Showing posts with label Ember. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ember. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

Audrey Roloff is Actually Getting Dragged for This Photo of Ember

If this photo doesn’t make your day I don’t know what will.

This is what Audrey Roloff wrote as a caption to the following photograph:

Makes perfect sense, right?

It’s an image of her husband and her daughter, both looking as happy and as cute as can be.

This is the Internet, however.

And a bunch of Instagram trolls somehow managed to take a look at this precious photo and come up with reasons why Audrey ought to be ashamed of it.

Here is a sampling of what some critics have said about it:

You would think her mother would have put a cute top on her.

[Ember] might be cold while dad is wearing a long shirt and long trousers!

Cute photo, but I would have never put my daughter’s pictures on social media without a top. Too many weirdos now a days. You gotta be afraid.

We’ve asked this question many times before and we’re sure we’ll ask it again, but…

… what is wrong with people?!?

Who could look at that adorable image of a father and his young child and criticize the latter for her fashion; and/or think any sort of thoughts regarding nudity simply because she’s wearing a diaper.

That’s totally bonkers in our book.

Just about two months ago, Audrey came under similar scrutiny for posting pictures of Ember on the beach.

Once again, to nearly any rational person, these were simply cute snapshots of a proud mother and her very cute eight-month old.

Yet Ember wasn’t wearing any clothing… and that was enough to get dumb people all up in arms, once again hurling major shade at the Little People, Big World star.

Oh, and her husband, too!

Jeremy Roloff also heard it from Internet users for a picture of his daughter and his hand.

Yes, his hand.

See, in THIS PHOTO, Jeremy is hoising his child up, propping her within some foliage for a pretty cool and artistic snapshot.

That was our take at least.

But others chimed in and referred to the pose as “creepy” because Jeremy is holding his daughter by her crotch.

And let’s be honest: it says a whole lot more about the people who thought in this way than he did about Jeremy for doing something 100% normal and natural and harmless.

Audrey and Jeremy got married in September of 2014; revealed their pregnancy in February of 2017; and welcomed Ember into the world in September of last year.

She was over a week late, which must have really sucked for Audrey.

The pair told Us Weekly shortly afterward that they chose the name Ember because “campfires have been a big part of our love story.”

How sweet, right?


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Ember Update: She"s 8 Months Now!

Melting hearts since SeptEMBER of 2017. See what I did there.

So wrote Audrey Roloff in a very cute opening to her latest Instagram post, which was centered entirely on daughter Ember Jean.

And for good reason: Ember is now 8 months old!

As she has done nearly every month around this time since her child entered the world, Audrey updated fans on Ember"s status, sharing a number of new (and PRECIOUS!) photos, while also giving us an idea of what the infant has been up to.

The answer? A whole lot!

Scroll down for more:

1. She’s on the Move!

Ember at 8 months

“These photos are getting harder and harder to take! Our girlsie is getting more and more mobile,” wrote Audrey about her eight-month old, who is apparently crawling all around.

2. Look Out, Kitty!

Eating a shoe

“She still loves to chase Pine,” continued Audrey, referencing the cat she shares with husband Jeremy and who Little People, Big World fans have gotten to know well.

3. Aloha!

Auds and ember in hawaii

Ember “took her first flight with mom and Dad to Hawai,” Audrey wrote, including with her update the cute photo above. It features Mommy and Daughter in this tropical locale.

4. Back It Up?

Lil ember

No thanks! Audrey explains that Ember “doesn’t like being on her back,” which is very normal for a girl her age.

5. What Does She Love, Though?

Audrey roloff jeremy roloff and ember jean in maui

She “loves splashing in the bath (and ocean),” says Audrey. We wonder if they’ve considered putting Ember in a swim class just yet. Maybe she’s a bit young, though.

6. Hooray for Ember!

Audrey ember adorable

She “attended her first Luau” and has “learned to clap,” Audrey continued.

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Monday, April 30, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shows Off Flat Tummy on Ember Jean"s First Beach Trip!

Audrey Roloff is once again posing in swimwear. This time, she’s showing off her post-baby body and flat tummy in Maui.

That’s not even the biggest deal, because Auj and Jer aren’t vacationing alone.

Take a look below to see baby Ember Jean’s very first visit to the beach.

