Showing posts with label Allege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allege. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lincoln Adim is a Liar, Bachelorette Producers Harshly Allege!

Becca Kurfin claims she fell in love with two men on her current season of The Bachelorette.

But that predicament is nothing compared to the one producers of this show now find themselves in after word spread on Wednesday of Lincoln Adim’s past run-in with the law.

Lincoln is a suitor on Season 14 and, as of this past Monday’s episode, is still in the running for Becca’s heart.

You’ll need to visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers in order to learn just how far he advances in the weeks ahead – but you only need to scroll down a little bit in order to learn the trouble Lincoln has gotten into.

In May of 2016, Adim sexually accosted a woman on board a cruise ship.

We don’t even need to use the word allegedly in this case because he was actually convicted of this illegal action two years later, just a few days before The Bachelorette premiered.

Press Secretary Jake Wark of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office has said that Lincoln has to register as a sex offender for his behavior, while stating the following in regard to his conviction:

The judge ordered him to stay away from the victim and attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week during those two years.

If he complies with the judge’s orders, he will not have to serve out his term, but if he fails to comply with those orders or re-offends, he could be ordered to serve out the year behind bars.

This was and is clearly a pretty big deal.

So the natural next question to ask is this:

How the heck did Lincoln get approved for the show?!?

How were producers unaware of his assault charge and subsequent conviction?

Simple, they now say in response:

Because Lincoln is a liar!

In a statement released by the press in response to this new Bachelorette scandal, the studio behind the ABC reality series says the following:

“No one on The Bachelorette production had any knowledge about the incident or charges when Lincoln Adim was cast, and he himself denied ever having engaged in or having been charged with any sexual misconduct.”

Well… yeah, right? No d’uh!

Of course Lincoln would deny this.

Why didn’t the team behind The Bachelorette use all the resources at their disposal to find the truth themselves? 

Continues this production company statement:

“We employ a well-respected and highly experienced third party who has done thousands of background checks consistent with industry standards to do a nationwide background check in this case.

“The report we received did not reference any incident or charge relating to the recent conviction – or any other charges relating to sexual misconduct.

The statement concludes:

“We are currently investigating why the report did not contain this information, which we will share when we have it.”

Fair enough. We’ll be curious to read it.

Now, about Garrett Yrigoyen


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. and Aubrey O"Day Wanted a "Baby," Sources Allege

With each passing day, we seem to learn something new about Donald Trump Jr. and Aubrey O’Day.

At first, of course, it was the mere rumor that the businessman and the singer had an affair back in 2011.

Then, it was the discovery that O’Day actually wrote a song about Trump (which you can listen to below).

From there, our jaws dropped over the report that Vanessa Trump found out her husband was cheating on her…

… and responded by calling up O’Day WITH HER KIDS ON THE PHONE in order to lay the guilt on as thick as possible.

That had to be the craziest aspect of this altogether unexpected story, right?

The (alleged) fact that a pregnant Vanessa found emails that connected her shady husband to this artist and reacted by confronting O’Day with her children present?

This is what we thought.

Until we fired up the Us Weekly website this afternoon.

Our eyes than flew nearly out of their sockets upon reading that Trump and O’Day were supposedly so serious that they were trying to start a family together!

Don told Aubrey he wanted to have a baby with her,” an insider tells this tabloid. “They were trying for one.”

It’s unclear exactly what this means, of course.

We already knew O’Day and Trump Jr. were having a lot of sex.

Is the insider simply saying the two were not using protection while doing so?

Were they planning their nude trysts around O’Day’s ovulation?

We can’t say for certain, but this allegation just points the seriousness of the affair; this clearly was no emotion-free fling.

“He’d call Aubrey and leave long voicemails telling her he still loved her over and over,” Us Weekly also writes, adding of The Junior Donald:

“He’d cry and say he was nervous his wife would take the kids away.”

Vanessa (pictured below with Donald Jr.) apparently forgave her husband and even had two more kids with him after finding out he was a cheater… but this marriage did not last.

This O’Day affair news broke just days after Vanessa filed to legally end her relationship.

Upon doing so, the couple released a statement that reads as follows:

After 12 years of marriage, we have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families.

We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.

We’re trying to give them privacy, really, we are.

But Donald Jr. isn’t exactly known for keeping his nose out of the affairs of others and, come on…this report alleges he wants to procreate with Aubrey O’Day!

Are we really expected to ignore that?!?


Monday, March 26, 2018

Duggars Only Have Sex to Make Babies, Fans Allege

If you know anything at all about the Duggars, then you’re probably aware that the family has some … interesting views on sex and procreation.

You might think a couple that sired an astonishing 19 chlidren would be 100 percent pro-intercourse.

But that’s actually quite far from the case.

Prior to marriage, Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids are required to follow the strict Duggar courtship rules.

That means dating is allowed only in the presence of a chaperone; hand-holding is limited to a period of 15 seconds or less, and “front-hugging” is forbidden, as it may clothed genitals into perilously close proximity.

(“Side-hugs” – in which the participants basically just put their arms around each other’s shoulders and give a quick squeeze – is still allowed.)

Needless to say, kissing and actual sex are very much forbidden.

But once the rings are on the fingers and the vows have been exchanged, it’s a very different story.

From that point forward, the Duggar offspring and their spouses are encouraged to rub their bits together until they chafe.

Of course, even within the confines of a loving marriage, there are rules.

