Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Shares Update on Ryan Edwards, First Baby Photo

Mackenzie Standifer offered a couple of treats for her social media followers on Halloween.

First, the long-time reality star provided fans with their very first glimpse of Jagger, the baby to whom she gave birth in October.

It was a fleeting glimpse, mind you. Some might even take issue with this being labeled a glimpse at all.

But… hey, there is a baby in the photo below, alright?!?

Standifer simply included a black heart emoji as a caption to this image of Jagger and his 10-year old brother, Bentley, both of whom were out and about on Halloween night.

Mackenzie has often used this same unusual graphic across her Instagram, prompting some to believe it’s meant as jab at Edwards, who continues to get into trouble with the law.

But Standifer insists the emoji has nothing to do with her often-jailed husband.

“So here’s the deal about my use of [the black heart],” she wrote two weeks ago online.

“There’s nothing behind it except for the fact that it’s different from your everyday [red heart]. Sorry to disappoint. Lol. There’s no hidden or cryptic messages behind it…

“It’s just a heart shaped emoji that happens to be black instead of red.”

Oh. Okay then.

Standifer made a return to Teen Mom OG this past Monday evening in order to discuss Bentley possibly going to private school with his grandparents.

She and Ryan had previously quit the MTV franchise, with Mackenzie claiming the network didn’t want to be associated with a recovering drug addict such as Edwards.

Mackenzie, never one to mince words, then shared a photo of Teen Mom cameras being set up around her home, writing in the caption that the scene being shot was “Faaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeee” and strongly implying that everything one sees on the show is fake.

Sorry, “Faaakkkkkeeeeeeeeeee.”

But Ryan’s run-ins with the law have been very real.

Because he was arrested (AGAIN) for drug possession earlier this year, Edwards actually missed Jagger’s birth.

According to various sources, he has never met his second son.

There’s been talk (below) of Standifer leaving Edwards at last and taking their son with her, but she seemed to shoot down such chatter in an Instagram response last night.

“Where is Ryan? As a fellow addict I wish him the best. Is he in treatment still?” a follower asked Standifer in reply to her Halloween picture, to which she directly responded:

He is doing SO good. Proud of him.

doing so good

We think this is the first time Mackenzie has even acknowledged that Edwards is in treatment.

Perhaps that’s progress, considering Standifer spent the better part of the last year insisting that Edwards was clean and sober following his 2017 weeks-long rehab stint.

Despite the many times Edwards has faced drug charges, Mackenzie has continued to deny that her husband has a substance abuse problem.

But he does. No one can say any differently now.

For the sake of his very precious two children, let’s just hope he takes the proper steps to kick it once and for all.


Saturday, September 8, 2018

Mac Miller Update: Family Releases Statement, Awful People Blame Ariana Grande for Rapper"s Death

As previously reported, tragedy has once again struck Hollywood.

Around noon on Friday, authorities, responding to a call from an unknown individual, arrived at the San Fernando Valley home of Mac Miller and found the rapper dead.

He was 26 years old.

As of this writing, the likely cause of death is a drug overdose.

The artist had been well known and respected across the music industry ever since his debut album in 2012… but he was perhaps better known of late for his long-term relationship with Ariana Grande.

This romance ended in May, with sources saying that Miller’s substance abuse issues played a significant role in Grande deciding it was time to part ways.

Just a week later, Miller was arrested for drunk driving.

Shortly afterward, in July, he an interview to Zane Lowe on Beats 1 on Apple Music in which he referred to himself as a “self-destructive depressed drug user.”

But he also assured fans at this time that he was doing okay and that he was “happy” for Grande, who he dated for two years.

Just over a month later, Miller is dead.

“Malcolm McCormick, known and adored by fans as Mac Miller, has tragically passed away at the age of 26,” his family said in a statement provided to multiple outlets.

“He was a bright light in this world for his family, friends and fans. Thank you for your prayers. Please respect our privacy. There are no further details as to the cause of his death at this time

Elsewhere, Warner Bros. Records added the following:

“Mac was a hugely gifted and inspiring artist, with a pioneering spirit and sense of humor that touched everyone he met.

“Mac’s death is a devastating loss and cuts short a life and a talent of huge potential, where the possibilities felt limitless.”

The Los Angeles Fire Department has confirmed that first responders were dispatched Friday after an 11:42 a.m. call about a medical complaint at a residence in Studio City, California.

