Showing posts with label Defended. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defended. Show all posts

Friday, June 15, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. Hangs with Vanessa After She Defended His New Relationship

Donald Trump Jr. wasted little time getting together with his estranged wife, Vanessa, after she fiercely defended his new relationship with FOX News host Kimberly Guilfoyle. DTJ and Vanessa were seen leaving their apartment in NYC on…


Donald Trump Jr. Hangs with Vanessa After She Defended His New Relationship

Donald Trump Jr. wasted little time getting together with his estranged wife, Vanessa, after she fiercely defended his new relationship with FOX News host Kimberly Guilfoyle. DTJ and Vanessa were seen leaving their apartment in NYC on…


Monday, January 22, 2018

TMZ Live: Aziz Ansari: Defended By Joel McHale

ON TODAY’S SHOW Donald Trump: Porn Star Hits Strip Club Malia Obama’s New Boyfriend Migos: Under Fire For Homophobic Slur Dance Moms: Abby Lee’s Prison Weight Loss


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Logan Paul Apologizes Again, Gets Defended By Chrissy Teigen

If you’ve been anywhere near social media today, then you’re probably aware that Logan Paul apologized in the most half-assed fashion imaginable after posting a video that seemed to have no purpose other than traumatizing his mostly teenage audience.

Not surprisingly, Paul decided (no doubt after a lengthy consultation with his management team) to issue a second mea culpa.

This time around, he went with less of a “self-satisfied douche” tone, and more of a “oh, sh-t, I put a dead body on YouTube! My career might really be over, so I’m genuinely contrite!” vibe.

“I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment, and I don’t expect to be forgiven. I’m simply here to apologize,” Paul told the camera in a brief video clip posted to his Twitter page.

“I should’ve never posted the video. I should’ve put the cameras down and stopped recording what we were going through. There’s a lot of things I should’ve done differently, but I didn’t and for that, from the bottom of my heart, I am sorry.”

Many have taken issue with the fact that Paul is still acting like he recorded an impromptu video and then hit “send,” when in reality, he went to a part of the world famous as a site of numerous suicides, found exactly what he was looking for, and then edited the incident into a video intended both to shock and to boost his public profile.

Paul has found an unlikely defender in Chrissy Teigen, who tweeted a reluctant message of empathy for the controversial YouTube star.

“Re: Logan Paul, something I always think about is when people make…ethical mistakes, as in, not-illegal, should we really be trying I ruin their lives and end their careers or accept the apology, personally make a choice to stop watching, and move on,” she wrote.

“I’m not saying what he did wasn’t sick and stupid and his videos aren’t or haven’t been stupid, I’m saying…a lot of you don’t know what it’s like to have a campaign to end your entire being.”

At this point, Chrissy might be more famous as a social media firebrand than as a model, so when it comes to bearing the brunt of public outrage, she knows whereof she speaks.

But it’s important to point out that none of the sane people who have been involved in this debate are calling for Logan to be publicly executed.

The consensus seems to be that he should simply go away for a while, as he’s proven that he’s not the kind of person who should be generating content for impressionable young people.

In his second apology, Paul stated that he doesn’t “expect to be forgiven,” but that’s clearly not the case.

He wants this to be over as quickly as possible so that he can continue making obscene amounts of money with cruel and problematic “prank” videos.

No PR magic is going to make the public forget that Paul mocked a suicide victim in front of an audience of millions.

Fellow YouTube star Nate Garner tweeted that Paul should donate his 2018 YouTube revenue to suicide prevention charities.

That’s a start, but we’d prefer that Paul donate his 2017 revenues, take 2018 off entirely, and come back when he learns the difference between comedy and exploitative cruelty.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Taylor Swift: Defended by "Look What You Made Me Do" Director!

Taylor Swift’s “Look What You Made Me Do” music video is crushing records left and right, but it’s also stirred up more than its share of controversy.

Despite the song’s indisputable popularity, some people have taken aim at the singer herself over the video. Among other, less repeatable things, Taylor has been called “manipulative.”

The video’s director is responding to those criticisms, and he’s pointing out something that we, at least, hadn’t considered. …

First and foremost, let’s be clear about why some people don’t like “Look What You Made Me Do.”

It’s because, for the most part, those people don’t like Taylor Swift.

Part of that is overexposure. Taylor was absolutely everywhere from late 2014 until Spring of 2016.

The saying “familiarity breeds contempt” is truer for no one than it is for celebrities. Especially female celebrities.