Audrey announced the trip on Instagram, saying:

“OK friends, we are headed to Maui in a few days… which means a six-hour flight with a baby still recovering from an ear infection. Eek!”

Fortunately, she has the remedy for that ear infection.

“Lots of cuddles, tea tree oil, Frankincense, garlic oil, antibiotics, and prayer. Hoping she can kick this thing quick!”

The proud mother has since updated fans with five photos from Ember’s very first visit to the beach, captioning the images:

“Ember got a sandy bum and salty toes for the first time!”

(Looking great, Audrey!)

Auj gushes about Ember’s time at the beach, just one of Ember Jean’s recent milestones.

“She loved it! especially the taste of sand…”

Babies learn about their environment by putting things in their mouths, and babies can be fascinated by the strange gritty texture of sand.

“We are cherishing this much needed sunshine and time as a family away from the tyranny of the urgent.”

The Tyranny of the Urgent is a book from the ’60s by a man named Charles Hummel, who writes about taking time to do what is important, because so often things that are urgent take priority.

Audrey says that they’re all loving Maui.

“We have such a tender spot in our hearts for this island in the middle of the pacific.”

Like any social media savvy person (especially those who advertise their business on Instagram), Audrey knows how to court social media engagement from followers.

So she asks a question:

“Have any of you ever been to Maui?!”

She then invites comments.

“What are your favorite beaches, waterfalls, or things to do!”

Finally, Auj includes some tags.

“#journeyofjerandauj #beating50percent”

Jeremy also chimes in with a message.

“Aloha from Maui! The family and I are enjoying our time away from the mainland.”

Don’t worry — they love Roloff Farms and they’ll be back, but it’s always good to get away, right?

“Traveling with a kid is no joke though!”

It gets easier as your child gets older. But still, vacationing as a parent is never the same.

“Vacations look a lot different than before. However, it’s been so fun doing things for the first time again with Ember.”

Ember is still new to the world, but she’s really enjoying the beach.

“She’s such a happy girl.”

Ember is too cute, folks.

Jeremy ends his post with a surprising suggestion.

“Last night the thought came to us. Maybe we should do a Maui meetup! Who’s in Maui and would be interested?”

Honestly, fan meet-ups can go extremely well or they can be disastrous. 

In the mean time, though some fans have wondered if Auj and Jer are trying to duck away from the family to avoid Audrey’s rumored feud with Jacob Roloff, it seems more likely that this was planned long before she skipped his engagement party.

We hope that Ember has been enjoying herself.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares HUGE News About Little Ember

Audrey Roloff has giant news to share about her daughter.

And we mean this literally…

… because Ember is practically a giant!

We’re just paraphrasing the Little People, Big World star herself here, as Audrey just shared the very cute picture above, along with a lengthy caption that provided the photo with an important backstory.

“We took this chunky girl to her 6 month check up today! NO WAY has it been 6 months (in 10 more days technically) since we labored through the night and brought our precious baby into this world,” wrote Roloff.

She added:

“I am honestly so thankful for those wristband rolls, plump checks and squishable thighs.”

If you’ll recall, just a few months ago, Audrey opened up in detail about her breastfeeding struggles.

She wrote candidly about a condition known as mastitis, which caused EXTREME pain for the new mother any time she offered her child sustenance.

Back in November, Audrey said doctors told her a few days after Ember that the child would “[have] trouble gaining weight and they were concerned” because Roloff’s milk supply had dried up.

As you might expect, Audrey was very worried.

But she persisted. She embraced her breastfeeding journey… and here is Ember is today!

She’s nearly six months old and, as Audrey is about to explain, the bundle of joy could not be doing better.

“With all the issues I endured in those first few months, we were told that we’d never be able to exclusively breastfed,” Roloff continued in the caption for the first image shared in this article, continuing:

“Yet here we are hitting the 90th percentiles on pure mama milk!

“This post is not to discourage anyone whose journey looked different than mine, I’m simply praising God for fulfilling this desire of my heart.”

The 90th percentile?!?

Wow. Way to go, Audrey! And Ember, too, of course.

Audrey concluded by offering words of encouragement to other parents out there.

“Rock on mamas,” she wrote, adding:

Don’t compare your story to mine or anyone else’s. “Consider it joy” for wherever God has you on your motherhood journey.

Tag a mama who you admire in the comments and tell them why.

