Showing posts with label Montag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montag. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mischa Barton Shooting "Hills" Reboot with Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt

Mischa Barton’s already sliding into the reality TV world with an assist from her new pals, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag – the new ‘Hills’ amigos are kicking off their reboot season with raised glasses in hand. The trio…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

"Hills" Stars Heidi Montag, Spencer Pratt"s Prayers Answered By Mischa Barton

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are huge fans of Mischa Barton … ‘cause they say it’s basically divine intervention she’s joining them on the reboot of “The Hills.” We got Heidi and Spencer shopping Thursday at Couture Kids on Robertson…


Friday, April 6, 2018

Heidi Montag: I Actually Died in 2009!

The reality television careers of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are dead.

About this, there can be no debate.

But the former Hills star has come out and told Paper Magazine something shocking:

She was once also dead!

Back in late 2009, the ex-MTV personality underwent 10 plastic surgery procedures.

It was a decision she later confessed to regretting, telling multiple outlets that it was a mistake to get a nose job, breast implants and liposuction, among other surgeries.

In this new interview, we learn a large reason why.

“Spencer thought he lost me. I died for a minute. With that much surgery, I had to have 24-hour nurse care and Spencer didn’t want to leave my side,” Heidi explains.

She goes on to offer more detail of her harrowing experience:

“I was at a recovery center and had Demerol to deal with the pain because it was so extreme.”

At one point, the brand new mother recounts:

“My security guards called Spencer and told him, ‘Heidi’s heart stopped. She’s not going to make it.’

“And I easily could’ve. Cutting yourself up isn’t something I’d recommend, and Demerol isn’t anything to play around with. That’s how Michael Jackson died.”

Many years later, Montag had her size F (!!!!) breast implants removed — and spoke honestly about mistakes she had made.

“A lot of positive things came out of that. I had to look at myself in the mirror every day healing, and be like, ‘What did I do to myself? How did I get here? What is going on?’

“I basically had to hit that rock-bottom moment in my life, to realize what was important to me.”

It may seem hard to remember now, but Heidi and Spencer were sort of Kim Kardashian before there really was a Kim Kardashian.

They were EVERYwhere, sharing their life with the public and becoming A-List celebrities, despite lacking any real talent.

And most of the public hated them for it.

In actuality, however, Speidi was sort of just ahead of its time.

Think of how many reality stars now dominate the news, despite this same lack of talent.

“It’s the exact same thing, and it’s being seen by maybe even more people than what we had done,” Heidi tells Paper.

“It’s fascinating that that’s accepted now, but it was cheesy and fame-whorey when we did it.”

To be clear, Kardashian, just to use her as an example, is still a fame whore.

But it’s evident she has earned a level of respect that was never afforded to Montag or Pratt back in the day.

Not that Heidi is complaining.

We never would have said this a decade ago, but she doesn’t care about fame or fortune very much anymore.

She really just cares about one thing and one thing only: her son.

Gunner’s given me a whole new strength that I didn’t know. I feel like I am stronger than I’ve ever been emotionally. At the end of the day, I’m his mom, and that’s my main priority.”

How very mature and grounded.

We never thought we’d see the day.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Heidi Montag: My Post-Baby Body Was Easy to Achieve!

Heidi Montag’s gone through another radical body transformation. But don’t worry — this time, it was all natural.

She’s showing off her post-baby body, just a few months after she and Spencer Pratt welcomed their first child, a precious baby named Gunner Pratt.

Now, Heidi’s telling all about her weight loss and revealing if she would ever consider getting plastic surgery.

Speaking to Us Weekly, Heidi talks about her post-baby bod … and starts by talking about how much she gained while pregnant.

“I thought I would gain maybe 20 or 30 pounds during my pregnancy.”

Generally speaking, average weight women should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. An underweight woman should gain between 28 and 40 pounds.

“But I gained over 45.”

That sounds about right, for a woman as tiny as Heidi.

It was only in February — four months after sweet baby Gunner was born — that Heidi says that she was first able to slip into a pair of jeans that were not maternity jeans.

But the wait, she says, made it all the more rewarding.

“It was very exciting.”

We’re sure that it was.

“It made me realize I’d lost a lot of weight,” she says.

How much, exactly?

The former The Hills star estimates that she’s down to about 107 pounds.

“I just had a baby, I’m very emotional.”

That’s no surprise. And it’s likely not a feeling that will go away for Heidi any time soon.

“I’m eating healthier than when I was pregnant, ironically, because I want to make sure Gunner has all the nutrients he needs.”