(Just look at how young Americans viewed Hillary Clinton during the “Texts From Hillary” meme era, and compare that to how some of them had turned on her by 2016 — though, to be fair, Hillary had a lot more going after her than some Kim Kardashian Snapchats and some angry tweets by Calvin Harris)

But, of course, Taylor got hit with some social suckerpunches — from Calvin Harris, tweeting in a way meant to “expose” her.

For some reason, people who should have known better took an embittered ex, one who now regrets those tweets, at his word.

And then Kim Kardashian shared some shadily recorded and conspicuously edited Snapchat videos of a phone call between Taylor and Kanye, that made it appear that Taylor hadn’t told the whole truth.

Countless fake fans turned on her, calling her a “snake.” Taylor retreated from the spotlight until very, very recently.

She even experienced fallout with members of her squad, some of whom had divided loyalties.

The “Look What You Made Me Do” music video is filled with symbolic commentary.

Joseph Kahn directed the absolutely stunning “Look What You Made Me Do” music video.

He also ran the show on “Blank Space,” “Bad Blood,” and “Wildest Dreams.”

We’d point out that, on top of being a frequent collaborator of Taylor’s and clearly knowing what he was doing, he was a perfect choice for “Look What You Made Me Do.”

This song is, conceptually, a combination of “Blank Space” (commentary on Taylor’s perception in the media) and “Bad Blood” (Taylor laying out her feuds and reveling in the support of her squad).

Kahn is aware of how polarizing Taylor’s song is and of the criticisms and insults that have been lobbed at Taylor Swift herself.

And he’s not having it.

Yesterday, Joseph Kahn took to Twitter to point out the sexist lens through which people view the singer:

“If I plan something as a man I’m a ‘genius.’ If Taylor as a woman plans something she is ‘manipulative.’ Double standards. This is wrong.”

People want to see Taylor Swift as some sort of villain.

And maybe she is — but, if so, she’s one of those intriguing Disney villains that you rooted for as a child because they were both more interesting and relatable than the protagonists.

There could definitely be a powerful element of sexism to this.

(In fact, we’d be surprised if there isn’t — dating back to how people leapt to Calvin Harris’ defense after the two fo them broke up)

There’s more to it, though. Some people think that, by standing up for herself and coming back for revenge (through artistic expression), Taylor is doing the wrong thing.

Fortunately, Taylor Swift — by releasing such polarizing material that will be talked about no matter what — has played the system in such a way that she wins whether people love her or hate her.

Gotta love a woman with a Xanatos Complex like that.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

O.J. Simpson Glove Demo Still Defended by Prosecutor Chris Darden

Christopher Darden thinks the O.J. Simpson glove demo was one of the greatest moves in the history of jurisprudence … the question — greatest for who? Darden is featured on “The Jury Speaks,” an Oxygen show that will air later this month. TMZ has…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

LeBron James Defended By Emmett Till"s Family Over Name Drop (VIDEO)

LeBron James wasn’t wrong in invoking Emmett Till’s name when discussing racist vandalism at his home, so says Till’s cousin who told TMZ Sports she doesn’t get the criticism of the King. James used Till’s name during a news conference where he…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sean Spicer Defended Hitler During Passover Because Of Course He Did

If Melissa McCarthy"s Sean Spicer impression taught us anything, it"s that Spicy is a joke of a human being.

Generally, jokes aren"t frightening or infuriating, but in Spicer"s case, the eventual punchline might come in the form of a rant about how bad it is to bully the president, delivered as nuclear fallout from a North Korean missile mutates his tiny mouth into a face anus.

Sean Spicer is bad, is what we"re saying.

But is he "use a factually inaccurate to let Hitler off the hook in the midst of a holiday meant to commemorate the Jewish people"s long history of persecution" bad?

Before today we wouldn"t have thought it was possible, but apparently the answer to that question is a mind-blowing yes.

As you"ve likely heard, the U.S. fired 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian air base last week in response to reports that Bashar al-Assad had ordered a nerve gas attack against his own people.

Spicer apparently thinks Assad is the first dictator ever to use chemical weapons to commit atrocities against civilians, because he had this to say during his daily press briefing:

“We didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II. You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t sink to using chemical weapons.”

Not surprisingly, baffled reporters immediately asked for clarification, and Spicer"s follow-up only made thing much, much worse:

“[Hitler] was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing," Spicer said, adding that the situation in Europe in the the 1930s and "40s was different, because Nazis brought their victims to “Holocaust centers” before brutally murdering them.

