Showing posts with label Rehab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rehab. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bam Margera I"m Going Back To Rehab ... Third Time"s The Charm???

Bam Margera apparently already has a New Year’s resolution in mind … because he says he’s going to back to rehab for a third time. 
The “Jackass” star announced his plans to go to alcohol rehab in an Instagram post on New Year’s Eve … he captioned the p...
Bam Margera I"m Going Back To Rehab ... Third Time"s The Charm???

Monday, December 3, 2018

Lil Xan Checks Himself into Rehab

Exclusive Details
Lil Xan has just checked himself into rehab.
The rapper’s girlfriend, Annie, posted Sunday on Xan’s Instagram account “Diego was just admitted into his first treatment.” She went on to say, “He loves each and every one of you sending good wishes ...
Lil Xan Checks Himself into Rehab

Lil Xan Checks Himself into Rehab

Exclusive Details
Lil Xan has just checked himself into rehab.
The rapper’s girlfriend, Annie, posted Sunday on Xan’s Instagram account “Diego was just admitted into his first treatment.” She went on to say, “He loves each and every one of you sending good wishes ...
Lil Xan Checks Himself into Rehab

Friday, November 16, 2018

Lil Xan is Going to Rehab, I Need Help Getting Over the Hump with Opioids

12:50 PM PT — Before he left for rehab Thursday, Xan came on “TMZ Live” to explain exactly why he’s going, and it’s interesting … he says he’s nowhere near “rock bottom.”  He told us he’s been far more strung out on opioids in the past, but…


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lil Xan Announces Plans to Enter Rehab On One-Year Anniversary of Lil Peep"s Death

Lil Xan’s stage name might be inspired by his love of prescription medications, but it seems the death of several close friends has caused the rapper to realize that recreational pill-popping can have deadly consequences.

According to TMZ, Xan (nee Diego Leanos) has announced plans to enter rehab in order to seek help for an addiction to opioids.

It’s no coincidence that he reached the decision to enter treatment exactly one year after fellow emcee Lil Peep was found dead of an overdose.

And sadly, at the age of 22, Leanos has been impacted by the opioid crisis multiple times.

Rapper Mac Miller, who died of an overdose in September was a close friend and mentor of Xan’s.

Leanos has stated that he decided to get sober not long after learning of Miller’s passing.

He says he’s recently been hard at work on an album that he describes as a tribute to Miller.

But apparently, Leanos realizes that his health needs to take priority over his work, as he announced today that he’ll be putting that project on hold in order to focus on getting sober:

“I just dropped out of SoundCloud Uni to go to rehab, I leave in like 5 days and I couldn’t be happier with this choice,” Xan wrote on Instagram today.

“I love you guys for being so supportive and can’t wait too get back clean headed ready to Finish my album!”

The decision comes just days after Xan opened up about his ongoing substance abuse issues in an interview with TMZ:

“I relapsed, and that’s common … Any other addict would understand that sh-t just happens,” Leanos told the outlet.

“You just relapse. You don’t want to. It’s a process. You need treatment and help, and sometimes that doesn’t even help.”

Xan made it clear in recent interviews that while he is not as “strung out” as he’s been in the past, he has still not achieved the sobriety he aspires to:

“I’m not completely clean. Off Xanax, yes, but I’m still weaning off Norcos [a brand of codeine-based painkiller],” he said.

While fans have been supportive of Xan’s decision, many expressed hope that he would decide to check into rehab immediately, rather than waiting until next week.

We wish him all the best as he embarks upon the long road to recovery.


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Matt Brown Checks Out of Rehab, Vows to Remain Sober

Back in September, Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown checked himself into rehab after a family intervention.

Now there is some very promising news that is sure to please the entire Brown family.

Matt is out of rehab!

RadarOnline reports that Matt Brown is freshly out of rehab, which he had entered to get a handle on his drinking.

“Matt voluntarily checked himself out of rehab in late October,” reveals an insider close to the Brown family.

“And,” the source shares. “He is continuing outpatient treatment at a nearby facility.”

That is very good to know — sometimes, a relapse right after leaving rehab is a risk.

Outpatient treatments can help provide continued support.

“He is doing really good right now,” the insider says.

“And,” the source elaborates. “He is committed to his sobriety.”

“His family is very proud of him,” the insider adds.

That is no surprise. Sobriety can be difficult to achieve.

The Brown family loves and supports Matt and they know how difficult it can be to overcome a substance abuse issue.

