Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Stressed Out, Hiring Extra Nannies, Source Claims

As you’ve probably heard by now, Kim Kardashian gave birth to a son earlier this week.

Kim endured a difficult pregnancy and an intensely painful delivery, so insiders say she was doubly thrilled to welcome a bouncing baby boy into the world.

Then she named him Saint for some reason, but that’s a gripe for another time.

Anyway, Kim just returned home with her new bundle of joy a couple days ago, and while she’s undoubtedly relieved to have her second pregnancy over with and her second baby safe at home, sources say she’s already feeling the strain of having a toddler and an infant under the same roof.

“Kim and Kanye are definitely going to be hiring extra help,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online. “It is already way too much for them to handle and it has only been three days!”

Kim reportedly fretted that she “wasn’t ready” for another child throughout her pregnancy, and now it seems her worst fears may be coming true.

“She can barely take care of one,” says the source. “But having a second child [has given] her even more reason to hire more help.”

Well, we hate to hear that Kim is feeling so overwhelmed. But hey, if there’s any couple that can afford to hire some extra help, it’s Kimye.