Showing posts with label Suicidal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suicidal. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Leah Messer Gets Real, Confesses to Suicidal Thoughts

Leah Messer would like to clear up a misconception.

She knows that many Teen Mom fans out there have judged her as a mother.

She knows that many are aghast over the custody battle she had to fight with ex Corey Simms over their twin girls, Ali and Aleeah.

She knows this is a sensitive topic.

But Messer recently spoke to Us Weekly and shed more light than ever before about what transpired in the past with Simms and her kids and where they stand now.

Ready to get caught up? Let"s do this…

1. Messer Sought Treatment in 2015

Corey simms leah messer on teen mom 2

She checked into a rehab facility for depression and anxiety, as nearly all Teen Mom fans know by now. This came at a time when her daughters, Ali and Aleeah, were five years old.

2. The Custody Battle with Simms Turned Ugly

Leah messer us weekly cover

Just look at the cover above as evidence. “It was like a slap in the face,” Leah told Us Weekly, describing the moment she found out her ex-Simms received custody of their twins.

3. What Was Actually Determined?

Leah messer with corey simms

On October 7, 2015 a judge ruled that Simms would care for the girls Monday-Friday, leaving Leah with only weekends to spend with them. So he never got FULL custody.

4. Said Messer at the Time:

Leah and corey

“I feel like they should have both of us in their lives. At the end of the day, my kids are going to be happy, and I don’t care what I have to do to make them happy.”

5. Fast Forward to Today and Messer is Revisiting This History…

Leah messer baby bump pic

“It’s always been 50/50. People were like, ‘Leah lost custody’ … I almost did, but I never lost custody of my children,” she tells Us Weekly, perhaps doing a tiny bit of revisionist history.

6. How Are Things These Days?

Leah messer close up

We haven’t heard a lot about Messer and Simms in awhile, but this is what the former says of their agreement and their co-parenting: “The current custody situation, just honestly … whatever we think is best for them, we do. We are doing the week on and then a week off.”

View Slideshow

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Gisele Bundchen Admits to Boob Job, Suicidal Thoughts

Many people out there may think Gisele Bundchen is the perfect female specimen.

But in a new interview and a new memoir, the world famous model admits that her life has been anything but perfect.

Three years ago, for example, Bundchen tells People Magazine that she quietly underwent a procedure that she almost immediately regretted, going under the knife for a breast augmentation due to her uneven boobs.

They changed shape and placement due to 18 months of breastfeeding her son, Benjamin, and her daughter, Vivian.

“I was always praised for my body, and I felt like people had expectations from me that I couldn’t deliver,” the 38-year old tells the aforementioned publication, explaining in more detail:

“I felt very vulnerable, because I can work out, I can eat healthy, but I can’t change the fact that both of my kids enjoyed the left boob more than the right.

“All I wanted was for them to be even and for people to stop commenting on it.”

Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life

In her new book, Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life, the typically private superstar confesses that in 2015, she gave in to the above vulnerabilities and got a boob job.

“When I woke up, I was like, ‘What have I done?’ I felt like I was living in a body I didn’t recognize,” she writes. “For the first year I wore [baggy] clothes because I felt uncomfortable.”

Thankfully, Gisele received never-ending support from husband Tom Brady, she explains:

“He just said, ‘I love you no matter what’ and that I looked beautiful. This was definitely another lesson: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But I wish I would have learned that a different way.”

Elsewhere in the very personal interview, Gisele says that she experienced a panic attack 15 years ago, just as her career was taking off.

It took place during a turbulent plane ride, but it didn’t stop there.

The episode led her to develop a fear of tunnels, elevators and various enclosed spaces.

Bundchen then had more panic attacks, including in her own home… and eventually contemplated suicide because the anxiety was just so difficult to tolerate.

“I actually had the feeling of, ‘If I just jump off my balcony, this is going to end, and I never have to worry about this feeling of my world closing in,"” Bundchen tells People.

Gisele sought professional assistance and was prescribed Xanax, but says didn’t want to become reliant on the medication.

So she chose to change her eating and drinking habits and turned to yoga and meditation to combat stress.

“Things can be looking perfect on the outside, but you have no idea what’s really going on,” the supermodel tells this magazine, concluding:

“I felt like maybe it was time to share some of my vulnerabilities, and it made me realize, everything I’ve lived through, I would never change, because I think I am who I am because of those experiences.”


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Margot Kidder"s Death Ruled Suicidal Overdose

“Superman” actress Margot Kidder died from an intentional drug and alcohol overdose … according to the Coroner’s Office. The Park County Coroner says Kidder’s overdose was self-inflicted. TMZ broke the story … Kidder, who played Lois Lane in the…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jar Jar Binks Actor Ahmed Best Says He Was Suicidal Over Backlash

Ahmed Best — the man who played the most widely loathed and mocked ‘Star Wars’ character — says the wave of negative reaction was so hard on him, he considered suicide. The Jar Jar Binks actor made the revelation Tuesday with a pic of himself and…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: Is He Suicidal?

