Showing posts with label 7Month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7Month. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares Startling 7-Month Update on Jackson

Stop and look up in the air, celebrity gossip lovers.

Do you see it? Way up there? Farther away than you ever imagined was possible?

We’re referring, of course, to time … and how it’s flying way too fast for our liking when it comes to Jackson Kyle Roloff.

We swear this precious child was just born yesterday, but one glance at the calendar and one peek at his mother’s Instagram page reveals something different.

Jackson was born seven months ago.

We have no idea where all that time has gone, but Audrey Roloff has been kind enough to provide us with a new update on her adorable first-born.

Just as she did when Jackson turned six months old, the Little People, Big World has posted a new picture (above) of her son, along with news on what he’s up to these days.

To wit:

Jackson is rolling.

He has two teeth and is working on a third.

J is obsessed with his feet and will take off anything in his way of his toes.

Jackson has started eating “solid” food!

Jackson woke up this morning with his first sickness (but is still his usual happy self).

Baby J loves to babble and doesn’t like awkward silences. 

Audrey added that the family recently “got our first Christmas tree and we’re loving all of our new Christmas traditions.”

It looks like that tradition involves picking up said Christmas tree with his aunt, uncle and cousin.

Prior to sharing these fun tidbits about her child with husband Zach, Tori gushed like never before about Jackson.

She posted the image directly above and wrote as a sweet caption:

I have such FOMO when it comes to this kid. I am so obsessed with every move he makes.

His little fingers. His coos. And I can’t even with his gummy two tooth smile. He literally breaks my heart (in a good way) every time he moves.

I love being this kids mom. God has blessed me in such a way. He’s made me realize things don’t matter-people do. Love you so much baby j.

FOMO is an acronym for Fear of Missing Out, in case you weren’t aware.

And we totally understand.

Just look at this little guy!

Finally, in one other social media post this week, Tori shot down an unfortunate rumor.

A few Internet users noticed a sore on Zach’s face in the image above and wondered whether he had come down with a case of oral Herpes.

Wrote Tori in response:

“For those of you asking, my husband does not have a disease on his lip. He scraped it. Kthanks.”

She added, clearly a little annoyed:

“Also my kid scratched his face because mama let his nails get too long.

“The Roloff household is a little bit of a hot mess currently but we’ll get it together. K thanksforasking.”

No rush and no worries, Tori. Don’t let these trolls get you down.

Just keep sharing cute new pictures of Jackson, please, so we can keep adding them to this gallery:


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Heidi Montag Shows Off HUGE 7-Month Baby Bump!

Seven months into her pregnancy, The Hills star Heidi Montag is still staying active. She’s even keeping up her exercise routines!

She’s shared glimpses of her workouts with followers.

As you can imagine, her baby bump is very much on display.

It’s so nice to see that Heidi and Spencer have come this far in their lives, you know?

It’s been years since the two of them squandered their combined $ 10 million fortune on absurd purchases like pricey handbags and rare crystals.

(Yes, really)

Those were the times when Heidi Montag kept getting worrisome cosmetic procedures (remember her F-cup breasts? Thankfully she got them reduced later), which led to friction between herself and her mother.

As we mentioned recently, Heidi and her mom are getting along better now.

It turns out that The Mother-Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition actually helped some people to heal old hurts! Who knew?!

So now, after all of their bonkers misadventures and mistakes, Heidi and Chris are just content being happy with each other as a couple.

And they’re getting closer and closer to welcoming their child into this world.

As you can see from this photo, Heidi is very far along:

She looks great! And check out that baby-bump!

Exercise, within reasonable limits, can be healthy when you’re pregnant.

(Just like it can be healthy when you’re not pregnant)

If exercising makes you feel especially distressed or nauseated during your pregnancy, then cut it out of your routine until you’re no longer pregnant.

(Similarly, if an exercise is putting your body through real hell, don’t do it — no pregnancy required)

Walking and even hiking can be popular non-rigorous exercises during pregnancy.

As always, it’s important to stay hydrated in those cases — even more so than for non-pregnant hikers.

With pregnancy, there’s always a risk that something could suddenly go wrong, so we wouldn’t recommend hiking anywhere that’s more than a few minutes from where a vehicle could easily reach you.

Like, you can just go for a walk around a public lake, ideally with your partner or a walking buddy.

And, of course, your cell phone. Both of your cell phones.

And plenty of water.

We have a feeling that Heidi isn’t overdoing it, here, because she’s clearly very conscious of the strain of working out while pregnant.

Specifically, the ouch factor on her feet and ankles.

As we can see, Spencer Pratt is clearly good husband material.

Foot massages feel weird to some people (and can be torture for the ticklish), but for others, they can be a great source of relief.

Especially if they’ve been walking for two.

And standing for two.

And especially if they’ve been exercising for two.

Speaking of Heidi Montag’s activities, though, have you guys ever heard of a babymoon?

It’s not, like, a type of full moon or whatever.

It’s like a cross between a honeymoon and a baby shower.

That doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense to us, given that traveling while pregnant isn’t necessarily the easiest thing in the world, but it’s a thing.

Anyway, Spencer and Heidi snapped this photo while on their babymoon in Hawaii.

Even dressed, there’s no hiding that baby bump.

We know that Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag probably wish that they had more of their former fortune to help welcome their child into the world.

But you know what?

This couple seems loving and, despite their histories, well-adjusted.

In fact, their past mistakes might make them wiser people and wiser parents.

We hope so, anyway.
