Showing posts with label Kaiser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaiser. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Nathan Griffith Files For Full Custody of Kaiser, Demands David Eason Stay Away From His Son!

The fallout from Jenelle Evans" insane road rage incident has officially begun.

According to a new report from The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Jenelle"s second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, has filed for sole custody of his son, Kaiser.

In court documents, Nathan argues that Jenelle and her husband, David Eason, have created an unsafe environment for their children due to their drug use and anger issues.

In addition to petitioning for a change in his custody arrangement, Nathan wants the court to prohibit David from having any contact with David.

Needless to say, this situation has the potential to get very ugly.

Here"s what we know about the battle so far …

1. Father and Son

Nathan and kaiser being tough

Nathan currently has partial custody of Kaiser. Teen Mom 2 fans have long suspected that he would eventually file to alter that arrangement.

2. Making Moves

Nathan griffith and kaiser smiles

According to The Ashley, Nathan filed paperwork last Tuesday in hopes of being granted sole physical custody of Kaiser.

3. What Prompted the Move?

Jenelle raging on the road

Many fans have assumed that the Nathan’s legal action is the result of new information about an incident in which Jenelle chased another driver to his home, where she brandished a weapon. But that might not be the case …

4. Two Bad Parents

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

It seems Nathan simply feels that the environment in Jenelle’s home is unfit for children, due in large part to David Eason and his famously explosive temper.

5. Concerns For Kaiser

Jenelle nathan and kaiser

In his filing, Griffith claims that a “substantial change has occurred” in Kaiser, and he believes that Eason is primarily to blame.

6. Nathan vs. David

Nathan griffith david eason split

Griffith argues that Eason is a “violent person who is a danger to [Kaiser].” He adds that Eason will have “a detrimental effect on the minor child unless the custody order is modified.”

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is Nathan Griffith Getting Custody of Kaiser After Road Rage Incident?!

So, uh, how about that Teen Mom 2 episode this week, huh?

Pretty wild stuff.

We saw Chelsea Houska dealing with the pain of having Adam Lind as her child’s father, and Kailyn Lowry going through some co-parenting issues of her own.

Leah Messer got the bad news that her disabled daughter had lost her aide at school, and Briana DeJesus was visited by a very dramatic Javi Marroquin while healing from her plastic surgery.

But even with all that going on, all anyone has been able to talk about is what went down with Jenelle Evans.

Because it was absolutely terrifying.

In her first scene of the episode, she was seen driving Jace home after his therapy session when she started developing a bit of road rage.

A man in a big white truck was driving too closely behind her, she felt, so she retaliated by going slow and not allowing him to pass her.

But he managed to go around her anyway, and when he did, he pulled in front of her and slammed on his breaks.

And that’s when she really flipped out.

She immediately called the police, but then she decided to take matters into her own hands by following the guy to his house.

As she pulled up there, she took out a gun she had hidden and placed it beside her, just in case she had a chance to act like even more of a jackass.

The man blocked her in so she couldn’t leave, and he hit the side of her car a bit, which made her even more upset.

She tried pulling around him and ended up accidentally hitting his mailbox.

MTV made the decision to edit this bit out, but they did show a black screen with text explaining that she pulled out her gun then.

She did manage to get away from the guy’s house unscathed, but as she was driving along, she was pulled over by a police officer who wanted to talk to her about the incident.

She started crying and embellishing the story to make herself sound like the victim — you know how Jenelle does.

And we’ll have to wait until next week’s episode to see the aftermath.

The whole thing was pretty insane to watch, especially because the whole time, poor Jace was right next to her, clearly being traumatized.

But according to a new interview from Nathan Griffith, there may be one good thing to come out of this mess.

Yep, sounds like the custody battle is back on!

Nathan told TMZ that he feels like Jenelle’s footage “helps me in my situation of getting custody of Kaiser because it shows an unstable environment and a very hectic situation instead of being calm … escalating where it could be potentially more hazardous.”

“It shows that that the child might be in danger of being in a hostile situation like that and not making sound judgment to keep the children safe.”