To say that things have been rough for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra recently would be a pretty massive understatement.

And that’s because things have been undoubtedly, overwhelmingly hard for a long, long time now.

Besides, you know, all the problems they have that stemmed from having parents with drug addictions and a tendency to be cruel, plus the trauma they experienced after placing their first daughter up for adoption, they’ve been dealing with some severe mental illness in the past few months.

Catelynn gave birth to their daughter Nova in 2015, and after that she developed postpartum depression.

Her depression lasted for a long time, and it was so bad that she had to check into a treatment center in March of 2016. But even after coming home after that, she still struggled a lot.

At some point last year, she seemed to feel a bit better, at least enough that she and Tyler decided to try for another baby.

She did get pregnant, but she had a miscarriage, which triggered suicidal feelings.

She went off to rehab to get that under control, and after six weeks of treatment, she came home, where she stayed for a few weeks before deciding she needed even more treatment.

Six weeks after that, she came home again with new medications, a new diagnosis of PTSD, and an urge to help others suffering from mental illness.

One of those other people?


While Catelynn was in treatment after the miscarriage, Tyler stayed home, caring for their daughter and their home and their business, all while grieving himself.

As the weeks went on, he seemed to become overwhelmed with it all, and he was open about what a difficult time he was having.

He went to therapy himself while Cate was away, and he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

There have been rumors that after she came home and got settled back in that he would go to treatment himself, but he’s denied those rumors, saying that if anything, he might go on a spiritual retreat for a week or so.

But for the past few days, he’s been making some strange posts on social media that has fans more concerned than ever.

It started last week when he tweeted that he’s always loved writing and that he used to write poetry when he was younger, so he decided to start up again.

“I gotta tell ya,” he added, “what comes out of this brain of mine onto paper…Freaks. Me. Out. My brain is a way darker place than I thought.”

After that, he apparently felt moved to tweet a little sample.

“Why do I always do this to myself,” this poem began. “Why do I always ignore what’s safe for me & instead go search for some fatal battle, like I would rather be dead or let the devil take the handle from me.”

“What’s wrong with me!? What’s wrong with this brain of mine!?”

The next day, he added to it, writing “What’s wrong with this brain of mine. How can I just sit here & build up so much f-cking rage & pain inside.”

“It’s like I’m my own worst enemy & fighting this demon inside of me possesses all of my energy, so where’s the preacher at? I’ve been cursed & I don’t think I’m coming back.”

Then he really shared a lot on Instagram — he posted what looks like a screenshot of a series of these poems he typed up.

There’s a bit cut off, obviously, and you can read all of it if you feel moved to do so, but even at a glance, it’s obvious that this is all pretty dark.

You can see a bit about his father, Butch, in the line “I can still find the strength as a man even without the influence of a dad.”

In another section, he wrote “From on top of this mountain, I’ll cut these ties not my wrists. I’ll fight with these words instead of my fists.”


Suicide and violence? Uh … you OK, Tyler?

The newest poem he shared is very similar to all the others — more ramblings about his brain.

In this one, he wrote about “feeling broken, beaten, devalued, out of place.”

“It just leaves me shattered and every time I think about my life, my brain becomes battered with only one question…does my life really even matter?!”

In the caption for this one, Tyler explained that it’s “relieving to have somewhere to put all these thoughts & emotions,” and he added a “my own therapy” hashtag.

But with all these extremely troubled thoughts about self worth and cutting wrists, maybe it’s worth looking into some additional therapy, you know?

It seems like Catelynn is feeling better these days, so let’s just hope that Tyler can do the same.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Opens Up About Suicidal Thoughts In Shocking Interview

As expected, last night’s Teen Mom OG reunion show was loaded with drama, much of it having to do with ongoing questions about Ryan Edwards’ sobriety.

But while Ryan’s situation may have dominated the tabloid headlines in recent weeks, he’s certainly not the only member of the TMOG cast to grapple with personal demons this season.

Catelyn Lowell checked into rehab three times over the course of the past year.

Unlike Ryan, however, her primary battle was not with substances but with mental illness.

Lowell opened up about experiencing suicidal thoughts prior to seeking treatment in November, and during her interview with Dr. Drew that aired last night, she revealed that her situation has improved dramatically in recent months.

“If I don’t go somewhere else today, I’m going to off myself and life would be 10 times better,” Catelynn said, recalling her lowest point.