They did not transport anyone from the scene, making it safe to assume that Miller had passed away before they arrived.

“I just wanna go on tour,” Miller Tweeted on Thursday. “The show is going to be special every night. I wish it started tomorrow.”

Meanwhile, while music heavyweights mourn Miller’s passing (“Great man. I loved him for real. Im completely broken. God bless him,” Tweeted Chance the Rapper), a handful of terrible trolls out there are blamng Grande for what has transpired.

They somehow think the singer is responsible for Miller’s addiction and for driving him to this fatal place due to their split.

In the wake of this tragedy and upon seeing what these awful people were writing on her Instagram page, Grande disabled Comments for a period of time.

She appears to have now turned them back on.

And if she is checking, we sincerely hope she sees that the supporters out there far, far, FAR outweight the misguided haters.

“The amount of tweets blaming Ariana Grande for what happened to Mac Miller is disgusting, his addiction and lack of help is what drove this to happen, don’t point the finger and blame,” wrote on fan.

And another chimed in as follows:

“Just noticed Ariana Grande disabled comments on her Instagram account after a barrage of Mac Miller-related comments. Recognize the true problem here, rather than using someone else as a scapegoat & continuing the cycle.

All so sad & nauseating.”

Following Mller’s aforementioned crash and DUI arrest, someone on the Internet dared to blame Grande for the rapper’s fate.

She wasn’t having it.

“I am not a babysitter or a mother and no woman should feel that they need to be,” clapped back the singer, adding:

“I have cared for him and tried to support his sobriety & prayed for his balance for years (and always will of course) but shaming / blaming women for a man’s inability to keep his s— together is a very major problem.”

That is oh so true.

And also so not the point right now.

A young man is dead at the age of 26.

It’s a tragedy.

This is especially the case when you consider what Miller said in a documentary a few years ago:

“I’d rather be the corny white rapper than the drugged-out mess who can’t even get out of his house. Overdosing is just not cool. You don’t go down in history because you overdose. You just die.”

May he rest in peace.


Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Offers Update on Trump Attending McCain"s Funeral

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says it’s unclear if Donald Trump will attend Senator John McCain’s funeral — but here’s what we’re hearing … don’t hold your breath. We got the Press Sec. leaving Reagan National Sunday and asked for some thoughts on…


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Jinger Duggar Shows Off Baby Bump, Offers Final Pregnancy Update

Despite rumors that Jinger Duggar has secretly given birth, it appears that the beloved reality star is very much still pregnant.

The mom-to-be offered up some photographic of her current condition on Instagram last night:

“Almost there! Vuolo #38weeks4days,” she captioned the image.

Obviously, Jinger was able to say it all with just a few words in this case.

But she was feeling much more expressive in a recent interview with TLC.

“I get scared thinking about birth and labor,” she told her home network.

Yes, over the years, Jinger has earned her reputation as the most candid and forthcoming Duggar, and she’s cemented her claim to that title in the final weeks of her pregnancy.

When Us Weekly caught up with Jinger recently, the 24-year-old revealed that carrying a baby had taken a serious toll on her energy levels:

“I do think probably what surprised me most [about pregnancy] is just being so tired all the time,” she revealed.

“They’ve said, ‘Just take a nap, don’t feel bad when you need to lay down in the middle of the day.’”

She added:

“Especially when I was in all the morning sickness, I talked to them a lot about what they did, how they got through their morning sickness and I think that was some of the best advice — just resting, taking it easy.”

Jinger is regarded as a bit of a rebel in the Duggar clan, so it’s appropriate that her pregnancy hasn’t conformed to her family’s customs.

For starters, Jinger and her husband, Jeremy Vuolo, broke with convention by waiting almost a year after their wedding to get pregnant.

On top of that, Jinger will soon become the first of her sisters to give birth outside of the family’s home state of Arkansas.

She and Vuolo moved to Laredo, Texas shortly after getting hitched.

In recent weeks, it’s been rumored that Jinger and Jeremy will move to Los Angeles after the baby is born so that he can pursue a divinity school degree.

Needless to say, Jinger’s pumpkin will be living a much more worldly life than his or her cousins.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most fertile family.


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Leah Messer Shares Heartbreaking Update on Daughter Ali"s Muscular Dystrophy

Teen Mom 2 fans have watched Leah Messer face just about every challenge a mother can endure over the course of the eight years.

