Showing posts with label Diagnose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diagnose. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Internet Trolls Diagnose Son Kaiser With Autism

There are certain things that only trained professionals should determine.

A photo Jenelle Evans shared of her 2-year-old son, Kaiser prompted some Instagram followers to wonder if the toddler was on the autism spectrum.

The photo showed Kaiser lining up his trucks and scooters while watching TV, which his mom found adorable.

This morning with Kai 😍 love my early mornings with him,” she wrote.

Jenelle Son Kaiser Trucks Lined Up

“He has them [his toys] all lined up LOL.”

Followers saw this as an opportunity to diagnose the Teen Mom 2‘s son.

“I dong[sic] know if anyone has ever told you but this kind of behavior in young children often points to them being on the autism spectrum,” one busybody wrote.  “Not meant to be hate.”

Aaaand another: “I would be more worried that he can barely speak and he’s over two years!” 

Good news.  A professional stepped in to offer his or her expertise!

“This little boy is over 2 years old and sounds like a 12 month old with the one syllable utterances. He needs early intervention, period. (I am a speech therapist.) There are quite a few red flags with this child that any professional can see.”

Thankfully, other users thought this was a load of crap.

“All kids do that. Damn anything to criticize. Ever play with toy trains or cars, just one example,” one wrote.

“Leave that baby alone …he’s playing cars!” another chimed in.  “Not everything has to be related back to a disability. IG is not the place to try and diagnose other people’s kids with anything.”

And another: 

“Many children do this on their own, and are not anywhere near living with ASD. Some just see their parents put their toys away like that and mimic.”

Today’s lesson?  Don’t take it upon yourself to spread medicinal wisdom on the internet, no matter what you’ve heard on the 11th hour of the Today show.