Well, you crave some things while pregnant, but don’t necessarily retain those same cravings when you’re lactating.

“Having a baby has made me really appreciate my body, not just how it looks. It’s just amazing, the human body.”

It’s great to hear that she’s appreciating her body. There was a time, of course, when she did not. She famously underwent 10 different surgeries in one day.

Is she feeling that way again?

“I have no temptation to have any kind of surgery after having a baby.”

She says that her desires at the moment are very simple.

“I want to breast-feed and have my breasts for that.”

She does hint that she might get something done … some day.

“Maybe I would get my boobs done after all the kids we have.”

One is tempted to imagine a devilish twinkle in her eye as she delivers that line and begins to dissociate, envisioning all of the different procedures that she might undergo.

Fortunately, however, she says that she’s no longer vulnerable to those sorts of temptations.

“But I might just be over that phase of my life.”

Heidi talks about her diet.

“I just eat whatever I want here and there. I try to make sure I get enough food instead of limiting food.”

She repeats the same meals.

“I pretty much eat the same thing every day.”

And she’s sort of humble-bragging about how she lost the baby weight in just a few months.

“The weight came off really easy. Actually, I wasn’t even trying very hard. I just try to eat really healthy.”

And she lists exactly what a healthy diet means to her.

“I try to have protein with every meal. I try to have vegetables twice a day. And then I also try to get some carbs in there.”

Take a look at how gorgeous she looks now!

Heidi Montag Post-Baby Body

She looks great!

And to hear Heidi tell it, losing that weight was incredibly easy.

“Every day is kind of a cheat day. So, if I just want a bite of something, I will. I’m not a person who has to have, like, the whole box of doughnuts.”

Before you think that her diet will be easy to emulate, know that, genetics aside, this is also a woman who goes on four hikes a day (one with each dog) and who also carries around a four-month-old baby.

Also, even with a seven-month baby bump, Heidi kept exercising. So … that’s the sort of person she is.

It’s no surprise that her body is so amazing already.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Heidi Montag: Breastfeeding Baby Gunner Pratt in Precious New Pic!

On Sunday, October 1st, Heidi Montag gave birth to her and Spencer Pratt’s first child — a precious baby boy.

The first photos of baby Gunner Pratt are slowly trickling in, but the proud parents have shared a brand new photo.

Heidi has now joined the ranks of actresses who are sharing breastfeeding photos.

During they heyday of The Hills, the very idea of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt becoming parents would have given us nightmares.

After the two of them managed to burn through their $ 10 million fortune in a frighteningly short amount of time, the thought of them becoming responsible for a tiny human being would have caused us to slip into a coma.

But this pair of D-listers have come a long, long way since then.

Don’t get us wrong — they’re still, uh, “eccentric.” Their feud with Lauren Conrad still seems to be going strong.

And yes, Spencer Pratt still loves crystals.

But they’ve clearly made strides towards what is at the very least a strong resemblance to personhood since The Hills was a thing.

Which is good, because baby Gunner is here!


This is great, first of all, because it’s a precious photo of all three members of this small but growing family.

But it’s also wonderful because every photo that celebs share of themselves breastfeeding helps to normalize breastfeeding for millions of women.

We don’t know how many instances there have been of women being asked to leave or to breastfeed their babies in often filthy public restrooms.

(No one should have to eat lunch in a bathroom, folks)

The worst cases are when women in art museums are asked this, since they’re often surrounded by paintings and sculptures of bare breasts but aren’t being allowed to feed their infants.

The #FreeTheNipple movement isn’t just about toplessness for toplessness’ sake, though that’s a worthy cause in and of itself.

It’s also just about making society less uptight about breasts and their accompanying nip nops.

In her own way, Heidi Montag is helping make the world a better place. Every drop in the bucket contributes to the inevitable cultural shift.

Precious baby Gunner deserves the best, right?

Fortunately, Spencer and Heidi have done more than just grow with age and life experience.

Heidi rekindled her relationship with her formerly estranged mother, Darlene Egelhoff.

Previously, Heidi had gotten what the medical community refers to as a “horrifying f–kton” of cosmetic surgery, distorting her features into a twisted caricature of humanity and spending a ludicrous amount of money in the process.

At the time, Heidi’s mother had expressed concerns. Like the rest of America.

Heidi hadn’t liked that, so she and her mother were on bad terms for years.

But they both agreed to appear on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition. The whole purpose of which is to orchestrate reconciliations between mothers and daughters.