But perhaps nothing has brought the long-suffering mother of three more strife than the health issues suffered by her daughter Ali.

Ali was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy shortly after birth, and while her parents have consistently sought the best treatment available, there"s no guarantee that her condition won"t deteriorate with age.

This ongoing battle was the focus of Messer"s storyline on Monday"s episode of TM2, and fans were deeply moved by Leah and her ex-husband"s efforts to set aside their differences in order to do what"s best for their beloved daughter.

1. Courageous Ali

Leah messer and ali simms selfie

Fans have been rooting for Ali and her indomitable spirit ever since she first entered the world alongside her twin sister eight years ago.

2. Supportive Sisters

Leah messer and her daughters

At times, Ali’s difficulty with walking and other basic motor functions may be rendered even more difficult by her twin sister Gracie’s natural athleticism. But Ali couldn’t ask for more supportive or encouraging siblings.

3. A Constant Struggle

Leah messer and 3 daughters

As is the case for most single moms, Leah’s life is a non-stop struggle. But her determination to secure the best possible care and adaptive equipment for Ali has never wavered.

4. Coming Together

Corey simms daughters

Leah and ex-husband Corey Simms have received considerable praise for their willingness to set aside any differences they might have and focus on their daughter’s health.

5. The Fight of Their Lives

Leah and corey simms

Last night’s episode saw Leah and Corey opening up about their fears for Ali’s future in one of the series’ most moving scenes to date.

6. A Worrisome Report

Leah messer and her kids

Ali reported to Leah that she’s often in pain, her legs are tingling, and she’s generally “really struggling.”

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Little People, Big World Update: Who Bought the Farm?

We have some very bad news, Little People, Big World fans.

Someone has officially bought the farm.

What? Huh? Oh… no, you can breathe a big sigh of relief.

No one in the Roloff family has died. We apologize if we startled you.

But Matt Roloff has gone ahead and sold the home in which he’s been residing for about a year now, basically ever since he and Amy Roloff filed for divorce.

It’s located about 15 minutes away from his family’s famous farm.

This unfortunate news comes on the heels of confirmation from Matt that he’s also moving to Arizona, for at least one portion of the year.

And it also comes on the heels of several Little People, Big World episodes that have centered on tension between the exes and questions surrounding the future in general of Roloff Farms.

According to Radar Online, Roloff purchased his residence for $ 368,500.

On May 30, he told the three-bedroom, three-bathroom residence for $ 515,00, which is a pretty incredible return on his investment.

Was it renovated? What sort of improvements did Matt make in order to turn such a profit?

We don’t know the answers to these questions.

But we do know that Roloff admitted on last Tuesday’s episode of his TLC reality series that he bought the property because he needed to get farther away from Amy.

(Matt has primarily been residing in the farm guest house since his split from Amy, which is located just a few hundred yards from his ex-wife.

This situation has grown especially awkward for both parties because each is involved in a pretty serious romantic relationship at the moment.)

“I can’t deal with Amy’s attitude. If it gets any worse, I just feel like this is just an escape,” Matt said on air of why he bought the house he has now sold.

This makes perfect sense, of course.

Can you imagine living a football field or two away from your ex-wife, as she comes home with her boyfriend and you come home with your girlfriend and you can basically wave to each other?

We’re stunned the reality stars has maintained such an amicable post-marriage relationship, really.

The question still remains, of course, whether Amy will move away as well and whether there’s any hope for Little People, Big World beyond this season.

“There’s part of me that wants to keep the farm and build a house that suits me, but part of me just wants to sell the farm and liquidate it and move on,” Matt actually told the TLC cameras earlier this week, adding:

“It’s a burden.”

Will Matt get engaged to Caryn Chandler? Television viewers continue to ponder this key question.


Wrote the long-time reality star on Instagram about this home sale:

“About a month or so ago I promised you all I would share a complete tour of the house I fixed up.. at the time I wasn’t sure if I was going to move into it or sell it…

“I actually did a bunch of the work thinking it would be my home one day… then plans change.. someone offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse so within an hour or so I sold it. Now I’m all motivated to become a Little Flipper man. :))

“Nah!!! I want to retire.”

Stay tuned for plenty more on this situation and scroll down to read why we think the show may soon be ending.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Reveals Tragic Update on Mom"s Cancer Battle

If you’ve been keeping up with Mackenzie McKee of Teen Mom 3 fame, then you know that things haven’t been great for her recently.