Audrey and Jeremy (pictured above with his wife) have consistently shared updates on Ember and photos of Ember over the past five-plus months.

They’ve also been very honest about what life as a mother or a father has meant to them so far.

For example, Audrey summed up her journey to date with just one word a few days ago: Grace.

Where did this come from? Allow Roloff to explain…

“When I realize I’m not the kind, patient, and loving wife intend to be, grace. When I get down on myself for working too much or not enough, grace.

“When I haven’t checked anything off my to-do list, grace. When I’ve worn the same outfit 7 days in a row, grace.”

LOL, we love it. And we agree with it.

We’re so glad to hear that Ember is happy and healthy and that Audrey has successfully overcome those early obstacles to end up in such a content place as a mother.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Ember Roloff at 5 Months: What Can She Do?!?

Ember Roloff may be growing up fast, but rest assured:

She"s still a total cutie patootie!

The latest Little People, Big World cast member just celebrated her five-month old birthday and her mother was kind enough to share a new photo, along with an extensive new update, on her first child.

Scroll down to be amazed at all Ember can do already…

1. Do Tell, Audrey!

Ember at 5 months

As she has done each month around this time before, Audrey Roloff posted a fresh photo of her daughter on the occasion of her turning five months, and included with it a lengthy caption that opens as follows: “5 MONTHS OLD! She exudes joy and makes our eyes twinkle. This month we switched her to the crib, and we started to establish a bedtime routine.”

2. And How is That Going So Far?

Ember loves milk

“Each night we read her a book (our favorite so far is Night Night Train) put on her rain noise machine, and put her down by 7:30.”

3. This is Ember at 3 Months Old…

Ember at 3 months

… and she’s clearly come a long way, as Audrey explains: “She still loves the bath, playing with her feet, and is now sleeping 10 hour stretches (last night she slept 12)!”

4. She’s Growing!

Jackson roloff and ember jean little buddies

“She learned to roll over from her back to her belly, and prefers sleeping on her squishy tum tum. Her curiosity has made her a very distracted eater lately, but she is still packing on the lbs like it’s some kind of contest.”

5. She Has a Best Friend!

Ember as spokeswoman

“She just started to take an interest in Pine the kitty.. uh oh.” (LOL, we crack up just imagining them together.)

6. Such a Cutie!

Some ember snuggles

“Her dimples will put a dent in your heart and we just love her baby giggles.”

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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Ember Jean Roloff: Is She Too Young to Be a Spokesperson?

Audrey Roloff absolutely, positively, totally and completely loves her daughter.

On this question, we have no doubt.

Just read all the Little People, Big World star has to say about her first child and you won’t wonder about her unparalleled affection, either.

Nevertheless, an intriguing debate has been ignited over the Internet and how Audrey sometimes talks about young Ember.

Or, to be more specific, about how Audrey talks about her business and how it pertains to young Ember.

As much as almost anyone on the World Wide Web, Roloff is an open book. She candidly discusses her faith and her family on a frequent basis via Instagram.

We very much appreciate this honesty; recently, however, Audrey has tied in these messages about religion and about her daughter with pleas to purchase her products.

In THIS POST, for instance, she gushes about God and all He means to her… and then suggests readers buy a certain weekly planner from a company that likely paid her to make this suggestion.

That’s a bit… tacky, right?

A bit untoward? A bit inappropriate? A bit counter to the teachings of Jesus Christ?

And now Audrey has sort of done the same thing with Ember Jean.

First, the reality star posted the adorable snapshot of her four-month old that we also posted at the outset of this article.

Then, Audrey wrote a caption alongside the image that she admitted right up front was a “Giveaway.”

Proceeding to tag her online store’s Instagram account, Roloff wrote the following:

I’ve had sooooo many of you ask me about the @snuggle_me_organic lounger. It is hands down one of our absolute favorite baby products.

It’s soooo soft, organic, and mimics being held – so Ember LOVES it.

I’ve teamed up with Snuggle Me and some other rad mamas to give you a chance to win one of SIX Snuggle Me Organic Baby Bundles (lounger, 2 covers and puddle pad). Follow the Snuggle Me babies!

Head to each mamas account to see each different babe in their own lounger!

Some folks, of course, will say this is harmless. 

