Showing posts with label Hiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiring. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2018

Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown was forced into rehab following a family intervention.

After about 30 days of treatment, he reportedly feels like he has things under control and is ready to leave rehab.

But his family has serious concerns that if he halts treatment now, he could relapse again.

Matt Brown checked into rehab in September. it has now been about a month.

And RadarOnline reports that Matt is itching to leave treatment and return home, believing that he is now well enough to do so.

An insider says that Billy and Ami are talking Matt into “hiring a sober coach to work with him on the outside.

That way, Matt can continue to work on this “after he gets out of rehab.”

“His family has been visiting him,” the source reports.

“And,” the insider reveals. “He is doing great.”

Doing well in rehab does not always translate to having made a full recovery and being ready to go out into the world.

“But,” the source says. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days.”

His family has some serious concerns that he might be jumping the gun a little.

The Browns have their doubts, the insider shares, “and everyone is urging him to stay in.”

“He says that he is almost ready,” the source reveals. “And can handle this on his own now.”

His confidence is certainly encouraging, but sometimes staying with a program for a little longer can do a world of good.

You can love and trust someone while also encouraging them to keep getting help.

“While his father and mother are fully supportive of him,” the insider begins.

The source continues: “they are really hoping that Matt stay focused on his sobriety when he is out of rehab.”

“And,” the insider adds, Billy and Ami hope and pray “that he continues going to meetings.”

The source also says that Mat’s parents would like for Matt to keep up with meetings “and seeing a therapist.”

This is not Matt Brown’s first time in rehab.

After his previous stint getting help with his alcohol consumption in 2016, Matt was very frank with fans.

“I could see myself spiraling,” he told his fans and followers.

“I was more withdrawn,” Matt continued. “I was slower.”

He also shared that “Things did not excite me the way that they used to.”

While a lot of that may sound like depression symptoms, remember that alcohol is an intensely addictive depressant.

Alaskan Bush People - Matt Brown Hammers

Matt also spoke to People about his decision to again go to rehab.

“I struggle with substance abuse,” Matt said in a straightforward manner.

“And after a year of ups and downs,” Matt continued. “I decided to return to treatment.”

Reports say that it was during the worst moments of his mother’s cancer battle that Matt began drinking again.

“I am really grateful for everyone’s support,” he shared.

“And,” Matt concluded, he has “hope to have my life back on track soon.”

As we reported earlier this month, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9.

Apparently part of this upcoming season will focus upon Matt’s struggles with alcohol addiction and his journey back to sobriety.

It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you have a problem and to seek help with it.

Good for Matt for not only doing so, but agreeing to share his story with fans and viewers.

He may inspire others to transform their own lives.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

David Eason SLAMS MTV For Hiring Lindsay Lohan: She"s Worse Than Farrah!

It’s been almost six months since David Eason was fired by MTV, but apparently, Jenelle Evans’ repugnant husband is still pissed about being unceremoniously kicked to the curb.

In fact, pretty much every time the network makes a major personnel decision, Eason takes to social media to throw a public temper tantrum.

When Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom OG, David whined on Facebook in embarrassing fashion.

So it should come as no surprise that he has much to say about MTV’s decision to partner up with one of the most infamous “actresses” on the planet.

In case you haven’t heard, Lindsay Lohan is set to star in a new reality show about her nightclub in Mykonos, Greece.

Sources say the series was inspired by Vanderpump Rules, and Lindsay will preside over the proceedings in the fashion of that show’s titular star.

Of course, Lisa Vanderpump is a successful businesswoman with decades of experience as a club owner, and Lindsay Lohan is what would happen if you injected a bloated liver with a newly-discovered strain of super-herpes, but we digress.

Anyway, David is not happy about his former home network’s decision to work with Lindsay.

“WOW! Lindsay Lohan,” David wrote on Facebook.

“MTV sure does love the drama. Great way to get some views, put the craziest person you can find on her own program!”

He went on to rag on Lindsay for her past substance abuse issues and compare her to one of the network’s most notorious former stars:

“I’m such a bad person but you go hire Lindsay??? WTF, that girl is gonna run off with your gear and sell it for cocaine!” Eason wrote.

“I mean everyone has their ups and downs in life but that’s more downs than ups! She will be MTVs new Farrah, only worse!”

Well, David would know all about a life that’s “more downs than ups.”

His own prodigious list of deep valleys includes such ignominious low-lights as marrying Jenelle Evans, doing drugs with her while she was pregnant, and having CPS called to his home 20 times in a single year.