In some cases, it didn’t work out so well. In some cases, it shouldn’t work out. But in the case of Heidi Montag and her mother, they were actually able to reconnect and soothe some old wounds.

In fact, Heidi Montag flaunted her 6-month baby bump while hiking with Spencer and with her mother.

The more family that they’re close to, the bigger their support network.

Family isn’t the only support network that they’ve set up for their baby, of course.

Jen Bunney is Gunner’s godmother, which is not surprising but makes for an amazing The Hills callback, but she’s apparently not his only godparent.

We don’t have the complete list or anything, but that’s interesting to know. And comforting.

The whole idea is that they would assume responsibility for Gunner if, heavens forbid, anything should happen to Heidi and Spencer.

But hopefully the Pratts’ extensive, expensive collection of crystals will bring them all of the good vibes or good luck or whatever that they need so that they can always be there for little Gunner.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: Look at Our Baby!

Thinking back upon the heyday of The Hills and all of its stars, did you ever look at Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag and go: “You know what? Those two should really be parents. I trust them with a small human.”

Well, Spender and Heidi have welcomed their first child into the world — little baby Gunner Pratt. But they’ve done a lot of growing and maturing. Mostly.

And now they’ve released our first real photo of their sweet little baby.

The reason that you might not think of Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt as premium grade parental material is because … well, that’s not their public image.

Most people remember them from The Hills, where they were basically out of control, loved to say stupid things, and feuded intensely with Lauren Conrad.

(That feud is still running, by the way)

They were, in a word: irresponsible.

Of course, these are character flaws that made them so very entertaining and made The Hills such a success.

Their, um, interesting approach to personhood and childlike inability to behave themselves extended off camera.

By which we mean that they were just really, really terrible at money management.

No, we don’t mean that they overspent for a couple of months or got behind on some payments.

Thanks to their fame, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt together amassed a multimillion dollar fortune.

And, also together, they managed to spend that money at an alarming rate. On absurd things.

But that’s all in the past now, and Spencer and Heidi are married and now they’re new parents!

And they’ve released a photo of their greatest treasure of all!

No, we don’t mean Spencer Pratt’s infamous love of crystals.

But before we get to the photo that they’ve released, we should mention that Spencer’s love of crystals — not just aesthetically, but spiritually — does not appear to have died down in the slightest.

In what was apparently preparation for Gunner’s birth, an LA-based crystal store delivered $ 27,000 worth of crystals, according to a tweet by Spencer Pratt.

It’s no surprise that crystal stores love the Pratts. If you spend a significant chunk of cash on any business, they’re probably going to notice and love you back.

Especially if you’re a celebrity and willing to give them a shout-out on Instagram.

Anyway, we’re not going to judge someone’s spiritual beliefs, so as long as Spencer and Heidi aren’t turning Gunner’s college fund into quartz, we say more power to them.

Now, abou that photo:

Look at those proud parents!

Just kidding — look at sweet baby Gunner!

He’ll start to look more distinctive in as little as a few weeks. It’s easy to forget that babies grow so, so quickly.

If the photo looks at all familiar, it should.

We technically got our first look at the Pratt miracle baby on a magazine cover.

But magazine covers aren’t really a good place to get a decent look at a photo. They are, by design, intensely distracting — full of headlines and quotes and the magazine equivalent of clickbait.

(“That one trick to drive him wild!” is just the ’90s version of “dermatologists hate her!”)

So we’re so, so glad that they released the original photo for us to see.

And, though obviously little baby Gunner is the main focus, it’s nice to see Heidi and Spencer looking so proud and so enamored.

They’re not the only ones happy to see Gunner.

Heidi has recently repaired her relationship with her once-estranged mother (it turns out that sometimes The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition really works), so we’re looking at that proud grandma in the picture.

Jen Bunney is baby Gunner’s godmother, but apparently she’s not his only godparent.

So Gunner’s going to have a lot of attention and a lot of love.

And we’re guessing that Heidi and Spencer are going to have a solid support network to lean on when being parents turns out to be a little harder than they’d imagined.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: First Look at Their Miracle Baby!

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag are featured on the latest cover of Us Weekly.

But the former MTV reality stars are not alone.

They are joined by a certain brand new baby who is now an official part of their family: Mr. Gunner Stone!!!!

Indeed, Montag gave birth to the couple’s first child on Sunday, October 1.

According to a rep for the ex-Hills cast members, the precious little fella weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 19 inches in length at the time he took his first few breaths.

A source at the time also said Gunner is rocking some blond hair and has a pair of blue eyes, two facts you can now verify for yourself…

… because here’s your very first look at Spencer and Heidi’s baby!