They’d even applaud Audrey for trying to earn a living, for being an entrepreneur and simply attempting to make some money with which she’ll support her family.

Others, however, may counter that this is the type of thing we’d expect to see from Kim Kardashian or Kris Jenner.

That’s the criticism those stars often receive, right? That they exploit their kids for profit and attention?

Is that really all that different from what Audrey is doing here?

Or from what she also did recently when she combined marital advice with self-promotion?

As you can see above, rarely does Audrey share a picture that doesn’t include either her, her baby or both wearing one of Roloff’s “Always More” shirts.

Is she doing anything wrong in these instances?

Or is she doing everything right by making a living?

It really is an interesting debate, don’t you think?

Click through many precious photos of Ember below while you ponder it…


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jeremy Roloff Comes Under Fire for... Tickling Ember Jean?!?

The Internet can be a very strange place.

Also, a very cruel and misguided place.

And Jacob Roloff is finding this out the hard way.

Earlier this week, Audrey Roloff shared a seemingly harmless video on her Facebook page.

Not just harmless, but very sweet and cute and precious.

The footage features husband Jeremy Roloff playing with the couple’s daughter, Ember Jean, an adorable young lady who was born in September to the Little People, Big World stars.

Jeremy is tickling her, Ember is laughing and it’s enough to make any Internet user smile for days on end…

… or get really, really upset, apparently.

Here’s the video in question:

“These two are my favorite,” Audrey wrote as a caption.

And who can blame her?

A lot of people, sadly.

In response to this video, some Facebook followers have come out with a harsh assessment of Jeremy’s actions.

“NOT a good idea to tickle a child,” someone named Barbara Koppelman Smith says, for example, explaining why as follows:

“It renders them absolutely HELPLESS with a natural uncontrollable response of laughter. There are much better and more healthy ways to make a baby laugh!”

Adds Jo’Lene Tover:

“I remember being tickled as a child and I remember that I hated it. This family is awesome but the point being made is to do research on the effects of tickling.

“I could not catch my breath enough to say stop and if I could the tickler would not stop. It was torturous.

“Sometimes I would actually get tears in my eyes and thought I was going to die from being tickled.”

fb critiques

Research on the effects of tickling.

Can’t say we’ve ever heard that one before.

Back in 1997, The New York Times published an article that quoted Dr. Richard Alexander of the University of Michigan.

He did remark that too much tickling is not healthy for a young child.

“A child can be transformed from laughter into tears by going the tiniest bit too far with tickling, raising the question of whether tickling is an expression of dominance,” Alexander explained at the time.

“There are lots of people who do abusive tickling, causing great mental pain, and that raises a big question about laughter.”

Well, okay then.

Sort of.

We have multiple responses to this report and to the backlash surrounding Jeremy.

FIRST, it does not sound like tickling is the problem. It sounds like excessive tickling is the problem.

SECOND, we’re pretty sure Jeremy would notice if his daughter started crying and would instantly stop.

THIRD, seriously people, give these people a break.

Give all parents a break.

Audrey has already admitted to carrying around a lot of mom guilt. Can she please just share a cute example of her husband and baby having fun without hearing it from the Mommy Shaming Police?

Does anyone out there doubt Jeremy loves his kid?

Does anyone doubt Ember is being raised in a happy and healthy environment?

Can’t that be enough for now, without so-called parenting experts feeling the need to chime in on absolutely everything?

Haven’t you given Audrey enough flak for random, dumb reasons?

Let the TLC star live! Let her husband play with his child! Everything will be okay, we promise!

Little People, Big World will return with new episodes on TLC this spring.

Many of them will be dedicated to this couple’s journey to parenthood and their life as the mother and father of Ember Jean.

We vow not to judge as we watch.


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Zach Roloff Shares Precious Pic with Jackson AND Ember Jean!!

Seeing photos of precious baby Jackson is always a treat. So is seeing pictures of his little cousin, sweet Ember Jean.

As the Little People, Big World stars look forward to 2018, Zach Roloff has been posting sweet photos.

Including one of him with both babies, showing off his pride as a father and an uncle in the sweeted Roloff picture that we’ve seen.

This photo of proud father Zach Roloff with his son, adorable baby Jackson Roloff, is a treasure.

In the photo’s caption, Zach says that the two of them are watching soccer together. Cute!

