Monday, February 26, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Reveals Suicidal Thoughts in Heartbreaking Teen Mom OG Clip

Let"s just get this out of the way before we get started: what we have here is a Teen Mom OG sneak peek in which we see Catelynn Lowell heading off to rehab.

You can probably figure out what that means — it"s really, really hard to watch.

If you"ve been keeping up with the show, you know that in the past couple of episodes, Catelynn and Tyler have been talking about a pregnancy.

She had her positive pregnancy test, she made a "big sister" shirt for Nova, they told their families.

Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage. It"s very common, but that obviously doesn"t make it any less heartbreaking for many people.

And as we"re seeing in this clip, Catelynn had an especially hard time with it.

The video begins with Cate and Tyler in the car, with him driving as she calls his mother, Kim.

"Hi, Mom," she begins — she"s been with Tyler since they were in middle school, so Kim really is like a second mother to her.

Kim asks her what she"s doing, and she tells her that she"s headed to the airport.

And here"s where it gets tough …

When she asks her why she"s going to the airport, Cate says that she"s going to treatment, and she"s clearly fighting tears at this point.

"What made this decision, honey?" Kim asks.


"Because I contemplated every single way I could kill myself today," Catelynn answers, finally breaking down.

As she cries, Kim tells her what a good mother and wife she is, and that she"ll be praying for her while she"s gone — Cate told her she"d be away for around 30 days, though we know she stayed closer to six weeks.

While that conversation is happening, Tyler stays silent, but he"s near tears himself.

It"s all just very, very sad.

Piecing everything together, it"s clear now that the miscarriage set Catelynn"s depression off, and also that it brought several other issues to the surface as well.

She went to rehab in November, shortly after it happened, and she stayed until late December, then went back for another six weeks in January to sort through some childhood trauma.

She"s still there now, but she"s expected to return home soon.

Hopefully she"s feeling a whole, whole lot better now than she did in this clip. It"s hard to imagine it would be possible for her to feel any worse.

Catelynn lowell reveals suicidal thoughts in heartbreaking teen