“I could picture myself driving into an electrical pole off the road, praying it would kill me. But I wouldn’t do it because I had my kid in the backseat.”

These days, Catelynn says, her life is not without its struggles, but changes in her diagnosis (Lowell suffers from PTSD) and her medications have left her feeling that she’s equipped to handle the ups and downs.

Lowell also says she’s quit pot for good after being advised that the use of recreational drugs might have exacerbated her condition in the past.

For his part, Tyler said he still smokes occasionally but was quick to add that he never gets high in his wife’s presence.

“I don’t smoke around her,” Tyler told Dr. Drew.

Lowell stated in several recent interviews that Tyler has been endlessly supportive throughout her recent struggles.

The segment ended with more good news for the Baltierra clan, as Tyler’s troubled father, Butch Baltierra, joined the proceedings via Skype and informed the audience that he’s been sober ever since completing rehab back in November.

It was a bittersweet interview, with Lowell addressing the subject of her miscarriage and fighting tears while discussing the “emotional year” that threatened to tear her family apart.

But Catelynn and Tyler survived, in part thanks to their love for one another.

Yes, Ryan’s recent bad behavior may make for more scandalous television, but thankfully TMOG viewers seem more interested in celebrating the casts’ successes than in gawking at their misfortunes.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Catelynn’s courageous struggle.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Verne Troyer Suicidal with 3 Times Legal Limit of Alcohol

Verne Troyer had 3 times the legal limit of alcohol in his system when he was rushed to the hospital and sources tell us he never recovered from it. Sources familiar with the death investigation tell TMZ, Verne told the 911 dispatcher and…


Verne Troyer Suicidal with 3 Times Legal Limit of Alcohol

Verne Troyer had 3 times the legal limit of alcohol in his system when he was rushed to the hospital and sources tell us he never recovered from it. Sources familiar with the death investigation tell TMZ, Verne told the 911 dispatcher and…


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Verne Troyer Hospitalized for Suicidal Behavior, Alcohol Poisoning

Verne Troyer is an actor, stunt performer, and a comedian. Also, he once filmed a guy getting tasered at the airport. He’s a treat to follow on social media.

Unfortunately, he’s now been placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold after his loved ones worried that he might take his own life.

His team has released a statement.

TMZ reports that, on Monday night, police rushed to Verne Troyer’s home upon learning that the actor was allegedly suicidal.

The actor and comedian, who is known for many roles but is perhaps most recognizable for having portrayed Mini Me in Austin Powers, was reportedly also extremely upset and drunk.

His friends were concerned, and placed a call to police at 7:30 in the evening.

Troyer was taken the hospital for possible alcohol poisoning, and is under a 72-hour observation.

His team posted a message on Instagram.

Verne Troyer Message April 2018

They know that many fans keep up with the news and would eventually see the report about Troyer.

“Asking you to keep Verne in your thoughts and prayers.”

Of course.

“He’s getting the best care possible and is resting comfortably.”

That is very good to hear. This is a frightening situation.

“Appreciate the support from family, friends, and fans around the world.”

And they say that they’ll tell people more once they know more.

“We will keep you updated here.”

Sadly, as fans of Verne Troyer are all too aware, this is not the first time that he has had difficulties with his health.

It was almost exactly one year ago — on April 6th, 2017 — when he shared a grim message about his struggles with alcohol.

“I’ve been hearing from some concerned fans,” he wrote on Instagram. “So I’d like to address a very personal situation.”

And he is aware that fans are familiar with his history.

“As you know, I’ve battled alcohol addiction in the past.”

Verne Troyer Message April 2017

“While it’s not always been an easy fight, I’m willing to continue my fight day by day.”

That’s good. A willingness to wrestle with your own inner demons is a sure sign that there’s hope for your recovery.

“I’ve been receiving treatment for the last week and I am voluntarily checking into a treatment center later this week to continue to get the help that I need.”

It’s so good that he’s taking the necessary steps. Also kind of him to update his fans and followers.

“I want to thank everyone that’s reached out with their messages of support.”

Widespread support can mean a lot, even to a celebrity.

“It truly means the world to me.”

“With your support, I got this,” he concluded.

Unfortunately, not quite a year later, it sounds like he’s suffered a serious relapse.

We all wish Verne Troyer a speedy recovery — but we hope that he’s able to take the steps that he needs to make this recovery last, no matter how long it might take.

He is 49 years old, and we hope that he’s around for many more years. For his fans, but also for himself and his loved ones.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

"Mini Me" Verne Troyer Held for Evaluation After Cops Respond to "Suicidal" Call

12:29 PM PT — Verne’s team just posted a message on his Instagram, saying, “Asking you to keep Verne in your thoughts and prayers. He’s getting the best care possible and is resting comfortably. Appreciate the support from family, friends,…


Friday, March 9, 2018

Teri Hatcher: Is She Really Homeless and Suicidal?