… Yeah, that’s pretty much Jenelle’s signature move.

Nathan also said that he wants to “investigate further into the raw footage,” which would be neat.

Seriously, how great would it be if she actually faced consequences for this kind of reckless behavior?

“I am afraid that if she carries a loaded weapon inside a vehicle and she keeps it that accessible without a lock on it, it’s very dangerous to be around children,” he continued.

“Especially if they don’t know to always treat your gun like it’s always loaded.”

If Kaiser gets scolded for simply asking to go to the bathroom, for some reason we have a hard time believing that Jenelle and David would take the time to teach him gun safety.

We also saw Jenelle step out of her car to speak to the police officer with no concerns about leaving a loaded gun right next to Jace, so …

We really don’t blame Nathan one bit for being concerned.

Another issue he had with the footage, he said, was that “Depending on the situation, that guy could have had a gun too, and it could have been an all-out brawl.”

“Children could have been hurt. She could have been hurt … It could have been a nasty situation and bloodbath.”

It’s actually kind of a miracle that she wasn’t hurt.

We know that the man she chased down did have a gun of his own, and that when he saw her following him home, he alerted his neighbors, who also had guns.

He’s even said that the only reason he didn’t pull his gun out was that he saw Jace in the car.

(Real quick — how sad is it that this complete stranger showed more concern for Jace than Jenelle did?)

Nathan feels so strongly about all of this that he was even willing to go on record saying that he agreed with David — which, if you know their history, is pretty remarkable.

Remember in the episode, Jenelle called David to tell him what had happened, and he immediately told her that she shouldn’t have followed a grown man back to his house?

“I don’t agree with David a lot,” Nathan acknowledged, “but he made a strong statement. She shouldn’t be following, not just a grown man home, she probably shouldn’t have followed somebody home period, especially with her aggressive personality.”

It really does sound like he’s planning on taking this issue to court, and if you throw the footage in with with that whole thing earlier this month where there was a CPS investigation after Nathan found suspicious bruises on Kaiser

Maybe Jenelle will lose custody of her second child, too.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

David Eason Accused of PUNCHING Stepson Kaiser Griffith!

David Eason has never been a favorite with Teen Mom 2 fans, but somehow, he keeps finding ways to become even less popular.

In fact, he might be the most hated baby daddy in the show’s history – which is really saying something.

Eason was fired by TM2 producers back in February after launching a homophobic tirade on social media.

Despite the fact that he no longer appears on camera, however, David still plays a major role in Jenelle Evans’ storylines, and he manages to keep sinking to new lows in the estimation of the show’s fans.

On last night’s Teen Mom 2 season premiere, David pissed off millions of viewers in absentia when he was accused of punching his 3-year-old stepson Kaiser Griffith.

“He told me David punched him one time,” the boy’s father, Nathan Griffith, claimed.

“It does seem he has tendencies to be a violent person.”

And Griffith wasn’t the only one accusing of Eason of abusing his youngest stepson.

Jenelle’s mother – Barbara Evans, who has primary custody of her grandson Jace – stated that she’s also caught wind of David being violent with Kaiser.

“I’m pissed off. Jace tells me the other day Kaiser pulled his diaper down and had poop and David got mad and was spanking him so hard,” she said during last night’s episode.

“Jenelle says it’s a lie. Jenelle always protects the man she’s with. She’s putting this guy again over her children.”

Jenelle, of course, was quick to deny the allegations:

“He doesn’t touch the kids like that,” she said.

“David punches Kaiser in the face. He plays around! That’s what Kaiser means. She’s taking this out of proportion. Everything is fine and everyone else thinks it’s not.”

We suppose it’s possible that there was some confusion over Kaiser’s account of what happened at home.

But it seems less likely that his 8-year-old brother would have trouble describing the situation clearly.

Note that Jenelle has been quick to dismiss comments made by Kaiser, but hasn’t addressed Jace’s remarks.

We’re not saying that that necessarily means Eason is abusing his stepchildren.

But nothing that we’ve seen in his behavior gives us any reason to doubt that David has violent tendencies.