He also repeatedly mispronounced Assad"s name, but that bit of gross incompetence reeeeeally pales in comparison here.

For obvious reasons, social media has pounced on Spicer"s comments, with some calling for his immediate firing:


Now, as one of the most high-profile representatives of the Trump administration, it might be wise for Spicer to simply step down to save his boss a world of headaches.

But that would be a smart decision – and as we learned again today, Spicy doesn"t do smart decisions.

Watch the most jaw-dropping moments of today"s briefing in the clip below:

Sean spicer defended hitler during passover because of course he

Friday, January 6, 2017

Corinne Olympios Defended By Nick Viall: I Was a "Villain" Too!

What would The Bachelor be without people we all love to hate? You don’t need The Bachelor spoilers to tell you every season has one.

Nick Viall, the one doling out the roses this year, knows what that’s like to be on the other side – and in the crosshairs of Bachelor Nation.

For that reason, he’s defending Corinne Olympios, the blonde Florida native already anointed as the “villain” this season on the show.

It only took one episode, or maybe even one montage.

Corinne, in her Bachelor premiere intro, revealed that she runs her family’s business – a multi-million dollar one, FYI – but she also still has a nanny.

She’s single, mind you, and lives with her parents.

Later, she made it clear that she didn’t come here to make friends when she stole the first kiss from Nick, and was quite proud of herself.

Then there was the preview that aired after the rose ceremony in which she proclaimed, “My heart is gold, but my vagine is platinum.”  

Yes, for real. In the context of bragging that her sexual skills are elite level and that she was going to bang Nick at her earliest convenience.

It was quite something.

If you ask Nick Viall about it, however, he has a much kinder – or at least more measured, and nuanced – view of the Corinne situation.

“I don’t see things in black and white. I’m more of a grey kind of guy,” Nick tells E! News, reflecting on his very own franchise experience.

“Everyone knows that in the traditional sense, I was a villain on Andi’s season at least, and by some people’s standards, Kaitlyn’s season.”

“I don’t necessarily agree with that, but I am someone who is assertive, who goes for what they want, and Corinne is someone who does that.”

“You can take it either way,” he continues.

“I don’t think Corinne was in any way disrespectful [this season]. She took a risk and she went for it, and I think she is also funny.”

Nick does acknowledge this, though:

“At the same time, everyone makes mistakes, and I think you’ll see Corinne’s journey as she kind of navigates through that.”

As for Corinne’s determination to sleep with Nick, again, he knows that’s a complicated part of relationships, Bachelor-style.

“Having been in Bachelor world and kind of having been associated with sex and the timing of it,” he says, was enlightening.

“That’s something going into the season I wanted to make sure I learned from,” Nick explains, but well, things just happen.

“At the same time, I had to be able to explore these relationships and find out if this was someone who was right for me.”

He’s certainly explored a few relationships in his time.

Viall’s sexual exploits are second to none on the show, but it’s nice to know he’s self-aware enough not to criticize others for the same.

In fact, he defended Kaitlyn after she was slut-shamed on her season of The Bachelorette for admitting to having pre-Fantasy Suite sex.

Nick is nothing if not an equal opportunity hornball.

From Nick’s past with Liz Sandoz to his future with Corinne Olympios, Rachel Lindsay and others, this is going to be one great season.

One very awkward season.


Monday, December 5, 2016

Matt Barnes -- I Didn"t Choke Anyone ... I Was Attacked & Defended Myself

Matt Barnes is adamant he did NOT start the brawl in an NYC club Monday morning — insisting all he did was DEFEND HIMSELF after he was attacked by a violent group in the VIP section.


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chris Brown: Released from Jail, Defended by Attorney

Chris Brown has been released from prison.

But his latest legal ordeal is only just beginning.

As previously reported, Chris Brown was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon on Tuesday night.

He has been charged with a felony.

We’ll get to the details of the case against him in a moment, but the most immediate update on this controversial artist is that he’s been released on $ 250,000 bail.

It was posted at 11:19 p.m. on Tuesday, according to Los Angeles Sheriff Department inmate records, with Brown’s attorney Tweeting to fans around 2 a.m.

“Thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes,” Mark Geragos wrote, adding:

“Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false #TeamBreezy.”

We’re not sure if a lawyer should really be hashtagging “TeamBreezy” if he wants to be taken seriously, but then again..

… we’re not sure about a whole lot when it comes to Chris Brown.

Chris Brown tweet

The 27-year-old artist was taken into custody last night after a nearly 14-hour standoff at his Tarzana, California home.