Teri Hatcher starred on Desperate Housewives and Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman. She"s been on commercials. She even guest starred on Supergirl last year.

But a new report came out, claiming that she"s broke, living out of her van, and possibly suicidal. Could it be?

In the video below, you"ll see an interviewer sit down with Teri to learn the truth.

Teri hatcher behind the scenes

On Thursday, Teri Hatcher sat down — on International Women"s Day, no less — to explain how the explosive report about her current living situation came to be.

"The way this works is: a couple of weeks ago, the magazine reached out to my publicist to say: "We have the paparazzi photos of Teri at the beach.""

Specifically, the photos were of her, in and beside a van.

"Which, by the way, I was filming a drive-by for my show. You know, we have the van driving around Los Angeles. And we were doing some beach drive-bys. They looked beautiful."

She has a YouTube series in which she travels in a van and sits down with people to talk.

She continues:

"So they had these photos of me being in the van, and they said they were going to run this story about me being broke — and I think they used the word "suicidal" and "homeless" and whatever."

Teri hatcher lounges in bed

She says that her representatives shut that down.

"And my lawyer and my publicist said "that"s categorically not true, you can"t print that; she"s doing a YouTube show, that"s her van. She has many homes in many states all over the country. There"s nothing about this that"s true.""

In fact, if you were to look up Hatcher"s estimated net worth, you"d find that she"s worth approximately $ 50 million.

"And then they went and ran it anyway."

Oh wow.

"And that is even more egregious that it was so purposefully hurtful."

She says that there"s more to this than people may have realized.

Teri hatcher image

She says that the story about her is part of a sexist narrative that tabloid exploit.

"Again, the reason that it"s important for me to talk about it is because, you know, also on that cover was a picture of Sharon Stone."

She gets into that context and talks about why it"s important.

"A beautiful picture of Sharon Stone. Tripping, I guess, on a curb, like many people do."

Again, that"s tripping on a curb, physically, not tripping balls, pharmaceutically.

(The city streets where I live are old and I trip on them a lot)

"And the caption was "Near 60 Sharon Stone Collapses.""

Oh my.

Teri hatcher among the sunflowers

She talks about what these two stories playing out on the same cover made her think.

"And it just made me think, you know, as actresses age, as women age in our society, magazines like this are fostering a culture of disrespect."

Some might argue that magazines are just using an existing culture of disrespect — of misogyny and of ageism — in order to sell themselves.

"Of trying to take down and take away the power of women who have accomplished a lot in their careers."

That"s so sad. But Teri says that she won"t be silenced.

"Who have a lot still to say."

Chris wood teri hatcher melissa benoist

When she shared a behind-the-scenes photo of her interview, Teri spoke triumphantly in the captions:

"Getting the last laugh on #internationalwomensday. We all deserve a society where women of all ages are respected, and that can start with not accepting lies on the cover of a magazine."

She"s absolutely right. Women deserve respect.

There are plenty of stars who squandered millions or even tens of millions.

Teri, however, is not one of them.

Watch her interview here:

Teri hatcher is she really homeless and suicidal

Monday, February 26, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Reveals Suicidal Thoughts in Heartbreaking Teen Mom OG Clip

Let"s just get this out of the way before we get started: what we have here is a Teen Mom OG sneak peek in which we see Catelynn Lowell heading off to rehab.

You can probably figure out what that means — it"s really, really hard to watch.

If you"ve been keeping up with the show, you know that in the past couple of episodes, Catelynn and Tyler have been talking about a pregnancy.

She had her positive pregnancy test, she made a "big sister" shirt for Nova, they told their families.

Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage. It"s very common, but that obviously doesn"t make it any less heartbreaking for many people.

And as we"re seeing in this clip, Catelynn had an especially hard time with it.

The video begins with Cate and Tyler in the car, with him driving as she calls his mother, Kim.

"Hi, Mom," she begins — she"s been with Tyler since they were in middle school, so Kim really is like a second mother to her.

Kim asks her what she"s doing, and she tells her that she"s headed to the airport.

And here"s where it gets tough …

When she asks her why she"s going to the airport, Cate says that she"s going to treatment, and she"s clearly fighting tears at this point.

"What made this decision, honey?" Kim asks.


"Because I contemplated every single way I could kill myself today," Catelynn answers, finally breaking down.

As she cries, Kim tells her what a good mother and wife she is, and that she"ll be praying for her while she"s gone — Cate told her she"d be away for around 30 days, though we know she stayed closer to six weeks.

While that conversation is happening, Tyler stays silent, but he"s near tears himself.

It"s all just very, very sad.

