spent years in seclusion, rarely venturing into the public eye.

He was so self-conscious about his weight gain — which he has blamed on a milkshake habit that snowballed into other unhealthy habits — that he skipped out on Kim Kardashians"s 2014 wedding.

He just did not feel comfortable in his own skin.

Khloe has previously encouraged him to work out with her and with Tristan.

Khloe, of course, gets up at like 6am every single day of her life so that she can start her day with a workout.

Rob kardashian blue hat

Khloe also extends her sympathies to Chad.

"And I think that people sympathize enough when people are body-shamed for being too thin."

It sounded like a lot of Chad"s issues with his body were in his own mind — again, a product of toxic masculinity that pernicously seeps into men"s minds. But body-shamed or not, if he wants his body to be a different way, he"s welcome to pursue change.

Khloe continues: 

"My sister Kendall … When she was growing up, she was very skinny. She used to get bullied all of the time for being "too skinny.""

To be fair, Kendall is a very slender woman even as an adult. But she"s also hot for a living — she"s a model. Some could argue that she"s skinny for a living, even.

Kendall jenner relaxes

While Chad"s body type likely presents zero health risks whatsoever, if he wants to live out his beefcake dreams (or just put on a little more muscle), good for him.

Khloe can likely connect more with Allison, even though Allison"s weight loss goals are a bit heftier than Khloe"s have ever been.

Different people, based upon genetics and body types and personal histories, will have more or less difficulty gaining or losing weight.

It"s important to realize that body-shaming, since even a literal supermodel like Kendall Jenner can be on the receiving end of it, is never about the recipient. It"s always about the bully.

If a guy like Chad has been body-shamed for being slender, it"s because someone wanted to ruin his day because of their own issues.

Allison, just like Rob Kardashian, should not be shamed for being overweight, and not just because she"s working to change it.

We only wish that Rob had realized that before he went off on Blac Chyna in a revenge porn attack last summer, posting her nudes and body-shaming her.

Take a look at this video. Do you like the advice that Khloe is giving out?

Khloe kardashian speaks out about rob kardashians weight