And that’s because things haven’t been great for her mother, Angie Douthit.

At the beginning of the year, Mackenzie and her family revealed that Angie had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

Back then, we heard that there were several tumors in her brain, and so many masses in her lungs that doctors stopped counting them.

Angie had gone to see a doctor in the first place because she thought she had bronchitis — since she was always very healthy and never a smoker, lung cancer didn’t seem to be even a remote possibility.

But, as so many of us have unfortunately learned, cancer is the worst, and it can hit anyone.

And it seems like it’s hit Angie particularly hard.

Last month, Mackenzie informed her social media followers that in addition to the brain and lungs, cancer had also recently been found in her mother’s bones.

In a brand new update, it sounds like things have gotten even worse than that.

The update was written by Angie, but Mackenzie posted a screenshot of it to Snapchat, and that’s how we’re getting a look at it.

In the post, Angie wrote that she’d gotten a phone call from her oncologist to discuss new test results.

“This is difficult to write because I wanted to be telling you this morning that the cancer was gone and I was completely healed, but God has a much different plan.”

Instead, she said that “It turns out I have two diffferent cancers. I not only have non small cell carcinoma lung cancer, I also have small cell lung cancer which is aggressive and that is why it has spread.”

Because of that, she’s getting a chemo port, and she’ll start “the dreaded IV chemo” on Monday.

Apparently she’s on a chemo pill now, and she’ll stay on it, with the addition of the port and the IV medication.

“I’m really their Pioneer Woman now,” Angie explained, “as they’ve never seen someone have both, who is a healthy, young non smoker.”

Seriously, can you even imagine running marathons and dedicating so much to your health and fitness and never, ever smoking, then getting two different types of lung cancer at once?

It must be so difficult for the Douthit family right now, especially since Angie also said that both types of lung cancer only have a prognosis of 12-18 months with treatment.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night praying and telling God my heart,” she wrote. “My family is very upset and sad. But you know what? My God is way bigger than cancer.”

“He loves me and has a plan for my life. I know he was asked because I was asked, just yesterday, to speak at two more churches.”

“And,” she continued, “I have 3 new grand babies on the way who need their Nannie.”

As if that wasn’t heartbreaking enough, she then asked anyone reading her message to pray “that chemo will not weaken me or make me sick,” and “as silly as this seems, please pray that my eye lashes and eye brows won’t fall out.”

“That’s all I have left!”

She also asked everyone to “pray that I won’t be afraid of the chemo,” and insisted that “I want to live, but I want God’s will more.”

It sounds like her faith is a big comfort for her right now, and how wonderful is that?

Although her prognosis isn’t good and things seem to be getting worse, it sounds like she’s at peace with it all, at least as much as she can be.

And that’s not nothing, you know?


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Ember Update: She"s 8 Months Now!

Melting hearts since SeptEMBER of 2017. See what I did there.

So wrote Audrey Roloff in a very cute opening to her latest Instagram post, which was centered entirely on daughter Ember Jean.

And for good reason: Ember is now 8 months old!

As she has done nearly every month around this time since her child entered the world, Audrey updated fans on Ember"s status, sharing a number of new (and PRECIOUS!) photos, while also giving us an idea of what the infant has been up to.

The answer? A whole lot!

Scroll down for more:

1. She’s on the Move!

Ember at 8 months

“These photos are getting harder and harder to take! Our girlsie is getting more and more mobile,” wrote Audrey about her eight-month old, who is apparently crawling all around.

2. Look Out, Kitty!

Eating a shoe

“She still loves to chase Pine,” continued Audrey, referencing the cat she shares with husband Jeremy and who Little People, Big World fans have gotten to know well.

3. Aloha!

Auds and ember in hawaii

Ember “took her first flight with mom and Dad to Hawai,” Audrey wrote, including with her update the cute photo above. It features Mommy and Daughter in this tropical locale.

4. Back It Up?

Lil ember

No thanks! Audrey explains that Ember “doesn’t like being on her back,” which is very normal for a girl her age.

5. What Does She Love, Though?

Audrey roloff jeremy roloff and ember jean in maui

She “loves splashing in the bath (and ocean),” says Audrey. We wonder if they’ve considered putting Ember in a swim class just yet. Maybe she’s a bit young, though.