Piecing everything together, it"s clear now that the miscarriage set Catelynn"s depression off, and also that it brought several other issues to the surface as well.

She went to rehab in November, shortly after it happened, and she stayed until late December, then went back for another six weeks in January to sort through some childhood trauma.

She"s still there now, but she"s expected to return home soon.

Hopefully she"s feeling a whole, whole lot better now than she did in this clip. It"s hard to imagine it would be possible for her to feel any worse.

Catelynn lowell reveals suicidal thoughts in heartbreaking teen

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Jeremy Vuolo: We Should Just IGNORE Suicidal People!

Just when you thought Jeremy Vuolo was one of the more intelligent Duggar in-laws…

Jinger Duggar’s husband is a pro soccer player-turned preacher; he’s butted heads with Jim Bob, and he’s rebuffed some of his in-law’s more ridiculous rules.

But as we were reminded this week, Jeremy is capable of being every bit as ignorant as his controversial father-in-law:

Jeremy recently tweeted about a story in which a man tried to coerce a woman into marrying her by threatening suicide:

“Alan Redpath tells the story of a young woman who came to her pastor desperate and despondent. She said, ‘There is a man who says he loves me so much he will kill himself if I don’t marry him. What should I do?’” Vuolo wrote.

“‘Do nothing,’ he replied. ‘That man doesn’t love you; he loves himself. Such a threat isn’t love; it is pure selfishness.’”

Here’s the thing – obviously, this woman shouldn’t marry this mentally ill man just because she’s afraid he might harm himself.

But she also shouldn’t “do nothing,” as her pastor advises.

She should offer help. 

She should speak with him, contact authorities, his family, whoever she needs to because it could mean saving a life, which seems like a mighty Christian thing to do.

Not surprisingly, fans were almost universally critical of Jeremy’s advice.

“Get what you’re saying but I think you need to be careful when you talk about ignoring suicidal people,” tweeted one fan.

“More like mental illness…in need of professional help. God calls people to be psychiatrists to help people just as much as he calls people to be ministers,” wrote another.

Jinger and Jeremy are expecting their first child these days, and many are hoping that as parents, they’ll leave some of her family’s more outdated traditions in the past.

Jinger is the most rebellious of her siblings, having already broken with some of her family’s more arcane rules, such as the requirement that women wear dresses of long skirts at all times.

Unfortunately, all of that means very little if she and Jeremy aren’t willing to take a more modern approach to such issues as child development and mental health.

Here’s hoping Vuolo will eventually come around to the idea that not everyone who experiences a suicidel impulse is just a manipulatvie jerk.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, November 17, 2017

Catelynn Lowell Reveals Suicidal Thoughts, Checks Into Rehab

Many fans of Teen Mom: OG may have been shocked by the tweet Catelynn Lowell posted moments ago.

But ultimately, they rallied around the beloved reality star, offering crucial support as she faces the struggle of a lifetime:

Last year, Catelynn checked into a rehab facility to be treated for depression and anxiety.

Today, she revealed that she’ll be seeking further treatment following a recurrence of symptoms:

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment #makeChesterProud @TalindaB #KeepTalkingMH #thiswontlast,” Catelynn tweeted Friday afternoon.

Catelynn tagged the wife of late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington in her tweet.

Bennington took his own life in July at the age of 41.

Catelynn did not reveal how long she’s been struggling this time around, but she seems hopeful about her future.

Catelynn Lowell Tweet

She posted the above photo of her daughter’s toy on Instagram, along with the following caption:

“Well Nova buddy is coming with me… and I’m gonna hold it close to my heart the whole time… #thiswontlast #thiswontstopme”

Again, fans responded with an outpouring of support.

“Oh Catelynn. You are a strong, amazing woman. I’m so glad you’re getting help with this. That makes you even stronger to admit that you need it. I know you will get through this. Sending so much love and support your way.” commented one fan.

“Just being open about it proves to me that you are incredibly strong! You can overcome this! I wish you all the best.”

Other stars of the Teen Mom franchise have publicly offered messages of love and encouragement to Lowell, as well:

“Thinking of her,” Javi Marroquin tweeted, linking to an article about Catelynn’s struggle.

“Incredibly proud of my wife…when she thought she had no choices left, she reached out & decided to LIVE today!” tweeted Catelynn’s husband, Tyler Baltierra.

“My life would be desolate without her in it. You are beautiful, strong, worthy, & loved,” he added.

We’d like to add our voice to the chorus of well-wishes for Catelynn.

By being open about her struggle, she’s turning a potentially deadly negative into a positive that may well prove life-saving.

Our thoughts go out to Catelynn and her loved ones during this difficult time.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive the many struggles that have helped form Catelynn into the woman she is today.