(As I’m sure you remember, Zach Roloff was enthusiastic about sports as a child, and went into coaching as an adult, so this father-son activity is near and dear to his heart)

But Zach also shared a new photo, and this time, he and Jackson have a very special guest:

Awwww, look at them!

Zach captioned the photo:

“Cousin Ember hanging out with her Cousin Jackson and Uncle Zach.”

Both babies have spent so much time together that they’re no strangers to it.

But getting to see Zach in his role as proud father and proud uncle at the same time? That’s a rare and special photo.

We imagine that part of what may have encouraged the picture was that a number of followers and fans (errantly) assumed that another photo had shown Jackson and Ember side-by-side.

Now, there are a few photos of the two baby cousins together.

But a number of followers commented, some sounding confused, that “Ember” had blonde hair. She didn’t. It was a different baby.

Folks, the Roloffs do have friends and acquaintances who aren’t each other. That’s part of being a person.

We wonder if that got Zach thinking that he should post a new photo of the Roloff cousins — and himself, as a bonus.

Fans were thrilled to see the photo of Zach with the pair of baby cousins, and they added the comments to show it:

“Aww cute cousins!”

The cutest of cousins, in fact.

“Such a cute picture. Just think, [next] Christmas Zach will be chasing them around and you’ll be trying to catch action Jackson for a quick”

Honestly, calling a 7-month-old “action Jackson” seems a little premature, but we like the sentiment.

“Zack you look so happy there with your beautiful niece and your handsome son Jackson they are getting so big!”

He does look happy!

“Good luck to you young man many years I’ve seen you all on tv and God bless you and all your family in this world.”

Other fans commented on how naturally Zach has “taken to” the babies.

Of course, another “fan” commented about Zach’s sex life. We’re sure that the suggestion came with the best of intentions, but … boundaries, dude.

Some fans believe that family black sheep Jacob Roloff may be expecting his own child. If so, Zach will be a double-uncle (okay, still just an uncle) and the photo opportunities will get even better.

Though, as one of those commenters warned, these babies aren’t going to be sitting still for long.

We need to enjoy these pics while they’re still easy to take.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Audrey Roloff: RIPPED for This Photo of Ember Jean

Audrey Roloff is very open about three things on her Instagram account:

  1. Her deep faith.

  2. Her affection for her daughter.

  3. Her desire to sell various forms of attire and promote her brand.

And when number-three gets mixed up with either of the first two points, followers sometimes take issue.

Back in August, for example, Audrey wrote that she was nervous to give birth, but then explained that she felt comforted by her belief in Jesus Christ.

“Thank you Lord for being the author of life, my comforter, my strength, and my shield,” the Little People, Big World star concluded in a caption.

Very poignant, right?

The thing is, she then included a link to her online store and added:

We can’t wait to meet our baby girl and dress her in all the new baby onesies that I launched in my shop yesterday!!!

A handful of critics questioned whether it was right for Audrey to gush over God in one sentence… and then promote capitalism in the next sentence.

Was she basically exploiting her religion just to sell some clothing?

Now, many of those same critics are out in force.

As a caption to the first image shared above, Roloff has written the following:

Me and my girl. We go together like coffee and milk. Where are my fellow coffee lovin mamas at? I just launched these tees in my shop @shopalwaysmore.

You can get get the onesie and the tee for 25% OFF when you use the code: BUNDLE at checkout.

The TLC personality then used the hashtags “#shopalwaysmore #alwaysmoremilk #alwaysmorecoffee” to wrap up her post.

Something just feels a bit icky about all of this, right?

No one doubts Audrey’s faith or her love for little Ember Jean. Not at all. That would be crazy.

However, is it a tad unseemly to essentially use your own small child as a model for your clothing line?

(And let’s ignore the fact that not everyone likes milk in his or her coffee!).

Fans, of course, can easily argue that Audrey is just trying to make a living.

The money she’ll earn from these t-shirts will be used to support the same daughter with whom she’s posing in all these adorable pictures, including the Roloff Christmas card.

Moreover, they’d likely state, take a frickin chill pill. We’re talking about a simple picture here.

Ember isn’t being made to do anything that a million other babies don’t do on a daily basis and no one is forcing readers to click on any links or purchase any items.

We can see both sides of the argument.

Where do YOU stand?

Should Roloff stop combining thoughts on religion and images of her loved ones with her website/company promotion?