It started after a woman named Baylee Curran claimed she and a friend stopped by Brown’s house just to hang out.

In subsequent interviews, Curran says Brown was acting strange all night, culminating in him pulling a gun on her after she took a close look at an expensive piece of jewelry that was being held by a member of Brown’s entourage.

Speaking to Extra (below), Curran describes the events as follows:

“Chris came in, pulled out his gun and said, ‘I’m getting so sick of you people,’ pointed the gun at me, (and told me) to get the f—- out of the house.”

She has since told several media outlets that she feared for her life, adding to E! News of the diamond piece in question:

“I did not pick it up, I did not touch it, take it or grab it, anything to that sort.”

Curran fled from the premises and called the cops.

They arrived around 3 a.m., but Brown refused to let them inside his house.

While they were in his driveway, the singer unleashed a tirade of profanity on Instagram, filming three separate videos that cursed off the police and proclaimed his innocence.

“You’re going to walk right up in here and you’re going to see nothing,” he said in one message after verbally attacking the cops for making him out to be a villain.

He then said he was “asleep half the damn night” and that “it’s always gon’ be f-ck the police.”

Soon after sharing the above footage, Brown reportedly taunted the authorities outside his Los Angeles mansion.

“Come and get me,” sources say he yelled to them upon dropping a duffel bag full of weapons and drugs out the window.

Eventually, of course, the cops obtained a search warrant and they DID go and get Brown.

A little after 5 p.m. PST, they took the singer into custody.

We don’t know at the moment exactly what evidence they found at the scene, but one has to assume they came across at least one gun.

Earlier in the night, Brown had entertained such guests as Ray J.

An initial report claimed the former Kim Kardashian sex tape partner was actually getting a tattoo inside of Brown’s home before the chaos ensued and he got the heck out of there.

According to TMZ, Ray J was actually handcuffed by police and had his BMW confiscated while they tried to figure out what the heck was going on.

After Brown’s arrest, Ray J came to his friend’s defense with the following video:

That’s all we know at the moment

Is Baylee Curran a reliable witness? We can’t say for certain.

She’s a recent beauty pageant winner and an aspiring model.

She allegedly stole a Louis Vuitton purse from The Plaza Hotel in New York City in 2013, although no charges were brought up against her at the time.

More details will likely come out in the near future about Curran, about this weird night in question and about Chris Brown’s role in it.

But if you’re asking us whether we give Brown the benefit of any doubt or if he’s earned out trust in any way, shape or form, then we can only respond with a question of our own:

Are you insane?

This guy is a violent agitator who thinks he’s above the law.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Jordan Rodgers Hiring Defended By ESPN: He Has Real Talent!

Last week ESPN’s SEC Network hired Jordan Rodgers, a former college football player at Vanderbilt and a much bigger player on The Bachelorette.

If you know what we mean!

While those who noticed this underreported story focused on whether Jordan used JoJo Fletcher to advance his career, the real question is:

Why did ESPN hire the guy?!

The soon-to-be college football studio analyst for the network lacks any TV experience other than winning the final rose on The Bachelorette.

ESPN Senior Vice President Stephanie Druley, asked if Rodgers actively pursued employment with ESPN, defended the curious move.

“Our talent office had Jordan on their radar for some time,” she said, asked about her handsome new recruit by Sports Illustrated.

“His name was in the initial group of names that we discussed when looking at people to bring to Charlotte (the SEC Network home) for auditions.”

“He played at Vanderbilt. He played quarterback. We had seen some interviews that he had done. So we reached out to him.”

“At the time, he was unavailable due to filming. I’m not even sure that we knew what show he was doing,” she adds, completely dubiously.

“When he became available … he walked into my office and the first thing I said [jokingly] was that his hair might be too high for our network.”

“Despite that, it was clear he had a real passion and a deep knowledge of college football. The audition was really good,” she said.

Really really good, she says, calling it “rare that someone walks in off the street and does an audition that we would be willing to air.”

As for the obvious assumption in the eyes of many that ESPN is just capitalizing on the popularity of a show on a fellow Disney property?

“He had been on our radar before the show, he didn’t need to get our attention,” Druely insists, saying that worked against him, not for him. 

“In fact, I had a real concern with how he would be viewed by fans of the show and what it might mean for him down the line.”

“We waited until the show was a few weeks into its run before we made an offer,” she said, unaware there would be a tabloid firestorm.

“He accepted the offer the day I was in an airport and saw [celebrity news magazine] US Weekly with him splashed across the cover.”