Oh, and let’s not forget Eason’s homophobic tirade that got him fired from Teen Mom 2.

But please, David, tell us more about how Lindsay Lohan is the worst.

Compared to you, she’s an upstanding pillar of the global community.

If it weren’t sad to the point of being tragic, it would actually be impressive that you’ve managed to make Lindsay freakin’ Lohan look good.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Tinashe Laughs At Ben Simmons Hiring Security For Her

Hey fellas, wanna make Tinashe laugh? Well all you gotta do is remind her that 6’10” NBA star Ben Simmons is so scared of her that he’s hiring extra security, because she thinks that’s REALLY funny. We broke the story … sources close to Ben say…


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Elizabeth Warren Says Steven Soderbergh"s Wrong, Men Will Keep Hiring Women

Sen. Elizabeth Warren says director Steven Soderbergh’s got nothing to worry about when it comes to a potential #MeToo backlash against women in the workplace. We got Senator Warren Tuesday on Capitol Hill where she addressed Soderbergh’s…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Marlon Wayans Says H&M is Stupid for Not Hiring Black People

Marlon Wayans thinks H&M was doomed to run into a buzz saw by releasing ads with no vetting from black people. We got Marlon at LAX Tuesday and asked about the backlash over H&M’s racist ad showing an African-American child…


Marlon Wayans Says H&M is Stupid for Not Hiring Black People

Marlon Wayans thinks H&M was doomed to run into a buzz saw by releasing ads with no vetting from black people. We got Marlon at LAX Tuesday and asked about the backlash over H&M’s racist ad showing an African-American child…


Friday, November 24, 2017

Jason Derulo: Hiring Black Jockey Would Be Dope, But Winning Comes First

Race shouldn’t matter in horse racing … so says horse owner Jason Derulo who says it would be great to hire a black jockey … but his priority is hiring a winner.  Derulo recently became a part-owner of an Australian thoroughbred and made…


Monday, October 9, 2017

LaVar Ball Hiring Private Tutors for LaMelo, Focusing On 2 Subjects

LaVar Ball is bringing in the best private tutors he can find to educate his 16-year-old son LaMelo Ball after pulling him out of high school … TMZ Sports has learned.  We spoke with a rep for the Ball family who tells us LaMelo’s…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

CFL Team Blasts Art Briles Hiring, "Large and Serious Mistake"

The CFL team that hired (and then fired) disgraced ex-Baylor coach Art Briles is calling the whole situation a “large and serious mistake” … and they’re apologizing to their fans.  The Hamilton Tiger-Cats initially hired Briles as an…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Rick Ross Apologizes for Misogynist Remarks About Not Hiring Female Artists

Rick Ross admits he made a mistake when he said he hadn’t signed female artists to his label because he’d “end up f***ing” them. Renzel issued an apology Wednesday, backpedaling from his comments on the ‘Breakfast Club’ this week. If you missed…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kate Middleton: Hiring "Supernanny" to Cope With Prince George Tantrums?

It may seem like Kate Middleton never has a care in the world.

She’s freakin’ royalty, after all, which means she can snap her fingers and have you beheaded for showing up someplace wearing the same outfit as her.

According to the people who keep track of such things Kate and Prince William are lazy even by royal standards, which we assume means they refuse to lift their heads to make things a little easier for the people who feed them grapes for a living.

But toddlers are toddlers, and they care not for your titles, tiaras, or cozy relationships with the Illuminati lizard people who control the weather.

Which means that when it comes to disciplining 3-year-old Prince George, Kate has the same problems as every mom.

Well, maybe not every other mom.

She doesn’t have to find someone to stay with her kids overnight because she got stuck working a double at whatever the UK equivalent of Wal Mart is, but you get the idea.

The first clear indication that George could possibly be anything other than the prim and proper offspring he’s been depicted as came during Pippa Middleton’s wedding last month. 

Kate was spotted losing her temper with George and Princess Charlotte, and we imagine Kate Middleton getting pissed is either hilarious or pants-wettingly terrifying.

It was tough to tell from the photos.

Anyway, around this time Will and Kate lost their head housekeeper, reportedly because she quit over their excessive demands.

So there’s a vacancy in the house of Windsor, and at least one of Will and Kate’s two kids is turning out to be a royal pain.

What to do?

Why, this is England, so the answer is to bring in a proper nanny, of course.

And we’re not talking some spoonful of sugar, flying umbrella type.