This is, after all, the same man who has unleashed shocking barrages of verbal abuse at poor Jace right in front of MTV camera crews.

Does everyone who verbally berates their children necessarily abuse them physically as well?

No, but being caught doing the former makes us much more likely to believe you’re capable of the latter.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more shocking behavior from the Evans-Eason household.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will She Lose Custody of Kaiser Over Gun Incident?!

Earlier today, we reported on the shocking news that Jenelle Evans pulled a gun on another driver in a frightening road rage incident.

Thankfully (and astonishingly), no one was injured when Jenelle chased the other motorist into his home while brandishing a weapon, but that doesn’t mean the episode won’t carry serious consequences for the Teen Mom 2 star fans love to hate.

Already, there have been rumors that Jenelle might be fired by MTV as a result of her actions.

Obviously, Ms. Evans has had many, many brushes with the law since first gaining fame over a decade ago, and thus far, none of them has cost her her job.

But this time might be different.

An MTV camera crew was following close behind during Jenelle’s wild ride, which means not only was the whole thing captured on film, Jenelle may have put network employees in danger.

The footage is already beng reviewed by MTV execs, who are reportedly discussing the matter of Jenelle’s future in closed meetings.

Needless to say, things aren’t looking great for Evans her on the career front – or any other front, for that matter.

In fact, insiders now say Jenelle’s ex-fiancé, Nathan Griffith, is planning to use this latest brush with the law as grounds to obtain sole custody of 3-year-old Kaiser, his son with Evans

“We are fearful,” Griffith’s girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt, told Radar Online. “Her erratic behavior is frightening.

“Who follows someone home and trespasses on someone else’s property?” Lanhardt adds.

We can’t help but think that Ashley is burying the lede a bit by not focusing on the gun part, but hey – trespassing is bad too, right?

Anyway, it seems Griffith and his loved ones are in the process of beginning their effort to strip Jenelle of all custody and visitation rights.

“They’re consulting with a lawyer about next steps,” one insider tells Radar Online.

As longtime TM2 fans know, Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who is currently being raised by her mother, Barbara Evans.

Her legal battle with Nathan has been raging for years, and while Kaiser was not present at the time of the incident, more legal trouble for Jenelle could result in a big change in Evans’ parental rights.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how much evidence of erratic behavior Griffith’s lawyers have on video.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will She Lose Custody of Kaiser?!

The paternal grandmother of Jenelle Evans’ son Kaiser has been battling her for custody following an incident a few months back.

But will Doris Davidson, Nathan Griffith’s mom, prevail?

It’s been four months since Nathan Griffith’s mom launched her efforts to obtain custody of the boy following some disturbing allegations.

Davidson filed for emergency custody of Kaiser on September 1, stating that he was physically abused by Jenelle and David Eason.

Tales of Jenelle’s husband David mistreating Kaiser – ‘cause he looks like Nathan, some believe – have sadly been a recurring thing.

But Doris went into more detail, saying there are no “fit and proper persons to provide for the care custody and control of the minor child.”

Why? Doris claimed that when Jenelle gave birth to her third child, Ensley, in January 2017, “the newborn tested positive for marijuana.”

Not only that, she claims, but local officials “ecame involved due to Ensley testing positive for marijuana and opened an investigation.”

After that, Davidson states that both the Teen Mom 2 cast member and Ensley’s father, David, failed drug tests for marijuana.

Not only that, Kaiser’s grandma made some serious allegations of child neglect by Jenelle – involving both Kaiser and brother Jace.

Davidson claims that poor little Kai was sick early last year for several months, “but never seemed to get better every time he visited.”

She took him to a doctor herself, because she didn’t trust anyone else to, and he was prescribed a nebulizer to help with his congestion.

When Doris saw him again in a few weeks, “he was sick again with a runny nose and congestion” as Jenelle never used the treatment.

Moreover, Doris says “Jace and [Kaiser] were locked out of the house on a very hot day and not allowed back in for a very long time.”

