Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Toddler Reacts in Crazy Delight to Star Wars Trailer

Look, we"re not about to go there.

We"re not about to say that the girl featured in the following video is the biggest Star Wars fan in the world because we know this is a touchy subject.

We really do not wish to incur the wrath of long-time followers of this beloved franchise.

However, we will say this. And we"ll say it with the utmost confidence:

The girl featured in this video is the cutest Star Wars fan in the world.

Footage has gone viral of her watching the first Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer… and if you think you were excited to get your initial look at this wildly anticipated blockbuster… well…

… just watch the video below.

Courtesy of our friends at My Fanatic, it features a wide-eyed toddler who isn"t just psyched because she"s seeing some cool characters, vehicles and explosions on screen.

This girl knows her stuff. She"s clearly very well-versed on the universe at hand.

Consider the way she screams "MILLENNIUM FALCON" as soon as this ship makes an appearance on screen… and then watch it again and again and again one more time.

Lord knows we did.

The precious Force is very strong with this one and we give her parents mad props for raising her so well. Job well done, Mom and Dad. We"re not joking.

Cutest star wars fan in galaxy reacts in delight to force awaken