“Thankfully, the article didn’t live up to the headline nor did a lot of other ones I read,” she said of one of many reports of Jordan’s shadiness.

“I’m certain that I read about 90% of what was written because I was vested in what it’d mean for the work he’d do with us.”

“My group had spent time with Jordan [and was] confident in the decision,” Druley adds, noting that The Bachelorette was helpful in one respect:

“The advantage Jordan had when he sat down in front of our cameras was that he had just spent three months in front of many cameras.”

“When you combine that with the fact that he knows college football and can speak intelligently about it, it made him the right fit for us.”

“I think that’s the advantage it gave him.”

As for why Jordan Rodgers’ feud with Aaron Rodgers, his famous NFL star brother, got started or whether he cheated on Brittany Farrar?

Or whether Jordan and JoJo are already over and putting on a front to save face, or already fighting hardcore and on the verge of a split?

Only time will tell, but one has to wonder:

Is he really so good as an analyst that fans will forget the ridiculous reason he’s quasi-famous now? And did that really not affect ESPN?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Ayesha Curry Accused of Slut-Shaming, Defended by Khloe Kardashian

Ayesha Curry is the wife of the best basketball player on the planet these days.

She’s also the mother to the most adorable toddler in the history of mankind.

But Curry made headlines on her own over the weekend by writing just a few words on Twitter.

“Everyone’s into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style,” Mrs. Stephen Curry wrote. “I like to keep the good stuff covered up for the one who matters.”

It’s unclear what prompted this Tweet (perhaps a look at Kylie Jenner on Instagram?), but Curry added:

“Just looking at the latest fashion trends. I’ll take classy over trendy any day of the week. #saturdaynightinsight.”

Doesn’t seem all that noteworthy, does it?

Curry is simply commenting on the bevy of females of show lots and lots of skin in public.

But the message received quite the rebuke in the social media world, with critics lashing out at Curry for “slut-shaming.”

Wrote one hater:

“Point of the matter is : Ayesha curry sounds like a patriarchal princess and her tweets were undercover slut shaming.”

But Curry did find herself defended by a couple celebrities; first by Chrissy Teigen, who replied to Curry’s Tweets with:

“ayeshacurry you got people writing articles on a Sunday” and who then jokingly asked Curry what she’s “gonna wear” when she goes to cook eggs.

Then there was Khloe Kardashian, who showed love to Curry by Tweeting in reply:

“I just love @ayeshacurry!!! Always staying true to you. My kind of lady. Blessings on blessings!!!”

Ayesha finally attempted to end the debate, not by apologizing, but by sending another message:

“Regardless of if you like my ‘style of clothes’ or not (which I don’t care) please do not tear women down and degrade them… Not cool peeps.”

Monday, September 28, 2015

Farrah Abraham Defended By Spencer Pratt, Heidi Montag: They Set Her Up!

Embattled reality star Farrah Abraham is receiving support from an unlikely – or perhaps very likely – celebrity duo: Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt.

Defending Farrah’s insane outbursts on Celebrity Big Brother UK – threatening to murder the whole cast, etc. – Speidi had this to say about Abraham:

“She’s had such unfair treatment all season long. They bait her, and she tries to make up with them and then they degrade her under their breath.”

“Whenever she stands up for herself, they call her crazy. They’ve had no respect for her from the beginning. … She was the only entertaining part.”

“She just owned it. It’s awful how they called her ‘disgusting on the inside,’ and they just wouldn’t stop. How would anyone react to that?”

“As far as I’m concerned, with the way they’ve been attacking her, anything she does is self-defense. … [Abraham] was totally set up.”

“It’s not that I condone violence, but I completely understand why she’d react to these people … she has been bullied since the day she went in.”

The knowledge and integrity of Speidi aside, Farrah fought a co-star on the air and threatened the rest of them. Is that really “self-defense”?

Was she baited? Absolutely. Is everyone who signs up for a show like this baited by fellow cast members and producers around the clock?

At the very least, they’re signing on for that possibility. Farrah just happens to be so thin-skinned, she flies off the handle like no other.

That, in turn, creates a self-perpetuating loop, which is great for viewers but bad news for society … specifically Farrah’s young daughter.

After all, before Sophia makes her own sex tape someday, she’ll likely see evidence of these exploits from the woman who is her role model.

Note to Farrah: People don’t take the time to get to “know” and “appreciate” you because this is the face you put forward on a daily basis.

Note to Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag: Keep on latching on to anything trending in an attempt to remain quasi-relevant. Well handled!