No, sources say Will and Kate shelled out 250,000 pounds (about $ 320,000 or 5 Chris Christies) for a so-called “supernanny” who’ sworn to whip their kids into shape.

“The new nanny is a graduate of Bath’s prestigious Norland College,” a source tells Grazia.

“She’s fluent in six languages and will speak to the children in French and Spanish, as well as using her skills as a qualified child behavioural specialist to help Kate and William deal with tantrums and other issues.”

Yes, she may speak six languages, but she doesn’t understand sass talk, ya hear?

Anyway, that’s how we like to imagine her introductory speech to the kids going.

Naturally, they’ll fight back with various hijinks, up to and including ingenious booby traps.

We basically stopped learning new things about the world around the time Home Alone came out.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hollywood Hiring More Muslim Actors, Take That, President Trump?

Hollywood is hiring way more Muslim actors than ever before … and President Trump might very well be the one to thank. Industry sources tell TMZ there’s been a big uptick in the number of roles for Muslim actors this pilot season, and that TV…


Monday, August 8, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Hiring Defended By ESPN: He Has Real Talent!

Last week ESPN’s SEC Network hired Jordan Rodgers, a former college football player at Vanderbilt and a much bigger player on The Bachelorette.

If you know what we mean!

While those who noticed this underreported story focused on whether Jordan used JoJo Fletcher to advance his career, the real question is:

Why did ESPN hire the guy?!

The soon-to-be college football studio analyst for the network lacks any TV experience other than winning the final rose on The Bachelorette.

ESPN Senior Vice President Stephanie Druley, asked if Rodgers actively pursued employment with ESPN, defended the curious move.

“Our talent office had Jordan on their radar for some time,” she said, asked about her handsome new recruit by Sports Illustrated.

“His name was in the initial group of names that we discussed when looking at people to bring to Charlotte (the SEC Network home) for auditions.”

“He played at Vanderbilt. He played quarterback. We had seen some interviews that he had done. So we reached out to him.”

“At the time, he was unavailable due to filming. I’m not even sure that we knew what show he was doing,” she adds, completely dubiously.

“When he became available … he walked into my office and the first thing I said [jokingly] was that his hair might be too high for our network.”

“Despite that, it was clear he had a real passion and a deep knowledge of college football. The audition was really good,” she said.

Really really good, she says, calling it “rare that someone walks in off the street and does an audition that we would be willing to air.”

As for the obvious assumption in the eyes of many that ESPN is just capitalizing on the popularity of a show on a fellow Disney property?

“He had been on our radar before the show, he didn’t need to get our attention,” Druely insists, saying that worked against him, not for him. 

“In fact, I had a real concern with how he would be viewed by fans of the show and what it might mean for him down the line.”

“We waited until the show was a few weeks into its run before we made an offer,” she said, unaware there would be a tabloid firestorm.

“He accepted the offer the day I was in an airport and saw [celebrity news magazine] US Weekly with him splashed across the cover.”

“Thankfully, the article didn’t live up to the headline nor did a lot of other ones I read,” she said of one of many reports of Jordan’s shadiness.

“I’m certain that I read about 90% of what was written because I was vested in what it’d mean for the work he’d do with us.”

“My group had spent time with Jordan [and was] confident in the decision,” Druley adds, noting that The Bachelorette was helpful in one respect:

“The advantage Jordan had when he sat down in front of our cameras was that he had just spent three months in front of many cameras.”

“When you combine that with the fact that he knows college football and can speak intelligently about it, it made him the right fit for us.”

“I think that’s the advantage it gave him.”

As for why Jordan Rodgers’ feud with Aaron Rodgers, his famous NFL star brother, got started or whether he cheated on Brittany Farrar?

Or whether Jordan and JoJo are already over and putting on a front to save face, or already fighting hardcore and on the verge of a split?

Only time will tell, but one has to wonder:

Is he really so good as an analyst that fans will forget the ridiculous reason he’s quasi-famous now? And did that really not affect ESPN?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Charlie Sheen Accused of Hiring Gang to Beat Up HIV Doctor

Back in November, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive, but if you were concerned that the illness would force the erratic actor to interrupt his regular schedule of dangerously batsh-t behavior, fear not:

The Sheenius is as psychotic as ever, and aside from the occasional death threat issued to one of his exes, most of Sheen’s current entanglements are directly related to his illness.

First there was the news that Sheen may be facing jail time for allegedly lying to former sex partners about his condition.