Monday, October 23, 2017

Kelly Clarkson: Being Skinny Made Me Suicidal

Kelly Clarkson is our hero.

We’ve said this a number of times over the years, as few celebrities are as comfortable in their own skin as the original American Idol winner.

But the admirable artist says in a new interview that it wasn’t always this way.

There was a time, in fact, when she hated the skin she was in so much that she went to a very, very, VERY dark place.

“When I was really skinny, I wanted to kill myself,” Clarkson says candidly in the latest issue of Attitude Magazine.

She explains:

“I was miserable, like inside and out, for four years of my life. But no one cared, because aesthetically you make sense.”

Clarkson says this period of weight loss and depression took place in 2004, right around when her second album was taking off.

She has already won American Idol, her singles were atop the charts and she was on the path to true stardom.

Signed to Clive Davis’ RCA Records during this phase of her career, she says she faced immense pressure to shed pounds and looks as “skinny” as her peers.

“It was a very dark time for me. I thought the only way out was quitting,” she says, adding:

“I like wrecked my knees and my feet because all I would do is put in headphones and run. I was at the gym all the time.”

Fast forward a few years to the release of Clarkson’s third album, “My December.”

The singer famously feuded with Davis over the inclusion of certain tracks on this record, eventually firing manager Jeff Kwatinetz as part of the overall disagreement.

“There’s a song on My December called ‘Sober.’ There’s this line – ‘picked the weeds but kept the flowers’ – and I just live my life by that, because you are who you surround yourself with,” Clarkson says here.

“I was around some really negative people, and I got out of it because I had a lot of great people there, too.”

Last spring, Kelly signed a deal with Atlantic Records. And she sounds pretty happy about it.

“It was a case of turning around, facing them and walking toward the light,” she now says.

Sadly, Clarkson still hears these days from critics who suck and who give her a hard time about her weight.

But she often fights back. She’s now about to let these trolls win.

“I don’t obsess about my weight, which is probably one of the reasons why other people have such a problem with it,” the star told Redbook at one point, expounding as follows:

“There are just some people who are born skinny and with a great metabolism – that is not me.

“I wish I had a better metabolism. But someone else probably wishes they could walk into a room and make friends with everyone like I can.

“You always want what someone else has.”

Clarkson’s next album comes out on October 27.

We’re totally gonna buy it.

We love her.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DeMario Jackson: The Bachelor in Paradise Accusations Made Me Suicidal!

ABC aired a “very important episode” of Bachelor in Paradise that featured a group discussion of  maybe felt a bit more like an after school special.

Some fans maybe felt patronized, but it’s a super important topic — especially for their younger viewers. 

But while DeMario couldn’t speak for himself on air, he’s given a new interview and … it sounds like things got really, really rough for him.

We all remember how production on Bachelor in Paradise was shut down in June after two producers expressed concerns that Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson hooking up in the pool was some form of sexual assault.

The two of them were said to be more or less plastered at the time after having been drinking all day.

Sometimes people plan hookups and deliberately get drunk for them, but nobody had the impression that Corinne or DeMario had planned much of anything.

For a while, we didn’t know what had happened, and there was even speculation that perhaps some overly eager producers had arranged the hookup in a misguided attempt to boost ratings.

While an investigation eventually determined that no sexual assault took place, some rumors unfairly targeted DeMario Jackson as if he were some sort of predator.

To be clear, no one involved ever accused DeMario of anything of the sort. Not the producers, not ABC, and not Corinne Olympios herself.

Unfortunately, these unfounded accusations against DeMario cropped up anyway.

In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, DeMario Jackson talks about how the show handled it with their recent special and about how the Bachelor in Paradise scandal impacted him.

He starts with their very special episode:

“I feel like they rolled enough of the tape. You can’t show too much, because that’s gonna disrespect Corinne and I, and I just feel like it wouldn’t be the best or the classiest thing to do. But, they showed enough.”

He’s absolutely right — if they hadn’t shown anything, questions would linger for eternity.

“The public, they need to see something. I think they just needed to see [that] she’s lucid. I’m lucid. We’re swimming around. We’re having fun. We’re friends.”

Humans are a very visual species and people need to see things to believe them, not hear them.

“It wasn’t like I’m some predator who was at the bar waiting for the girl to get extremely drunk, then I’m like, ‘Oops! Let me pounce on her.’ No, it was very mutual.”

There are plenty of ways that sexual assaults take place, including between friends, but based on what literally everyone is saying, that’s not what happened here.

“In fact, she was a little bit of the aggressor in it, and I love how they painted the picture and the story of us actually talking, mingling, getting to know each other.”

That’s very consistent with what other witnesses described.