She says she once drove up to the house to find Kaiser, then just two years old, playing completely unsupervised for a length of time.

Worst of all, she says there was another day last summer when Jace was “lost in the woods for two hours due to improper supervision.”

Despite all of that, we’re told by The Ashley’s Reality Roundup that Davidson is now attempting to work with Jenelle’s lawyer to mediate.

“Basically, Doris is backing down,” an insider says, and “Doris is hoping to get Jenelle to agree to make a schedule for Kaiser.” 

Doris’ legal team is attempting to work things out with Jenelle and her attorneys via private mediation so they don’t have to go to court.

“Doris is trying to keep it out of the media I think,” the source added, in what would be a far too logical course of action for this crew.

We last saw Kaiser’s grandmother during the Teen Mom 2 reunion show after Jenelle and David stormed off the MTV set while filming.

Doris then told Dr. Drew, “I worked for youth services for 10 years, I worked for the state of Ohio for 31 years in different capacities.”

“I’ve seen abuse, I’ve seen children go through it, I know the red flags and I see red flags. They’re popping up everywhere.”


Friday, October 13, 2017

David Eason to Fans: Kaiser Is NOT Afraid of Me!

If you watched Monday night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then we probably don’t have to explain to you why David Eason is not the most popular reality star in thw world this week.

The episode portrayed Eason and his famously volatile wife in such an unfleattering light that Jenelle Evans threatened to quit the show and deleted her Twitter profile in protest.

The newly-married Easons were depicted as bickering contantly and neglecting their many children.

At one point, Jenelle’s youngest son, Kaiser, nearly knocked over an MTV camera, and many viewers cited it as further evidence of Evans’ incompetence as a parent.

But while Jenelle has ben ranting and raving and threatening her bosses on social media, David remained quiet in the days after the episode aired.

Many fans assume Eason is lying low because he was once again exposed as an unfit father who has virtually no patience for Jenelle’s kids from previous relationships.

Today, David seemed to indirectly respond to the widespread criticism by posting the below photo on Instagram:

As you can see, the pic shows Eason seemingly enjoying the company of his wife and daughter, as well as Jenelle’s son Kaiser, who’s seated in his lap.

Many fans commented that they were confused by the photo, as David harshly disciplined Kaiser last week, and seems to not get along with Jenelle’s sons in general.

We’ve seen David openly mock Jace and speak disparagingly of both boys and their fathers.

Many fans have pointed out that if David engages in that sort of behavior on camera, there’s a good chance he’s even worse when he knows he’s not being filmed.

Currently, Jenelle is engaged in multiple custody battles and David’s behavior seems to be making her case worse by the week.

But as always, there are some diehard loyalists willing to defend the Carolina Hurricane and her troubled husband:

“No matter what ppl say, honestly you been in those kids life, married their mom then that means treating the kids just like your own that includes-loving & disciplining,” commented one fan on the pic.

“But either way if he just stood back while the kids misbehaved ppl would say “omg you can’t even step up and be a man/father figure.”

“I must be watching a different show- kaiser is terrified of David? I remember him crying bc he WANTED David – in the backseat when jenelle had to call David on the phone while picking up Marisa,” wrote another.

Perhaps Jenelle and her most faithful fans are right and David is merely being misrepresented.

It’s possible–but we have our doubts

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more of Jenelle’s questionable parenting.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Son Kaiser Celebrates Third Birthday!

Jenelle Evans has a lot going on in her life right now.

And honestly, a lot of it isn’t great.

Last month, her big long custody battle with her mother over her oldest son, Jace, came to an end when she agreed to a new visitation schedule instead of going to trial for full custody.

To hear her tell it, it was a pretty tough blow.

She was also feuding with David Eason’s sister for a while, and that messy social media fight made her look super trashy — trashier than she’s looked in a long time.

And next month, her very first book comes out, and with it will come new confessions about her troubled childhood and her heroin addiction.

It’s a lot of heavy stuff.

But things aren’t all bad for Jenelle: she’s getting settled into her new home, she’s got her precious baby girl, Ensley, and she and David are planning a wedding for later this year.