Or is this all much ado about nothing at all?


Monday, December 11, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares Cutest Photo of Ember EVER!

Little Person, Big World?

More like… This Little Person is Getting Bigger Everyday and the World Can Hardly Believe It!

On Monday morning, Audrey Roloff didn’t just take to Instagram in order celebrate yet another milestone for her daughter…

… she also signed on to her social media account in order to share what we think may be the most precious picture of Ember Jean Roloff that we’ve ever seen.

That’s what happened when you put a three-month old in Christmas pajamas and a reindeer hat.

Opening her caption with a pun, Audrey wrote the following of her first child on the occasion of her three-month birthday:

Oh deer… 3 months already?! This time last year you were growing inside of me and I didn’t even know it! Now your growing on the outside, getting chunkier and more kissable every minute.

You may not remember your first Christmas, but we always will. #emberjean

Pretty darn sweet, right?

And pretty darn adorable, right?

This update on Ember comes a few days after Audrey last told us about her relative newborn and a couple of first accomplishments:

Ember’s first beach visit and Ember’s first Christmas tree shopping experience.

Both appear to have gone very well and, of course, very adorably.

The update also comes on the heels of a pair of controversies surrounding Audrey and her parenting/social media usage.

On December 6, Roloff shared a post about love, going off on a profound speech about what this word means and whether we take it for granted.

“We must reclaim the definition of love,” she wrote last week, explaining:

“True love is so much more than desire for something or someone. It’s patient, kind, compassionate, selfless, fervent, unconditional, honest, encouraging, enduring, and full of grace and truth.

“Love is not a feeling; it’s a sacrifice, a commitment, daily choice – a verb.”

Seemingly in line with Audrey’s Christian beliefs, right?

Except she concluded her post by linking to her online store, where she sells “Love is a Verb” merchandise and attire.

The linking of religion to capitalism didn’t sit well with some fans.

“Sounded good until you started pushing your products,” one critic wrote, adding:

“Maybe your preaching posts don’t belong in the same post as the products you’re trying to sell.”

Another chimed in as follows:

“I’m not saying this to be mean or shame you. It just sounds like you’re preaching to sell the products.”

We sort of agree with these takes.

But we don’t agree with some other criticism Audrey has endured.

For example, she previously posted a harmless and cute picture of Ember…

…only to sign up and see a number of trolls actually gave her flak for her daughter’s outfit.

No hat for baby? Poor thing has no hair,” one shamer wrote.

Another added:

“I hope she wasn’t hatless for long. You have hair and a hat covering your head.

“She has nothing. You lose the most heat through your head, so she can be freezing way before you ever even get cold. Please cover her.”

Sheesh, people.

Can’t a mother put her child in an outfit without hearing from total strangers on what they think she did wrong?!?


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ember Jean Roloff Just Accomplised Two Fun Firsts!

It’s been a couple days chock full of excitement for Ember Jean Roloff.

The latest Little People, Big World cast member has been treated to a pair of exciting first by her brand, each of which is sort of opposite from the other.

Meaning what, exactly?

Well, to begin with, Audrey and Jeremy took their precious bundle of joy to the beach, something that can do in December while residing in the Pacific Northwest.

As you can see above, Ember was all snug and cozy in her mom’s arms, as Audrey wrote the following caption to the cute snapshot:

“Ember’s first trip to the beach. The Oregon coast decided to really showing off #gooniesneverdie #beating50percent #weekendidos.”

This wasn’t the only family outing for Ember, however.

She also got to hang out with her aunt, uncle and cousin, doing something that contrasts greatly from spending time on the beach:

She went Christmas tree shopping!

“Starting new traditions now that we’re a family of three,” Audrey wrote as a caption to this second photo.

She added:

“Taking our little adventurers out Christmas tree picking. What are some of your favorite family traditions?! #journeyofjerandauj #weekendidos.”

For anyone that has followed Little People, Big World since its premiere on TLC, this second photo actually is very moving.

Tori and Zach welcomed son Jackson into their universe in May, about five months before Audrey and Jeremy became first-time parents.

Both couple have come so very far since we first met them, so you’ll forgive us if we get a bit teary-eyed looking at this expanded family portrait.

It just makes us yearn for new episodes of the enjoyable reality show, which some fans fear is on the verge of cancelation.