There’s more to leaving rehab than the support of your family — though that, of course, is important.

“Matt has been attending recovery meetings,” the source says.

The insider says that Matt has used these peer groups “and has been working with a sober coach.”

We previously reported that Matt would hire a sober coach, even when he was still in rehab.

A sobriety coach can provide one-on-one assistance that a support group often cannot.

The source says that Matt is doing all of this “as well as going to therapy and counseling to battle his addictions.”

It’s great that Matt is recovering and is on a path to avoid a relapse.

The reason that he (once again) struggled with alcohol abuse was, as is usually the case, self-medication.

It was explained that he started drinking as a “way to deal with his mother Ami’s cancer diagnosis.”

There were times last year when everyone — including the Brown family — believed that Ami would die from lung cancer.

The odds were stacked against her, but she defied all expectations.

But the stress of her cancer battle — and the health scares that followed — exacted a toll on her loved ones, including Matt.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

As we previously reported, Matt Brown was feeling “ready to leave” after only a few weeks of rehab.

“Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days and everyone is urging him to stay in,” a worried source revealed at the time.

“He says that he is almost ready and can handle this on his own now,” that insider added.

According to reports, he wisely remained until he had completed his 30-day stint.

He was also sure to line up all of these safeguards so that he could continue to maintain his health.

This was Matt’s second time having to fight an uphill battle to regain his sobriety.

The first time was in 2016.

At that time, he became more withdrawn and realized that his behavior and drinking were caught in a downward spiral.

Fortunately, Matt has a very supportive family — and the resources to afford first-rate care and counseling to tackle this issue head-on.


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Demi Lovato: I"m Out of Rehab and Ready to Vote!

If you’ve been anywhere near an internet-enabled device in the past 24 hours then we probably don’t need to tell mid-term elections are being held in America today.

A more smug site might tell you that if you haven’t voted already, you should stop reading this article and go do so, but we know this is 2018, and you’re not sitting in front of a massive fat-backed monitor with a blinking green cursor, so feel free to take this article with you to the polls and read it on your phone in line!

After all, there are lots of reasons to perform your civic duty, not the least of which is that all the cool kids are doing it, including a freshly-rehabbed Demi Lovato!

Yes, Demi posted on Instagram for the first time since July today.

The singer broke her silence in order to encourage her fans to get out and vote!

As you’re probably aware, Demi suffered a near-fatal overdose over the summer, and she spent the three months that followed hospitals and rehab facilities.

As far as we know, Lovato left rehab late last week.

Over the weekend, she was spotted out and about with new boyfriend Henry Levy, marking the first time that the singer has been seen in public since she nearly lost her life in July.

There has been concern about Demi and Henry’s relationship, as Levy is a newly-rehabbed former addict himself.

Sources close to Demi say there’s nothing to worry about, as Henry has been sober for the better part of a year, but like Demi, he’s also been in and out of rehab numerous times.

“He used to have a drug problem,” one insider recently told Radar Online.

“He used to like to party.”

The source adds that these days, Levy is “sober and straight-edge.”

It’s great that he’s taking the necessary steps to regain his health, but there are many good reasons that addiction specialists caution their patients against forming close relationships early in the recovery process, particularly with fellow addicts.

But hey, today we’re choosing to focus on the bright side.

Demi is reclaiming her life, and all over the country, Americans are reclaiming their democracy!


Monday, November 5, 2018

Demi Lovato Leaves Rehab, Hits the Town With New Boyfriend!

When Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life back in July, family, friends, and a legion of devoted fans rallied around the singer and implored her to seek the help she needs for her ongoing addiction problems.

Fortunately, Demi was able to recognize that she would be unable to navigate the hard road to recovery on her own.

Lovato checked into rehab in August immediately after detoxing in an LA hospital.

And for a while, the reports of her progress were overwhelmingly positive.

Just last week, Demi’s mother, Dianna De La Garza, confirmed that Lovato is 90 days sober and planning to continue treatment for several more months.

So needless to say, fans were shocked by reports that Demi is now out of rehab and was spotted hitting the town in LA this weekend with a new love interest by her side.

Yes, TMZ has obtained photos of Demi looking very coupled-up with clothing designer Henry Levy.

On Saturday night, the twosome went out to dinner at a posh Beverly Hills sushi restaurant, where they held hands and gazed into one another’s eyes as they awaited their meals.

TMZ also reports that Lovato spent some time being pampered at a spa this weekend.