“I do wish [they explained more]. Like, that very moment of us getting into the pool and everything, that’s when we had kinda got, you know, a little more cozier, so to speak. Everything happened and then we were just finished.”

“I signed up for this reality. I feel guilty, because my mom didn’t sign up for this, and she’s been getting harassed, people tweeting at her, on her Instagram saying, ‘Your son’s a rapist.’”

That’s awful.

We wouldn’t message any members of even Bill Cosby’s family about what a monster he is.

Direct your hate at bad people, not the relatives of people who haven’t been accused of anything.

“That was the part I was most sad about. I feel like I created this for my family, in a sense, by being a little reckless. … And I just want to say I’m sorry to them.”

There can always be fallout for celebrities. It goes with the territory, sometimes.

Alarmingly, DeMario describes some of his feelings during the scandal as: “suicidal, but not like the suicidal that you might think.”

That’s frightening, but he clarifies.

“I never thought, ‘Oh, I’m gonna kill myself,’ but it crossed my mind.”

That sounds like suicidal ideation, which is relatively normal, rather than a suicidal impulse.

More like how people might think “gee, I wish I could just die instead” when faced with something unpleasant like finishing all of their work at the end of the semester or attending a family gathering.

We hope that it wasn’t more than that, at least.

DeMario says that he’s totally “here for” Corinne Olympios and that, despite his experience, he bears no ill will towards Bachelor in Paradise.

If you’re wondering why there was an investigation to begin with if the determination of no sexual assault left Corinne Olympios satisfied with the investigation, it’s because Corinne didn’t remember what had happened.

This wasn’t because she was somehow so drunk that she couldn’t think or form memories.

Corinne has stated that this was the result of unthinkingly mixing prescription pills with alcohol.

While she’s obviously not responsible for what happened — the accusations came from producers, not from her — this could have been handled without any fuss if Corinne had remembered events and not had to rely upon what other people told her happened.

We can only imagine how terrifying it would be to go for weeks, told that you were somehow victimized in an event that you cannot remember.

Hopefully, Corinne will share her experience with the world soon. Or, at least, whatever she’s comfortable sharing.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Sinead O"Connor Records Disturbing Video, Says She"s Suicidal

Sinead O"Connor is in need of serious professional help.

This is not breaking news, but that doesn"t make it any less true.

Earlier this week, the singer recorded a 12-minute video in which she detailed the depths to which she’s fallen, saying she’s just been “wandering” around for two years and doesn’t believe life is worth living.

"I am now living in a Travelodge motel in the ass end of New Jersey," says the former Grammy winner in the footage below, adding:

"I"m a 5"4" little f-cking woman wandering the world for two years by myself."

Just over a year ago, O"Connor was reported missing amidst fears that she would kill herself.

She later penned a lengthy note and blamed her family for what the artist deemed a "total psychological and emotional destruction."

In this Facebook video, O"Connor again lashes out at her loved ones, saying the way they"ve shunned her has led to her mental breakdown.

"I"m all by myself," she says.

"And there"s absolutely nobody in my life except my doctor, my psychiatrist – the sweetest man on earth, who says I"m his hero – and that"s about the only f-cking thing keeping me alive at the moment… and that"s kind of pathetic.

"I"m not staying alive for me. If it was just for me I"d be gone.

"Straight away back to my mum… because I"ve walked this earth alone for two years now as punishment for being mentally f-cking ill and getting angry that no one would f-ckng take care of me."

The artist explains that she filmed herself like this in order to show people what it"s like to be "one of millions" suffering from mental health disorders.

"Mental illness, it"s like drugs, it doesn"t give a shit who you are, and equally what"s worse, it"s the stigma, it doesn"t give a shit who you are.

"Suddenly all the people who are supposed to be loving you and taking care of you are treating you like shit. It"s like a witch hunt."

Horribly sad stuff all around.

Watch the full video below:

Sinead oconnor records heartbreaking video says shes suicidal

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans Reveals Shocking Suicidal Thoughts: Is She OK?!

Jenelle Evans isn’t exactly known for being a stable individual.

She’s actually mostly known for getting pregnant, smoking weed with Kieffer, and heroin.

Oh, and for assaulting people. And getting arrested. And trying to get out of going to jail so she can go to a Kesha concert, because dude, that’s why she got all those feathers in her hair.

What we’re getting at with all this is that Jenelle has been a hot mess from day one.

And sure, she kicked heroin and it’s been a while since she’s been arrested, and those are sincerely some impressive accomplishments.

But as we’ve been seeing on this new season of Teen Mom 2, she still has some issues.

And, as she reveals in her new book, Read Between the Lines: From the Diary of a Teenage Mom, some of those issues are more serious than we’ve ever realized.

