Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Verne Troyer Hospitalized for Suicidal Behavior, Alcohol Poisoning

Verne Troyer is an actor, stunt performer, and a comedian. Also, he once filmed a guy getting tasered at the airport. He’s a treat to follow on social media.

Unfortunately, he’s now been placed in an involuntary psychiatric hold after his loved ones worried that he might take his own life.

His team has released a statement.

TMZ reports that, on Monday night, police rushed to Verne Troyer’s home upon learning that the actor was allegedly suicidal.

The actor and comedian, who is known for many roles but is perhaps most recognizable for having portrayed Mini Me in Austin Powers, was reportedly also extremely upset and drunk.

His friends were concerned, and placed a call to police at 7:30 in the evening.

Troyer was taken the hospital for possible alcohol poisoning, and is under a 72-hour observation.

His team posted a message on Instagram.

Verne Troyer Message April 2018

They know that many fans keep up with the news and would eventually see the report about Troyer.

“Asking you to keep Verne in your thoughts and prayers.”

Of course.

“He’s getting the best care possible and is resting comfortably.”

That is very good to hear. This is a frightening situation.

“Appreciate the support from family, friends, and fans around the world.”

And they say that they’ll tell people more once they know more.

“We will keep you updated here.”

Sadly, as fans of Verne Troyer are all too aware, this is not the first time that he has had difficulties with his health.

It was almost exactly one year ago — on April 6th, 2017 — when he shared a grim message about his struggles with alcohol.

“I’ve been hearing from some concerned fans,” he wrote on Instagram. “So I’d like to address a very personal situation.”

And he is aware that fans are familiar with his history.

“As you know, I’ve battled alcohol addiction in the past.”

Verne Troyer Message April 2017

“While it’s not always been an easy fight, I’m willing to continue my fight day by day.”

That’s good. A willingness to wrestle with your own inner demons is a sure sign that there’s hope for your recovery.

“I’ve been receiving treatment for the last week and I am voluntarily checking into a treatment center later this week to continue to get the help that I need.”

It’s so good that he’s taking the necessary steps. Also kind of him to update his fans and followers.

“I want to thank everyone that’s reached out with their messages of support.”

Widespread support can mean a lot, even to a celebrity.

“It truly means the world to me.”

“With your support, I got this,” he concluded.

Unfortunately, not quite a year later, it sounds like he’s suffered a serious relapse.

We all wish Verne Troyer a speedy recovery — but we hope that he’s able to take the steps that he needs to make this recovery last, no matter how long it might take.

He is 49 years old, and we hope that he’s around for many more years. For his fans, but also for himself and his loved ones.