The news that Demi is out of rehab and seems to be embarking on a new relationship has received a mixed response from fans.

Obviously, it’s great to see the singer smiling after such a difficult few months, but Demi was scheduled to spend the rest of the year in rehab, and as her recovery is literally a matter of life and death, many hoped she would remain in treatment.

Not only that, newly sober addicts are generally discouraged from entering new relationships, particularly when past heartbreaks have served as triggering events, as is the case with Demi.

With her most recent relapse, Demi no doubt learned the hard lesson that most addicts will learn at one point another — recovery is a lifelong process and there are sure to be major setbacks along the way.

And the best way to avoid falling off the wagon is to adhere to the conventional wisdom of those who have been down this road before.

That said, every addict and every recovery is different.

For all we know, Demi’s decision to leave rehab ahead of schedule and enter a new relationship may have the full blessing of the experts she’s been working with for several months.

Whatever the case, we wish her all the best and hope that she’s receiving exactly the kind of help she needs. 


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Demi Lovato is Out of Rehab Looking Great as She Leaves Restaurant

Demi Lovato is back in circulation … apparently out of rehab and looking clear, sober and generally great. Demi hit up Matsuhisa restaurant in Bev Hills Saturday night. We’re told she and a guy were having a great time inside the super expensive…


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Demi Lovato Will Remain In Rehab For a Very Long Time

It’s been three months since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life.

After spending over a week in the hospital detoxing and recovering from the physical damage she had endured, Demi relocated to a treatment facility in Arizona.

Lovato isn’t taking any chances this around, spending most of her time in Arizona, but also taking regular trips to Chicago, where she consults with the team of specialists who helped her get sober the first time around.

(Lovato celebrated six years of sobriety just prior to her most recent relapse.)

While the process is reportedly going as well as can be expected, those who know the singer best say she’ll be remaining in treatment for quite some time, just to be safe.

In fact, fans shouldn’t expect to see Demi making any public appearances prior to 2019.

“Demi is taking her sobriety extremely serious, and knows she has a long road ahead of her,” a source close to the situation tells Entertainment Tonight.

“At the end of the day, Demi is doing this for herself.

“She has to stay sober for her, but every time she has family or friends visit her it reminds her of all the other important people in her life that she needs to fight for as well.”

On Maria Menounos’ podcast this week Lovato’s mother, Dianna De La Garza, revealed that Demi is 90 days sober and fully committed to the lifelong work of recovery.

“I couldn’t be more thankful or more proud of her because addiction being a disease, it’s work,” she said of Lovato’s road to recovery. “It’s not easy. There are no shortcuts.”

Insiders say Lovato looks back on her sober years as the happiest time of her life, and she’s determined to get back there.

“Demi is thankful she’s still alive and is doing whatever she can to never get to that point again,” says one source.

It certainly won’t be easy, but it sounds like Demi is very much up to the task.

We wish her all the best as she continues in her recovery process.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Ben Affleck Back on Movie Set, Shooting Addiction Role on Heels of Rehab

Ben Affleck’s immersing himself in a new role that ya might say came along at the perfect time — because he’s playing an athlete-turned-addict who’s trying to make a comeback. Cameras were rolling in L.A. Monday as Ben filmed a scene for his new…


Friday, October 19, 2018

Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown was forced into rehab following a family intervention.

After about 30 days of treatment, he reportedly feels like he has things under control and is ready to leave rehab.

But his family has serious concerns that if he halts treatment now, he could relapse again.

Matt Brown checked into rehab in September. it has now been about a month.

And RadarOnline reports that Matt is itching to leave treatment and return home, believing that he is now well enough to do so.

An insider says that Billy and Ami are talking Matt into “hiring a sober coach to work with him on the outside.

That way, Matt can continue to work on this “after he gets out of rehab.”

“His family has been visiting him,” the source reports.

“And,” the insider reveals. “He is doing great.”

Doing well in rehab does not always translate to having made a full recovery and being ready to go out into the world.

“But,” the source says. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days.”

His family has some serious concerns that he might be jumping the gun a little.

The Browns have their doubts, the insider shares, “and everyone is urging him to stay in.”

“He says that he is almost ready,” the source reveals. “And can handle this on his own now.”

His confidence is certainly encouraging, but sometimes staying with a program for a little longer can do a world of good.

You can love and trust someone while also encouraging them to keep getting help.

“While his father and mother are fully supportive of him,” the insider begins.