In multiple entries in the book, Jenelle reveals some seriously troubling thoughts she had as a child — suicidal thoughts.

In one entry from the summer of 2005, when she was only 13 years old, she wrote about how she got in trouble for hanging out with an 18-year-old guy.

“Now my mom doesn’t love me any more, she wishes I drop dead,” the entry reads. “That hurts me so much and now I have no one to love me.”

“I want to tell my mom that I’m sorry for being born because I know I was just another accident.”

13-year-old Jenelle added “She’s also canceling modeling cuz she thinks I’m too ugly for it … she tells me I’m a lil whore. She treats me like I’m not alive.”

“But then she won’t let me kill myself cuz she’ll go to jail or something.”

That’s shockingly disturbing, right? She was so young, but she really sounded very, very troubled.

And, as grown-up Jenelle explained alongside the old diary entry, a lot of the things she wrote back then weren’t even true.

“I know it reads like a kid just regurgitating what she heard,” she wrote, “but I know my mom didn’t say those things to me.”

“I must’ve been really upset, and made up a bunch of stuff to make myself feel better about being punished for something, at heart, I knew was my fault.”

So not only did little Jenelle write about killing herself, but she also wrote some fiction about how her mother called her a “lil whore” and how she told her she couldn’t kill herself because she’d go to jail?

Damn, Jenelle.

Then, in an entry dated in April of 2006, she mentioned suicide again, simply writing “I cannot believe I was about 2 kill myself and film it.”

For this remarkably upsetting entry, Jenelle explained that it was simply “Another cry for attention, I am certain of it.”

This time, her cry for attention worked — a friend told her boyfriend about what she’d written, and “it upset him and he decided enough was enough.”

“He was tired of investing time in a girl who thought trying to kill herself were just things to try out for the fun of it.”

The Jenelle of today also explained that while she did write about suicide from time to time, she never actually attempted it — though she did cut herself once.

“I tried cutting myself for the first and last time,” she wrote in another section of the book. “It wasn’t anything serious, just a few scratches on one arm.”

“I tried it out because I had heard other kids at school talk about how it relieved stress and helped me get over bad stuff that was happening around them.”

As if we didn’t know already, it seems like her book makes it crystal clear that Jenelle had a very troubled childhood — and it also makes it a little easier to understand how she turned out the way she did.

Again … damn, Jenelle.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Katy Perry Reveals Battle with Addiction, Suicidal Thoughts

Love her or hate her, there’s no denying that Katy Perry has been exceedingly open and honest in the months leading up to the release of her new album.

She’s gotten real about her feud with Taylor Swift, she’s spoken out about her political views, she’s opened up about her sexuality.

She’s also done some not so great things: who could forget those unfortunate remarks she made about Britney Spears, or the comment about Obama that some people believed to be racist?

The point is that, for better or for worse, Katy has been more than just a pretty pop star lately.

And in a shocking livestream she shared on YouTube, she really proved that.

See, Katy’s new album, Witness, was released yesterday, and to celebrate, she’s livestreaming all sorts of things this weekend.

She’s been dancing, doing yoga, hosting celebrity guests — it’s been surprisingly personal.

But nothing she’s done so far has been as personal as a therapy session with celebrity psychologist Dr. Siri Sam Nam Singh that she streamed last night.

In the session, Katy revealed that she often feels pulled between being “Katy Perry, pop star” and Katheryn Hudson, the “dork” she is in real life.

“I’m a bit more nerdy than everybody things I am,” she explained. “I’m a big goofball. The fantasy of Katheryn went into into Katy and made this bigger than life personality.”

“That’s the point of this whole thing, if people can see I’m just like them they they can dream just as big.”

The struggle of being both Katy and Katheryn is what inspired her to cut all her hair off — “I didn’t want to look like Katy Perry anymore,” she said.

She also shared that she’s struggled with alcoholism — at this point in the video, someone could be heard urging her to stop the session.

But instead of stopping, she just got even more intimate.

Katy said that she’s also contemplated suicide, adding that “I feel ashamed that I would have those thoughts, feel that low and that depressed.”

She said that she even wrote a song about it — “By the Grace of God” from her 2013 album, Prism.

“You can be right or you can be loved,” she said. “I just want to be loved.”

It was an extremely personal thing for her to share, and so it just makes sense that her fans have been losing their minds in support for her.

“I’ve gained so much respect for Katy Perry,” one person tweeted. “Her therapy session and allowing the world to witness her… my heart breaks seeing her sadness.”

A fan told her “Your therapy session touched my heart it was so deep! Know that your katycats love you for being Katheryn Hudson.”

Another wrote “I love you as Katherym Hudson. I love you as Katy Perry. I love you with long hair and I love you with short hair. Always.”

Beat this, Taylor.