As for the somewhat unusual name?

Pratt says it’s meant to be taken sort of literally.

“He’ll probably be a pitcher, so when Gunner steps to the mound, he’s going to be gunning those throws down home plate,” Pratt explains, changing sports and adding:

“If he wants to be a skier, he’s going to be gunning down those moguls. It just applies to a lot of sports.”

That’s true.

Not everyone names his or her offspring after a verb that applies to various athletic events… but, hey, not everyone is Spencer Pratt, either.

Heidi, meanwhile, simply says Gunner was the “best fit” after a lot of “back and forth” debate regarding potential baby names.

Pratt hammers home the pitching them a lot in this cover story, joking (we assume?) that one is “not a good parent if you’re not trying to get your son set up to potentially get a $ 250 million gig.”

And he hasn’t forgotten about his feud with former co-star Lauren Conrad, either.

That star gave birth to a son named Liam in July and Spencer really hopes the kids face off against each other on the diamond someday.

“Hopefully they’re on rival sports teams,” says Pratt. “That’s what I‘m looking forward to.”

For more from Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag – including exclusive baby pictures and Heidi’s five-hour delivery, along with who’s changed more diapers – pick up the new issue of Us Weekly.

It’s on newsstands now.

NOTE: Click through the gallery above for a look at ALL the famous people who became parents this year.

Congrats to them all!


Friday, October 6, 2017

Heidi Montag: Jen Bunney is My Baby"s Godmother!

Get ready for a blast from the past!

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt welcomed their first child into the world. Of all of the reality couples on all of the shows, those two are the ones who are still together and starting a family.

But we’ve only just now learned who little Gunner Pratt’s godmother is: none other than Jen Bunney.

The Hills was a veritable pioneer of reality television.

It wasn’t a competition or a documentary — it was just a group of ridiculous people being filmed living their ridiculous lives.

That’s not unusual at all, now. Back in the day, though, only a few shows really matched that description.

Jen Bunney wasn’t as big of a name as Heidi Montag or Lauren Conrad, but she had her moments.

What might have been her biggest and most life-changing moment of all was allegedly hooking up with Brody Jenner, Lauren Conrad’s crush, during Lauren’s own birthday party during the show’s second season.


And Lauren Conrad was, from that point on, completely done with Jen, and excised her from her life entirely.

Whatever “shady thing” she did with him was the subject of no shortage of speculation until just a couple of years ago, when Brody Jenner denied that they’d hooked up.

Specifically, he was at the time blasting The Hills (and perhaps reality television in general) as “fake” and mentioned that he “didn’t have sex with Jen Bunney.”

He went even further, insisting that he “didn’t hook up with any of these girls.”

Jen Bunney took to Instagram to respond to Brody Jenner’s admission, succinctly writing:

“Cool #toolittletoolate”

Considering how much that one allegation changed Jen’s life, that’s an understandable response.

Though Heidi and Spencer had been the ones who encouraged Jen to kiss Brody at the time (even though we now know that it didn’t lead to sex), Jen has maintained a fast friendship with Heidi in particular.

But also with Spencer. They’re a package deal.

Both Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were guests at Jen Bunney’s 2014 wedding to Taylor Dunphy.

It’s not unusual for friends to be there for such major life milestones, of course, but it’s a great sign that they formed a lasting bond.

It’s clear that the stars of The Hills have done a lot of growing up over the years.

(Well, Spencer Pratt still makes an ass of himself, but … that’s who he is, we guess)

Heidi’s reconnected with her mom, and now Heidi and Spencer are new parents.

And look at who the proud godmother is:

In a clip from Heidi’s Instagram story, Heidi and Jen celebrated baby Gunner Stone Pratt.

(Gunner is an odd name that may refer to the Viking name Gunnar, which basically means “warrior.” And Stone is a perfect middle name for a child whose parents spent considerable chunks of their lost fortune on, well, crystals)

Heidi announced: “Cheers, I have one of Gunner’s godmothers here, Jen Bunney!”

We love that “one of” line. Exactly how many godmothers does Gunner have?

Jen Bunney added: “We’re celebrating Gunner. He’s the best baby ever. We love him so much!”

These days, by the way, Jen Bunney is working in the healthcare field and, last we checked, was working on her Masters.

Considering that the original cast members of The Hills are all in new stages in their lives, now seems like a perfect time for a revival of the series.

Especially since there’s a new Pratt that fans could watch grow up.