Thanks to her new custody arrangement with Barbara, she’s got Jace for the whole summer while he’s out of school.

And her middle child, that precious little Kaiser, just turned three years old yesterday!

To celebrate with her followers, she shared a cute little Snapchat-filtered photo of the birthday boy and wrote “#HappyBirthday to Kaiser! he’s turning 3 today!”

Kaiser’s father, Nathan Griffith, also took the time to wish his son a happy birthday on Twitter.

“Three years ago, one of the greatest things in my life happened… I became a father once again!” he wrote. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAISER!”

Isn’t it crazy to think that it’s only been three years since Jenelle gave birth to that cute kid?

It feels like a different lifetime, in terms of Teen Mom gossip, at least.

When Jenelle got pregnant with Kaiser, she had just divorced Courtland Rogers and had aborted a pregnancy with him.

With Courtland, she’d continued her heroin addiction, and according to the police reports, it was a violent, extremely unhealthy relationship.

A few months after they split, she started dating Nathan, and a few months after that, they conceived the birthday boy himself.

During that pregnancy, Nathan was absolutely awful to her, and after the baby was born, that didn’t change much.

We saw domestic assault arrests, animal abuse, there were rumors of continued drug use by Jenelle … it was bad.

As much grief as we give her, she really has come such a long way in such a short amount of time, and she deserves some credit for that.

These days, she actually seems stable, like she’s a caring, attentive parent.

And really, that’s the best gift she could give Kaiser on his special day.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Nathan Griffith: Suicidal, Surrendering Full Custody of Kaiser, Source Claims

It’s been a turbulent month in the life of Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance Nathan Griffith.

Last week, Griffith was arrested for assault, after his girlfriend, Jessica Henry, told police that he had choked her during an argument.

Bizarrely, Griffith was also arrested for a DUI that same week in an unrelated incident.

Needless to say, all of this is starting to make the custody battle between Nathan and Jenelle look like an open-and-shut case.

But as he made clear in a recent interview, Nathan isn’t going down without a fight.

Griffith spoke to Real Mr. Housewife recently, and he made a case for why he believes Jenelle is an unfit mother.

“She wants to proclaim me being this horrible father and that she doesn’t trust me, yet she’s living with a convicted felon who just was sentenced to jail for 60 days,” Nathan said.

He went on to claim that he believes his son, Kaiser, is unsafe in Jenelle’s home, saying:

“All the marks and bruises and all the sicknesses and strange illnesses Kaiser has have never been with me, only with her. Like the hand foot mouth disease, the rashes, the blisters on his butt, the scraped up knees, the bump on his head – I can go on and on.”

Jenelle obviously wasn’t pleased with the article, and she made her feelings known on social media, writing to Nathan:

“You do know that you just violated the custody order once again by that article? Let’s keep adding more and more.”

Shortly thereafter, Real Mr. Housewife commented on Jenelle’s Instagram asking her to DM him.

A couple hours later, his interview with an unidentified “source” close to the situation appeared online:

This anonymous insider insisted that despite Griffith’s claim, Jenelle’s boyfriend, David Eason, is not a felon, “unlike Nathan that has 5 pending and 2 of those are felonies.”

Jenelle the source went on to make some shocking revelations about Nathan’s recent past:

“[He] talked about committing suicide to Jenelle’s mother, director, and even (Teen Mom 2) producer Larry, who everyone knows of,” says the insider.

At one point, Mr. Housewife writes:

Nathan called Jenelle’s mom and her director, who were at dinner, and said that he wanted to end his life or was thinking about it.. Jenelle’s mom then called the Myrtle Beach police and had them go check on him.

“They went inside and no one was there, but they found a bunch of empty liquor bottles all over his house. This scares Jenelle as a mother.

The insider also claimed that until recently Nathan planned to surrender his custody rights and move to England:

“Dude to be completely honest it might be best if you keep him. I’m so unstable and I’m actually crying writing this. I know you don’t care but this weekend is a bad weekend. I’m sorry,” Nathan allegedly texted David at one point.

