Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Josh Duggar: Out of Rehab Early After Secret Night Flight?!

After four months in rehab, rumor has it that the allegedly reformed sexual deviant Josh Duggar has quietly gone home to his family.

On the heels of reports that Anna Duggar saw Josh on Christmas comes new information that suggest he may be back in Arkansas.

According to aviation records, the Duggars’ private plane left their native Springdale, Ark., yesterday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. CST.

The destination: Rockford, Illinois, where Josh has been in the Bible-based treatment center Reformers Unanimous since August.

Records show the plane landed at 5:46 p.m.

The plane turned right back around and took off from Rockford just over an hour later at 6:57, landing back in Springdale at 10:11 CST.

Circumstantial evidence? Absolutely. But it stands to reason that an extremely quick trip such as that was not a mere visit with Josh.

Especially not with Anna having just come up for the holidays and visited him in rehab with their daughter Meredith earlier this month.

Josh’s 25-year-old brother John David Duggar, a licensed pilot, visited Rockford on Christmas Eve, and left a full 24 hours later.

Anna Duggar, the mother of his four children, was his co-passenger. Just four days later, the same plane returned, but for an hour.

An hour and 11 minutes to be exact, just enough time for John David to pick up Josh five miles away at RU, and return to the airport.

Reformers Unanimous rules demand patients for a full six months at the treatment center, meaning Josh would likely finish up in February.

However, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t make an exception to the rule, or that Josh didn’t simply decide to bounce out of there early.

Rehab or not, the disgraced family values activist, outed in 2015 as a child molester, adulterer and porn addict, has a long road ahead.

Earlier today, a judge set a pretrial hearing in porn star Danica Dillon’s lawsuit against Duggar, who she says caused emotional turmoil.

Even if Anna takes him back, as is (sigh) widely expected, there’s no doubt that Josh’s shady past will follow him long into the future.