6. Hooray for Ember!

Audrey ember adorable

She “attended her first Luau” and has “learned to clap,” Audrey continued.

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Gives Heartbreaking Update on Mother"s Cancer

Mackenzie McKee has some seriously tragic news for us this weekend.

Back in January, as you may recall, the Teen Mom 3 star announced that her mother, Angie Douthit, had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

The family started a GoFundMe account to help cover medical costs, and in the description for the fundraiser they explained that she had tumors that “cover almost the entire brain,” and that she had several masses in her lungs.

The diagnosis was especially shocking because Angie’s always been very healthy — she never smoked, she didn’t drink, she ran marathons.

Mackenzie said at the time that she’d went to the doctor because she thought she had bronchitis.

In the months since her diagnosis, Angie has been going strong.

She’s been giving some inspirational speeches and spending lots of time with family, judging by Mackenzie’s Instagram post.

But now, in another post, we have a new update on how she’s doing.

And unfortunately, it’s bad news.

“O mom, you are so amazing,” Mackenzie begins her post. “Idk how you are touching lives all around the world of people who have never met you but you are.”

“You have such a strong message to share and you are not scared to shout it to the rooftops.”

“You don’t deserve this, none of it,” she continues. “So happy, so healthy, and so faithful to God.”

“Stage four cancer in your lungs, in your brain, and now in your bones. And not once have you questioned Gods love for you.”

Yep, you read that right — now, in addition to the brain cancer and the lung cancer, Angie also has cancer in her bones.

Mackenzie goes on to explain that they just got the bad news a few days ago, and that this whole nightmare has been “exhausting and expensive.”

So to help with some of the costs, she’s asking her fans to consider purchasing one of her “fitness at home workout programs,” the workout and nutrition guides she sells on her site, Body by Mac

To her mother, Mac writes “One thing you wish people would do is to remain healthy and to #alwaysbekind. You helped me with my #bodybymac 3 month program and have always been my number one cheerleader through this all.”

And so this weekend, if you buy one of her programs, all that money “will go towards the cost of all travel expenses and medication because you’re so good and telling people to stop complaining, get off their butts, and get active.”

“So here is to donating and getting healthy at the same time.”

It’s definitely a sweet gesture, and it really seems like Mackenzie is doing everything in her power to help her mother right now.

Remember, although we know who she is and although she starred on an MTV show, Teen Mom 3 only got one season before it was canceled, and that was back in 2013.

We know that the moms’ salaries get increased every season, and that when the shows started out, they didn’t make too much at all, considering.

For reference, Briana DeJesus reportedly made $ 20,000 for her first season of Teen Mom 2, which isn’t a lot, considering the other moms brought in around $ 300,000.

Add in those three kids of hers, and there’s a good chance that Mackenzie doesn’t have any of her MTV money left, and that she’s trying to capitalize on the fame she has with her workout programs.

We can’t blame her for that, and if she’s also using that fame to try to get donations to help her mother?

We certainly can’t blame her for that either.

Honestly, Angie’s prognosis doesn’t sound good, but it’s clear that she’s still in good spirits, and that really is amazing.

So let’s all send our best wishes to this family, OK?


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Avicii Update: Cause of Death Confirmed, Tragic

We can now confirm that Avicii killed himself.

Following a couple weeks of speculation and innuendo about the way this beloved DJ died, TMZ reports that the 28-year old did, indeed, take his own life.

We were first alerted to this possibility a few days ago after Avicii’s parents released a statement in which they used his real name and said the following:

Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions.

An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music.

He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace.

Those final two lines, of course, were what really stood about and got people talking about this message.

According to TMZ insiders, Avicii used a shard of glass to cut himself, resulting massive bleeding.

Two sources tell the aforementioned website that the artist broke a bottle and used the glass from its remains to inflict the fatal wound.

One of the sources even specifies that it was a wine bottle.

These insiders apparently disagree on whether the musician sliced open his neck or his wrists with the glass.

A promoter of EDM music and a DJ with worldwide appeal, along with a string of well-known hits, Avicii was found dead on April 20 in the Middle Eastern country of Oman.

He battled alcohol problems for years and his friends worried those concerned would eventually kill him.

In our most recent update about how the DJ died, we quoted the Muscat Governorate Police Headquarters (via Radar Online), who claimed that drugs were found in Avicii’s hotel room.