He later added:

“Does Kaiser need me? Are you good? Treat him like you’re own ok. I think I’m moving to England.”

You know things aren’t going well for you’re trying to prove that you’re more stable than Jenelle Evans and you’re failing miserably.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Internet Trolls Diagnose Son Kaiser With Autism

There are certain things that only trained professionals should determine.

A photo Jenelle Evans shared of her 2-year-old son, Kaiser prompted some Instagram followers to wonder if the toddler was on the autism spectrum.

The photo showed Kaiser lining up his trucks and scooters while watching TV, which his mom found adorable.

This morning with Kai 😍 love my early mornings with him,” she wrote.

Jenelle Son Kaiser Trucks Lined Up

“He has them [his toys] all lined up LOL.”

Followers saw this as an opportunity to diagnose the Teen Mom 2‘s son.

“I dong[sic] know if anyone has ever told you but this kind of behavior in young children often points to them being on the autism spectrum,” one busybody wrote.  “Not meant to be hate.”

Aaaand another: “I would be more worried that he can barely speak and he’s over two years!” 

Good news.  A professional stepped in to offer his or her expertise!

“This little boy is over 2 years old and sounds like a 12 month old with the one syllable utterances. He needs early intervention, period. (I am a speech therapist.) There are quite a few red flags with this child that any professional can see.”

Thankfully, other users thought this was a load of crap.

“All kids do that. Damn anything to criticize. Ever play with toy trains or cars, just one example,” one wrote.

“Leave that baby alone …he’s playing cars!” another chimed in.  “Not everything has to be related back to a disability. IG is not the place to try and diagnose other people’s kids with anything.”

And another: 

“Many children do this on their own, and are not anywhere near living with ASD. Some just see their parents put their toys away like that and mimic.”

Today’s lesson?  Don’t take it upon yourself to spread medicinal wisdom on the internet, no matter what you’ve heard on the 11th hour of the Today show.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.

Jenelle Evans: HARSHLY Criticized For Latest Photo of Son Kaiser!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you know Jenelle Evans isn’t likely to be nominated for any mother of the year awards anytime soon.

Of course, despite the many, many (many) valid criticisms of Jenelle’s parenting that TM2 fans have shared online over the year, over-zealous concern-trolls still feel the need to dig deep in their ongoing effort to tear apart literally everything Jenelle does:

Ms. Evans posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“I’m pretty convinced my babies will always be water babies. Fine by me.”

In the interest of scoring some sweet, sweet family photo bucks, Evans added:

“My little man is always safe in his #PuddleJumper.”

And that’s what made her social media followers go off:

“No he’s not…That will not safe his life. That’s for kids learning to swim,” wrote one “fan.”

Remarkably, rather than just ignoring the remark, Jenelle decided to take the bait and jump right into bottom-feeder-infested waters.

“It’s Coast Guard Certified and actually has a weight limit on it. This keeps Kaiser up float on his back above water,” she replied, insisting that she’d “done her homework” on the Puddle Jumper.

From there, Evans supporters (a rare breed, but they’re out there) jumped into the fray to get the Carolina Hurricane’s back:

“Yeah it would. And plus, it’s a little river and he’s not alone,” wrote one.

“Hun, My children own them, and a ‘little river’ has a very strong current. If he went down, he’d go under in a heartbeat.”

Sigh. The remarkable thing is this isn’t even the first time Jenelle’s use of the Puddle Jumper has come under fire this summer.

To be honest, we’re not up on our Myrtle Beach maritime law (totes slept through that class in college), but if the kid is well supervised by grownups and is wearing some sort of flotation device, we think he’s probably safe.

More importantly, when it comes to Jenelle you’ve gotta pick your battles.

Focus on the times she ditches her kids to go on spring break, not the times she actually takes them on vacations.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Nathan Griffith Finally Visits Kaiser, Offers Proof on Twitter

According to some sources, Nathan Griffith recently went months without seeing his son Kaiser.