Spencer, who has changed his Twitter name to “Pratt Dad” in honor of Gunner’s birth, says that everyone who was on The Hills would be up for such a reboot.

Well … almost everyone.

“The entire cast is in minus LC”

Yeah, Lauren Conrad’s gonna be a hard sell.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag Welcome First Child!

It’s official: Our Speidi senses are tingling…

… with unbridled joy and happiness for Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag!

The former reality stars and perpetual D-Listers have welcomed their first child into the world. Scroll down for all the exciting details!

A rep for Pratt and Montag tells Us Weekly that the latter gave birth to a boy named Gunner Stone at 3:06 p.m. on Sunday, October 1.

He weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 19 inches in length. He has reportedly has blond hair and blue eyes, too, just like his quasi famous parents.

“Heidi and Spencer are proud parents of a healthy baby boy as of this afternoon,” the couple’s spokesperson told the aforementioned tabloid last night.

Spencer and Heidi rose to fame on MTV’s The Hills.

They were posited as villains on that series, with Pratt the irritating foil who did all he could to remain in the news and Montag the bitter frenemy of star Lauren Conrad.

In a nearly admirable sense, the pair milked their 15 Minutes in the spotlight as much as possible, showing no shame in being famous purely for being famous.

Just prior to becoming a first-time parent, Montag shared a photo from a recent maternity shoot on Instagram, writing as a caption to the snapshot:

“What a blessed journey pregnancy has been. It’s hard to believe in such a short time I will be holding my son! I have been dreaming of this my whole life.

“Precious little miracle. So filled with love.”

The tandem confirmed Montag’s pregnancy back in April via a feature with Us Weekly.

“I have never been more excited,” Heidi said at the time, adding:

“The reality is sinking in that we are going to have a child! I’ve read every pregnancy book, and now I realize I don’t know anything.”

Spencer chimed in for the cover story as follows:

“Heidi has wanted to be a mom since the day I met her. She has planned for and thought about this.”

Ever since giving this interview, Pratt and Montag have shared photos of Heidi’s baby bump on social media, while also announcing they were expecting a boy.

As annoying as we once found the stars, their enthusiasm over parenthood came through pretty strong in these posts and quotes.

“So excited to celebrate my first Mother’s Day! #blessed,” Montag captioned the following photo of herself cradling her baby bump this spring, elaborating:

“Thank you to all you beautiful amazing moms for your endless love and dedication! missing my mommy!”

As The Hills fans may remember, Montag was estranged from her mother, Darlene Egelhoff, after she slammed her daughter for undergoing 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day in 2010.

That is a lot, let’s be honest.

But is it worth ruining a mother-daughter relationship over?

It’s clear that Montag wants to look forward, not back, however.

She’s now a mother herself and she can hardly believe it.

“We are so blessed to have a beautiful healthy baby boy,” she told Us Weekly exclusively. “It was the hardest and most rewarding experience.”

Congrats to the brand new parents!!!!!!

Take a look below at other celebrities who also welcomed bundles of joy into the world this year:


Monday, August 7, 2017

Heidi Montag: My Baby Bump is GINORMOUS!

The weird thing about baby bumps is that they can change so much.

Not just growing from week to week, but showing more or less depending on how somebody’s dressed.

Well, Heidi Montag’s 7 month baby bump is huge … and even when she’s dressed up super fancily, she still looks like she’s ready to pop.

Heidi Montag’s come a long way — on a journey full of ups and downs — since her days on The Hills.

These days, though, she’s getting along with her family.

And she’s eagerly awaiting adding a new member: her baby.

She and Spencer Pratt have been doing plenty of adventuring since they announced the pregnancy.

They even went on a “babymoon” to Hawaii together, which is weird but fun.

But travel aside, Heidi has been sharing pic after pic with her Instagram followers to keep them apprised every step of the way.

Some people just can’t resist a baby bump.

Look at her latest photo:

That’s so much!

It’s also a gorgeous photo.

(Even without the baby bump — the dress and background are lovely)

You know how you’ll see girls talking on social media about seeing a guy in gray sweatpants or gray gym shorts?

Basically, gray is a color that can be really revealing in terms of the contours of exactly what’s beneath them.

A baby bump may not be as salacious as getting a sneak peak at your crush’s genitals, but it’s delightful for Heidi’s countless fans as she and Spencer take this big next step in their relationship.

And every baby bump pic is a reminder that it won’t be long now until they’re welcoming their little one into the world!

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt will almost certainly create a loving home for their soon-to-be child.

But they won’t be able to offer quite the sort of lifestyle that the two of them shared years ago.