We cannot report that with certainty, however.

Said the star’s publicist upon announcing his client’s tragic death last month:

“It is with profound sorrow that we announce the loss of Tim Bergling, also known as Avicii.

“He was found dead in Muscat, Oman this Friday afternoon local time, April 20th.

“The family is devastated and we ask everyone to please respect their need for privacy in this difficult time. No further statements will be given.”

Except Avicii’s family did then give a lengthy statement three days later.

“We would like to thank you for the support and the loving words about our son and brother,” it read, continuing as follows:

“We are so grateful for everyone who loved Tim’s music and have precious memories of his songs.

“Thank you for all the initiatives taken to honor Tim, with public gatherings, church bells ringing out his music, tributes at Coachella and moments of silence around the world.

“We are grateful for the privacy during this difficult time. Our wish is that it continues that way. With love, The Tim Bergling Family.”

Tragic stuff.

We also hope that Avicii has at last found peace.

We continue to send our thoughts to his family members, friends and loved ones.


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Valerie Fairman: Late 16 and Pregnant Star"s Mother Gives Update on Daughter

In December of 2016, Valerie Fairman, one of the star’s of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, passed away.

She was only 23 years old.

Her death was shocking for a number of reasons, one, of course, being her age.

Another was that she had an episode in the second season of 16 and Pregnant, the same season that introduced us to Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, Kailyn Lowry, and Leah Messer.

Being in a group of ladies we’ve come to know so well, it was just sort of strange to hear about her passing.

One big reason the whole thing was so tragic was that Valerie left behind a daughter, Nevaeh, who was seven years old when she lost her mother.

Really, the whole entire thing was just one big mess of sadness.

The news of her death broke thanks to some tweets from her friends and family, and later we learned that she’d accidentally overdosed at a friend’s house.

She went to the bathroom there but didn’t come out. Her friend went to check on her, and when there was no response, the friend broke down the door to find Valerie unresponsive.

She never regained consciousness.

There were never any official reports about her specific cause of death, but many believe that she died after doing heroin laced with fentanyl.

This belief began in part because her ex-boyfriend, David Pryce, made a plea on Twitter after hearing the news of her death about shady drug dealers.

“I will always miss you Valerie,” he wrote, “and I want to tell anyone who is selling sh-t to people to stop. We have lost too many loved ones to what you are doing.”

In another statement, he said that she’d been dealing with “a lifelong problem” with opioid addiction, which is especially tragic, considering her life was so short.

Valerie passed away at the end of 2016, and that’s when we heard all of this — so how are things with little Nevaeh now, over a year later?

Her grandmother, Janice Fairman — Valerie’s mother — gave an interview to Radar Online to update 16 and Pregnant fans on how the girl is doing.

“Nevaeh is very well,” she says. “I don’t think it’s been hard for her. I don’t know if it will be in the coming years.”

“She’s doing well in school. I took her to a grief counselor, which she didn’t need.”

That may sound a little cold, but Janice points out that she had full custody of Nevaeh even before Valerie died, and that Valerie only visited once or twice a month.

She explains that “Because her mom wasn’t living here at the time, it made it easier on her. She’s still in the house she’s grown up in.”

She does say that she makes a point to tell Nevaeh about her mother often, and that “she has a necklace with some of her ashes.”

“Ashes are in her play room too. She also has flowers from the service.”

Thankfully, Janice reveals that Nevaeh’s father, Matt Pryce, “sees her every Saturday.”

“We try to keep Matt involved,” she says, even though “he has his own problems,” and she “doesn’t always” want to visit with him.”

Still, they “try and rearrange things so he doesn’t miss out on birthday parties and other activities.”

Finally, Janice asks that 16 and Pregnant fans remember Valerie as a “loving and caring person.”

“I know she was into drugs and wasn’t so nice,” she acknowledges, “but in her heart she really was.”

Here’s hoping that Nevaeh really is doing as well as Janice says, and that she continues to cope with this tragic loss as easily as possible.


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Avicii Cause of Death Update: Drugs Found Near Late DJ"s Body

Last week, the music world was rocked by the news that world-renowned hitmaker Avicii had passed away at the age of 28.

Rumors about Avicii’s cause of death began to circulate almost immediately, with several outlets reporting that his unexpected passing was the result of lingering health issues resulting from a lifelong struggle with alcoholism.

