Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Teresa Giudice: Will She Stand By Joe Giudice? Decision REVEALED!

Teresa Giudice has reportedly reached a final decision as to whether she will remain married to (alleged) womanizer husband Joe. 

That decision may come as a surprise to many fans, too.

As the one-week anniversary of Teresa Giudice’s release from prison approaches, it did not take the star long to plan out her future:

She’s gonna be standing by her man, come what may!

Sources told Radar that despite countless rumors (and multiple pictures) of Joe Giudice cheating, Tre refuses to discuss the gossip.

Either she truly doesn’t believe it ever happened, is living in denial or she knows he cheated and doesn’t care. Regardless:

“Teresa says she has no reason to question whether Joe was unfaithful while she was away,” one close source explained.

“As far as she is concerned, there is just no proof.”

There isn’t? Guess someone hasn’t seen the pictures of him hanging out with strip club employee Samary Graulau in Newark.

This is her plan and she’s sticking to it, in any case.

“Teresa won’t be looking back at the past year while she was in prison, and is just focusing on the present,” the source said.

“She isn’t even discussing Joe’s upcoming looming prison sentence. The land of denial is just easier for Teresa to live in.”

Indeed. Plus, he took care of their four daughters. How bad could he be? “Joe did so well with the girls,” the insider adds.

Another source insisted, “even after everything they have been through, Teresa just won’t believe Joe is capable of cheating on her.”

“Divorce isn’t an option. Teresa will always stand by him.”

We’d say it’s her loss, but the dude is going to the slammer for a period of years, so at least she knows he can’t hire strippers in there.

She’s a free woman with a new Lexus, a reality TV show to film and no felonious ball and chain to bother her for a long ass while now.

Living the dream.