The Duggars do not believe in birth control, which means you can look at how many kids each of them has made and get a rough idea of how many times they’ve had sex in their lives.

We kid, of course, but the super-strict guidelines placed on the Duggars genitals do raise a lot of questions.

And it seems the query that’s foremost on the minds of many viewers this week is: do the Duggars ever have sex just for fun?

“So do these guys never enjoy sex for the joy of it?” one fan asked in a Reddit forum devoted to the family.

“Or is it simply to have kids. Or get to know each other and get into their groove without babies straight away? I mean I LOVED spending three years married without a baby straight away, we traveled had fun before baby came along,” the user continued.

“Do the girls ever want to do something else besides have babies? Like get out of their small town see the world meet new people but on their own without the controlling parents or husbands? Just curious is all.”

“I don’t think these kids are allowed to have wants outside of what they have been brainwashed to want,” another user replied.

“I know they seem to like this life. I guess when you don’t know anything else you just accept it,” a third remarked.

“But even the Amish give their kids the choice. It’s nice to live in a bubble but I often wonder if any of the girls long for adventure and independence at least for a little while.”

Interestingly, all of this speculation comes on the heels of the revelation that Joy-Anna Duggar considered her parents to be too strict during her upbringing.

So it seems that not all Duggar children simply accept their lot blindly.

Of course, it still appears doubtful that any of them will ever make their displeasure known publicly.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Rob Kardashian & Blac Chyna Both Allege Drug-Fueled Violence in Bizarre Lawsuit

Yesterday, we reported that Blac Chyna is suing the entire Kardashian family, claiming that Kim and company are responsible for the cancelation of her short-lived E! reality show.

But her main target will always be her former fiance, Rob Kardashian, whom she claims was an abusive partner and a negligent father during their time together.

Now, Blac’s latest allegations against Rob are sure to do even further damage to his already badly-battered reputation.

In documents filed yesterday, Chyna claims not only that the Kards conspired to get E! to get cancel her series, she also says they exploited a painful domestic violence incident that occurred last year.

Just a few days before Christmas of 2016, police were called to the home that was then shared by Rob and Chyna.

Both parties offered conflicting versions of what had transpired, but multiple witnesses (uncluding Kris Jenner’s ex Corey Gamble) affiemed that it was Blac who attacked Rob, not the other way around, as she claimed.

Now, Blac is making sure the incident is addressed in her latest lawsuit, but it seems the Kardashians have no interest in backing down.

In yesterday’s scathing filing, lawyers for Blac (real name Angela White) offer a harrowing account of the violent encounter between Chyna and Rob:

“When Ms. White told defendant Rob Kardashian that he could not speak like that in front of her son, he claimed, ‘I can say whatever the f–k I want,"” read documents obtained by Radar Online.

“Ms. White then used her phone to call King’s father, Tyga, when Rob Kardashian immediately grabbed the phone from her hand and violently knocked her to the ground.”

According to the filing, Chyna then attempted to hide in her bedroom, but “Rob Kardashian lost all control and tore the hinge’s off Ms. White’s door.”

Once inside the room, Rob allegedly “ransacked” Chyna’s closets and “threw her belongings into disarray.”

“Rob Kardashian’s domestic abuse of Ms. White was a truly terrifying experience,” Blac’s lawyers write.

“Ms. White suffered pain and difficulty walking for days as a result of Rob Kardashian violently knocking her to the ground.”

The suit goes on to allege that Rob frequently threatened to commit suicide as a means of manipulating Chyna.

Despite the damning allegations, however, it looks as though the Kardashians have no interest in settling out of court.

The family remains steadfast in its assertion that Blac was the instigator, and Kris Jenner is reportedly planning a countersuit.

“We have witness statements and other evidence which will demonstrate conclusively that it is Chyna — not Rob — who is the violent and aggressive abuser,” says Kardashian lawyer Shawn Holley.

When told about Holley’s remarks, Chyna’s attorney Lisa Bloom remarked, “There’s no excuse for domestic violence.”

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blac Chyna Just Wants Attention, Source Dares to Allege


We have some disheartening news:

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are not engaged.

This may come as a shock to many readers because Chyna wore a diamond ring on her finger earlier this week and also captioned a photo of her and her boyfriend with a diamond ring emoji.

But, despite this proof, an insider tells People Magazine that Rob never popped the life-altering question.

Simply put, they are “not engaged,” this source says, explaining of why Chyna has been seen around with the aforementioned shiny piece of jewelry on her hand:

Chyna is all about attention, and that’s probably why she keeps flashing the ring.”

Wait… WHAT?!? Blac Chyna is all about attention?!?

We’re gonna need a few moments to digest this unexpected analysis and evaluation…

However, just because Blac Chyna won’t be walking down the aisle any time soon with Rob, that doesn’t mean things aren’t serious between the stars.

On Thursday, the mother of Tyga’s son jumped on Instagram to post a NSFW snapshot of herself wearing nothing but a thong while modeling a pair of Kardashians’s “Stay Trill” Arthur George socks.

Rob himself has said far less in public about the romance, but those in the know are speaking on his behalf.

“She makes him super happy, and this is the first time that he’s felt so optimistic about life in years,” another source tells People.

“She helps keep Rob in check with his health and makes sure he is abiding by his diet and exercising.

“He feels there’s strong potential for this relationship to go a long way, but for now they are very content and complement each other really well.”