Now, however, there’s reason to believe that may not have been the case.

Earlier today, the family of the late artist – whose real name was Tim Bergling – issued a statement in which they implied that Avicii may have taken his own life.

Now, an official close to the investigation has revealed that drugs were found at the scene of Bergling’s death.

“I do know drugs were found on the scene,” a spokesperson at the Muscat Governorate Police Headquarters tells Radar Online.

Avicii’s lifeless body was found in the city of Muscat, Oman, but little is known about the condition in which it was found, or why the DJ had traveled to the country.

The statement published today by his family does not explicitly state that Avicii committed suicide, but it suggests that he was crippled by his struggles with anxiety and depression in the weeks before his death.

“Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions,” the statement reads.

“An over-achieving perfectionist who traveled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.”

The statement references Avicii’s decision to retire from touring in order to focus on his health following a pancreatitis diagnosis:

“When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music,” the family writes.

“He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace,” the statement continued.

“Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight.

“Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed. The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive.We love you, Your family.”

We will have additional updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Avicii Update: Did the DJ Commit Suicide?

The family of Avicii has issued its second statement of the week.

And this latest message appears to shed some revealing light on just what happened to the late DJ.

First, as previously reported, it’s worth mentioning that Avicii was found dead last Friday at the young age of 28.

The Swedish musician was in Muscat, Oman the time and the details surrounding his passing have been shrouded in mystery ever since the sad news was broken by his publicist.

Was Avicii’s death related to a former diagnosis of pancreatitis?

Was it related to the DJ’s hard-partying lifestyle, which prompted Avicii to take a hiatus from touring a couple years ago?

We still don’t know for certain.

Now, however, the aforementioned statement from Avicii’s loved ones makes it seem as if the artist took his own life.

“Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions,” opens this statement, which then continues as follows:

“An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

“When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be happy and be able to do what he loved most – music.

“He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace.”

We need to stop right there for a minute.

The last thing we want to do is speculate on the Avicii cause of death here, but he could not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace​?

It’s difficult to interpret this part of the statement as anything other than an admission that Avicii committed suicide.

The statement concludes:

Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight.

Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed.

The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive.

Two days ago, these same family members issued their first statement since Avicii passed away.

It read:

“We would like to thank you for the support and the loving words about our son and brother.

“We are so grateful for everyone who loved Tim’s music and have precious memories of his songs.

“Thank you for all the initiatives taken to honor Tim, with public gatherings, church bells ringing out his music, tributes at Coachella and moments of silence around the world.

“We are grateful for the privacy during this difficult time. Our wish is that it continues that way.”

The DJ was known as an early support of the EDM movement, bringing that type of music to clubs all around the world.

His most successful hits included singles such as  “Levels,” “Wake Me Up” and “Hey Brother.”

We continue to send our thoughts and prayers to his loved ones.

And we promise to update this site with the artist’s official cause of death once it is made public.

May Avicii rest in peace.


Friday, April 13, 2018

Jackson Roloff at 11 Months: A Full Update!

We"re nearing a milestone, Little People, Big World fans.

We"re inching closer and closer to Jackson Roloff turning one year old.

Before we arrive at that major occasion, however, the first child of Tori and Zach Roloff has turned 11 months…

… and his mother has once again provided up with a detailed update on what he can do and what he"s been up to.

Scroll down to find out more!

1. What’s the Latest, Tori?

Jackson at 11 months

Tori opened her latest post about Jackson by sharing this (adorable!) photo and writing: “How is it possible that this guy is going to be 1 in one month. I’m dying. What a blessing this kid is.”

2. So, What Has He Been Up To?

Jackson at almost a year

Tori has provided us with one of her most extensive updates to date, starting with: “Jackson is pulling himself up and is determined to start walking.”

3. Amazing! What Else?

Black and white love

“He is loving books,” Roloff writes, not specifying which type are her son’s favorites right now.

4. Jackson Also Celebrated a Major Holiday

Roloffs on easter

Isn’t that right, Tori? “He had his first Easter with lots of special friends and family.”

5. The Kid Ain’t Small

Jackson roloff pool time

We aren’t making fun of you, Jackson! We’re just quoting your mom: “He is eating… everything.”

6. Some Bad News:

Jackson roloff in the season 13 trailer

Well, not bad news. But this one is more of a NON-update: “No new teeth this month.”

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