It’s a sad fact that Heidi and Spencer squandered away their shared fortune of what’s estimated to be about $ 10 million.

In addition to spending ludicrous amounts of money on cosmetic surgeries and handbag collections, one of the couple’s more extravagant collections was of rare and valuable crystals.

Now, look, we’re not attacking anybody for their spiritual beliefs.

And we totally acknowledge that a lot of people of minority religions or with certain lines of spiritual beliefs may need to buy more religious or spiritual accoutrement than someone of a majority faith.

(Because not everyone has a house of worship in town that they can just go visit)

But when you’re at the end of your financial rope and you’re still spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on crystals to promote your spiritual well-being … we don’t think that it’s unfair to say that you have a problem.

They kind of had several problems, if we’re being honest.

But that’s all in the past and we think that Heidi and Spencer are both wiser for it.

Heidi Montag and her mom are getting along now, thanks to The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, of all things.

(Yes, that’s what the show was designed to do, it’s just weird that it actually helped some people)

We’re glad that these two are in such a better place in their lives.

And we’re excited to see them get to become parents together.

It’s almost unreal that a reality TV couple has made it this far in their lives and are still, you know, a couple.

And they’re expecting a baby boy, so there’ll be another little Pratt running around in the world.

We can’t help but wonder if he’ll end up with a reality career of his own.

But we can only imagine that, thanks to the experience of his parents, he’ll be able to make wiser decisions.


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Heidi Montag Shows Off HUGE 7-Month Baby Bump!

Seven months into her pregnancy, The Hills star Heidi Montag is still staying active. She’s even keeping up her exercise routines!

She’s shared glimpses of her workouts with followers.

As you can imagine, her baby bump is very much on display.

It’s so nice to see that Heidi and Spencer have come this far in their lives, you know?

It’s been years since the two of them squandered their combined $ 10 million fortune on absurd purchases like pricey handbags and rare crystals.

(Yes, really)

Those were the times when Heidi Montag kept getting worrisome cosmetic procedures (remember her F-cup breasts? Thankfully she got them reduced later), which led to friction between herself and her mother.

As we mentioned recently, Heidi and her mom are getting along better now.

It turns out that The Mother-Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition actually helped some people to heal old hurts! Who knew?!

So now, after all of their bonkers misadventures and mistakes, Heidi and Chris are just content being happy with each other as a couple.

And they’re getting closer and closer to welcoming their child into this world.

As you can see from this photo, Heidi is very far along:

She looks great! And check out that baby-bump!

Exercise, within reasonable limits, can be healthy when you’re pregnant.

(Just like it can be healthy when you’re not pregnant)

If exercising makes you feel especially distressed or nauseated during your pregnancy, then cut it out of your routine until you’re no longer pregnant.

(Similarly, if an exercise is putting your body through real hell, don’t do it — no pregnancy required)

Walking and even hiking can be popular non-rigorous exercises during pregnancy.

As always, it’s important to stay hydrated in those cases — even more so than for non-pregnant hikers.

With pregnancy, there’s always a risk that something could suddenly go wrong, so we wouldn’t recommend hiking anywhere that’s more than a few minutes from where a vehicle could easily reach you.

Like, you can just go for a walk around a public lake, ideally with your partner or a walking buddy.

And, of course, your cell phone. Both of your cell phones.

And plenty of water.

We have a feeling that Heidi isn’t overdoing it, here, because she’s clearly very conscious of the strain of working out while pregnant.

Specifically, the ouch factor on her feet and ankles.

As we can see, Spencer Pratt is clearly good husband material.

Foot massages feel weird to some people (and can be torture for the ticklish), but for others, they can be a great source of relief.

Especially if they’ve been walking for two.

And standing for two.

And especially if they’ve been exercising for two.

Speaking of Heidi Montag’s activities, though, have you guys ever heard of a babymoon?

It’s not, like, a type of full moon or whatever.

It’s like a cross between a honeymoon and a baby shower.

That doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense to us, given that traveling while pregnant isn’t necessarily the easiest thing in the world, but it’s a thing.

Anyway, Spencer and Heidi snapped this photo while on their babymoon in Hawaii.

Even dressed, there’s no hiding that baby bump.

We know that Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag probably wish that they had more of their former fortune to help welcome their child into the world.

But you know what?

This couple seems loving and, despite their histories, well-adjusted.

In fact, their past mistakes might make them wiser people and wiser parents.

We hope so, anyway.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Heidi Montag Flaunts 6-Month Baby Bump!