We strongly doubt this is the case, however.

Yes, it’s a bit odd that no return date has been announced.

But we know cameras were filming Molly Roloff’s wedding this August and no cast member has hinted that the program is in jeopardy.

We mean…it can’t go away now! 

There are so many new stories to be told about Jacob making up with his relatives, Jackson growing into a toddler, Audrey and Jeremy adjusting to parenthood and so much more!

We’ll be sure to keep fans apprised of the show’s status, but we caution viewers not to panic.

Do the opposite, in fact: take in the adorable collection of Roloff family pictures below as you wait for these fine folks to return to your lives!


Monday, December 4, 2017

Little People, Big World Fans are Actually Dragging Ember Over This Outfit

Little People, Big World viewers may be growing a tad anxious for the TLC series to return.

We say this because a handful of these fans are growing a bit salty online.

We’ve taken note of this on a few recent occasions.

For example, Audrey Roloff recently received backlash for the outfit she wore to the doctor’s office.

We’re not kidding. We’re totally serious.

Some Internet users gave Roloff flak because she donned ripped jeans for a check-up.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, Amy Roloff can scarcely do anything without hearing from a certain segment of her followers.

She is somehow still getting grief for keeping her last name after she and Matt filed for divorce.

And now it’s Ember Jean Roloff’s turn to face the insulting music.

Yes, Ember Jean Roloff. The baby who was born in September.

You won’t believe what some folks have said in response to the precious photo above.

Amy shared the picture on Saturday, along with a caption that reads as follows:

“Cute aggression has peaked. I’m going to have the wrinkliest lips when I’m older from curling them in and squeezing them together – aka making “the face” as Jermey calls it.

“It’s the cute aggression face.

“I make it when I think Jer is really cute, or Pine is really cute, but it’s a whole new level with Ember…

“Sometimes my lips even get sore. Anyone else?”

How adorable, right?

Audrey can’t stop smiling over her daughter.

Nope, wrong.

Some trolls out there found something to criticize about this image of mother and very young child.

“Why always the ugly brown tights?” one critic wondered upon seeing the snapshot, while another added:

“Very cute but she is never dressed (with) nice little colors.”

What can even be said about these pieces of criticism?!?

If you find it necessary to say mean things about how a mother dresses her baby, perhaps you ought to take a long hard look in the mirror, as opposed to at that baby’s ensemble.


Just don’t do it, okay?

Thankfully, Audrey isn’t letting the backlash get to her.

Far from it.

She’s just savoring every second she has with her child.

“I’m torn between wanting her to fit in my palms forever, and being so excited to watch her personality unfold,” Roloff recently explained on Instagram, adding:

“When I catch a gummy grin or listen to her little owl sounds I can’t help but unravel with joy.

“These are moments without the pressure of time, fully embraced and deeply cherished. Baby girl, you are a blessing, heritage, and reward.”

Amen, Auds.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Audrey Roloff: This is Why We Named Our Daughter Ember

On September 10, 2017, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff welcomed their first child into the world.

She is named Ember Jean Roloff.

Yes, Ember.

While there is no debate over just how cute Ember is, there"s been some discussion online over the origin of that first name.

How did the Little People, Big World stars arrive at such an unusual moniker?

On the occasion of Ember"s two-month birthday, Audrey has explained it all…

1. Happy 2 Months!

Ember at 2 months

“Our Ember girl is 2 MONTHS OLD today and she’s already growing into her name,” wrote Audrey as a caption to the photo above.

2. She Continued:

Ember makes a face

“The dictionary defines EMBER as ‘a small live piece of coal wood etc in a dying fire. The remains of a fire. A glowing fragment from fire."”

3. Tell Us More, Audrey!

Ember jean

“Embers are GLOWING – they can light up an entire room, forest or field.”

4. What Else Went Into the Naming Process?

Ember and wipes

“Embers are ENDURING – they are the fiercest remains of a fire and radiate a substantial amount of heat long after the fire has been extinguished.”

5. An Ember is Practically a Miracle Worker

Cradling ember

“Embers offer REVIVAL – when a fire is dying the embers can bring it back to life!”

6. A Welcome Warm Light

Jer aud and ember

“Embers are WELCOMING – they are inviting. They draw people in by their warmth and light.”

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