Then there was the intense online debate centering around Sheen’s decision to stop taking his HIV meds in order to pursue an “alternative” method of treatment prescribed by a controversial doctor named Samir Chachoua, who’s currently operating out of Mexico (because his methods wouldn’t be legal in the U.S.).

Now, perhaps inevitably, there’s a new scandal in Sheen Land – this one involving the actor’s outrage upon realizing that he wasn’t 100% insta-cured by Dr. Chachoua’s treatment.

Radar Online has obtained a police report filed by Chachoua alleging that Sheen hired assailants to viciously assault the doctor as payback:

“At the moment I was telling these people to give me back my phone, I felt a strong blow on the back of my head and felt that they had injected me with something, so that I fell to the floor and they began to hit me.

“But in that moment I didn’t feel the blows, and it was at that moment that both of them began to search me and they took my money.”

From there, Chachoua revealed details of the attack that have led him to the conclude that Sheen was somehow involved:

“They told me they were about to inject me with AIDS blood,” he stated in the complaint. “But then they continued hitting me.”

Chachoua famously claimed to have injected himself with Sheen’s blood as a means of proving that he’d cured the actor of HIV.

“But at that time his partner told him, ‘Don’t kill him, because if you kill him, we won’t get paid,"” Chachoua continued.

When a person is attacked by paid assailants shortly after working with an incredibly wealthy client, it doesn’t take much a leap in logic to arrive at the conclusion that said famous client might have put out a hit.

And in case any doubt remained, the attackers allegedly left Chachoua with a note reading:

“We are not criminals; we are justice … We reject the charlatans … You almost killed Charlie Sheen If the law does not allow us to take action, justice will inspire us.

“We are not fans of Charlie, but no other celebrity has fought to cure AIDS. This is an insult to Mexico, our intelligence, and medical investigators. No more!”

So they’re not rabid Two and a Half Men viewers, just impassioned pro-Sheen crusaders. Riiiiiight.

The nail in the coffin came when Chachoua retrieved his phone and (allegedly) found that the attackers had sent several text messages, one of which read,  “TELL CHARLIE NEED ANOTHER 1000.”

That’s almost too much evidence.

If this were any other celebrity, we’d say Chachoua must be trying to frame him – but Chuckles isn’t exactly known for his subtlety.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Duggar Family Accused of Scripting Scenes, Hiring Actors For Counting On

If you watched Jill & Jessa Counting On: Season 2 Episode 4 last night, then you saw the Duggars somehow manage to keep a surprise baby shower a secret from their friend Kristen Young, despite the fact that word seems to get around fast in tiny Tontitown.

It was enough to make you wonder if the whole thing was staged for TLC camera crews – especially after what happened last week:

On the left, is a scene from the March 29 episode that focused on Jinger Duggar flipping cars.

On the right, the man who appeared in the scene alongside Josiah Duggar reveals that he was really an actor paid to pretend he was interested in buying a car, not an actual customer.

“A friend of mine works on the crew and invited me to play the role of ‘guy who wants to buy car,’” wrote the man, whose last name has been kept secret by the Duggar Facebook fan/whistleblower page, Life’s Not All Pickles and Hairspray.

It’s hardly the first time a reality show has been caught faking a scene.

Heck, it’s not even the first time that Duggars have been caught using actors!

But it serves as a potent reminder that even when you’re watching a family as seemingly earnest and sincere as the Duggars, you’re ultimately watching a TV show – as scripted and staged as any other.

Watch Jill and Jessa Counting On online to see if you can spot more instances of fakery.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Stressed Out, Hiring Extra Nannies, Source Claims

As you’ve probably heard by now, Kim Kardashian gave birth to a son earlier this week.

Kim endured a difficult pregnancy and an intensely painful delivery, so insiders say she was doubly thrilled to welcome a bouncing baby boy into the world.

Then she named him Saint for some reason, but that’s a gripe for another time.

Anyway, Kim just returned home with her new bundle of joy a couple days ago, and while she’s undoubtedly relieved to have her second pregnancy over with and her second baby safe at home, sources say she’s already feeling the strain of having a toddler and an infant under the same roof.

“Kim and Kanye are definitely going to be hiring extra help,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online. “It is already way too much for them to handle and it has only been three days!”

Kim reportedly fretted that she “wasn’t ready” for another child throughout her pregnancy, and now it seems her worst fears may be coming true.

“She can barely take care of one,” says the source. “But having a second child [has given] her even more reason to hire more help.”

Well, we hate to hear that Kim is feeling so overwhelmed. But hey, if there’s any couple that can afford to hire some extra help, it’s Kimye.