The source continues: “they are really hoping that Matt stay focused on his sobriety when he is out of rehab.”

“And,” the insider adds, Billy and Ami hope and pray “that he continues going to meetings.”

The source also says that Mat’s parents would like for Matt to keep up with meetings “and seeing a therapist.”

This is not Matt Brown’s first time in rehab.

After his previous stint getting help with his alcohol consumption in 2016, Matt was very frank with fans.

“I could see myself spiraling,” he told his fans and followers.

“I was more withdrawn,” Matt continued. “I was slower.”

He also shared that “Things did not excite me the way that they used to.”

While a lot of that may sound like depression symptoms, remember that alcohol is an intensely addictive depressant.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

Matt also spoke to People about his decision to again go to rehab.

“I struggle with substance abuse,” Matt said in a straightforward manner.

“And after a year of ups and downs,” Matt continued. “I decided to return to treatment.”

Reports say that it was during the worst moments of his mother’s cancer battle that Matt began drinking again.

“I am really grateful for everyone’s support,” he shared.

“And,” Matt concluded, he has “hope to have my life back on track soon.”

As we reported earlier this month, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9.

Apparently part of this upcoming season will focus upon Matt’s struggles with alcohol addiction and his journey back to sobriety.

It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you have a problem and to seek help with it.

Good for Matt for not only doing so, but agreeing to share his story with fans and viewers.

He may inspire others to transform their own lives.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Orlando Brown Heads to Rehab After Friends Stage Intervention

Orlando Brown is finally getting the help he needs … thanks to friends who never gave up on him and staged an intervention to get him into a rehab facility. We’re told, Orlando’s friend Danny Boy — the owner of a Vegas restaurant that…


Friday, October 12, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Leaving Rehab Early to Finally Meet His Son?

Last week, we reported on the news that Ryan Edwards had checked into rehab after struggling with an opioid addiction for several years.

Shortly thereafter, the world learned that Edwards" wife, Mackenzie Standifer, had given birth to a son.

Jagger Edwards is the couples" first child together, but sadly, Ryan missed the birth due to his continued treatment.

As painful as the thought of missing his son"s first weeks on the planet must have been, it was widely assumed that Edwards would remain in treatment in order to ensure that he receives the kind of help he needs.

Sadly, it doesn"t look like that will be the case …

1. Taking the Right Steps

Ryan edwards teen mom og picture

While Edwards was aware that he would miss Jagger’s birth by checking into treatment, it seems he was also aware that his situation required immediate action.

2. Joyous News

Mackenzie standifer is pregnant on instagram

Fortunately, Mackenzie delivered the baby with no complications. She was accompanied in the delivery room by her mother.

3. Jen and Larry In the House

Jen and larry photo

Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards, were also in the hospital the day the baby was born.

4. Ryan’s Hope

Mackenzie and ryan edwards picture

Insiders say the impending arrival of his son helped motivate Ryan to seek help.

5. Plenty of Reasons

Ryan edwards mug shot new

Of course, the fact that Ryan has been arrested three times in the past 18 months and is very keen on avoiding jail time probably also factored into his decision.

6. Easier Said Than Done

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Ryan initially planned to remain in treatment for a minimum of three months, but now it seems his plans have changed …

View Slideshow

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ben Affleck Breaks Silence After Completing Latest Stay in Rehab

In August, Ben Affleck entered rehab for the third time, following an intervention by his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, and a sobriety coach.

He has now completed his inpatient treatment.

Now, he is finally breaking his silence for the first time since beginning his latest stint in rehab.

Taking to Instagram on Thursday, Ben Affleck penned a serious message for his fans and followers.

“This week,” he begins. “I completed a 40-day stay at a treatment center for alcohol addiction.”

“And,” he continues, he will “remain in outpatient care.”

That is good. Staying in rehab helps with sobering up and getitng support. The real test is when you return to the real world.

“The support I have received from my family, colleagues, and fans means more to me than I can say,” Affleck writes.

“It’s given me the strength and support,” he says, when he needed it most.

He writes about how empowering it is “to speak about my illness with others.”

Sometimes, the best way that you can help yourself is by doing your best to help others.

“Battling any addiction is a lifelong and difficult struggle,” he affirms.

If a single stint in rehab could simply cure an addiction, well, the world would be a different place.

“Because of that,” Affleck explains. “No one is never really in or out of treatment.”

Sobriety becomes part of your life on a permanent basis. You can never let down your guard and relax, unfortunately.