It wasn’t so long ago that Heidi Montag was being called out for excessive drinking and having a dysfunctional relationship with her mother on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, but she’s taken such great strides since then.

And now, Heidi Montag is 6 months pregnant and she’s showcasing her baby bump in some adorable photos.

Fairly recently, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt excitedly announced that they were having a baby boy.

Well, they know what sorts of genitals their baby will have, anyway.

Gender’s a lot more complicated than that.

But sure, they can put blue balloons on their mailbox, because people like to assign genders to colors, too.

Anyway, these two are super happy, and after the rough go of things that Heidi’s had, we’re glad to see her so happy.

So they went to Heidi’s hometown of Crested Butte (no jokes, please), Colorado.

Crested Butte is a tiny little hamlet with under 2,000 people, but it’s also apparently a great site for skiing.

It’s also clearly a great location for taking photos that show off your baby bump.

And aren’t they a cute couple?!

Honestly, you don’t really see reality TV personalities getting their happily ever afters all that often, you know?

But these two don’t just look happy … they look chill and content.

You know what we mean by that distinction?

Like, if this were just some career-boosting photo-op or whatever, Spencer wouldn’t have that stupid beard.


There are some pretty okay beards in the world but that particular one isn’t working for him.

But that doesn’t matter because he’s just enjoying his time with his wife with that beautiful scenery for a backdrop.

They used to do everything that they could to desperately grasp at attention, but now they’re just … living their lives. Who knew?!

And Spencer isn’t the only one who’s having a good time taking photos with Heidi.

Yes, that is Darlene Egelhoff, Heidi’s mother.

Remember, these two were estranged for a while there after Darlene publicly criticized Heidi’s cosmetic surgery choices.

Honestly, going public with criticisms like that is such a dick move.

But while The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition didn’t quite help everyone who appeared on it …

Like, this was the show where it was revealed the Courtney Stodden’s mom fell in love with Courtney’s then-husband Doug Hutchison. Some things are harder to work past than others.

… Heidi’s relationship with her mother does seem to have improved.

Kind of amazing to think that some reality shows actually help the people involved.

Maybe we’ve just read of too many Bachelor Nation couples splitting up, you know?

It’s great to see that they’re getting along well enough that Darlene will get to be in her grandbaby’s life.

We’re not saying that Heidi and Spencer’s relationship success is supposed to give us hope for all other reality couples.

But it does give us hope for their baby’s future.

And it’s so nice that they’ve reached such a healthy place in their lives after how ridiculous they used to be.

Also, like, Crested Butte looks like a great place for pregnancy photos.

How often do pregnant moms get to say that they put the Rocky Mountains to shame and have the photos to back it up?


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: We"re Having a Baby...

Brace yourselves, world:

Another Spencer Pratt is on the way.

We’ll give you a few moments to collect your thoughts and keep your latest meal down…

About a month ago, Pratt and Heidi Montag shocked the world when they revealed they still exist.

Just kidding. We had heard rumblings that they were still an item and still living their lives over the years.

We simply had seen very, very, very little of the couple who did an impressive job of extending their 15 Minutes of Hills-Related Fame into at least 25 or 30 Minutes back in the day.

Yet there were Pratt and Montag again last month, back in the news and back on a tabloid cover.

For a very exciting reason: they are expecting a baby!

Speaking to Us Weekly about the development, Spencer and Heidi went over the story of how the former was told the news, while confirming that Montag is due in October.

“I have never been more excited,” Heidi says of the child in her womb, adding:

“The reality is sinking in that we are going to have a child! I’ve read every pregnancy book, and now I realize I don’t know anything.”

Now, in a new discussion with Us Weekly, Pratt and Montag has come out and announced their baby’s gender.

IT IS A BOY!!!!!

Montag says she was the one to inform her husband of this important tidbit, relaying his response to the tabloid when asked about it.

“He was really excited! He trains jujitsu all the time, so he’s excited to have a little grappler. He’ll be doing jujitsu and soccer with him,” she says.

As for what gets Heidi so pumped about having a son?

“I’m really excited for his personality and his little smile,” she explains, adding:

“I’m excited to take him to Disneyland and to see if he’s into dinosaurs, Mickey Mouse or ballerinas — it can be anything. Maybe he’ll be the best dance.”

Montag, of course, could do any of these things with a girl, too.

But whatever. No reason to harsh her buzz right now.

In closing, Montag responded to whether or not she’s heard from any of her old MTV friends and/or colleagues.

“Kristin [Cavallari] and Audrina [Patridge] both reached out and said congratulations,” she tells Us.

