Friday, October 19, 2018

Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown was forced into rehab following a family intervention.

After about 30 days of treatment, he reportedly feels like he has things under control and is ready to leave rehab.

But his family has serious concerns that if he halts treatment now, he could relapse again.

Matt Brown checked into rehab in September. it has now been about a month.

And RadarOnline reports that Matt is itching to leave treatment and return home, believing that he is now well enough to do so.

An insider says that Billy and Ami are talking Matt into “hiring a sober coach to work with him on the outside.

That way, Matt can continue to work on this “after he gets out of rehab.”

“His family has been visiting him,” the source reports.

“And,” the insider reveals. “He is doing great.”

Doing well in rehab does not always translate to having made a full recovery and being ready to go out into the world.

“But,” the source says. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days.”

His family has some serious concerns that he might be jumping the gun a little.

The Browns have their doubts, the insider shares, “and everyone is urging him to stay in.”

“He says that he is almost ready,” the source reveals. “And can handle this on his own now.”

His confidence is certainly encouraging, but sometimes staying with a program for a little longer can do a world of good.

You can love and trust someone while also encouraging them to keep getting help.

“While his father and mother are fully supportive of him,” the insider begins.

The source continues: “they are really hoping that Matt stay focused on his sobriety when he is out of rehab.”

“And,” the insider adds, Billy and Ami hope and pray “that he continues going to meetings.”

The source also says that Mat’s parents would like for Matt to keep up with meetings “and seeing a therapist.”

This is not Matt Brown’s first time in rehab.

After his previous stint getting help with his alcohol consumption in 2016, Matt was very frank with fans.

“I could see myself spiraling,” he told his fans and followers.

“I was more withdrawn,” Matt continued. “I was slower.”

He also shared that “Things did not excite me the way that they used to.”

While a lot of that may sound like depression symptoms, remember that alcohol is an intensely addictive depressant.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

Matt also spoke to People about his decision to again go to rehab.

“I struggle with substance abuse,” Matt said in a straightforward manner.

“And after a year of ups and downs,” Matt continued. “I decided to return to treatment.”

Reports say that it was during the worst moments of his mother’s cancer battle that Matt began drinking again.

“I am really grateful for everyone’s support,” he shared.

“And,” Matt concluded, he has “hope to have my life back on track soon.”

As we reported earlier this month, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9.

Apparently part of this upcoming season will focus upon Matt’s struggles with alcohol addiction and his journey back to sobriety.

It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you have a problem and to seek help with it.

Good for Matt for not only doing so, but agreeing to share his story with fans and viewers.

He may inspire others to transform their own lives.
