Showing posts with label HARSHLY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HARSHLY. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Lincoln Adim is a Liar, Bachelorette Producers Harshly Allege!

Becca Kurfin claims she fell in love with two men on her current season of The Bachelorette.

But that predicament is nothing compared to the one producers of this show now find themselves in after word spread on Wednesday of Lincoln Adim’s past run-in with the law.

Lincoln is a suitor on Season 14 and, as of this past Monday’s episode, is still in the running for Becca’s heart.

You’ll need to visit our section of The Bachelorette spoilers in order to learn just how far he advances in the weeks ahead – but you only need to scroll down a little bit in order to learn the trouble Lincoln has gotten into.

In May of 2016, Adim sexually accosted a woman on board a cruise ship.

We don’t even need to use the word allegedly in this case because he was actually convicted of this illegal action two years later, just a few days before The Bachelorette premiered.

Press Secretary Jake Wark of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office has said that Lincoln has to register as a sex offender for his behavior, while stating the following in regard to his conviction:

The judge ordered him to stay away from the victim and attend three Alcoholics Anonymous meetings per week during those two years.

If he complies with the judge’s orders, he will not have to serve out his term, but if he fails to comply with those orders or re-offends, he could be ordered to serve out the year behind bars.

This was and is clearly a pretty big deal.

So the natural next question to ask is this:

How the heck did Lincoln get approved for the show?!?

How were producers unaware of his assault charge and subsequent conviction?

Simple, they now say in response:

Because Lincoln is a liar!

In a statement released by the press in response to this new Bachelorette scandal, the studio behind the ABC reality series says the following:

“No one on The Bachelorette production had any knowledge about the incident or charges when Lincoln Adim was cast, and he himself denied ever having engaged in or having been charged with any sexual misconduct.”

Well… yeah, right? No d’uh!

Of course Lincoln would deny this.

Why didn’t the team behind The Bachelorette use all the resources at their disposal to find the truth themselves? 

Continues this production company statement:

“We employ a well-respected and highly experienced third party who has done thousands of background checks consistent with industry standards to do a nationwide background check in this case.

“The report we received did not reference any incident or charge relating to the recent conviction – or any other charges relating to sexual misconduct.

The statement concludes:

“We are currently investigating why the report did not contain this information, which we will share when we have it.”

Fair enough. We’ll be curious to read it.

Now, about Garrett Yrigoyen


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.