Some say it’s because Jenelle wouldn’t allow him to visit the one-year-old. Others (like Jenelle herself) say it’s because Griffith showed no interest in being a dad. Either way, the streak was broken yesterday, and Griffith offered plenty of evidence on social media.

A nice bonding moment with a total bummer of a caption:

“He will never forget his daddy!!!” Nathan wrote “Jumped in my arms and just held me when I saw him for like ten minutes!”

We may never know for sure who’s to blame for Nathan’s absence from his son’s life, but clearly the real victim is little Kaiser.

Nathan may have gone even longer than we thought without seeing the poor kid, as he seemed oddly intent on proving that Kaiser remembers who he is:

“What’s my name?” he asks in the clip above.

Kaiser, after some light prompting, replies, “Daddy!”

Obviously, the little guy is happy and healthy, but he’s at an age where he’ll soon begin to realize that his parents are filled with seething hatred for one another.

It’s unclear exactly how long it had been since Nathan saw his son but on this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, he complained that it had been 7-8 weeks – in a scene that was filmed several months ago.

As far as we can tell, he didn’t visit Kaiser at all in the interim.

Currently, Jenelle and Nathan are locked in a custody battle, and you can bet they won’t reach an amicable conclusion.

We’re hoping they’ll both make Kaiser’s best interests their top priority, but something tells us that won’t be the case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more questionable parenting decisions from the Carolina Hurricane.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Refusing to Let Nathan Griffith See Kaiser?!

As you may already know, Jenelle Evans can be a somewhat unreasonable person at times.

And by “somewhat unreasonable,” we mean Jenelle is currently involved in four court cases, including one in which she’s been accused of assaulting her baby daddy’s new girlfriend. 

So it should come as no surprise that Evans’ custody battle with Nathan Griffith isn’t exactly going smoothly. 

In addition to the fact that she had Griffith arrested for larceny after he borrowed a car that’s registered in his name, Jenelle is now reportedly refusing to allow her ex to see their son, Kaiser.

According to Radar Online, just yesterday Jenelle failed to drop Kaiser off at Nathan’s house for Easter so that the father and son could spend part of the day together as planned.

Instead, she posted the above photo of herself, her kids and her new boyfriend, David Eason, celebrating the holiday at Eason’s parents’ house.

“He was with David’s family,” a source told Radar when asked why Kaiser didn’t spend any part of the holiday weekend with his father.

Jenelle captioned the above phoro:

“It’s not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.” #Family #HappyEaster2016 Outfit by @fashionnova use promo code “XOJENELLE” for 15% Off your next purchase.”

Because nothing says family bonding like using pics of your kids to endorse an online clothing store.

Jenelle’s custody hearing is scheduled to begin on April 4. We’re sure she’ll bring coupons.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Nathan Griffith Hasn"t Seen Kaiser in MONTHS! No One Knows Where He Lives!

Last week, Jenelle Evans informed fans that she was gearing up to fight “two custody battles at once.”

One of them was set to begin on Monday, but it looks as though Jenelle may not have to plead her case to a judge, as her baby daddy Nathan Griffith has officially gone off the grid.

“I’m trying to file custody papers, but Nathan won’t give me his address,” Evans recently told Us Weekly. “If he’s going to have Kaiser for a weekend, I need to know where he is.”

Police have reportedly assisted Jenelle in her efforts to locate Nathan and serve him with papers, but the deadbeat dad is apparently off in the woods living Huck Finn/Unabomber style, because local residents report that they haven’t seen him in months.

Of course, he still finds time to tweet:

“He hasn’t asked to see Kaiser since December,” Evans tells the tabloid. “He tweets about me but he won’t text me and ask to see him…He wants to make me look bad.”

Needless to say, the fact that Griffith is literally hiding from his responsibilities as a father should make for an open-and-shut custody case, and not surprisingly, Jenelle wants to limit Nathan’s rights as much as possible.

Griffith avoiding his son an baby mama is pretty low, but you know you’ve really hit rock bottom when you up against Jenelle freakin’ Evans in court and you’re guaranteed to lose.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s many, many brushes with the law.