“It is a full-time commitment,” he adds.

What matters to him is that he remain motivated and keep his eye on the prize.

“I am fighting for myself and my family,” Affleck writes.

“So many people have reached out on social media and spoken about their own journeys with addiction,” he continues.

Sharing stories of personal struggles, even when those tales include setbacks, and build a powerful sense of commonality and community.

“To those people,” Affleck writes. “I want to say thank you.”

He credits them with lending him emotional support when he was at his most vulnerable.

“Your strength is inspiring and supporting me in ways I didn’t think was possible,” he says.

“It helps,” Affleck admits. “To know I am not alone.”

Addiction is a serious problem for millions of Americans — and for countless millions more. He is far from alone.

“As I’ve had to remind myself, if you have a problem, getting help is a sign of courage,” he continues.

It is important, he notes, that asking for help is perceived as wise and brave, “not weakness or failure.”

He is absolutely right. If society shames people for seeking help, no one can ever receive treatment.

It’s a real relief that Affleck is taking this seriously now that he has completed his stint in rehab

People who struggle with addiciton can sometimes convince themselves that it’s in the past, only to relapse the moment that their lives experience setbacks.

No one wants that for Ben Affleck. Least of all Ben Affleck himself.

By sharing his journey with fans in an open message like this, perhaps he will feel that he has a larger support network this time around.

We hope so.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ryan Edwards: Will He Miss the Birth of His Son While In Rehab?

As we reported earlier today, Ryan Edwards is headed back to rehab.

If you’ve been following the sad saga of Edwards’ downward spiral, you know that’s undeniably good news.

Edwards has been arrested three times in the past 18 months as a result of his addictions, and his erratic behavior has endangered his loved ones on multiple occasions.

So it’s encouraging to learn that he’s finally getting serious about getting sober.

But the road to recovery is never an easy one, and according to a new report from Radar Online, Edwards will be making a major sacrifice early on in his sobriety journey.

Edwards’ wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is currently pregnant with the couple’s first child.

(Ryan and Mackenzie each have one child from previous relationships.)

Unfortunately, Edwards will be in treatment for the foreseeable future, and one insider tells Radar that Mackenzie is less than one week away from. giving birth.

“Mackenzie is expected to be induced on October 8,” says the source.

“She is naming her son Jagger Ryan Edwards.”

The insider goes on to confirm that Mackenzie has no expectation that Ryan will be present when her son enters the world:

“I believe her mom and her aunt will be in the delivery room with her,” the source adds.

Not only will Ryan miss the birth of his child, it may be several months before he even meets little Jagger.

“[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March,” a different insider claims.

Meanwhile, it remains unclear if Ryan and Mackenzie are still a couple.

One source claims that even before Ryan checked into rehab, he and Mackenzie were no longer living together.

“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in,” the insider says.

“[She] is now living with her parents.”

Despite that development, Mackenzie recently claimed that she and Ryan are still going strong:

“I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited, and jumbled it may be,” Standifer wrote in an Instagram post.

“I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable,” she added.

“Have mistakes been made? Hell yes,” Standifer continued.

“Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.”

So it sounds like, for the time being at least, Mackenzie is planning to ride this thing out.

We wish her and Ryan all the best through the difficult time ahead.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Ryan Edwards: Off to Rehab for a Long, Long Time

Ryan Edwards’ arrest record has been cause for alarm, and so has his substance abuse. Plus, you know, that time he threatened to murder Taylor McKinney.

But though we don’t get to say this often, folks, but we have actual good news about Ryan.

He is in rehab — and it looks like he’s in for the long haul.

RadarOnline reports that Ryan Edwards is in rehab.

This isn’t his first time — he went last year, after nodding off en route to his own wedding.

His first time in rehab was apparently in 2012.

But according to RadarOnline‘s source, “[Ryan] isn’t supposed to be out [of rehab] until February or March.”

That means that he may be in for a 6-month stint … and may miss the birth of his son.

“Mackenzie moved out of the lake house they were living in,” the insider shared. “And is now living with her parents.”

RadarOnline also reached out to Larry Edwards, Ryan’s father, for confirmation.

The tabloid did not receive confirmation — or a denial.

When asked about rehab, Larry said: “You know I can’t comment on that.”

When asked about whether Ryan will miss the birth of his son, Larry said: “You know I can’t say.”

The Tennessee court system was also unable to confirm or deny whether Ryan’s rehab stint was voluntary or court-ordered.