“I’ve actually been in touch with both of them for a while now. And I obviously asked both of them for advice.

“Kristin sent me a whole list of baby things you need in the first few months, which has been really helpful.”

We had our issues with Spencer and Heidi back in the day, but it’s pretty amazing they’re still happily married, isn’t it?

Consider all the Hollywood marriages that have failed and then consider how these two are still going strong. Maybe they weren’t as fake as we previously assumed.

Therefore, allow us to send Spencer and Heidi our very best wishes and to do the same for all the other celebrities set to become parents this year.

Good luck to you all!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Heidi Montag: Pregnant with First Child!!!!!

The Hills will soon be alive with the sounds of a baby crying and cooing.

By which we mean the following:

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are expecting their first child! Ever!!!!!!!!

Re-enacting the old days, when they flaunted their romance on the cover of any tabloid that would have them, Spencer and Heidi have broken this exciting piece of news in a feature piece for Us Weekly.

How did Montag spill the baby beans to Spencer? 

Pratt tells the magazine that he woke up one day in his Santa Barbara beach house, only to roll over and see his wife, “just standing there.”

The former MTV reality star, who apparently still exists, went on to set the scene for readers:

“The look on her face, I can’t even describe it. She was literally glowing. I thought she was about to say she made muffins or banana bread.”

(Editor’s Note: We assume this literal glowing was a result of 78% of Heidi’s body being made of plastic.)

So… that wasn’t it? Montag didn’t have any bread in the oven?

Nope. She had a bun instead!

Continued Pratt with his fascinating tale:

“Heidi said, ‘I’m pregnant.’ I was like, ‘Whoa, that’s way more exciting than banana bread!’”

Montag is reportedly 12 weeks along and due October 19.

She came right out and stated this past fall that she hoped to become a mother in 2017… and a few unprotected sessions of sex later, it’s happened!

How did she feel upon telling Pratt that he was going to be a father?

“Overwhelmed,” Heidi says, adding of that special moment: “I started crying, and he embraced me.” 

Pratt and Montag were pretty famous back in the late first decade of this century.

They starred on The Hills and feuded with Lauren Conrad and got lots of plastic surgery.

In 2009, Montag even claimed she underwent 10 procedures in one day!

Spencer and Heidi also unabashedly craved fame, not pretending to possess any real talents whatsoever and openly talking about their desire to extend their 15 Minutes for as long as possible.

We always sort of admired them for that.

You always knew what you were getting with Pratt and Montag… and it was typically hilarious!

Montag tells the magazine that:

  • She’s craving fish sticks, Sour Patch Kids and salt-and-vinegar potato chips these days.

  • She wanted a baby three years ago, but work obligations got in the way.

  • She hopes this first child is a boy.

  • She’s pretty darn psyched.

“I have never been more excited,” Heidi says in this cover story.

“The reality is sinking in that we are going to have a child! I’ve read every pregnancy book, and now I realize I don’t know anything.”


Pratt has never really known anything about very much, but that hasn’t stopped him from somehow remaining famous.



Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt: The Kardashians Stole Our Storyline!

We keep thinking they’ll go away.

More appropriately, we keep praying they’ll go away.

But Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt have found a way to wedge their way into the media again.

The most annoying couple of the 2000s are dishing about their love story in a new article in Broadly, making all kinds of bizarre claims.

For example, Heidi asserts that Keeping Up With the Kardashians stole the plotline she and Spencer created on The Hills.

According to Heidi, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick based their dysfunctional TV relationship on that of Speidi.

The plastic surgery aficionado says Kourtney herself consulted with her sister Holly for character information.

“She asked, ‘What do Heidi and Spencer do? I need [to know] all the exact things, because we’re doing exactly what they do,"” Heidi told the publication.

However, she also warns that when you’re on a reality show, audiences take your a-hole antics seriously.

“What you don’t realize is that when you fake fight, you make people hate you,” she admitted. “It’s not fun.”

In the case of Scott and Kourtney, it seems the self-professed Lord got the short end of the stick. People hate him, but fans still adore Kourtney.

“To me, it’s entertainment,” says Spencer. “If you grew up in Palisades, you think, This is fun! Whatever. You make up these stories!”

“So I didn’t get that you can get murdered in the press, literally,” he adds, demonstrating a gross misunderstanding of the word “literally.” 

We may get to see more of Speidi on TV and in the press in the near future.

Lauren Conrad just confirmed that MTV will be airing a 10th anniversary special of The Hills.

Here we go.