As the good folks over at The Ashley have noted, Mackenzie has taken to social media and publicly doubled down on supporting her troubled husband.

Mackenzie wrote: “I’m so sorry but I will continue to stand up for what I believe in no matter how chopped, edited, and jumbled it may be.”

“I have stuck by my husband through some of the darkest times imaginable,” she affirms.

“Have mistakes been made? Hell yes,” she admits. “Have they been accounted for, dealt with and resolved, yep.”

“Why do I post pictures of my husband and myself?” she asks. “Because we do love each other. And that is real life.”

“If you want to fault me for standing by my husband and sticking to my vows,” she says. “Then don’t follow me.”

Ryan Edwards’ criminal history is troubling enough.

But his latest incident is much more alarming than your more garden-variety heroin possession.

After Taylor McKinney made a relatively mild jab at Ryan and Mackenzie, subtweeting that they were unable to function as adults, Ryan lost it.

He reportedly contacted Taylor and threatened to show up and murder him.

That did not go well for Ryan. Not with the legal system, and not with fans.

His behavior has appeared to worsen with time rather than improve.

That is why fans were encouraging Mackenzie to move on without Ryan.

That, of course, and the fact that many don’t see Ryan as a good father. Even Maci Bookout thinks Ryan is a danger to Bentley.

We of course hope that Ryan can turn things around in terms of his behavior during this lengthy rehab stay that RadarOnline is reporting.

(It is, of course, not quite confirmed — but we hope that it’s true)

He needs to get better for himself, but also for everyone around him.


Ben Affleck Looks Super Buff During Rehab Stint

Ben Affleck may or may not don the cowl again for another ‘Batman’ movie — especially after heading back to rehab — but based on how he looks right now … dude totally could. The actor was seen heading to a meeting Monday in L.A., and he was…


Monday, October 1, 2018

Matt Brown: Forced Into Rehab After Family Intervention

As we reported last week, Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown entered rehab.

While it was a brave choice to take that step to address his drinking, it was not necessarily his choice. Not his first one, anyway.

Apparently, Matt’s family confronted him with an intervention.

36-year-old Matt Brown has entered a 90-day inpatient stint at rehab.

RadarOnline reports that Matt Brown’s family staged an intervention in order to nudge him along.

“Matt’s decision to enter treatment came after a family intervention,” their inside source reveals.

Sometimes, it takes a little bit of difficult confrontation from loved ones to admit that you have a problem.

In Matt’s case, it reportedly also required an ultimatum.

Apparently, when the Browns spoke to Matt about his drinking, they presented him with a choice.

“Matt was told he could either go and get help,” the insider says.

“Or,” the source continues. “He could face losing his contract with the show.”

He would lose that paycheck, the insider explains, “as well as the support of  his family.”

That might look like a choice on paper, but in real life, that’s no choice at all.

That intervention may have been something that Matt feared for a while.

According to the source, Matt “was desperately attempting to hide his drinking.”

That suggests that he knew that it was a problem, but did not want his loved ones to make a big deal about it or to worry.

They found out about it anyway, the insider says.

That is no real surprise. He was around family, and, well, people are seldom as good at hiding their drinking as people think.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

Matt may be in rehab, but he isn’t cut off from the outside world.

“He has spoken to his brothers,” the insider reveals.

“And,” the source continues, Matt has “told them that he is doing okay.”

Just a few days into a rehab stint, okay is actually pretty good.

“He is very tired and worn down,” the insider shares. “But he will be alright.”

Struggles with drinking and addiction are often heartbreaking.

In many cases, they can be a form of self-medicating.

With Matt Brown, it is no exception.

This drinking was brought about by his mother’s health battle.

Ami Brown’s cancer battle took its toll on her, but also on her entire family.

Matt has been in rehab before, in 2016.

At the time, he and his family had become aware of a “downward spiral.”

Addiction — and the behaviors to which is leads — can be very complicated and difficult to defeat.

When your life receives a new stressor — such as Ami’s lung cancer and a move to another state — it can create a huge setback.

In Matt’s case, that meant a relapse.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Limps

Alaskan Bush People just had its Season 8 finale — so soon after its premiere.

Just before the finale episode, we saw Matt get injured in what Gabe called a worst-case scenario for their family.

That was … a little dramatic. We hope that Matt’s knee has recovered, though.

Right now, we hope that rehab proves effective.

Matt is not the only member of his family who struggles with mental health.
